Drew Carey SLAMS Barack Obama In Epic Tweet – YoungConservatives

The Political Agitator response: “Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!” Author: Curmilus Dancy II This is about as ignant as it gets that folks don’t understand the logic behind why it should be mandatory to vote. This b.s. about folks are going to vote Democrat makes no sense when the Republicans have the majority in Washington DC and in North Carolina. But I have never understood why folks chooses not to vote and let other folks vote to elect folks whom will represent them. It is up to individuals to learn about the candidates and what the issues are. But if these ignant folks whom don’t vote, if they like not voting then I love it! But sit down and shut the hell up if you don’t vote.

On Wednesday, President Obama suggested one of the worst–and possibly stupidest–ideas that’s ever come from the terrifying depths of his twisted progressive mind.

Mandatory voting.

Yes, our president, the man tasked with upholding the Constitution and protecting our freedoms and liberties, wants to take away personal choice and force Americans to head to the polls.

This isn’t a popular idea with most Americans, but it left a particularly bad taste in the mouth of comedian and Price Is Right host Drew Carey, who took to Twitter to share his thoughts on what the president had to say

This pretty much sums up what we’re all thinking at this point. (Source: Read more)

Carolina BBQ and Chicken opens second location – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator response: I knew it was coming but didn’t know this soon. Wow! I guess I will check them out on Monday.

A once dormant restaurant parking lot sitting behind Dunkin’ Donuts in Rocky Mount had a steady stream of vehicles this weekend coming to the new eating spot in town.

People interested in getting some “country food” got to taste some of the cuisine from the recently opened Carolina BBQ and Chicken restaurant that filled the space previously occupied by the former Madison Seafood and Restaurant at 2181 Lawrence Circle.

The former popular seafood restaurant had been closed since the end of 2012. It had remained empty until Carolina BBQ and Chicken decided to open doors back up Friday morning to welcome its second location into the Rocky Mount area. Carolina BBQ and Chicken also has a restaurant in Goldrock that replaced the old Shoney’s restaurant. (Source: Read more)

Painting positive images – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator response: This is very good! I love it! I get so sick and tired of half-truths and all of the folks whom attempt to paint such a negative picture of Rocky Mount. Thank you for showing that the negatives that folks are spewing are far from the truth.

A local volunteer group established two years ago is ready to proceed with its plans for promoting a positive image of the Twin Counties area.

The Positive Image Action Group was formed in January 2013. It was one of seven action groups formed from the Twin Counties Visioning Process in 2012.

A diverse number of volunteer citizens from both Nash and Edgecombe counties make up the Positive Image Action Group. Dorsey Tobias, media relations manager for PNC Bank, is the co-chair and assistant vice president of the Positive Image Campaign. Don Williams, president of Lewis Advertising, also is co-chair of the initiative campaign. (Source: Read more)

No Matter What The Investigation Releases It Will Not Bring Back Any Of The People Involved

I have heard so much stuff since the day of the shooting at the local barbershop and in the community where the shooter lived. I have talked to several folks and heard lots of things but none of them were there on that day to know what set off the chain of events so that is just their opinions. Someone had the audacity to ask me what was the motive and some still do. Well I was not there, didn’t have a conversation with none of these folks on that day so I have no clue. All I know is this was a sad day in Edgecombe County and I will allow the family and whatever investigation is going on to bring closure to the matter. I am sad but I can’t imagine what the families whom have had their family lives disrupted forever are going through. So there lies my sympathy.

I tried to do a little something for all of the families and that is all I can do. I will not get caught up into the rumor mill and when someone talk about it to me, I have one thing to say. I gave a small donation to all of the families and I also purchased several shirts of George Dickens Jr. because I am familiar with him and his son used to go to school with my son.

No matter what the investigation releases it will not bring back any of the people involved. The sad part is that folks want it to be what they want it to be however my question is what difference will it make to non family members because the families involved will suffer forever. It will not change my life no matter what information is released. I just hate it for all families, the families that I know and the Hispanic families whom I didn’t know. Whatever information is released, the families can deal with it but for me and other folks it will not affect us. People need to respect the families and if they want to talk about it, they need to put out the truth as they know it and not the truth as they have been told by someone whom don’t have a clue. But what is it to talk about? For me I feel so sad for the spouses and the children whom will never see their family members again.

The Moment You Get This, The Better Off You Will Be!


Ok Folks 1st And Final Warning, Go Ahead And Delete Me Because I Am Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired!

Go ahead and delete me from my blog which automatically goes to my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts because I am going to say some things that may piss you off. I am sick and tired of folks talking that they don’t know and don’t take the time to research what the hell they are trying to say. When they do that they are misleading folks and that is one thing I can not tolerate and I can’t sit back and allow folks to get away with the truth as I know it. Not saying I know everything but that which I do, I will speak it.

I am so sick of the conversations about black on black crime, crime committed by blacks as if black folks are the only ones committing crime. It pisses me the hell off when folks say black folks act as if a black killing a black does not matter but that it only matters that a black dies when killed by the police. I expect it coming from Ignant A.. Racist White Folks but to hear it coming from Ignant A.. Safe Negroes take it to a whole new level of ignance. Any black person whom think that black folks don’t care about other black folks getting killed by another black, white and whatever the race and whatever their job title may be all have some serious issues. I don’t even understand how a black person could even go there.

If you are doing something to attempt to help save the community, do your damn part and stop blaming others for what you think they ought to be doing such as elected officials and others. Learn the elected officials job duties and stop trying to blame them for the lack of jobs and crime when that is not in their duties. Now if they want to do it as a citizen that is one thing but don’t mislead folks that is their role as an elected official.

The question is what are we doing as individuals? Let’s do our part and let other folks do their part only if their job title and/or if they have stated they are going to do certain things. You can not hold folks accountable for something when there is nothing to hold them accountable on.

Well final warning! Go ahead and delete me because I am tired of the conversation especially black folks with all of these pretty words about what is going on but ain’t saying anything.

“I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!”

School superintendent faces uncertain future – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator response: Interesting article. I wonder will the board take action to fire the Dr. Jackson at the next school board meeting. I find the comments after this article to be quite interesting that name 3 whites on the board who may be going after Jackson. I remember when I first met Dr. Jackson in Pinetops at the Edgecombe County Commissioners retreat and he was awesome. I also was in a meeting with him again at the OIC in Rocky Mount and I have been following him since he has been here. I think he has done a great job from what I have seen however I have an issue with the lack of communication to all students, parents, staff and the community at large as it relates to the 6 white girls that had the photo on Instagram. I wouldn’t want to see the man fired but I would love to see him and the board address the issue and move forward. I do remember some staff being mad with him since he has been here but sometimes people don’t like change so therefore he may have taken some of the staff out of their comfort zones so they left the system. But I ain’t getting into that because I have not had a conversation with any staff that had a problem with him nor have I had a conversation with him about the staff. For me if the board is to fire Dr. Jackson in the near future I believe it will look as if the black community along with the NAACP will be the reason that he was fired but speaking for me, that would be using that as a scapegoat to carry out their mission. I hope that the black community will watch this situation closely and to think about what is actually going on with this situation. If Dr. Jackson is fired in the near future, you better have some input on what qualities and etc. you would like to see in the hiring of a new superintendent. Well the folks in Edgecombe County ran the first black superintendent away and he had done a great job with moving the system forward academically and financially. Well time will tell.

Members of the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education were mostly silent Friday about a closed-door session held earlier in the week that may have involved personnel discussions concerning the superintendent.

“I’m in no position to talk about that,” said board member Reggie Silver, who represents District 8. “The superintendant is still employed at this time. I’m not saying any more about it.”

Nash County board Chairman Fred Belfield told the Telegram on Friday he knew some members of the school board aren’t happy with the performance of Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson.

“It may be his last year,” Belfield said.

Jackson was in meetings all day Friday and unavailable for comment, said Patricia Hollingsworth, public relations officer for the school system. She then referred the Telegram to the school board’s attorney. (Source: Read more)