The Executive Committee of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Will Meet On Saturday August 11, 20112

The Executive Committee of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party will convene for a meeting on Saturday, August 11, 2012 at 10 a.m. at the Edgecombe County Administrative Building Auditorium, 201 St. Andrews Street, Tarboro, N.C. 27886. Registration will start at 9:30 a.m. and meeting will begin promptly at 10 a.m. I would like to thank each of you for the past the present work that is to come. 2012 will be a critical election to win and we must get people OUT TO VOTE.


Below you will find a proposed agenda:

Call To Order/Welcome

Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Declaration of Quorum/Minutes/Treasurer’s Report

Congressional Vacancies for District 1 and 13 to be filled

a. One seat for District

2012 Election Campaign

a. Fundraising, GET OUT TO VOTE, Budget and Headquarters

County Strategic Plan

Other County Party Business

Important Dates/Announcements/Adjournment

Wilson County NC, Civil Rights Complainant Husband Found Dead after Shootout with Local Police

Father shot dead the night before being awarded custody of children from the Wilson County Child Protection Services. Ashley Lucas of Wilson County, NC filed a Civil Rights Complaint against the Wilson County Child Protective Services June 2012, she alleged Disability Discrimination as to the reason they would not grant her custody of her children. (More)

It is not uncommon that the persons who criticize your speech most harshly are those who wish that they had spoken it first … by Quincy W. Robinson

It is not uncommon that the persons who criticize your speech most harshly are those who wish that they had spoken it first; they hate your actions because they regret that they lacked the courage to make such a move; they mock you for your use of "big" words because they don’t understand what they mean; they have a lowly opinion of you because they don’t know, or don’t want to know the facts about how similar you are.

Yet, despite it all, we love them anyway.

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Quincy W. Robinson

How To Explain To Parents That High-Stakes Tests & Charter Schools Are Harmful To Public Schools – The Daily Southerner

A) High stakes tests do not effectively gauge student ability, are harmful to children, and make public schools less effective.

B) Charter schools outperform public schools less than 20% of the time while segregating children and minimizing the power of parents & the community.

High-Stakes Tests Do Not Effectively Gauge Student Ability: (More)

Tarboro observes National Night Out Tuesday – The Daily Southerner

TARBORO — Tarboro residents will have the opportunity to participate in National Night Out on Tuesday, and while the event is in its 29th year, it is new to the community.

The local observance will be from 6-9 p.m. on the Town Common and will feature a K9 demonstration with Bullitt, officers to take about protecting one’s self and property and a display of department vehicles. (More)

Is Gaining Wealth an “Impossible Dream”? by William Reed Columnist

The wealthiest Americans live in gated communities that protect them from the masses. A new poll reveals that many Americans are questioning their prospects for “upward mobility.”  The high level of pessimism is reflected among respondents in a recent poll conducted by The Hill newspaper that found half [47 percent] of likely voters believe it’s impossible for them to become wealthy during the course of their lifetime. The survey, conducted as the heated political presidential campaign becomes more acrimonious over the interests of the haves and the have-nots, found that fewer than 2 in 5 likely voters [37 percent] think they can ever become rich.

This presidential election will have more to do with the economy and voters personal well-being than ever before. The Hill newspaper’s survey findings suggest pessimism about the possibility of upward mobility as economic growth remains weak and jobs scarce. The national debate over wealth is intensifying as it creates economic divisions across the country’s population segments. Although the economy will improve a bit in the second half of 2012, it will be another disappointing year of slow growth capping the worst three years of economic growth, outside of a recession. Between 2005 and 2010 the median net worth of Americans under 35 fell 37 percent, and the wealth gap between the young and the old in America is wider than it’s ever been. The percentage of the workforce under age 25 has dropped 13.2 percent since 2008, and the U.S. unemployment rate is 12 percent for those age 18 to 29 because this age group’s parents aren’t retiring.

The wealth – more specifically, the median net worth – of households in the United States is varied in  relation to race, education, geographic location and gender.  Wealth in the U.S. is unevenly distributed, with the wealthiest 25 percent of U.S. households owning 87 percent of the total wealth.

The median wealth of White households is 20 times that of Black households. And, Blacks vote more on emotion than economic well-being. For Black Americans the annual median household income in 2010 was $29,328. It was $35,856 among all races. While Blacks make 62 cents of every dollar of income that Whites make, they only have 10 cents for every dollar of wealth that Whites have.

In The Hill poll almost 40 percent of people said that the threshold to being wealthy was a $500,000 annual income.  Twenty percent put the bar above $1 million. Thirty-one percent of people said a family earning $250,000 a year is wealthy.  And, 9 percent said $100,000 was the threshold.

Each day, America is comprised more and more of economic haves and have-nots. Since the 2007 recession the share of total wealth owned by the nation’s wealthiest one percent grew to 37.1 percent and that owned by the top 20 percent grew to 87.7 percent. The 2007 recession, and aftermath, also increased the wealth gap between the 1 percent and the 99 percent.

According to a CBS News/New York Times poll, a majority of registered voters believe that Mitt Romney’s policies favor the rich. Fifty-three percent say Romney’s policies favor the wealthy. Eleven percent says his policies favor the middle class, while two percent say they favor the poor. Thirty percent say Romney’s policies treat all groups equally. Of the social segments that favor President Barack Obama’s policies, 21 percent say his policies favor the rich, while 22 percent say they favor the middle class and 24 percent say they favor the poor. Twenty-five percent say Obama’s policies treat all groups equally.

What are your views?  Are Black voters in a totally different place than the mainstream of Americans?  The Hill poll’s respondents’ views differed based on income levels, with voters earning between $40,000 and $75,000 strongly preferring Romney over Obama. Among people earning between $40,000 and $60,000, 48 percent trust Romney more compared to 39 percent for Obama. People earning between $60,000 and $75,000 trust Romney more than Obama by a 34-point margin, 61 percent to 27 percent.

(William Reed is available for speaking/seminar projects via the Bailey

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William Reed Columnist

Rocky Mount NC – Bojangles Is Coming, Bojangles Is Coming 5:30 AM Tuesday August 7, 2012 Crossing At 64


Click on picture to view more pictures.

This picture was taken today Monday August 6, 2012 around 4:00 PM. The crew was there getting ready for the opening on tomorrow August 7, 2012 5:30 AM.

Bojangles is coming in the AM 5:30.

Join The DCN to be a part of history at Crossing at 64. Don’t just meet me there but beat me there.

Congratulations to Rocky Mount Edgecombe Community Development Corporation (RMECDC) it has been a long time coming.

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Bojangles Crossing At 64


Rocky Mount NC – Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II President & The NC NAACP Truth & Hope Poverty Tour Report, Mass Meeting and Summit

NC NAACP Letterhead
Truth & Hope Poverty Tour Report, Mass Meeting and Summit
Saturday, August 11
9:30 AM – 3:00 PM

Rocky Mount, NC

After traveling over 2,000 miles to 27 communities across North Carolina, and conversations with thousands of North Carolinians, the Truth and Hope Poverty Tour is convening a report, mass meeting and summit on what we heard about poverty across our State. Join us to bear witness to the stories of our neighbors’ lives and to continue to build a Movement and promote and create plans for change. Many of the individuals who talked about their economic struggles in today’s economy will attend — others will share their stories in a powerful video produced by Cash Michaels.


Flyer - Truth & Hope Poverty Tour Summit - Call to Action


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NC NAACP | PO Box 335 | Durham | NC | 27702

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Truth & Poverty Tour

Rocky Mount fights Duke, Progress merger – The Rocky Mount Telegram

Rocky Mount is continuing its legal battle to fight the merger of Duke Energy and Progress Energy, a deal that created the nation’s largest electric utility.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the merger in June. (More)

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Duke & Progress Energy Merger

A key element of incompetence is identical to a key factor associated with addiction (drugs, alcohol, etc.). It is "DENIAL". by Quincy Robinson

A key element of incompetence is identical to a key factor associated with addiction (drugs, alcohol, etc.). It is "DENIAL".

Similarly, just as we prolong the addiction of a lover or a friend by allowing ourselves to become "enablers", we perpetuate the devastation of our community by resorting to apathy and complacency and allowing incompetence to exist without scrutiny and correction.

Do not worry about airing the dirty laundry in public, because the dirty laundry was never a secret.

Do what the addict must do. Admit the problem and then treat it.

Response: Right on! Right on!! Right on!!! I’ll drink to that!

Thank you my friend for setting the record straight. Although I know this message was not meant for me I am going to still it because The DCN is not airing the dirty laundry in public, because the dirty laundry was never a secret. Yes!

As I always say I don’t make the news I just report it.

Folks when it comes to you, if you don’t make the news I will not have anything to report. Now run tell that!

You see I know so many folks across eastern NC so therefore it is hard for me to report on folks and not know them. I am North Carolina most talked about, hated by some and loved by some but guess what? “I love all of you and it ain’t nothing you can do about it!” But just because I love you don’t think I ain’t gonna hold you accountable for your actions and I ask you to hold me accountable as well.

Always remember “I have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies only permanent interest!”

ECPS’ test report card mixed, at best – The Daily Southerner

TARBORO — Edgecombe County Public Schools (ECPS) first report card as part of the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) — the state’s new accountability model — was mixed, at best.

Five of the 15 campuses included in the report met all of their objectives for the 2011-2012 school year, according to data released by the State Board of Education (BOE) on Thursday. Those schools were Tarboro High, Stocks Elementary, North Edgecombe High School, Edgecombe Early College High, and the Roberson Center for Educational Achievement, an alternative school no longer in operation. (More)

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Edgecombe County Public Schools