Wait And See!

I am just asking! So his ratings mean what?

Yes it is good to fight but with facts and in a fashion that will help affect change. His ratings well again mean what?

To educate folk about any ignance displayed is always good.

But to get mad with me because you have a problem with how I respond to the ignance makes no sense. Just because I talk to the enemy to hold them accountable does not mean I agree with everything they say or does. What I recognize and understand that I will be stuck with a candidate that was elected for 2 or 4 years so I can only hope that they do something that will help folk and not hurt them.

Ok for our President Trump I am just going to wait and see how his supporters respond to what he does that will affect them. I am going to watch to see if they will get it, act like they don’t understand, be in denial or just don’t give a damn.

Are You Actively Engaged In Politics?

Folk tickles the hell out of me when it comes to politics as if they got all the answers, know what is going to be and how others should feel just because they feel some type a way.

Questions for you:

Are you involved on the local and state level?

Do you know the facts when you speak or are you just repeating what you read or heard without doing further research?

Do you just get excited about who the President is?

If I know you personally I know if you are actively engaged in politics and if I don’t know you directly I can somewhat tell if you are actively engaged so therefore that is how I respond or don’t respond to folk.

Richard Groves: Preachers and politics

The Watch Dog response: I feel churches should be able to be political. I strongly believe this was set up for the black church to not be vocal. But that is just my ignant opinion.

The parade of speakers at the Republican and Democratic national conventions was awesome — a former president, the current president and first lady, assorted politicians, sports figures and entertainers. And two of the most popular speakers, with their bases, at least, were — preachers?

The Rev. Mark Burns and the Rev. William Barber had delegates to their respective conventions on their feet chanting and shouting.

But no sooner had they completed their hour upon the stage than social media began lighting up with questions about (a) the legality of religious figures participating in partisan politics and (b) the propriety of doing so.

The Rev. Mark Burns, pastor of the Harvest Praise and Worship Center in Easley, S.C., and cofounder of NOW, a Christian television network, offered the benediction on the first evening of the RNC and spoke on the last evening. (As a surrogate, Burns spoke when Donald Trump visited Winston-Salem recently.) (Winston Salem Journal)

From The Desk Of Shelly Willingham NC House of Representatives


Shelly Willingham

N.C. House of Representatives

300 N Salisbury Street, #501

Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 715-3024

(919) 754-3224 (fax)



Representative Shelly Willingham

Dedicated to District 23

April 21, 2016






Alcoholic Beverage Control


Appropriations –   Information Technology




Judiciary IV

The audio legislative session is available at www.ncleg.net.  Select “Audio and then House or Senate Chamber, Appropriations Committee Room or Press Conference Room




4th Circuit Ruling Out of VA Poses Threat to HB2

Maxine Eichner, a University of North Carolina law professor who is an expert on sexual orientation and the law, said the ruling — the first of its kind by a federal appeals court — means the provision of North Carolina’s law pertaining to restroom use by transgender students in schools that receive federal funds also is invalid.  “The effects of this decision on North Carolina are clear,” she said, adding that a judge in that state will have no choice but to apply the appeals court’s ruling. Other states in the 4th Circuit are Maryland, West Virginia and South Carolina. While those states are directly affected by the appeals court’s ruling, Eichner said the impact will be broader.  “It is a long and well-considered opinion that sets out the issues,” she said.  “It will be influential in other circuits.”

Read more here: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/appeals-court-overturns-virginia-schools-transgender-bathroom-rule/

Slate of Cancellations Prove HB2 Could Crush NC Arenas

Today’s news that Pearl Jam was cancelling an April 20 show in Raleigh is bad news for arenas, which appear most susceptible to a boycott of the state.  “The HB2 law that was recently passed is a despicable piece of legislation that encourages discrimination against an entire group of American citizens,” the band wrote in a statement. “The practical implications are expansive and its negative impact upon basic human rights is profound. We want America to be a place where no one can be turned away from a business because of who they love or fired from their job for who they are.”  “It is for this reason,” the statement read, “that we must take a stand against prejudice, along with other artists and businesses, and join those in North Carolina who are working to oppose HB2 and repair what is currently unacceptable.”

Read more here: http://www.ampthemag.com/the-real/pearl-jam-cancellations-shows-hb2-could-crush-nc-arenas/

New Report Points to Segregation in Private Schools

Last month, we reported on the widening racial and economic divisions in North Carolina’s two largest school systems, despite ample evidence that high concentrations of impoverished children in any school can be harmful to students’ performance. Now, the Southern Education Foundation (SEF), a Georgia-based advocate for school equity, has issued a new report on virtual segregation in private schools across the country despite programs in 19 states, including North Carolina, tasked with funneling public cash toward increasing the population of low-income children in private schools. Three years ago, North Carolina did just that with the Opportunity Scholarship Program, despite an outcry from many public education activists. And while the SEF’s report relies on 2012 demographic data (before the creation of this state’s voucher program), the numbers show segregation in private schools, particularly in southern states like North Carolina, is a very real problem.

Read more here: http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2016/04/04/new-report-points-to-segregation-in-private-schools/

NC Moving Too Hastily on Achievement School District

We should always be open to trying new ideas to improve education but also be careful not to chase every new fad on the market.  This caution is especially so when the new ideas are for public schools where poverty and racial segregation are highly concentrated. Unfortunately, hurrying to install a new unproven fad may well be the case for some of North Carolina’s lowest-performing schools.  State Rep. Bob Bryan and the N.C. legislature will soon consider taking over up to five schools and placing them in a kind of separate virtual reality of their own.  The concept, known as an Achievement School District, would get special resources and be managed by private charter school operators that would report to the State Board of Education.

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article72937237.html

NC Jobless Rate Unchanged, Above National Average

North Carolina keeps adding jobs, but the unemployment rate isn’t going down and is still higher than the national average. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that North Carolina’s jobless rate for March was unchanged from the previous month at 5.5 percent. The national unemployment rate was 5 percent in March. The government says North Carolina added 12,500 jobs between February and March to top 4.3 million statewide. The state has added 104,000 jobs since March 2015.


SCOTUS Rejects Challenge to One Person, One Vote

Typically states have counted the total population, giving all people equal representation. Voters in rural Texas however challenged that process in Evenwel, contending that by including non-eligible voters – those who aren’t citizens, for example, or those who’ve been in prison – in a district’s total population, the state gives greater weight to the far fewer votes that would be cast in such districts.  They argue that instead each vote should be equal and that population count should be based on eligible voters only. In 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an Alabama redistricting plan which allotted just one representative to heavily-populated and sparsely-populated districts alike, ruling in Reynolds v. Sims that under the “one person, one vote” concept of equal representation, legislative districts should have roughly equal populations. The high court had not, however, dictated how states should count population for purposes of drawing state legislative districts.

Read more here: http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2016/04/04/scotus-rejects-challenge-to-one-person-one-vote-doctrine-applicable-in-the-drawing-of-legislative-districts/


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Rocky Mount NC – Politics In Rocky Mount Divided By The Tracks Part 1

I have been following Rocky Mount politics since the early 90’s and I have seen it come a long way but some areas still have a long ways to go.

Because the town is divided by the tracks, race and hatred has and continue to play a great role in continuing the divide. You see you have Rocky Mount Edgecombe and Rocky Mount Nash. Some folks think every damn thing should be on the Nash side as if there is no Edgecombe side. But the sad part is there are some Ignant Safe Negroes that think that way as well. Everything that is going on in Rocky Mount do not have to be that way if black folks would wake the hell up, unite and organize. But some of the folks who should be waking the folks us, uniting them and working on organizing the people are the folks who are holding the people hostage. These folks preach these feel good sermons but when they leave the church what do you have to look forward to other than going back to church when the church opens again for another service.

I have seen the Rocky Mount City Council become a black majority. Some said that would not be a good thing and that Rocky Mount would go to hell. It was alright when it was a white majority but it is the mindset of Ignant Racist White Folks and Ignant Safe Negroes that a majority black council/boards are not capable of doing great things. Well this council has proven the naysayers wrong. The Rocky Mount City Council has done some great things and will continue to do some more. The Rocky Mount City Council has had to fight to move Rocky Mount Nash and Rocky Mount Edgecombe forward but you have a few white folks and a few black folks in high places whom continue to play both sides. These folks use everyday folks to try to block and stop the progress that the Rocky Mount City Council is doing. I am so glad the Rocky Mount City Council continue to move forward by voting for what is right and most recently voted unanimous for moving forward on the Community Facility (formerly called the Event Center.)

You have The Community Council that has been going after the council at every level. But when I go to The Community Council Facebook page there are no names as to who they are. I wonder why? Well I know Lige Daughtride was the main man at one time so is he still the man?

I just liked The Community Council Facebook page recently so I could get their updates however I had been getting them when other folks had liked something that they posted on their page. They had been posting stuff trying to discredit the Rocky Mount City Council but it appears they are not making any progress. The unanimous vote this week to move forward with hiring architects and others to design and build The Community Facility has set The Community Council back a step. So what are they going to do now to try to discredit the Rocky Mount City Council? Will they get on board and try to see how they help move Rocky Mount forward? I wouldn’t doubt that Lige and some other white businessmen whom are a part of The Community Council are now trying to figure out what kind of investment they can work on to get some of the monies that will be available when The Community Facility is built. Think about the business potential such as hotels, shops and other that this project could bring to the city.

I look at the churches/folks of good will in Rocky Mount and ask myself what are they doing to encourage others to support the folks whom are trying to move the city forward. Don’t allow the naysayers to attempt to discredit your leaders whom are doing great things. You need to shut folks down when they are trying to discredit them.

When I go to meetings in Rocky Mount there are a few to none Pastors. Some folks especially the Pastors need to be attending meetings to be on top of what is going on and so they can share it with the many folks they come in contact with. Oh, they can’t do that because you can’t mix church and politics. Well everything is political so if you like other folks making decisions for you all the time, then I love it! But I ain’t going to allow other folks to make decisions for me and I not voice my opinion.

Folks you need to encourage the Rocky Mount City Council to continue to work together moving the city forward. It is time for the people Rocky Mount Nash and Rocky Mount Edgecombe to join hand in hand and to move Rocky Mount forward as one.

Why The Test Debate Is About Politics, Not Education – Education Opportunity Network

Here’s how ridiculous the nation’s obsession with standardized testing has gotten: Last week Education Week reporter Catherine Gewertz came across a news item about a school in Florida that “forbid the flushing of toilets during testing … to cut down on the distraction.” (emphasis original)

As she quoted from her news source, the school administrators feared, “The whooshing water sounds from classroom bathrooms … might disturb test-taking classmates and send their focus, and their scores, spiraling down the drain.”

Before you dismiss that as just one “over the top” anecdote, consider that the big new assessment fad sweeping the nation is to demand testing of our youngest students, the earlier the better. In Maryland, for instance, as a different article in Education Week reported, a “kindergarten readiness assessment” to see if little kids are “ready” for kindergarten has teachers worried. The exam on “language, literacy, math, science, social studies, and physical well-being” took the students “at least one hour, and sometimes more than double that.” This is not unusual, as the reporter explained, because “at least 25 states mandate a kindergarten readiness assessment and this is likely to rise.” (Source: Read more)

Eastern North Carolina Civic Group Will Meet Saturday In Edgecombe County For The First Time Ever

The Eastern North Carolina Civic Group will meet on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 11:00 AM at Edgecombe County Administration Building 201 St. Andrews Street in Tarboro NC 27886. Special guest will be Peter Grear Attorney and Editor of Greater Diversity News Wilmington NC. Betty Selby, Secretary Eastern North Carolina Civic Group

15 to watch in 2015 – NC Spin

No matter how good the crystal ball, it is impossible to predict what will happen in 2015. Perhaps it will be easier to identify the people likely to either make or respond to North Carolina news events.

Governor Pat McCrory took a more active legislative role in 2014, frequently butting heads with Senate leadership. This year he needs to pass Medicaid reform, a transportation and infrastructure package and lead from the center, without alienating either his conservative base or independents, in preparing for his 2016 re-election campaign.

Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, arguably the most powerful politician in North Carolina, is likely to flex his muscles in 2015. Berger doesn’t mind taking firm positions and negotiates grudgingly. Will he be the roadblock or dealmaker? House Speaker Tim Moore is not widely known, so it will be interesting to see if he sides with the governor, the Senate or becomes an independent voice. (Source: Read more)

Kicked Off Another Facebook Page Wilson Democratic Party

Didn’t know until tonight that I have been kicked off the Wilson Democratic Party facebook page. George Fisher told me he had been kicked off so I said let me see what is going on other there and come to find out I have been kicked off. Oh well! I wonder what brought that on? Oh George told me he shared one of my post there so damn because he did that, they kicked me off. Thank you Asa Gregory.

Damn George Fisher Look At What Happened To Our Friendship With Wilson County Finest Zette McArn Because We Support Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield

This is one of the many examples of how folks turn on me after I have worked with them on personal issues. Once I help them and when we can’t agree to disagree on an issue, this is what happens. All of a sudden I am such a bad guy but while I was working on their issues on my time, sometimes traveling across the state videoing and taking photos for free, this is how they show me how much they love me. Well I still love them but not the same kind of love.

Folks I can be your best friend, loyal to the bone and accept folks disagreeing with me until they try to discredit me and make me out of something that I am not.

It is a damn shame how folks get mad with me because I know what I know and speak truth to power. Well I am not going to change for you and will continue to do such all the days of my life.

This election has shown me just how ignant some black folks can be. Hell even after I try to educate their ignant asses they just don’t want to accept it. Well they gonna learn the day. Oh that was yesterday.

George my brother from another mother. A white man, a true friend because I know what you have done for me and I will forever owe you. My blog, my videos on The DCN TV and did much at a time when your mother was sick and went on to glory. She was my friend also and shared things with me about you that you had not even told me because she felt I was one of the best things that could have happened when you reached out to me over the internet and wanted to connect with me about politics. I will never forget the night I met with you and Ray from WNCR-TV as we talked about the political things I was doing in Edgecombe County and Rocky Mount. Hell you lived on the Nash County side and Ray live about 50 miles away but own WNCR-TV in Rocky Mount. I eventually getting a 2 hour talk show on WNCR-TV every Wednesday night. Was doing some damn good education, had guest to call in from across the state and nation.

I had to shut my show down one night because Bronson Williams was working the board so I could be on TV and George was my co-host. Bronson got mad because I would not allow one of his friends to call in and dominate my damn talk show. Oh hell no I made everybody aware that was my talk show and I was in control over how they acted when they called in.

Well Bronson had a radio show on FM 107.5 (no longer in existence) and he came on from 7 PM– 8 PM and then did my show from 9 PM – 11 PM. During that time he, Nehemiah Smith Jr. founder and publisher of The Weekly Defender Newspaper and some of their friends were on the radio talking junk about Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Council and President of the NAACP. The topic of the high utilities was their agenda so that is why I reminded Bronson about how he was going after WHIG-TV about Knight and the council as the are working an Event Center when he did the same thing a couple of years ago.

George later started another show after the owner tried to get us to come back. I told George I would do it from home I was not going back to Rocky Mount and had to deal with ignant ass folks at that station. However Ray’s brother was alright with me and when he worked the boards for us, all was well.

Folks if you don’t like what I have to say, then tune me out because I am going to say what I mean and mean what I say. I will not only say it, but put it in print. So if you didn’t know, you better ask somebody because “I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!”

The following was sent to me so I could see what Zette had posted on her Facebook page The Wilsonian Voices.
















POLITICS and Those Who Want To Write Rules But Don’t Know The Game – SMDH!

When it comes to POLITICS. Folks attempt to justify their actions by saying certain things but in the meantime it don’t add up.

Qualifications are equal for every candidate when it comes to politics because a person only has to be a certain age, not a felon and live in the District and be a registered voter.

I have seen a many of pastors, ministers and religious folks who have more hell in them than some folks who others say are not saved.

Folks vote for friends, family members and etc. so therefore one can justify why they vote a certain way or they can just vote and don’t say how they are voting.

Damn in this election I have heard it all, experience does not matter. Hell naw it may not matter if one of two people or more do not have any experience.

Folks I am not going to sit back allow folks to post misleading, just downright false information.

I am Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator and I will continue to hold folks accountable for what they say and do. I tell folks to hold me accountable also.

Now tell me if you own a daycare, would you hire a person off the damn street because they are the most anointed?

Makes no damn sense to me! But maybe it is just my ignant ass. So if that be the case I am going to be ignant until I die.

Hell it is okay to vote for someone but don’t mislead, say half-truths and unnecessary bullmanure just talk about the candidate and move forward. Damn trying to discredit other candidates without justifications is too ignant.

So just because I have more experience you want to hold that against me. Damn just like you went off to get your experience and/or have served in certain capacities you think that it don’t apply when it comes to me because you like another person. Oh hell to the naw!

Don’t get mad at me because I am damn good at what I do and you have a problem with that.

Damn every time I turn around somebody wants to change the rules! Well I know the rules all except your personal games because you can write them the way you want to. You can’t write them for POLITICS because I have a degree in POLITICS and I taught myself. And I will challenge anyone at anytime.

In re: It’s not always the Most Qualified that needs to be in the position, sometimes you need the MOST ANOINTED in the position!!!

Words! I Have Learnt! As Election Day Gets Closer When I Speak . . .

I just love to watch and hear some folks take (words) messages and use it for their own personal self worth. And that is a good thing! Sometimes!

I am glad you asked boy what in the hell are you talking about because you are always saying something. Well I am always saying something because so many folks are afraid to say what needs to be said, so I get credit for what others are too damn scared to say. But always know I don’t need no pat on the back nor any accolades because I am for real.

Now some folk takes (words) messages and use it for their own personal self worth. But at the end of the day you can try to take other’s words, use them and feel good about yourself but at the end of the day, if you got some mess with you and you ain’t got it right, then it does not matter. All I am saying is you better be honest with yourself because I know you and you know me so you can hide behind or feel good about other folks (words) messages, it does not change your status.

Folks you better recognize that if what folks are saying about you are true then it can help you or hinder you. You can get mad because folks talk about you all you want. Well you gonna be mad the rest of your life because folks are going to talk about you until the end of times. But the real deal is don’t let what folks say about you be truth and if it is, what you gonna do about trying to get it right? Well maybe it do not matter to you but if what you are doing is going to have a major role in other folks lives you better get it. If you don’t you will be all messed up and may not be able to handle the outcome.

Well by now you are saying well who is he? I am the Political Agitator and I am the one who tell folks directly and indirectly what I say about them especially when they need me or want to represent, speak for me and etc. I am not the one who sit back and allow others to just do their thing without being held accountable. Oh yes I tell people to hold me accountable. But if you have noticed, I have not ran for an elected office since 1998 so I can am free and wouldn’t have it any other way.

So as I say all the time, you know I am political, I am a blogger, facebooker, twitter and write to the local newspapers, call in to several radio and tv talk shows voicing my opinion so don’t get mad when I talk about you. What you need to do is to prove me wrong and if you can’t do that then you have a problem. You are going to have a problem because I ain’t going to say anything that I can not back up and if I should error, I stand to be corrected and will get it right by apologizing as well.

As Election Day gets closer, when I speak you can get mad or whatever but I refuse to be silent when folks want to represent me, speak for me and whatever that may directly/indirectly affect me and the many folks whom allow me to speak for them. Oh don’t get it twisted! If you have not told me that I speak for you then I ain’t talking about I speak for you.

I recognize I have one voice and one vote so I know how much power I have. So go figure! Caus I know the power in one voice and one vote!

Politics and Friendships Don’t Always Mix

Note: “I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!” “Now Run And Tell That!”

George we are brothers and that is the difference.

Greenville—NC   I googled “politics and friendships” looking for a particular quote.  But, what I got was so much more interesting—and so very unexpected.

It never really dawned on me the actual number of friendships a person can lose over politics.  That topic wasn’t what I was looking for when I googled, but—considering the past few weeks—it does seem rather serendipitous I came across the subject. 

 I’ve seen friendships end because of marriage.  I’ve seen friendships end because someone moved to the other side of the countryI’ve even seen friendships end because of religion.  But, it never crossed my mind that a person could lose a friend—a real friend—over something like politics.    To me it’s kind of like someone telling you their favorite color.  I wouldn’t necessarily get mad and not speak to someone—or call someone names—if I found out their favorite color was red and mine happened to be blue.  Or, their favorite basketball team wasn’t  my favorite.  

Now, I know you’re thinking that politics is a lot more important than someone’s favorite basketball team—and you’re right.  But, my point is that a true friend is way more important than politics!

When I googled the subject of friends and politics—like I said, I was looking for a quote.  But, what I found were many, many articles about how politics and friendships sometimes don’t mix.  So, I thought I’d share some personal experiences here and a few observations hoping that you can avoid some of the pitfalls of what seems to be (sadly) a more common experience than I’d  realized.

We all focus on friendships from different perspectives and from different vantage points.  So, it’s important to figure out what a friendship is…what it is to you and then what you think it may mean to the other person.

My autocorrect word dictionary (the same dictionary I cuss every single day) describes a friend as :   1)  a person you know well and regard with affection and trust;  2) an associate who provides cooperation or assistance; 3) or, simply  a person with whom you are acquainted. 

Each one of these definitions are really very different in meaning.  I primarily focus my blog and Facebook accounts on politics—and that is what I’ll focus on here. 

So, when it comes to politics, which definition does your friend fit into…1, 2 or 3?

Types of friendships—Good to Best:

Acquainted (3)


Associate/Cooperation (2)


Affection/Trusted  (1)


All of us have number three friends.  They’re like Facebook friends.  I mean that in a good way, not in a “I don’t know who the hell you are but I’m gonna friend you anyway”—kind of friend.  We see them at committee meeting sometimes, we know their names, etc.  But, they’re not the kind of friends you would necessarily call up on the phone. 
The number two friends are the people we work with: what I like to call the project friends.  They help you with Get Out The Vote in your county.  They keep you up to date on the next meeting or training session.   These are more than just Facebook friends, you depend on them and they depend on you to get the job done.
The number one friends are what I would consider the “real deal.”  They’re the friends you’ve known for a while, you trust them, you think they would say the same about you.  And, if you’re like me, you really don’t worry too much about pissing off your number one friends because you know if you said something they didn’t like they’d just call you and you’d work it out.  They’re the friends who’ve got your back when nobody else does. 
But, what happens when you and one of your best friends have a “falling out” over a political issue?  It doesn’t have to be a big issue.  Little issues can become big when they fester and escalate to the point of loud voices and name calling.  By that point, it’s sometimes too late to mend the fences
I’m not talking about anyone in particular—it’s just that over the years, I’ve had experiences with political friends that didn’t turn out well because we disagreed on issues.  Some small issues that became big and some big issues that became even bigger.   I learned, in the end, it’s all about communicationDon’t let it break downIf you’ve got a sinking feeling in your stomach that a friendship is headed in the wrong direction—and if you care to salvage that friendship—talk about it.  Talk about it before it’s too late.  Number one friends don’t come around all that often. 
You know when your gut is telling you something. And, if you have that feeling you can bet your friend is thinking something similar—but both of you are too damn stubborn and too bullheaded to admit it.
Look, there are way too many primaries and way too many general elections for you to start losing good friends.  There are enough issues we can agree on to offset most any county, district or state issue or disagreement. 
Once the name calling and mudslinging starts between good friends, even over politics—you can’t take it backYou can’t unring that bell.   Trust me when I say this: life is way too short and real friends are way too scarce to lose them over something that you can prevent.  I’ve had arguments with people from years ago—now, five years later—I can recall the argument but I can’t really remember what we started fussing about in the first place.  
All it takes is a little communication.  And, in the long run you’ll be glad you took the time to  work it out.  There have been many times I look back and wish I had. 
Oh!  I found my quote–

I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.  —Thomas Jefferson

Keep the faith!

Breaking News: I Am Getting Ready To Post Some Things Educating Folk On What Is Going On, If You Don’t Want To Know The Truth, Delete Me Now!

Family, friends, associates, enemies and all others, I am getting ready to post some things that you may not want to hear so if that be the case, DELETE me now! I am going to tell the truth and if anyone want to dispute it, I stand to be corrected.

I am sick and tired of folks telling lies, misleading folks, attempting to discredit folks and other negatives by not telling the whole truth. I don’t promote half-truths.

Those of you who knows me, know I don’t play when it comes to POLITICS. Why? Because I don’t allow folks to play games while making decisions for my future and others around me who may not know the truth and is always being fed half-truths.

I do not act totally on EMOTIONS. Acting on EMOTIONS and not EMOTIONS plus FACTS amounts to NOTHING. I act on FACTS and hell yeah I get EMOTIONAL. My opinions are just that an opinion but my opinions are based on FACTS which is the TRUTH!

I am about to do some open letters to some folks who are suppose to be in leadership roles who are doing and saying things that affects me and/or others around me. I am my brothers keeper even those who don’t give a damn about me. That does not matter because it is not about them and me but about me and “HIM,” The GOODMASTER!

Now Run & Tell That!

~This is not a bakery.

I don’t sugar coat


If you ask for my opinion . . .

then that’s what you’ll get.

Don’t be mad when it’s not

what you want to hear.~

Author unkown

“Knowledge is Power, Sharing it is Empowerment”

“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth … For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth: to know the worst; and provide for it.” Patrick Henry

“Speaking Truth to Power”

“I swore never to be silent whenever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”- Elie Weisel

“I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!”

The Great Black Divide In Rocky Mount And Edgecombe County

When I first got involved as a community activist in the early 90’s, I said it then and I am still saying it, that all of the black political leaders, community leaders, ministers, pastors and others need to have a coming to Jesus meeting. We need to get in a room and get all of the bull manure off of our chest as it relates to personal with one another, hash it out and then talk about how we can move forward. It is past time that we as a black people need to come together and work together on issues that affect our communities. issues

It is a damn shame that when I joined the Democratic Party during the black/white fight because the whites had the power and the blacks were fighting for our fair share. We fought for years and now we have taken over the party. We have had a black chair for the past 10 years almost. These chairs have not been as effective as they should have been. Actually they have held us back to a certain degree in my opinion. Some of the members that were in the fight quit coming once we took over.

Most folks join the NAACP when they get in trouble. I joined because I wanted to help somebody. I had to research to find who were leading and where the NAACP met in Edgecombe County. The Tarboro branch was not in compliance so I joined the Rocky Mount branch. I had to fight with the NAACP too.

I have been involved in Rocky Mount politics since the late 80’s. I know the political leaders, community leaders, ministers, pastors and others who have been in the struggle and/or acted as if they were in the struggle. I have spent much time in Rocky Mount attending NAACP meetings, organizational meetings, community meetings, political meetings and etc.

I receive a lot of information that folks don’t even have a clue that I know about. I know who are doing what in Rocky Mount. I receive phone calls, emails and etc. from folks sharing information with me and some of the folks I do not know. So therefore I have to investigate them and the information they pass on to me to verify it as truth. I don’t just take information as fact from folks, I don’t give a damn how black they are. They can be so damn black that they are almost blue, wearing a suit and/or dress, educated and other but I am still going to check them out. That is something I tell folks that don’t know me to do, to don’t just take my word on things but check me out.

What many folks do not know is that certain folks, some of the same folks that you and some others are trying to discredit are the ones who are making manure happen. But we do not get the credit for it and do not do it for the credit but because it is morally right. It is a lot of stuff going on over since last week and now a couple of days ago as it relates to a couple of shootings. Some folks want to act like they are all about the cause when actually they had been asked to do some things and their asses refused to. But now they want to act as if they have been in the struggle all along. Some of you say your pastors are doing this and doing that but you don’t even know what is actually going on.

Folks a lot of things are not as it seem in the black community because of there is a great divide. However we seem to come together on some causes but as I have stated over and over again that it has been by the grace of God that we are where we are today.

I know who are about what and it is about time for the truth told so we can move forward together. I know I am going to piss some folks off but just maybe they will do something. If they don’t, then they need to get the hell out of the way and quit fronting.