Kicked Off Another Facebook Page Wilson Democratic Party

Didn’t know until tonight that I have been kicked off the Wilson Democratic Party facebook page. George Fisher told me he had been kicked off so I said let me see what is going on other there and come to find out I have been kicked off. Oh well! I wonder what brought that on? Oh George told me he shared one of my post there so damn because he did that, they kicked me off. Thank you Asa Gregory.

Judge sides with city in Bibbs lawsuit – Wilson Times

Special Superior Court Judge Beecher Gray ruled in favor of the city of Wilson Wednesday that prohibits Wilson attorney Mark Bibbs from occupying his Douglas Street building as a residence until he complies with city and state fire and building regulations.

Bibbs, a candidate for House District 24, said the failed inspection and its timing right before the Democratic primary played a major role in him losing the race Tuesday against Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield. The primary was the significant race for the seat as Farmer-Butterfield has no Republican competition in the November election.

Gray granted the city’s request for a preliminary injunction that provides Bibbs with at least 90 days to meet the requirements. In Wilson County Superior Court, Bibbs said he already hired an architect and planned to have designs of his building prepared that show a mixed use of his law office and residence. (Source: Read more)

See related:

Mark Bibbs

Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield

Attorney Mark Bibbs Was On FM 99.3 Spotlight On The Community

Attorney Mark Bibbs was on FM 99.3 Spotlight on The Community around the 8:30 am hour. Talked about the high light bills. So what can he do that all of the other legislators from the local to the state to the national levels that have worked on it do differently. ElectriCities meets in Wilson and I wonder how many meetings has he attended?

I thought his conversation about Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield was quite interesting. He said she could not get on a subject and stay on it like he could because he was very thorough since he has been an attorney.

The thing about his residency sounds good on his behalf when he tell it and he may be on to something. However I thought one thing that didn’t make sense was that he said he had a bed and the other stuff in his office but I got confused because back then he was not saying this was his residency.

I can’t truly respond to the residency issue because I am just listening to him and reading the Wilson Times so I ain’t on the inside.

See related:

Mark Bibbs

Open Letter to Attorney Mark Bibbs What In The Hell Are You Talking About?

I just read The Daily Drum Newspaper out of Pitt County and I found your campaign article “Attorney Bibbs Fires Back” to be somewhat ignant and comical. I can’t believe you had the audacity to say such bullmanure.

You begin talking about your opponent, incumbent Jean Farmer-Butterfield being ranked 115 out of 120 members of the NC House. So Bibbs who did the ranking? Hell when the Democrats were in the majority the Republicans were ranked low and now since the Republicans are in office well. But damn compare her ranking to the work she has done and report that.

You say, “Jean is not married to G.K. Butterfield any longer and has not been for atleast two decades and that she is using her last name to try and slide back in on G.K.’s coattails.” Damn my friend I was there back in 2002 when Jean Farmer-Butterfield was elected the first time. I could not vote for her then nor can I vote for her now. However hell yeah I am concerned about who is elected to the NC House District 24 and all seats on the state level because I recognize and understand that they will represent me although I can not vote for them. Damn you disrespected my Congressman because you didn’t refer to him as a Congressman. I was redistricted out of his district so I can not vote for him either but he will always be my Congressman. But damn you said “G.K. is, and always will be your friend.” Really?

Some people in Rocky Mount asked me to attend a campaign meeting in 2002 and I am glad I did. I worked on her campaign and at no time did I ever hear anyone say that Jean was using the name Butterfield to get elected. I also attending some meetings in Wilson County. Since 2002 I have never heard anyone say such ignant mess. Damn that is the best you can do.

Damn you talk about you will tell the truth if you are elected. Well why would I want you to represent me when you are lying about Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield using the Butterfield name to get re-elected? Are you saying that is what she has done for 6 terms?

You didn’t mention your residency issue in the article however when I heard about some were talking about it, I said that is not an issue to dwell on because establishing a residence is not worth challenging unless it was something that he really can be challenged on. Well sir, I would say you have a real challenge on your hands with the city of Wilson. From what I read, it damn sure does not look good on your behalf but I am on the outside looking in and just going by what I read in the paper.

Sir again I ask the question, is it really worth it? SMDH!

See related:

Mark Bibbs

Bibbs seeks state probe of failed inspection – Wilson Times

The Political Agitator response: Damn just when I thought it could not get any gooder, my ignant . . . was wrong. Maybe I am missing something. Damn maybe I have to be an attorney to understand. Then again I quit drinking 27 years ago so maybe I need to take a drink. But anyhow this just ain’t making sense to me so therefore again I ask, is it really worth all of this? Please somebody other than those mentioned in this article, help my ignant . . . understand why.

State candidate Mark Bibbs has asked for a state probe into the recently failed inspection of his downtown property the same week a U.S. District Court judge signed an order requiring Bibbs to file a motion before his case will be considered in federal court.

Bibbs, a candidate for House District 24, filed suit against the city on April 7 in Superior Court after his residence and office, at 105 Douglas St., failed a city fire and building inspection.

Bibbs alleges that the inspection was politically motivated in an attempt to harm his bid for the House District 24 seat. Bibbs moved to Douglas Street, which is within District 24, in 2013. He will face Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield in the Democratic primary on May 6.

In his lawsuit, Bibbs alleged his rights under the U.S. Constitution were violated, which led city attorneys to file a notice of removal that pushes the case to federal court.

Court documents, originally filed in Wilson County, were sent to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina on Friday. (Source: Read more)

See related:

Mark Bibbs For NC House 24