Edgecombe County – NC House 23 Race Shelly Willingham Wins Primary Election May 6, 2014 But Rusty Holderness Can Call For A Run-off

I commend Shelly Willingham for being consistent in his seeking to be elected to the NC General Assembly. He worked hard and he deserve the opportunity to go to Raleigh to serve the people.

Rusty Holderness on the other hand has a big choice to make by Thursday May 15 because the election is in his court. Because Willingham didn’t get 40% of the votes to declare him the winner, Holderness can choose to have a run-off or to let Willingham be the winner.

During the last week of the elections one of my resources said that it was the talk that Willingham was going to have a good chance of winning the race. Turns out my resource was right on!

I have to agree with Willingham that he will more than likely win if a run-off election was held in June.

I would have to support Willingham if there was an election to be held. So there you have it.

Edgecombe County – Sheriff James Knight vs That Other Guy That He Defeated On Tuesday May 6, 2014

I am still trying to figure out why that damn other guy ran against our fine Sheriff James L. Knight of Edgecombe County. This ignant guy talked about Sheriff has done a good job but that it was time for a change. That other guy said that the people said they wanted a change. Well 471 folks either don’t understand, in denial or just don’t care about having a fine man in office. However but the 5,000 plus let them know therwise. But from what I understand that ignant other guy still don’t get it. I heard he says he is going to work with that Republican candidate to try to unseat our fine Sheriff. Well maybe the other guy will get it in November when he see that even those good folks in the Republican Party knows that we have a fine Sheriff.

I was there when our fine Sheriff was appointed in 1996. I played a role in the appointment process as I was the 3rd Vice Chair of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party when there were some folks out there working to get the Knight appointed. In 1998 I was the Chair of the ECDP so again I was there. I have been pleased with our Sheriff since 1996 and I stand behind him because he has proven to be one of the best, most effective and progressive Sheriff in North Carolina but not limited to.

I am calling on all the good folks of Edgecombe County to “Let’s do it again!” in November. That is my campaign slogan for November.

Kicked Off Another Facebook Page Wilson Democratic Party

Didn’t know until tonight that I have been kicked off the Wilson Democratic Party facebook page. George Fisher told me he had been kicked off so I said let me see what is going on other there and come to find out I have been kicked off. Oh well! I wonder what brought that on? Oh George told me he shared one of my post there so damn because he did that, they kicked me off. Thank you Asa Gregory.

Elections Congrats Primary 2014

Congrats to the following candidates

Edgecombe County Races

Sheriff James L. Knight whipped that guy – Will have opposition in November Knight defeats challenger in Edgecombe County sheriff race

School Board Marva Scott defeated John Edmondson – Final – Scott will have no opposition in November Challenger wins Edgecombe County school board seat

Congressman G.K. Butterfield defeated Dan Whittacre again – Will have opposition in November Incumbents win congressional primary races

NC House 24 Shelly Willingham & Rusty Holderness – Probably a run-off knocked out Taro Knight & Bronson Williams Willingham wins N.C. House District 23 race, may face runoff

NC Senate Erica Smith Ingram – defeated Clark Jenkins – Final – Ingram will have no opposition in the November Challenger unseats Jenkins in N.C. Senate District 3 race

Judge Robin Hudson – Will face Eric Levinson in November Challengers emerge in U.S. House races

US Senate Kay Hagans – Will have opposition in November election U.S. Senate: Thom Tillis easily wins Republican primary, takes aim at Democrat Kay Hagan

Nash County

Sheriff – Stanley Griffin defeated Gene Braswell – Will face Keith Stone in November Griffin wins Nash County sheriff primary race

Wilson County

Sheriff Calvin Woodard – Will have opposition in November Woodard gears up for November battle

NC House 23 Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield – Final – No opposition in November Rep. Farmer-Butterfield bests Mark Bibbs

Greene County

Senate District 5 Don DavisRoundup: Brown wins; James loses


Folks It Is Time For A Political Machine In Edgecombe County

Note: Did you know the Eastern Civic League endorsed Taro Knight for the NC House 23 seat? I have not heard any of the candidates put it out there. The interviews were held the same Saturday of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Convention. I didn’t make to Martin County because I went to work that morning, left, went to convention and then went back to work. This didn’t even come up in the debate that was held last Monday night.

You know I look around at who are active, who goes where and who says what when it comes to politics either be meetings and/or facebook.

I look at how folks say they love what I do, they ask me when am I going to run for an office and that I am the man. Well you see I don’t operate off of feel good, pretty words and all of that. I can tell who are sincere because if you love what I do, how many times have you donated to the cause? How many times have you said that I know it takes gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, food when moving around, you have equipment ie: video cameras 2 to be exact, video dubbing machines 2 to be exact, photo camera, laptops 2 to be exact, has to buy DVD’s, DVD cases, pens to write on cases and recently I have purchased some labels that I will use on cases for special occasions.

Well folks you can quit asking when I am running because I ain’t running for anything until I hit the lottery and/or come into some legal money because I will not take what little money I have to run a campaign. I already don’t have any and struggle doing what I do out of pocket now. I be damn if I am going operate on folks saying one thing and doing another and then at the end of the day I am broke and don’t win the election.

I look at some folks how they think that folks are loving them during elections but unless one goes into the voting booth with them, one will never know for sure who they voted for. Now some folks family, friends and associates you can kind of bet on them doing the right thing.

Folks it is time for a political machine in Edgecombe County to come together and be unified. We need to educate ourselves so we can educate others. We need to come together in Edgecombe County and put our differences aside. We need to interview candidates and then we need to unify and support those candidates chosen.

There is a group called the Eastern Civic League (several counties in the east) and they are a political group who hold a day of interviews and they endorse local, statewide and national candidates that represent the counties that make up the group. That is good but each local county need their own group because each local county can work year round and not waiting until election time. Edgecombe County used to be in and was out until the districts were named. We are back in.

It is a damn shame that there are a few factions in Edgecombe County that I can probably count on one hand that are out here running their mouths during election time but don’t even know what the hell they are talking about. Makes no sense. But then they want to talk about what other folks ain’t doing but we are so divided by those ignant to POLITICS that we only continue to move forward by the grace of God. It sure is not because we are unified.

When we all get together we could move forward, wiser, faster and again be a force to be reckoned with. Back in the day on Election Day when the numbers came in for statewide races in Edgecombe County, most candidates declared victory.

I used to thought we had some issues in Edgecombe County but since I am very close to Wilson County and Pitt County politics, damn they are in bad shape too. Damn if it takes something major that the 3 surrounding counties had to pull together damn that is going to be scary as hell. I know those folks just like I do in Edgecombe County so I am not and will not be in shock no matter what.

I thought the Edgecombe Nash Black Political Caucus was going to be the machine when it got started but I never could join that even if it was open. And then when they took Black off the name I knew I could not be a part of that.

This election has given me another outlook at what is going on around me politically. Some folks want to say EXPERIENCE does not matter and get mad with other folks because they have it. Some folks get mad because some folks bring up truth so they get mad with them for telling the truth. Some folks don’t know the damn difference between having a debate and a forum to educate the voters on what the candidates have to say.

Folks are out here making damn promises that other folks already in office has campaigned on, worked on and can’t do anything because the Republicans have the numbers and the Democrats have a difficult time trying to make things happen. During this election if you have followed the campaign trails NC House 23 and NC House 24 a couple of the candidates talking about what they are going to do and they are running against another Democrat. Hell the Democrats in office now can’t do anything but these candidates act as if they are going to come in do the damn thing. SMDH!

Folks do your damn homework because I don’t take ELECTIONS for granted. These folks elected and/or re-elected will be representing me making laws, policies and etc. that affect my life. So hell yeah I am going to be involved at whatever level I want to get in on. I don’t give a damn if I can vote for them or not, if I can’t they will still be in office and will be representing me.

Folks don’t get mad with me because I am knowledgeable on what is going on around me, know nearly all the elected officials, want a be elected officials, community leaders and individuals who may make statements either in person, in the media and/or especially on facebook. I am watching, listening and I will challenge. So many folks will not say nothing but I be damn if I am going to change my morals for no one when it comes to politics. I say what I mean, mean what I say and if I should say something that is not correct I will get it right. I don’t know it all but that which I do, ain’t no need to get mad with me because I am damn good at what I do.

If you notice I support candidates and I don’t work campaigns unless I am invited to and I choose to. At the moment I am not working on anybody campaign but am I supportive of some campaigns, hell yeah! I know I can provide some valuable input. I ain’t saying that I can make them win either so don’t get it twisted. I know I am effective too because I have had conversation with those whom I don’t support so obviously they think I make a little difference during the election season.

After the May Primary on tomorrow, will you in Edgecombe County who wants to be politically active and have made comments about tomorrow’s election and possibly working on someone’s campaign be willing to come together as a group to be educated and be willing to educate others so that we can put together a political machine like some other counties. In Durham they have a group called the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People and they interview candidates as well as I spoke of the Eastern Civic League.

I can’t hear you!

What to know before you vote: NC has new rules Read – News & Observer

The final tally is in: More people cast early ballots for Tuesday’s primary than they did in the last mid-term elections, in 2010.

The count, released Sunday by the state Board of Elections, shows 268,298 early votes. Most of that – 258,780 – was one-stop voting. The 2010 total was 172,972.

There were fewer days to vote early this year, because of a new law. But that obviously didn’t slow things down.

The party breakdown shows Democrats voted in higher numbers than the statewide percentage of people registered in that party: 47.8 percent of the early ballots cast were by registered Democrats; 42 percent of the registered voters are Democrats. (Source: Read more)

Vote Today! Early Voting Until May 3, 2014

The Political Agitator Endorses The Following Candidates 

Early Voting Began Yesterday – Did You Know? Did You Vote? Are You Going To Early Vote? Or Will You Vote On Election Day May 6, 2014?

Breaking News – NC House 23 Candidates Will All Be On WNCR TV For A Debate Tuesday April 29, 2014

Bronson Williams, Taro Knight, Shelly Willingham and Rusty Holderness will be on WNCR-TV Tuesday April 29, 2014 9:00 PM for a debate. Darla Slipke County, Political reporter for The Rocky Mount Telegram will be the moderator.

I am trying to figure out where the questions will come from since there will not be an audience present to submit questions before the show begin.

Well I can’t wait to see this debate because I am very much concerned who will be elected.

Note: Bronson Williams announced this on WCPS Radio during an interview on this morning.

Farmer-Butterfield outlines top priorities – Wilson Times

The Political Agitator response: This is a good article and I support the content.

North Carolina teachers aren’t paid what they’re worth, state Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield says, and as a former educator herself, she ought to know.

The six-term Democratic lawmaker left her job as a sixth-grade teacher at Chapel Hill’s Glenwood Elementary School to work in state government in the early 1970s. She said teachers are often forced to choose between their passion for the career and higher-paying jobs outside public education.

"They need to be paid on a competitive level,” Farmer-Butterfield said. "It is important that good teachers do not flee to other states nearby or flee to other jobs. I was surprised that the pay was hard to live on. I thought that teachers deserved more respect and that their input should matter.”

North Carolina ranks 46th in teacher pay nationwide, and Farmer-Butterfield said high teacher turnover affects students, parents and entire communities. With seasoned educators leaving the classroom or moving out-of-state, more students could fall behind. (Source: Read more)

See related:

Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield

An Open Letter to Bronson Williams Why You Say You Are Running

First of all I want to say I ain’t mad with you. This is what I do. I am The Political Agitator and my desire is to make sure the process is fair and that the truth be made known. I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest! I have no control over how you will receive this. I am not like so many, that talk about others behind their back and will not say it to others publicly and/or print it.

I know you and I know the other black candidates quite well. I know the white candidate to a degree but not in depth. I know folks who do know him.

I told you some of the following the night before you filed. (See my first letter to you at the end of this article) I told you that I had a problem with you thinking you could come into the Democratic Party and start at the top. I said Councilman Lamont Wiggins is running for Judge and if he wins you could run for his seat. since you live in his district. I said so many others such as Rep. Angela Bryant, Congressman G.K. Butterfield and countless others started on the local level.

TV TIME – Will you give your opponents the same amount of time that you took on tonight? If not, that ain’t right! Yep they can be charged but the same price that you paid and has been paying every night that you have used the show for campaigning.

Experience – Your take on experience, I totally disagree. Are you talking about your Democratic opponents? You talk about experience not needed but you talk about all that is wrong with North Carolina but I am confused because you don’t have a Republican opponent so therefore you have to be talking about your Democratic opponents.

Do you know it sounds like you are saying that our Democrats already in office are not fighting for our teachers and other things that Democrats stand for that is good for all people, all races, all ages, all parties and whatever.

Lottery – My daughter received money from the lottery when she went to college so not only do the local schools get some benefit but those going to college does also. Nope was not set up to fail, they moved the money around to help balance the budget so they say if I am correct. Have you talked to schools about how much money they have received because obviously you have not. I have been in school board meetings.

Jobs – Opportunity for businesses to move into existing buildings. So are you saying you are going to create jobs? Not! Well not on that level. I am proud of you being an entrepreneur with your daycares and in radio when you used to have The Promise in Rocky Mount NC.

Light bills – So are you saying the Democrats already in office have not done all they could do to attempt to deal with the light bill issue. You say they need to give subsides to folks to go in and fix up houses. There is a thing called CDBG that comes into towns every so often if I am correct and houses have been remolded in cities and the homeowner didn’t pay a dime. N.E.E.D. Inc. used to have a program that did such also if the homeowners qualified. I used to be the vice chair of N.E.E.D. Inc. in the 90’s.

Experience – I have said you have not been active in politics and it is a difference between when you have not been attending the Democratic Party meetings and many other governmental and community meetings in the unless you came to video. Why do you feel that you can come into the Democratic Party and think the active folks in the party ought to choose you over folks who have been active for years. Oh no!

That mess about interviewing an elected official means nothing when running for an office.

Name recognition? It makes a difference when trying to get elected because if you don’t have strong political machine so how does that candidate think he is going to get votes when they don’t know him/her.

Criminal records – It depends on what kind of crime they committed. If they have a charge that is gun related and other serious crimes, then they can be a liability to an employer. There are programs out there that works with criminal offenders coming out of the criminal system. Our fine Clerk of Edgecombe County has a program for criminal offenders trying to get employment. So we have got to understand the some times life choices will follow us to our grave.

Elected Officials already in one office – You say don’t vote for those who want to move from one office to another. Now that is too ignant because just like on a job some folks want to move up to higher places or just want to do something different. Again I feel you are insulting some Democrats who are already in office. I mentioned Rep. Angela Bryant, Congressman G.K. Butterfield and countless others have moved from one office to another.

You say no politics with you, well that is a problem my friend because this is politics whether you want it to be or not.

You say you are running as a Democrat but you are representing Republicans, Libertarians, Unaffiliated and others. Wrong answer. You are representing them if they allow you to and if they believe in what you believe in which should be the Democratic platform.

You act as if you are running against a Republican because all of the issues, I repeat all of the issues you have spoke about the Republicans are responsible for all of that. What does that have to do with your Democratic opponents?

I strongly believe you are using your radio and now your tv show as an opportunity to get elected. I wonder would you be running if you didn’t have all of this media access.

This office does not pay enough for a person to live on this income alone so I didn’t get your point of some see it as a money maker.

Again I ask are you going to give your opponents the same amount of time on this show like you spent on tonight?

I am Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator and I am damn good at it. I have been actively engaged in the Edgecombe County Democratic Party since the late 80’s and I have a serious problem when folks think they can just walk off the street and then want the Democratic Party to support them over others who have been active over the years.

See related:

Voting For A Candidate I Look At These Things

Edgecombe County – Open Letter to Bronson Williams Candidate For District 3 House Seat And The Voters In The District – March 4, 2014


The Political Agitator Endorses The Following Candidates

Click on candidate to learn more about the candidate

I am voting for these candidates

Sheriff Edgecombe County – James L. Knight

Senate District 3 – Clark Jenkins

NC House District 23 – Taro Knight

US Senate – Kay Hagans

US Congress District 13 – Ron Sanyal

NC Supreme Court Associate Justice – Robin Hudson

Those I can not vote for

Sheriff Wilson County – Calvin Woodard

NC House 24 – Jean Farmer-Butterfield

Senate District 5 – Don Davis

Sheriff Nash County – Stanley Griffin

Commissioner – Mary Wells

See related:

Voting For A Candidate I Look At These Things

US Rep. Butterfield’s military service challenged, verified – News & Observer

The Political Agitator response: Damn Dan Whittacre is at it again. Too ignant! And to think about this ignant ass was in Tarboro at the candidates forum on Tuesday is just sickening.

WASHINGTON — A Democratic primary challenger to U.S. Rep. G.K. Butterfield of Wilson this week accused him of lying about his military record and refused to drop the matter Thursday after official records confirmed the congressman’s service.

imageDan Whittacre of Henderson said he filed a request for Butterfield’s record with the National Personnel Records Center near St. Louis. The center wrote back in a letter Whittacre received last Saturday that the documents could not be found. (Source: Read more)

See related:

Video/Photos: Candidates Forum Sponsored By Edgecombe County Human Relations Commission – See Who Showed Up And What They Had To Say

Voting For A Candidate I Look At These Things

I look at the make up of the district such as if it is a black majority district. I will vote for a black person especially at the beginning of the new district to put a black person in that seat. If that black person does not do a good job, I would hope that a better black person would run the next time. After 2 terms if it is a 2 year term and I don’t feel good about the black candidate then I may support a white candidate if I feel they will better represent me.

I look at the person on a personal note what I know about them.

I look at if I am a personal friend of a candidate and if that person and I can’t agree to disagree while that person is not seeking an office, then I would have a hard time supporting them to represent me.

I look at name recognition because if the person is not known and the other candidate is that could be a problem. If that unknown candidate put together a powerful political machine and will be able to get the majority of the communities made aware of who they are, then I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

I look at if a person has participated on the precinct level, participated on the county level and meetings around the county. It makes a difference because I know the active Democrats know something about them. Also if this candidate is actively engaged on these levels then they should know what the issues are.

I look at others whom I know who are actively engaged in politics and taking in consideration who they are voting for after consulting with them.

I look at how I think others will vote because I value my vote. I want to win. However if I want to just make a statement, then I may take a risk of going with someone whom I feel may should not be the right one. I do that is very rarely. I look at the odds and I will have to go with where my heart lead me.

I always post something on my blog about election time is coming up so if you are thinking about running for an office you need to contact The DCN however that is a candidates choice.

I look at the timing of the candidate that is seeking an office, if I feel the timing is right or if I feel they do not have a 51% chance of winning. For me it is all about timing, if I know the candidate, if I know someone that knows the candidate, if the candidate has been actively engaged in politics, if I hear anyone talking about the candidate and especially if I hear from the candidate and not in the last hour.

Now what candidates must understand is that I will tell them straight up where I stand so they will have no doubt. I will choose to work with them, against them or stay neutral if I feel the need to do so according to how I feel about a particular race. This is something that most folks will not do, but will have candidates thinking they have their support when actually they do otherwise.

I tell folks all the time that a candidate can’t be everywhere all the time but a candidate must have a strong political machine when running a campaign so therefore I look at what kind of campaigning is going on in the communities in which they are running. So therefore if I don’t know anything about a candidate and no one is talking about the candidate in my community, then why should I vote for that candidate?

Experience Does Not Matter To Some Folks When They Are Running For Office, I Wonder Why? You Know!

Really? I beg the difference because if a person has experience versus a person who does not makes no sense.

It amazes me how some folks don’t think experience matters when they are in the number.

Why would someone hire somebody to work with children over someone who has experience. Now if noone that applies has experience that is one thing.

Now can a person learn to do a job, hell yeah, but for me unless I just wanted to vote for a family member or friend with no experience is one thing but I am so glad I am politically inclined to know what politics is all about and not from someone else’s opinion but from my EXPERIENCE!

However I will not debate anyone on the issue but I will stand by my opinion.

I was at the Candidates Forum last night and it was some crazy folks who wanted to be elected. One guy even talked about going back to 1886. SMDH!

See related:

This Guy Actually Said During The Candidates Forum Last Night He Wanted To Go Back To 1886

Bibbs: High electric rates a top priority – Wilson Times

High electric bills are hobbling eastern North Carolina’s economy, state House candidate Mark Bibbs says, keeping new industries out and forcing local businesses to close their doors.

A Wilson attorney challenging Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield in the Democratic primary for House District 24, Bibbs said disbanding the debt-laden public power agency serving Wilson and 31 other cities and towns would rank among his top priorities upon taking office.

"It’s ridiculous,” Bibbs said. "It’s stifling our economy from Wilson to Elizabeth City. That’s the No. 1 issue I hear from voters, and we’ve got to do something about these utility bills. When people have to choose between buying groceries or not having their lights cut off, it makes no sense.” (Source: Read more)

See related:

Mark Bibbs