Edgecombe County: BOE to select District 7 fill-in Monday – Daily Southerner

Response: Interesting Edmondson served on the board and Taylor bet him out. Taylor served on the Social Services Board and was on the board when Scott was fired but appealed to the state of NC and won her job back.

TARBORO — The Edgecombe County Board of Education is tasked with selecting a new member to represent District 7 at its 6:30 p.m. Monday business meeting in the boardrooms at 412 Pearl St.

District 7 includes G.W. Bulluck Elementary, West Edgecombe Middle and SouthWest Edgecombe High.

John W. Edmondson Jr. and Marva G. Scott have submitted letters of interest for the open board seat. Faye Taylor tendered her resignation as District 7 representative at the December meeting, but has continued to serve on the board in the interim. (Source: Read more)


TARBORO — The Edgecombe County Board of Education is tasked with selecting a new member to represent District 7 at its 6:30 p.m. Monday business meeting in the boardrooms at 412 Pearl St.

District 7 includes G.W. Bulluck Elementary, West Edgecombe Middle and SouthWest Edgecombe High.

John W. Edmondson Jr. and Marva G. Scott have submitted letters of interest for the open board seat. Faye Taylor tendered her resignation as District 7 representative at the December meeting, but has continued to serve on the board in the interim. – See more at: http://www.dailysoutherner.com/community/x1782776781/BOE-to-select-District-7-fill-in-Monday#sthash.sGVqn3Ql.dpuf

Ignant Column: Black Conservative Slams Black History Month – NewsOne

Response: Another IGNANT Ass Safe Negro! SMDH!

Wednesday, Roland Martin reported on Mychal Massie, a black conservative who penned a column on the evils of the Black History Month and called for its end.

Massie, writing for World Net Daily, described the commemorative month as “a 28-day vat of a factually flawed and at times fictional history of how bad the blacks had it in America.”

“Feb. 1 began the 28 day ‘ceremony to injustice’ that is nothing more than an aversion to modernity that encourages people to mire themselves in the past juxtaposed to embracing the present and the future,” Massie writes. ” (Source: Read more)

Edgecombe County: Gang problems throughout county – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — Three recent gang-related incidents in Edgecombe County are part of a growing  nuisance that law enforcement is combating. One incident involved a 15-year-old Rocky Mount teenager being gunned down by an alleged gang member. Another shooting involved an apartment complex being riddled with bullets in Princeville, while the third incident was a home invasion where a victim was allegedly pistol whipped in Tarboro.

"We are doing everything possible to combat the gang situation throughout the county," Sheriff James Knight said. "We are doing what we can to make citizens aware of the gangs in the area."
According to the National Gang Threat Assessment report, gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crimes in most jurisdictions and up to 90 percent in others. (Source: Read more)

Rocky Mount NC – Since They Have Met, So Now What?

You say, "Since the shooting last week, local pastors, parents, elected officials and others in the community have spoken out about the need to work together to find proactive ways to curb violence. We need to make sure we match those cries with action." Quote: Rocky Mount Telegram

I understand that some of the meetings were private and then later others were invited. So what is the real deal? It took the shooting after the 15 year old teen got killed so why didn’t they come together during that time or before and call a meeting. It was a group of folks (grassroots) who held a march but theses folks named didn’t do a thing. But now! Oh since the cameras are rolling.

I have heard that some folks especially white folks wanted to know why they didn’t see certain folks at a meeting and I have been told they were not invited. But these folks continue to criticize some folks especially one person but do not even know what is going on because they get part of the story from certain media and Facebook pages.