Commission looks to correct Princeville’s financial woes

The N.C. Local Government Commission has taken a number of steps to help assess and correct Princeville’s financial woes since impounding the town’s books and records last month.

Those steps have included working to develop a budget for the 2012-13 fiscal year, working to enforce the town’s utility cutoff policy and helping customers establish payment plans for past due balances, according to Heather Strickland, director of communications for the N.C. Department of State Treasurer. (More)

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Princeville NC – Sources Say LGC Held A Budget Meeting On Thursday August 31, 2012 And Approved A Budget For Princeville

Sources say LGC held a budget meeting and passed a budget for the town of Princeville. I understand the only thing that will increase will be trash pick up.

I understand that Interim Maggie Boyd turned the town car back in and has been driving her car to the office the past couple of days.

Daisy Staton said at the Monday night’s meeting that she would not be working for Princeville that she will be out with her daughter who will be undergoing medical treatment. However sources say that she is being forced out.

Sources say that LGC will be suspending all of the town hall employees except one person.

Sources also believe that this thing with the finances is getting ready to get real ugly.

Sources also says that something may be going on as it relates to one of the Commissioner’s personal business.

Well it appears the lies are beginning to catch up with the Princeville 3. Guess who they are? They are the ones who vote for everything that is voted on during the meetings.

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Princeville NC – So Where Is The Princeville 3? Wonder What Former Town Manager Victor Marrow Has To Say About The Things They Have Blamed Him For?

So where is the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod? They have been too quiet.

So I wonder who are the Princeville 3 going to blame the most recent findings by the LGC on? Damn Mayor Pro-tem Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Sherrod ought to be mad because it appears that Mayor Everette-Oates was not only getting her salary of $253 dollars monthly but getting to use a credit card without documenting the usage. 

The Princeville 3 have tried to blame their ignance on others and even continued to try to blame former Town Manager Sam Knight who have done his time for his criminal activity and moved away to another state. Damn the man has done his time and moved on but if you leave it up to these ignant clowns they will continue to try to put it on Knight.

But they still have another former Town Manager to blame. Victor Marrow was hired by the Princeville 3 and he later quit and 2 of the Princeville 3 Mayor Everette-Oates and Mayor Pro-tem Purvis-Andrews went to Marrow’s home and he came back to work. But after a short time back on the job Marrow was asked to sign a contract to basically do what they told him to do but he chose to walk away. They didn’t go to his house this time to try to get him to come back. They didn’t want him back because now they can blame him and he not be at the table to defend himself.

So now I have another question. I wonder what does Marrow think about the things that the Princeville 3 have blamed him for. They say he is the reason why some citizens have not paid their water bills. Okay so since Marrow was replaced by Interim Town Manager Maggie Boyd and the water bills continued to go unpaid, so I wonder do the Princeville 3 understand that “they” were in control of all of this mess until LGC shut them down? LGC put the brakes on them so I can’t wait to see what they come up with next?

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Princeville NC: LGC gives delinquent users 10 months to pay – Daily Southerner

Response: According to Julia Vail, deputy director of communication for LGC, as of Tuesday there were 104 customers were on the cut-off list. Some of the delinquent customer bills are reportedly as high as $3,792. Vail said the primary issue behind the delinquency is that customers were allowed to continue receiving services in spite of having not paid their bills. Damn the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod campaigned on the water bills so look at where they are now. This article shows exactly what has gone wrong while the Princeville 3 has tried to blame others for their mess. Finances water bills and 24 credit cards for 12 people and the Mayor has used the card and has no documentation. So to all the folks who talk about Princeville need to voluntarily ask Tarboro to take over them oh hell no. The folks of Princeville who are in good standing need to ask that those who created this mess the Princeville 3 to resign effective immediately and the folks who are behind in their water bills to pay up and this would be an easy fix. Damn the Princeville 3 keep talking about Sam Knight criminal activity but if I remember correctly the things he done do not equate to the $1000’s of dollars that Princeville is in the red at this particular time. Again I say the Princeville 3 has intentionally put Princeville in the red because Commissioner Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight along with some others have questioned their every move. Damn I remember so clearly how the Princeville 3 called T. Vance Holloman a liar during the July 30 meeting in Raleigh but we continue to see who are the liars.

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — In an effort to get the town’s finances in a more stable condition, the Local Government Commission (LGC) has implemented a plan to collect Princeville’s delinquent water and sewer bills.

LGC’s plan requires delinquent customers to establish a payment plan with the state agency no later than Monday, Sept. 10. If the delinquent customers abide by the plan, their debts will be cleared by June 30, 2013. The payment plan must be approved by LGC, which took over the town’s finances on July 30. (More)

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Just Look At What The Princeville 3 Mayor Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Purvis-Andrews, Commissioner Sherrod And The Town Attorney Have Done To Allow Ignant Folks Like Those On WHIG-TV And Some Others To Say What Needs To Take Place In Princeville

Tonight around midnight I watched the taped version of the morning show. I watched the show in anger looking at these 2 males 1 white and 1 black discussing Princeville making comments that were not based on facts. They were discussing the article in the Daily Southerner Princeville’s financial hole just gets deeper – Daily Southerner This Story Continues To Get Gooder And Gooder (LOL!) I couldn’t call in because it was a recorded show.

Damn does any of the hosts on the morning shows do their homework instead of just getting on the tv and talking about stuff as if they know what the hell they are talking about? I have never seen either of these 2 dudes from WHIG – TV attend a Princeville Town Hall Meeting. I have not seen WHIG – TV send someone to video the meetings for over a year now.

The 2 dudes on the morning show talked about Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates spending money on the credit card without any documentation to support why she used the card. The white dude joked about maybe she bought $6,000 worth of doughnuts for the meetings and he and the black dude thought that was funny. Well I don’t see any damn thing funny about it. I will wait to see what the findings are because if the Mayor do not tell I truly believe that LGC will take the necessary steps to get that information and it will become public information.

These 2 dudes talked about maybe the people of Princeville need to voluntarily ask Tarboro to take over them, that they will not lose their identity and etc. They gave an example of Battleboro being annexed by Rocky Mount. Well these ignant dudes need to understand that Battleboro do not hold the status that Princeville does being the Oldest Town Incorporated by Slaves.

These 2 dudes also had the audacity to make it appear that the Town of Princeville does not have enough citizens and the capabilities to handle their own financial affairs. Oh hell no Princeville have enough citizens and there are people capable of handling the town affairs. There are 2 Town Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight that have the best interest of the citizens and the town affairs in their hearts but they are not in the majority. The Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod voting members, Attorney Charles Watts Princeville Town Attorney, Maggie Boyd Interim Town Manager and some incompetent staff are the reasons why the town is in the shape that it is in.

The damn fools said the best local TV show in the world because they are on the internet. These dudes are too damn ignant.

I want these 2 ignant dudes to know that hell yeah I was angry as I watched them on WHIG – TV because I attend the Princeville Town Meetings and was in Raleigh NC when LGC took control of the financial affairs. I have all of the meetings that I have attended on video and they have been made available on my blog. I have been following Princeville for several years so therefore I have documentation on my blog dating back to when the Princeville 3 was elected back around 2009.

These damn fools said at the end of the show that they had talked about Princeville and gave them some ideas of what they need to do. Damn they are just as ignant as the Princeville 3 because nothing that they suggested on the show were based on the facts. They read one damn article and took the piece about Mayor Everette-Oates spending money on a credit card and that makes them the one to tell the citizens of Princeville what they need to do. Oh hell no ya’ll ain’t the one!

Yep, I talk about Princeville but I can do that because I am somewhat knowledgeable to the facts of what is going on in the town. However I take offense to ignant damn folks talking  and misleading the citizens and others about what is going on in Princeville and telling them what they need to do.

Damn I get tired of having to hold the Princeville 3 accountable and ignant folks like these 2 dude at WHIG – TV accountable for their actions. The Princeville 3 is ignant enough and don’t need any ignant friends. But I guess in some cases ignance breeds ignance. Well!

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Princeville NC – Othar Woodard I Agree “It Is Time To Decide!”

Sir I read your letter “It is time to decide” with mixed emotions because one of your options should not be considered an option at no point in time.

Well sir the old saying is 3 strikes and you are out.

Well sir this is strike 3 and it is time that the citizens of Princeville need to decide to get in the game. You see the citizens have not been in the game and have allowed Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight to fight the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod by themselves. The Princevile 3 have been allowed to strike out since they have been serving this term. They accomplished their mission and that was to come in a do something about the water bills and they did. Hell they allowed folks to go without keeping their bills current. They have spent money on trying to silence Commissioner Knight and paid attorney Chuck Watts to do nothing. At one time they even hired a 2nd lawyer to try to silence Commissioner Knight.

The sad part is the Princeville 3 really think they have done a good job of managing the town. Since the silent majority, the citizens of Princeville didn’t hold them accountable for their actions, they must took that as these citizens supported them. I have even heard them say a couple of times that they were doing what the people wanted them to do. Well I have only seen a couple of citizens who supported them and I put them in the same category as the Princeville 3.

Sir the only option that should be the desire of the citizens of Princeville is that they need to demand that the Princeville 3 resign effective immediately. It is clear that the Princeville 3 are solely responsible for the LGC taking control of the books, however they released a press release attempting to mislead the citizens that it was 7 others who are responsible. 

I don’t understand why the Princeville 3 ignants don’t understand that they are the 3 who have been voting together while Commissioners Howell and Knight have voted against nearly everything they have passed. The Princeville 3 are the reason why the cash balance is $38442.49 in the red. They are the reason why they have some incompetent staff but hell the Princeville 3 are incompetent so most of the time incompetent people can relate to incompetent people.

I don’t feel that waiting to the next election is an option however I understand that unless there are criminal charges brought against the Princeville 3 they can stay in office until the next election.

Sir oh hell no requesting that Princeville become a part of Tarboro is not an option. The citizens of Princeville and all black folks and other folks of good will should not be willing to allow that to happen.

Sir it is time for the citizens to decide that enough is enough and that the Princeville 3 resigns effective immediately. It is time for competent citizens to run for office.

Updated: Originally posted on August 8, 2012 19:19. Correction changed the word lightbill to water bill.

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Princeville NC

Princeville NC – LGC Findings July 31, 2012 Cash Balance And Town’s Credit Cards Are The Major Concerns

























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Princeville NC – Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Refused To Accept This Memorandum from LGC On July 30, 2012 During The Meeting In Raleigh

The following is the Memorandum from LGC that T. Vance Holloman was trying to give to Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and she refused to accept it. Mayor Everette-Oates said she was not accepting anything from Holloman because he was a liar. Well I guess at the end of the day we are going to learn who are the liars. Hint: The Princeville 3. See letter dated August 7, 2012.image






































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Princeville NC

"Princeville shows why local governments need cuts." Rocky Mount Telegram

In response to Mike Armstrong letter to editor "Princeville shows why local governments need cuts."

What the what?

Other towns are not being ran by incompetent folks like the 3 people in Princeville Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Commissioner Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod who have done nothing but shown how ignant they are during this term.

You say a teaching moment. Princeville has not taught us nothing however LGC is going to teach us about how ignant they are, however I should say those like you who do not attend the meetings and forming an opinion simply based on trying to prove a point because you have issues with Rocky Mount. Heck that makes you just as ignant as the Princeville 3 and on top of that you continue to attempt to mislead others who don’t know any better also. I am so glad I attend the meetings and was in Raleigh when LGC took control of the funds. I videoed the meeting in Raleigh and I have the video on my blog. I have some recent documented findings from LGG about the status of Princeville in my hand that I received on yesterday.

So sir please don’t attempt to paint a picture of Princeville without stating pure facts about what is really going on in Princeville. The people are being lead by enough ignance and do not need anymore fuel to add to the fire.

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Princeville NC – It’s time to decide by Othar Woodard

To the Editor:

Now that the Local Government Commission has taken control of the finances of the Town of Princeville, it seems like a good time for the citizens of the community to discuss, debate, and re-evaluate their future options for the governance of their town.

The options seem clear: (1) continue along the path of electing (some) commissioners and (some) mayors who appear unqualified and lacking the necessary character and integrity to govern the town; (2) find new leaders with the right qualities to lead the town to fiscal responsibility and quality and fair services for all of its citizens; or (3) request to become a part of Tarboro and voluntarily give up the town’s charter. (More)

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Princeville Who Is The Blame? They Told You Who They Blame So Now I Am Going To Tell You Who I Blame! But Who Am I? Part 1

imageI have been following Princeville politics for many, many years. I have attended numerous meetings at the Town Hall. I know nearly all of the commissioners past and present since the time I have been attending the meetings beginning in the early 90’s.

During the election in 2009 when Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and Commissioners Isabelle Purvis-Andrews Mayor Pro-tem were re-elected after losing to former Mayor Delia Perkins and Commissioner Ann Adams during the previous election. Calvin Sherrod was elected after losing to Carolyn Sharpe during the previous election. Sherrod lost at that time due to a tie but Sharpe won the coin flip.

See some of my post since the election in 2009. Click on all the links in blue to read entire articles and you will see what Mayor Everette-Oates said she, Mayor Pro-tem Purvis-Andrews and Sherrod were going to do. But what they didn’t tell you was they were going to show you how to bankrupt the town. I added some of my comments from these post in red and the comments in black are from the Daily Southerner.

Follow me as I report what has gone on since the election of 2009 up until January 5, 2012. Part 2 will cover from January 19, 2012 – the most recent date.

Princeville NC Has A New Mayor And Two New Commissioners November 3, 2009 when I said, “I feel that Princeville is going to be set back simply because of the new administration. I strongly feel that the town suffered under the leadership of Everette-Oates previous administration which included Purvis-Andrews. Sherrod has been a strong supporter of them so therefore more than likely Sherrod and Purvis-Andrews will vote together. I feel the other two remaining commissioners Ann Howell Brown and Gwendolyn Knight will vote together so what does that leave? Everette-Oates will get to break the tie. Go figure. LMBAO!!

In four years we will see if Princeville will survive after Hurricane Floyd Flood in 1999 and the commission that was voted in shortly after.”

Princeville Audit Report Should Have Been Presented Before The Election, But Would The People Have Done The Right Thing? November 24, 2009

Princeville mayor ‘fires’ town attorney Flanagan – Source The Tarboro Daily Southerner January 20, 2010 Priscilla Everette-Oates’ first action as mayor of Princeville was to fire Town Attorney Anthony Flanagan. Everette-Oates gave Flanagan a letter saying she was terminating his contract the same night she was sworn in last month.

Group seeks to remove mayor (Princeville) – Source: The Daily Southerner June 18, 2010 "Mayor Oates has acted in a manner tending to stifle free speech and open government in Princeville," the letter said. "In violation (of these rules) Mayor Oates has repeated threats to remove minority commissioners without giving time for commissioers to discuss how the town is governed." 

Princeville Mayor Oates speaks out. Letter to editor – Source: The Daily Southerner June 23, 2010 My administration, with the  people of Princeville – the true Queens & Kings of our town, will seek to make the  changes needed to correct the errors of the past.   First, Mayor Pro Tem Isabelle Andrews, Commissioner Calvin Sherrod and I are  committed to reducing the town’s expense levels. The citizens can be sure that we will not continue to pay the salary of a town manager who has been indicted on charges of misusing public money as the last administration did. Second, we are committed to addressing not only the town’s problems but those of the people of Princeville, too. We will address the ever increasing water and sewer charges that increased so significantly during the last administration. We have put a policy in place to help citizens with emergency situations regarding their water bill. 

imagePrinceville Town Board – When Will It End? July 7, 2010 It is a damn shame the people in Princeville will have to deal with this for the next 4 years. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher
Attorney: ‘Primary residence irrelevant’ – Mayor buys new home in Wilson
Mention of Uncle Sam set Gwen Knight off 
Another Princeville meeting, another commissioner kicked out 

Princeville terminates officer – Source: The Daily Southerner July 20, 2010 Note: Obviously there is a problem within the police department. It appears it has been long going and something needed to had been done about it.

Attorney General rejects group’s claims (Princeville NC) – Source: The Daily Southerner July 22, 2010 Note: I wonder why the former Mayor Perkins is the spokesperson for the group. We all know that the former Mayor and the current Mayor have been going at it since the current Mayor defeated the former Mayor after the flood of the century. And then during the following election the former Mayor Perkins was re-elected and then during the most recent election the current Mayor Everette-Oates was re-elected. It is my opinion that there comes a time when one is a member of an organization, group and etc. they should not be the one out front because the cause can get caught up in the people and not the real issue although they mean well. Well I decided to stop attending the commission monthly meeting because obviously the people of Princeville like the drama. If they do not then maybe they will show us by electing someone other than the current and the former Mayors during the next election. I do believe that Mayor Perkins would be the better of the 2, however I feel it would be best for both to work from the rear and not from the top. If there is a new tie-breaker at the table then just maybe the commissioners will eventually come together if they are re-elected. Prime example “Former Mayor disputes Mayor Oats claim” of why there needs to be a new Mayor other than the former and current Mayor until things are in better shape.

Princeville mayor fires housing board – Source: The Daily Southerner July 29, 2010 Note: Again it is all the mayors. This is not going away until no previous mayors are elected to serve the people of Princeville. It is time for someone else to become mayor so that the focus will not be on or about the current and the former mayor. It is sad that it appears it is only about undoing what the previous mayors has done. However if the undoing is a good thing then I have no problem with it but if it is undoing just to be undoing that is not good.

New policy would punish unruly commissioners – Source: The Daily Southerner August 17, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — A new policy dishes out harsh consequences for commissioners who do not attend monthly meetings or are asked to leave. During a special called, closed session meeting Thursday night, the Princeville Board of Commissioners discussed then voted on a policy that outlines how to handle commissioners who disrupt or do not attend meetings. Note: I sure hope a board member will be professional when trying to ask questions. It is going to be interesting to see how the chair of the board move forward with saying what is out of order and what is valid?

Princeville commissioner suspended – Source: The Daily Southerner September 30, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — Following Monday night’s meeting, Ward 1 in Princeville is without representation for three months. Note: Here we go again. It is my opinion that Princeville need some new officers because it appears that these officers will never get along. 

Princeville NC: Can mayor suspend commissioner? – Source: Daily Southerner October 6, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — The fate of Princeville Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight is still being debated. Knight left the Sept. 27 Board of Commissioners meeting under the impression that she had been suspended for three months because of her disruptive behavior. Note: It appears that the Mayor is not following their own policies and procedures. I hate it when that happens.

imagePrinceville NC: ‘Call a truce, sit down and do the peoples work’ – Source: The Daily Southerner October 16, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — There was one thing that really made sense in the article about the so-called suspension of Princeville Commissioner Gwen Knight. It was her apology to the residents of Ward 1.  Although long overdue, it was most welcomed. Note: I totally agree with my friend on this one. He said some things that I was thinking but since working 7 days a week I had forgot to go back to the article of the meeting and respond. However I wanted to see some people of Princeville respond to the ignance that is being displayed over there and being influenced by the ignant lawyer Charles Watts that is representing the town. The residents of Princeville all ought to be asking for this joker resignation. Who in the hell do he think he is speaking so proudly about the character of Gwen Knight when it is all irrelevant. Obviously she met the criteria to run for office so if she has a past obviously it is not legally binding. So lawyer Watts, do you not represent all of the commissioners or do you just represent a select few? I have never heard of a lawyer that is hired by an individual or a group of folks such as the commissioners whereby he or she will make such comments about those whom he represent. Oh I know what the problem is, lawyer Watts you were hired by the mayor so that is where your loyalty is. Well I don’t think so.  I used to attend the meetings faithfully over the years but why should I waste my time when I can not speak at the meetings. The citizens of Princeville need to hold all the commissioners accountable for their actions and not allow this ignant lawyer and the mayor to continue to do ignant mess. I wish the mayor would just follow the law and carry out the meetings on a professional note and although I do not think she is the one, I respect that the people spoke and voted her in. But I knew it was going to be much drama once she took the seat.

Butterfield will help P’ville get water plant–Source: Daily Southerner October 26, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — Water concerns were briefly mentioned during the Princeville Board of Commissioners meeting Monday night but the backing of a congressman was assured on several projects. Note: Princeville should not be lacking when it comes to infrastructure and other town necessities since they are the oldest black incorporated town. But because of all of the ignance that take place the town needs are delayed. I trust that one day they will get where they need to be but until the commissioners in office at any given time begin to focus on what is in the best interest of the town it will take a long time. I trust that my Congressman will follow through and this and other projects but the people have a role to play.

Watts apologizes to Knight (Princeville NC) – Source: Daily Southerner October 26, 2010 Note: Well I be damn Watts strikes again. Now he is trying to blame the reporter for his ignant comments. What in the hell are you talking about sir when you say, “The author of the piece, Jamica Ashley, unfortunately published these comments out of context. They occurred during a heated e-mail exchange between us and was not offered for publication.” Out of context:? Not offered for publication? What? And you are an attorney and you should know that comments made publicly are not off the record and even those when you speak to a reporter off the record is not be truly off the record. Sir an apology is in order however if I was Commissioner Knight I would be asking for you to resign from your post because you being an attorney in my opinion overstepped your bounds. Actually Commissioner Knight is your boss. You disrespected her with your comments during the last meeting. Mr. Watts I question this paper and other papers motives from time to time however all that you mention sounds good and is somewhat valid in my opinion but it does not justify your ignance when you attacked the character of Commissioner Knight. It appears you did some of the same things that you accuse the papers of. But you should be neutral as it relates to a commissioner’s persona vs the town’s business. So therefore sir your ignance overrides you apology. After reading you entire letter it pissed me the hell off as you didn’t stop with apologizing to your boss and explaining how you overstepped your bounds in my opinion.

imageSpokesman: Princeville Commissioner Knight was never suspended–Source: Daily Southerner November 5, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — It has been previously reported in The Daily Southerner that Princeville Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight may have been subject to suspension for repeated recent outbusts at Princeville Board of Town Commissioner Meetings, some of which resulted with her removal from that particular meeting. No suspension occurred, nor was one ever considered.

Princeville commissioner files complaint–Source: Daily Southerner November 10, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — Princeville Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight did not receive her stipend for October and has filed a formal complaint for money she believes is owed to her. The complaint for money owed was filed on Oct. 29 for $150, the amount Princeville commissioners are paid monthly as a stipend for their services to the town.

Magistrate will rule on Princeville–Source: The Daily Southerner November 22, 2010 TARBORO — Princeville Commissioner Gwen Knight appeared before an Edgecombe County Magistrate Friday to argue her claim against the town manager and the mayor for withholding her monthly stipend. Note: Maybe this ruling will bring some closure to the drama in Princeville.

Judge Rule In Favor Of Princeville Commissioner Gwen Knight But Princeville Don’t Get It November 25, 2010 The judge has ruled against Princeville again but they just don’t get it. The citizens of Princeville ought to be outraged. The citizens should be going to the meetings demanded that there will be no future meetings until they pay Commissioner Gwen Knight and that they begin to work for the best interest of the citizens of Princeville. On today Turkey Day, I called Commissioner Knight to tell her I was happy for her because it was Thanksgiving and I knew she could use the money. But after talking to her briefly this Thanksgiving morning I learned the Turkeys in Princeville appealed the Judge’s decision. While talking to Knight she shared with me that the current Mayor had called some previous Mayors asking them to meet with Commissioner Knight to ask her to come to a commissioner’s meeting and apologize to her and then to drop her lawsuit. Well ain’t that some bull manure? Why in the world would Commissioner stoop to the current Mayor’s level because that would had given the Mayor all the ammunition she needed to carry out her illegal actions by withholding Knight’s money. I feel strongly that Commissioner Knight will win the appeal because it appears from the research I have done that the law states that Princeville can’t hold her money legally because there is nothing in the books to justify such. After Commissioner Knight win the appeal, I smell lawsuit. Linda Worsley former Commissioner/Museum Manager Worsley was a commissioner several years ago. After losing her seat later she was hired to manage the new museum in Princeville. She was fired from Princeville accused of stealing from the museum. Princeville took her to court and the Judge ruled in her favor and Princeville appealed and Worsley won the appeal also. I smell lawsuit. The manager’s position was given to Maggie Boyd a former Princeville Commissioner. I can’t wait to see the article that will be in the Tarboro Daily Southerner on Friday.

imagePrinceville NC – Now This Is A Prime Example Of Black Folks Not Holding Each Other Accountable November 25, 2010 It is a damn shame that the good people of Princeville are allowing Mayor Priscilla Everett-Oates and the Town Attorney Chuck Watts to make them look like a bunch of ignorant people. When are you going to go to the meetings and demand justice because you sure are not receiving justice as it relates to the town business. It is a damn shame that a commissioner and a former commissioner have had to take the town to court and the 2 of them have won both their cases however the last case has been appealed by the town. I strongly feel that the town will lose this appeal. I don’t totally fault the current mayor for all the bull manure that she is doing because no one is speaking up nor out. It makes it look as if Commissioner Gwen Knight is an animal in so many words as the mayor and the attorney have made it appear. How in the hell do the good citizens of Princeville allow Knight to be singled out when she is only asking questions about the town business where the money going and etc. So what is the damn problem the citizens do not care about the business of the town? Don’t you want to know where the money is going? So when are black folks going to hold the mayor accountable for her ignorant actions? Folks ought to question how can she hold up paying Knight when the law is clear that she can not do such. You see people Knight is doing what she is suppose to be doing whether you like it or not. It is time that the people of Princeville say enough is enough and demand at the next meeting that either they get it right or they will seek a recall to remove them. It is time to put aside friendships, family and etc. because this is business and not a social gathering. You see this bull manure is beginning to become criminal because it appears that the current mayor has no respect for the law and nor does the ignorant attorney. So today, Turkey Day, I challenge the good people of Princeville to demand justice so that Princeville can become what it ought to be. It pisses me the hell off to say how beautiful the town is becoming with the new infrastructure beginning from the bridge coming out of Tarboro NC. How in the hell can the citizens say they are proud when they are continuously in the news for unnecessary bull manure that is hindering the town. Well I don’t live in Princeville but I am going to follow them closely to see how it all unfold. You the citizens of Princeville are all accountable for whatever the outcome will be. What we have here is a prime example of black folks not holding each other accountable and until we do the bull manure in our communities will continue. Look at the example we are setting for our children of the future. We are showing them we don’t stand for what is right but then we expect more out of our children. Well not only are the citizens of Princeville failing the town they are failing their children as well.

Magistrate rules in favor of Knight–Source: Daily Southerner November 26, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — Even though an Edgecombe County magistrate ruled in favor of the Princevile commissioner who filed a complaint the town for withholding her stipend for two months, the town has already began the appeal process.

imageBreaking News: Princeville NC – Town Manager Victor Marrow Has Resigned Effective Today (Hell Yeah I Said It, Now What?) November 29, 2010 Princeville Town manager Victor Marrow has resigned effective today Monday, November 29, 2010. Sources say he has had enough of the ongoing disputes working with Mayor Priscilla Everett-Oates, Commissioner Calvin Sherrod and Commissioner Isabelle Purvis-Andrews. I understand that a series of incidents happened over the weekend in Princeville related to the mayor. Sources also question why the mayor requested she and the commissioners met in Greenville with the auditors instead of allowing the auditors to come to Princeville. I understand there is atleast one person on the payroll illegally among other things. Sources say the town clerk had cut a check to pay Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight for checks that have been withheld after the magistrate ordered that Knight be paid on Wednesday, November 24, 2010. I commend Commissioner Knight for asking all the right questions at the town meetings about the business of the town. Commissioner Ann Howell has done the same and when she was silenced by the mayor then she attempted to silence Knight by holding her check. Obviously Howell and Knight don’t get it that this is Priscilla-ville and not Princeville so they can’t talk. The mayor removed the commissioner’s comments from the agenda so she is the only one who can run the show. Well damn Mayor Everett-Oates is one of the few mayors who gets to vote nearly every meeting because you can count on Commissioners Sherrod and Purvis-Andrews voting against anything Commissioners Howell and Knight votes for. Now this is what I am talking about, the manager Victor Marrow has taken a stand and we must take a stand when we see things are not going right. I was beginning to question how can this brother who is a minister continue to go along with the mayor’s mess. But then I also question how does the mayor continue to do her mess and she is a minister? Oh well. Again I call on the citizens of Princeville to take a stand and demand justice. It is past-time that the citizens need to go to the meetings and ask the mayor and her cronies along with the ignant attorney Chuck Watts to resign also. Enough is enough. Hell yeah I said it, now what?

Princeville NC: So What Is It Going To Take To Really Get Princeville Headed In The Right Direction? (Hell Yeah I Said It, Now What?) November 29, 2010 It is sad but the only thing that is going to save Princeville is some criminal charges will have to take place. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that there are some criminal activities going on within the town governmental agency. The citizens need to understand that although some of them may be family, friends and/or whatever to some of the commissioners that as long a they remain silent they are going to continue to suffer and not receive all the real benefits that they should be receiving from their governmental agency. I challenge the citizens to contact the mayor and request an emergency meeting now to share what business has taken place such as signing of documents and etc. since this board has been in office. I don’t know what bothers me the most, the criminal activity that is being done or the silence of the citizens. You see it should not be Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight who the mayor is trying to silence but the citizens ought to be outraged. The citizens should be at every meeting raising hell. Oh well who am I? I am a concerned Edgecombe County Citizen and Princeville NC just happens to be in Edgecombe County. Hell yeah I said it, now what?

Breaking News: Princeville Town Manager Back On The Job After Home Visit By Mayor Everett-Oates And Commissioner Purvis-Andrews (Hell Yeah I Said It, Now What?) November 2010 Sources say the Princeville Town Manager Victor Marrow has decided to stay on his post after a home visit from Mayor Priscilla Everett-Oates and Commissioner Isabelle Purvis-Andrews. So what in the world happened? Like I stated earlier nothing is going to change until the citizens of Princeville demand justice. But will they hold their town commissioners accountable for their actions. Time will tell. Stay tuned for more information coming soon.

New Princeville Police Chief Petway–Source: Daily Southerner December 24, 2010 PRINCEVILLE — The new chief of police is bringing years of experience and a common sense approach to the post. Joey Petway is the new police chief for Princeville and with a little more than a week on the job he is ready to start planning for the future of safety for the town.

Princeville NC: Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates And Her 2 Favorite Commissioners Gave Out Christmas Bonuses To Themselves And Others December 24, 2010 Sources say Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and her 2 favorite commissioners Calvin Sherrod and Isabelle Purvis-Andrews gave out Christmas bonuses to themselves and others but Commissioner Gwen Knight still has not gotten paid for serving on the town council. I understand that on Monday December 20 Mayor Everette-Oates asked for the case to be continued to February. I understand that Mayor Everette-Oates received $300.00, commissioners $150.00, the new police chief $100.00, former chief who was stripped of his position received $60.00 and other staff received $100.00 down to $50.00. So when will the people of Princeville say enough is enough? It appears never because the saga continues.

Princeville approves Corrective Action Plan-Source: The Daily Southerner January 12, 2011 PRINCEVILLE — The Princeville Board of Commissioners voted 2-1 during a special called meeting Monday night to approve a Corrective Action Plan for the town’s audit report that it received in November. The plan will be sent back to the Local Government Commission Wednesday for its approval. Commissioners Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Calvin Sherrod voted for the measure while Commissioner Ann Howell voted against it. Commissioner Gwen Knight didn’t attend the meeting. Note: The drama continues. Nothing will change until somebody goes to jail over there. It looks like criminal activity going on to me within the board of commissioners.

Princeville case continued until next month – Source: The Daily Southerner February 23, 2011 PRINCEVILLE — The spat over a withheld stipend between the Town of Princeville and Commissioner Gwen Knight will continue on for at least another month. Knight filed a lawsuit against the town in September for taking three months of her stipend, $150 per month. The case was on the District Court calendar Monday, but it was not heard due to “a matter peremptorily set in front of us that took most of the day,” said Princeville Town Attorney Charles Watts of Durham.

Princeville NC – Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight Monies Still Tied Up By Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates March 22, 2011 Commissioner Knight was in court today hoping to receive monies due to her for serving as a Princeville Town Commissioner but her day in court was delayed until Friday. There was a lack of communication and all who were involved was not notified to be in court today. The mayor is going through all of this over $450.00. But she has bigger issues she needs to be concentrating on that we will see and hear more about later. Hint: Understand the mayor was suppose to pay back hundreds of thousands of dollars today that is connected to her personal business. We will see how that unfolds.

Hell Yeah I Said It, Now What? Breaking News: Princeville NC – Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight Wins Case Against Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Not One Time But Twice. Now The People Of Princeville Need To Ask That The Mayor, Calvin Sherrod, Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and The Town Attorney Charles Watts Resign Effectively Monday March 28. March 25, 2011 The Judge has spoken. Mayor Priscilla Everette Oates can you hear the judge saying do you hear me now? The Princeville Town Commissioners had no lawful authority to suspend a commissioners pay or stipend for violating a board policy therefore the board had no lawful authority to suspend pay or stipend therefore the board did not follow their own policy. The Judge ordered the Mayor to pay $450 plus interest and the cost of court. I say the judge should have made her pay more. Remember when Mayor Everette-Oates stated that former town manager Sam Knight should have stepped down immediately after being indicted? Well Mayor Everette-Oates it is past time that you and your flunkies Commissioners Sherrod, Purvis-Andrews and the town attorney need to resign effective today Monday March 28 during the Princeville monthly town hall meeting. Sources say that the Mayor business is shot to hell and that the husband was seen going into the county building and it is believe he turned in some license tags to one of the several vehicles.

Breaking News: Princeville NC – Gary Foxx Has Been Fired From The Princeville PD March 30, 2011 Sources say Gary Foxx has been fired from the Princeville Police Department. There has been an ongoing saga between Foxx and Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates for quite some time now. The Mayor demoted Foxx from Chief to Sargent and to fired. So how many more people affiliated with Princeville Town Government are on the Mayor’s hit list? Note: New sources say Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates had no choice but to fire Foxx so that is good to know. I am glad it is not a personal vendetta. Sources say this thing with Foxx is really ugly. Sources say atleast one former Princeville officer may be involved also. Stay tuned as information is being gathered.

Hell Yeah I Said It, Now What? Princeville NC – Gary Foxx Fired So When Are The Citizens Of Princeville Going To Question The Motives Of Their Mayor? March 31, 2011 I posted the following post on yesterday titled, “Breaking News: Princeville NC – Gary Foxx Has Been Fired From The Princeville PD.” Sources say Foxx didn’t really do anything to get fired and that the matter could have been resolved more professionally. But you see this is what happens when you are on the Mayor’s hit list. Again I question when in the hell are the citizens of Princeville going to demand the Mayor and her puppets respond to the real issues. You see Commissioners Gwendolyn Knight and Ann Howell can’t get questions answered and they are on the town council so therefore it is obvious Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and puppets have something to hide. But then again the puppets may just be afraid to take the heat from the Mayor so they just go along to get along. Sad!! The citizens of Princeville I dare you to do your homework by looking at the history of the Mayor, the present Town Manager and the present Chief of Police to see what you find. I think you will find this history to be quite interesting and it just may lead you to the question of why Gary Foxx was demoted from Chief to Lieutenant to Sargent and now to fired. I could say more but damn it is past time the citizens of Princeville do their homework like I do and then to take action. It is a damn shame that the good people of Princeville are not saying anything and while they are silent they continue to allow certain folks to send Princeville to hell. Well citizens of Princeville you get what you ask for and then you also get what you don’t ask for. Start asking questions today so pick up your phones and contact Gary Foxx and Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates.

Princeville NC: Subject of Former police chief avoided at town meeting – Source: The Daily Southerner (But didn’t I tell you they would not talk about it) April 19, 2011 The Daily Southerner — PRINCEVILLE — Is he or isn’t he? Former Princeville Police Chief Gary Foxx’s name was never mentioned Monday night, but most everyone knew who Commissioner Gwen Knight was asking about. Note: I told you they were not going to talk about it because they know it was not justifiable. All I have to say is Foxx is a humble man because some other folks probably would not just let them have their way. But in due season it is going to come out and I believe it will be soon. So if Foxx is hired in law enforcement in another town what kind of message is that going to send to the people of Princeville? I hate I could not attend the meeting last night because I attended the Edgecombe County Public Schools Board of Education Meeting from 6:30 PM until 10:35 PM. I wonder why the Princeville meeting was moved from Monday, April 25, 2011 for because Good Friday is the Holiday and not Monday. I just don’t understand why the people of Princeville don’t march down to City Hall and ask those Safe Negroes who are holding Princeville right where it is to resign their post. Well maybe in January 2012 during the Dr. MLK Celebrations when the people March on that Monday from Tarboro to St. Luke Church Princeville they will keep straight to the City Hall instead of turning left going to the church. You see this is why I don’t march any longer because I want to march to a cause and not to a feel good speech and then eat some chicken. I have heard enough speeches and eaten enough chicken in my day. But I am gonna keep on eating my chicken but I be damn if I am going to march to nowhere to do nothing.

Ignant Column: Princeville NC – Do You Know Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Is Appealing The Outcome of Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight’s Case In Which She Has Already Won Twice? April 21, 2011 Yes she is appealing again. So how many more cases does the mayor need to lose before she get the message that she is a loser?

Princeville plans to appeal recent court ruling – Source: The Daily Southerner April 21, 2011 The Daily Southerner — The Town of Princeville is headed to the North Carolina Court of Appeals over $450. The town has appealed the March 25 judgment for Town Commissioner Gwen Knight by Edgecombe County District Court Judge Joseph J. Harper Jr. Knight had sued the town in an effort to recover her $450 stipend that had been withheld.

Princeville hires second attorney – Source: The Daily Southerner May 9, 2011 The Daily Southerner — PRINCEVILLE — An additional attorney was hired by Princeville in the next stage of its case against town Commissioner Gwen Knight. Note: I just don’t get it but why should I when the people of Princeville NC don’t give a damn. Too damn sad!!

Princeville Moves Money Around – Source: The Daily Southerner May 16, 2011 It was reported in the Friday May 13, 2011 print edition of The Daily Southerner that Princeville held a special call meeting Thursday afternoon whereby $30,000 was appropriated for professional services. As usual it was reported that Commissioners Calvin Sherrod and Isabelle Purvis-Andrews voted in favor while Commissioners Gwen Knight and Ann Howell voted against. This means Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates cast the tie-breaking vote. Oh well here we go again.

Princeville NC – Calvin Sherrod Bucks The Mayor For A Historical Moment Sources Say May 25, 2011 Calvin Sherrod Bucks The Mayor For A Historical Moment Sources Say. Sources say Sherrod wanted to make a motion to go into closed session during the Princeville Monthly Meeting on Monday, May 23, 2011. I understand that it was on the agenda to go into closed session if needed to. I was told Sherrod wanted to go into closed session but the mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates didn’t want to go into closed session. Sources say they think Sherrod wanted to go into closed session to talk about the hiring of another town attorney. I was told that Sherrod made the motion and Gwen Knight 2nd. Historical moment because I believe this is the first time they have voted together.

Princeville NC – Two Commissioners Chose Not To Take A Picture To Hang Up At The Princeville Town Hall To Save Money May 25, 2011 Commissioners Gwendolyn Knight and Ann Howell chose not to take a picture to hang up at the Princeville Town Hall because they felt the $300.00 per picture price tag was too expensive. I believe Princeville is headed in a whole new direction now that Commissioner Calvin Sherrod has taken a stand and has demanded that the town pay Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight her money. It appears that Sherrod has realized that since Mayor Priscillia Everette-Oates has hired a 2nd lawyer to handle the appeal of $450.00 plus interest due to Knight that all of this is just crazy as hell. It is more than likely the town will lose again because the rule that was put in place to try to silence Knight is not law. But even if the Mayor was to win it is a no win situation because of the amount of monies that has been paid and is expected to be paid in the future. It is so sad that Mayor Everette-Oates is so damn ignant. It is obvious that this whole thing is personal for her because she has no concern about how much money she is spending because of her ignance. It is past time for all the citizens of Princeville to demand that Commissioner Knight be paid and the law suit be dropped. I was glad to read The Daily Southerner article, “Princeville citizens speak out about town hiring a second lawyer” that several people spoke out about how the money is being spent. I hope more citizens will join them at the next meeting.

Princeville attracts attention from state agencies – Source: The Daily Southerner June 25, 2011 PRINCEVILLE — Princeville is back in the red after months of reminders that the town was in the black within nine months of the new officials being elected to office. In lieu of approving budget amendments to help cover budget overages in some areas, Princeville has caught the attention of the Department of State Treasurer’s State and Local Government Finance Division and the Local Government Commission.

Princeville officials bring changes to town’s operation – Source: The Daily Southerner June 25, 2011 PRINCEVILLE — The months that the newly elected officials have been in office have brought changes in the way the Princeville operates. Shortly after heated discussions between the Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and Commissioner Gwen Knight over several issues, including how the town’s money was being spent and why former police chief Gary Foxx had been fired after two demotions, commissioner comments were removed from the monthly agenda.

Princeville NC – The Citizens Of Princeville Need To Be At The Meeting June 27, 2011 The Princeville Commissioner’s meeting is today 7 PM and all of the Princeville citizens should be at the meeting to ask questions about what the hell is the Mayor trying to do to the city. I don’t believe the 2 articles from last week really tell it all, however they were enough to make you puke. It is just a damn shame what Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Commissioners Isabelle Have you been to Princeville lately? It looks good. It is too bad that the town is becoming dramaville.

imageBreaking News – Princeville Town Commissioners Votes To Pay Gwendolyn Knight, Fired Attorney June 27, 2011 Thank you Commissioner Calvin Sherrod for bringing the house to order for making the motion to go into closed session to once again ask the Mayor to pay Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight. The Mayor said Knight would be paid on Tuesday. During the closed session the commissioners fired the attorney. That arrogant S.O.B. should have been gone a long time ago oh well should never had been hired from what I have seen of him and read about him in the local newspaper. He ought to be made to reimburse the town because he know he was wrong to take on the position as the spokesperson for the town of Princeville when it is clear in the statue that the Mayor is the spokesperson. Stay tuned for the video within a couple of hours. You have been reading the papers and getting information 2nd handed but the video will tell the story and you can form your own opinion however you are going to get mines in another post shortly.

Video: The Princeville 3 Approves Town Budget In Spite Of Supposedly Operating In The Red, Votes To Pay Knight And Terminates Attorney June 29, 2011 Video no longer available.

Breaking News – Princeville NC: Several Sources Say Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Has Hired Attorney Chuck Watts Back, Watts Was Released 2 Mondays Ago July 7, 2011 I was told yesterday Wednesday, July 6, 2011 that Princeville may hire Attorney Chuck Watts back after he was let go on 2 Mondays ago. I understand that Watts is suppose to be the only one who knows about the title searches and etc. for the town. Well if he had kept documentation, another attorney should be able to pick up where he left off. Well sources say that Attorney Watts was cut a check for $4,000 today July 7, 2011 with pending documentation to be presented on tomorrow. What kind of business is that?So it appears the Mayor is continuing to do her thing. I thought after attending the meeting on Monday, June 27, 2011 when the commissioners voted and released Attorney Chuck Watts and also voted to pay Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight, that things were going to get better. But damn here we go again.

Princeville NC – It Appears That Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Is Acting Within Legal Bounds. July 8, 2011 I have learned the system works when you work the system, may not be the best thing at the time but when you have the power and use it then what can you say. Bro. Quincy Robinson quoted the following on his Facebook: “The Town of Princeville passed a resolution several years ago that permits the Mayor to unilaterally enter into contracts of $10,000 or less without board authorization. Until this privilege is revoked, repealed, or just plain done away with, there is no legal constraint to prevent the Mayor from going off the map whenever she chooses. This is the legal defense that she is using. It must be repealed by the board. Until then, her actions will probably be ruled perfectly legal.” This is in response toBreaking News – Princeville NC: Several Sources Say Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Has Hired Attorney Chuck Watts Back, Watts Was Released 2 Mondays Ago.” Sources say that the Mayor may not be acting within legal bounds. Again there is something about a Resolution that may have been put in place in 2005 that does not justify this. Oh well just too much drama.

Princeville NC – A Special Meeting Was Called On Thursday On Redistricting, Mayor Recessed The Meeting Until 4:00 PM Tuesday, July July 18, 2011 Someone asked me on Friday what was going on in Princeville on Thursday because they had seen a lot of cars there. On Saturday I seen a couple of Princeville Commissioners and a former Commissioner at a meeting and I asked was there a meeting on Thursday. They replied yes and begin to tell me what happened. They asked me had I read the Daily Southerner and I said online but I didn’t see anything. I told them I would buy a paper on Saturday but I forgot it so I bought one yesterday, Sunday. I read about the meeting in the Daily Southerner and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod said the board needed more time. Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates called for a recess until 4:00 PM on Tuesday July 19. I plan to attend the meeting on Tuesday and I hope there be more Princeville citizens present at this meeting than it was at the June monthly meeting.

Breaking News–Princeville 3 Votes For Redistricting Mapping Inspite Of Firing The Town Attorney And Without A Public Hearing July 19, 2011 The Princeville 3 has spoken again. Today at 4:00 PM the Princeville 3 voted for the redistricting mapping inspite of concerns from Commissioners Gwen Knight and Ann Howell about the town moving forward without an attorney. Stay tuned video should be up shortly, less than 10 minutes long.

Princeville mayor challenged to debate – Source: The Daily Southerner July 30, 2011 TARBORO — I am issuing a public challenge to Princeville Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and the Board of Commissioners of that town to justify, in a public forum and without her gavel, the financial decisions that they have made and the perverted moral compass and tone that they have set in motion over the past several months. Letter to editor: Quincy Robinson

Princeville Mayor Everette-Oates. ‘you are doing wonderful job–Source: The Daily Southerner August 7, 2011 TARBORO — As a Princeville native, I am proud of the milestones of the town since it was incorporated. I am a supporter of the Mayor (Priscilla) Everette-Oates Administration. Note: I am not a Princeville native however I have been following the Town of Princeville politics over the years. It is too damn sad that some folks don’t understand what the problem is especially those who do not attend the meetings to see for themselves. The town is ran by the Princeville 3. The Princeville 3 are: Dictator Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Commissioners Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Calvin Sherrod. The letter writer says some folks had some trust in the dictator I mean mayor because they voted for her. People vote for folks all the time to later realize they made a bad choice. I challenge the letter writer to see how many people voted during the last election and let us know if you think that the few speaks to the majority of the people who lives in Princeville that chose not to vote. I have come to the conclusion that maybe the reason why the people in Princeville ain’t saying anything is because they didn’t vote. So just maybe they will speak in the next election by voting. I beg the difference when the letter writer says the mayor is representing the majority. The dictator is representing all of the people in Princeville those who voted, those who didn’t vote, those who give a damn and those who do not. "I swore never to be silent whenever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." – Elie Weisel The people of Princeville are suffering and being humiliated by the actions of the Princeville 3 and it is so sad. I guess if one likes dictatorship one could say the mayor is doing a wonderful job.

No minutes available for a Princeville resolution meeting – Source: The Daily Southerner August 8, 2011 TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — A controversial resolution that was passed May 31, 2005, has caused yet another dispute between the already divided Princeville Board of Commissioners and mayor. Note: I have a copy of the Resolution and it is not on a Princeville letterhead. It was adopted this the 31 day of May 2005 signed Priscilla Everette-Oates Mayor. It is also a marking as if someone else was going to sign that looks like it is the beginning of a M. M, that may be the beginning of Maggie Boyds signature who was on the commission at that time. But this Resolution was not stamped dated and notorized so is it legit? How do one know if there was an official meeting and this Resolution was not done at someone’s home? I make videos out of my vehicle sometimes, matter of fact at the last meeting a made Bronson Williams a copy in the parking lot while he, some others and myself stood around and chatted.

Princeville NC – ‘Policies, procedures in place’ August 18, 2011 TARBORO — The Town did adopt a resolution delegating certain limited authority to the mayor and the manager to execute contracts on behalf of the town. We actually have a signed copy of that resolution and affidavits from a majority of the members of the board at that time acknowledging that the resolution was, in fact, adopted.

Missing meeting tapes returned to Princeville – Source: The Daily Southerner August 25, 2011 PRINCEVILLE — Toward the end of an otherwise routine regularly scheduled meeting of the Princeville Board of Commissioners meeting, Town Manager Victor Marrow dropped a bombshell. Marrow announced that “the missing audio tapes” from the years 2004-2006 had been tuned over to him by former town attorney Anthony Flanagan on Thursday, Aug.18.

The Heat Is On 6 Candidates Running for 2 Seats in Princeville – Source: The Daily Southerner October 2011 TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — With only nines days left before the Nov. 8 municipal election, the Princeville races are heating up with a combined six people vying for two seats. Incumbent Gwen Knight and Elbert Ray Powell are running for the Ward 1 seat, while Incumbent Ann Howell, Linda Joyner, Arthur Manning, and Theresa William are running for Ward 2. Response: I believe in everyone having a right to run for office however I find it somewhat interesting that all of these folks are challenging the incumbents. I have attended many meetings over the years and have not attended that last couple of meetings due to a conflict in my scheduling. I have been following the Princeville town meetings via newspaper and speaking with several folks who live there. I am having a hard time trying to figure out why anyone would run against the 2 incumbents when they have been fighting hard for the residents of Princeville while having to constantly fight the mayor and the other 2 commissioners. Those who are challenging the incumbents make it appear in my opinion that the 2 incumbents are the problem when I know for a fact and have it documented on video who the problems are. So in my opinion those who are challenging the the incumbents are justifying the ignance of the mayor and the other 2 commissioners. If I lived in Princeville I would be supporting the incumbents because they have been trying to do what is in the best interest of all the citizens. If the incumbents are defeated the Town of Princeville will continue to go the hell because it is no way 2 new commissioners are going to come in and get anything accomplished. Until the mayor and the other 2 commissioners come off the commission Princeville will not move forward.

Citizens Angry Over Axed Park Trees – Source: The Daily Southerner October 29, 2011 TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — "I’ve never seen a park without trees," former Princeville Commissioner Linda Worsley emphatically addressed the town board Monday night during its regular scheduled monthly meeting.  Response: It never seems to amaze me how the town of Princeville Commissioners operate. It is sad that the line of communication is out of tune with the commissioners. I don’t have to say anymore because enough has already been said. I just concur with the majority of it. A Park without trees? Atleast the citizens should have been made aware of what the Princeville 3 were going to do. Oh well.

Letter to the Editor: Princeville Trees Removed From Park October 31, 2011 TARBORO — Please inform Mayor Everate-Oates of Princville that the trees which were cut down in Heritage Park in Princeville.

Princeville NC– Town Commissioners Election November 8, 2011 Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight were re-elected. See more at Board of Elections Website and ABC 11. See related: Princeville NC

Howell, Knight keep seats in Princeville – Source: The Daily Southerner November 10, 2011 TARBORO — It appears that Princeville incumbents, Ann Howell and Gwen Knight, will serve as commissioners for at least four more years. In close races, Howell beat Arthur Manning by eight votes while Knight earned six more votes than her opponent, Ray Powell. Manning and Powell were running for office for the first time. Response: This was interesting, I thought Williams would have received more votes since she ran for mayor during the last election.

Princeville Board has mixed views on ‘Survival Day’–Source: The Daily Southerner November 17, 2011 TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE  – The town’s sponsored three-day event, which is set to begin today, received negative feedback from two commissioners Monday night during Princeville’s monthly meeting. "Princeville Survivor Week" Celebration starts today with a job fair at the town hall. Thursday and Friday, federal and state government officials are scheduled to speak and workshops have been arranged on the Tarboro Campus of Edgecombe Community College inside the Thomas S. Fleming Building. The event is open to elected officials for a fee of $100 for both days, $50 for citizens. Response: It is a damn shame how they operate in Princeville. The Princeville 3 the mayor and her 2 flunkies do whatever the hell they want to do as the other 2 board members does not exist. One day.

Princeville NC – The Princeville 3 Fired The Town Attorneys On Monday Night December 6, 2011 Sources say the The Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Commissioners Calvin Sherrod and Isabelle Purvis-Andrews fired the town attorneys at the meeting on last night. Sources say the Princeville 3 wanted to meet in closed session without Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight being present. After the attorneys would not meet with them, they fired them. Sources also say the town clerk was suspended.

Igimagenant Column: Princeville terminates attorneys – Source: The Daily Southerner December 8, 2011 Note: I reported on Tuesday Princeville NC – The Princeville 3 Fired The Town Attorneys On Monday Night. Damn it is about time somebody go to jail over there because it appears they are doing some illegal stuff. Their actions may not be illegal per the laws as written but they sure as hell meet the qualifications for being IGNANT. The people in Princeville ought to be outraged by the actions of the Princeville 3 and should be demanding that they step down as an early Christmas present to the town. Hell yeah I said it, now what? TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — After a heated closed session, the Princeville Board of Commissioners voted 3-2 to terminate its law firm Monday night during the board’s monthly meeting. The heat began to rise between board members after Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates called for a closed session that excluded Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwen Knight from taking part at the beginning of that meeting because it was about legal matters concerning the two.

Breaking News: Princeville 3 Has Rehired Attorney Charles Chuck Watts Again January 5, 2012 Sources say the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Commissioners Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Calvin Sherrod called a special meeting at 5:00 PM today to rehire Attorney Chuck Watts. The word is they re-hired him because no other attorneys applied and that they really needed an attorney. It is quite interesting to know that Attorney Watts attended the meeting. Sources say Commissioners Gwendolyn Knight and Ann Howell knew about the called meeting but had no idea what the meeting was going to be about. Several citizens attended the meeting to question the water bills but to find out they could not speak because it was a special call meeting.

Part 2 coming soon! This will cover from January 19, 2012 – the most recent date.

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Princeville NC 

Note: Originally posted August 3, 2012.

Princeville NC – Let the truth be told by Calvin Adkins Reporter The Daily Southerner

Response: You tell them Calvin damn right! I support this letter 100%. This letter is in response to Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-Tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod Press Release that was handed out to the citizens and sent as a letter to editor to The Daily Southerner. Read the Press Release by clicking on the following link: (Ignant Column) Ignantville NC Oh I Mean Princeville NC – The Princeville 3 And The Interim Town Manager Handing Out Press Release To The Citizens In Rebuttal To The Local Government (LGC) Warning.

TARBORO — In a letter to the editor written by Princeville mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, it is stated that I am one of seven people who are against her administration and our efforts have affected everybody in Princeville. (More)

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Princeville NC


Princeville’s collection problems far from being resolved – The Daily Southerner

Response: Oops there it is: “The problem perhaps began when Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates drew up a a "Cut-off Policy and Reduced or Written-off Utility Bills Policy" that was adopted by the Princeville board by a 3-2 vote on April 26, 2010. The policy allows residets to pay a portion of their bills without their service being interrupted. Everette-Oates and commissioners Calvin Sherrod and Isabelle Purvis-Andrews voted for the policy while commissioners Ann Howell and Gwen Knight were opposed.”

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — Although the LGC has taken over the town’s finances, its water and sewer collection delinquency problems appear to be a long way from being resolved.

The LGC impounded the town’s books on Monday and assumed control of the town finances. As part of those responsibilities, LGC inherited Princeville’s poor water and sewer collection procedures, which have allowed  $83,000 in past due accounts to accumulate. So far, the town has collected only $11,000 of the past due amount. (More)

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Princeville NC

NC takes over finances of tiny, historic town – WRAL TV

RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina officials are taking financial control of one of the country’s first towns established by freed slaves.

The state’s Local Government Commission stepped in to take over the accounts and assume responsibility for Princeville’s finances. Officials in the state treasurer’s office say town leaders were warned of problems for two years before the commission voted Monday. (More)

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Video: Raleigh NC Local Government Commission Assumes Full Control Of Princeville NC Financial Affairs Monday July 30, 2012

Princeville NC

State takes over Princeville’s finances – The Rocky Mount Telegram

A state agency has taken control of Princeville’s finances for the second time in the town’s history.

The N.C. Local Government Commission voted unanimously Monday to impound Princeville’s books and assume responsibility of its finances, effective immediately. (More)

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Video: Raleigh NC Local Government Commission Assumes Full Control Of Princeville NC Financial Affairs Monday July 30, 2012

Princeville NC