Princeville NC – Can’t Get It Out Of My Head When Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Said She Was Just Like President Barack Obama

Can’t get it out of my head when Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates said she was just like President Barack Obama. Didn’t know at the time that she was suffering from Romnesia. Sure hope she be at the meeting today because she gonna learn the day! LMAO!!

Okay folks it is about that time! Princeville NC: State Treasure hosting Princeville meeting – Daily Southerner

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Princeville NC

Princeville NC: Undocumented reimbursements concern LGC – Daily Southerner

Response: This is why Princeville citizens need to attend the meeting to be held by LGC this evening at Princeville Elementary School 6:00 PM to answer any questions that the citizens may have.

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — After sifting through numerous documents, the Local Government Commission has discovered at least 15 instances of questionable travel reimbursement by three Town of Princeville officials.

In a Nov. 7 letter to mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and the members of the town’s board of commissioners, LGC listed 12 items concerning reimbursement to Everette-Oates, two items to commissioner Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and one item to interim town manager Maggie Boyd. The 15 items totaled $4,111 with $3,307 tied to Everette-Oates, $600 to Purvis-Andrews and $204 to Boyd. (More)

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Princeville NC

Princeville meeting finishes quickly – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — The Princeville Board of Commissioners may have had its shortest regularly scheduled meeting in the history of the town Monday night.

After a little over 10 minutes, Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates brought down her gavel and declared the meeting over. But the 10-minute segment didn’t go without controversy despited only one item on the agenda. Everette-Oates asked the board to change the dates upcoming meetings because of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Everette-Oates wanted to change the dates from Nov. 27 to Nov. 26 and move the Dec. 24 meeting back to Dec. 17. (More)

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Video/Pictures: Princeville Commissioners Meet And The Only Thing On The Agenda Was Changing November And December Meeting Days And Then They Adjourned

Princeville NC

Video/Pictures: Princeville Commissioners Meet And The Only Thing On The Agenda Was Changing November And December Meeting Days And Then They Adjourned

Sad! Public comments were not allowed. I don’t just make this stuff up, see it for yourself.

Click on picture to watch video.


Click on picture to view more pictures.


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Princeville NC

Breaking News: Princeville NC – Local Government Commission Requesting The Town Council Call A Meeting To Allow LGC Staff To Answer Questions From The Council Members And The Citizens

Note: Make sure you scroll to the bottom of this post to view all 10 pages. If I was to guess who asked these questions it would be Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews.

So I am going to see how long it takes for the Mayor to call a Special Meeting with LGC and the citizens so that Commissioners Ann Howell, Gwendolyn Knight and the citizens can ask any questions that they may have.

I bet the Mayor and her 2 ignant partners are afraid to have this meeting because it will expose their ignant a… because they have been lying about what is really going on in Princeville per LGC. They have either not shared the correct information and/or when they did they tried to twist the truth but if you didn’t know the LGC side you would not know they were lying.













Breaking News: Princeville NC – Stay Tuned For Some Good Reading Coming Later Today

I am at work and do not have time to prepare the information but it is some good reading.

Will say Princeville Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates I hope you are setting up a meeting for all the commissioners and the citizens of Princeville to be able to ask the LGC questions. You see ya’ll been holding back information and the citizens and the 2 commissioners who ya’ll don’t respect can learn what the real deal is. Well I am going to share the good news later today.

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Video – Breaking News: Princeville NC – The Princeville 3 Votes To Hire Maggie Boyd As The Interim Town Manager And Making It Retroactive Back To The Original Meeting That They Hired Her Last Month

Princeville NC

Video – Breaking News: Princeville NC – The Princeville 3 Votes To Hire Maggie Boyd As The Interim Town Manager And Making It Retroactive Back To The Original Meeting That They Hired Her Last Month


Click on picture to watch video 7 mins. 19 secs.

Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod votes to hire Maggie Boyd as the intern town manager making it retroactive from the time they hired her in the August 2012 meeting.

Damn this was too funny listening to why some feel Boyd is qualified to be the manager and why she is not. But Mayor Everette-Oates topped all of the comments on the matter.

The only thing that is consistent about the meetings is the Mayor can really hit the damn gavel. You go girl.

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Princeville NC

Princeville NC – Breaking News: No Fire Alarm, No Telephone, No Water What Else We Don’t Know About? Ask Priscilla!


Click on picture to watch video Monday September 24, 2012 monthly meeting.

Last night during the Princeville Town Hall Meeting the Police Chief whispered to the Mayor that the building was on fire. Well why the fire alarm didn’t go off? Sources say the town has not paid the fire alarm for about 1 year. So what if it had been a major fire and not just the smoke from a cigarette that was thrown out at the front door to cause the smoke last night? Damn  the building would probably had burned down.

The Senior Citizen’s building is across the road from the town hall and the phone has been turn off because the town has not paid the bill. This is the 2nd or 3rd time this year.

The Senior Citizens do not drink the town water and the water bill has not been paid for about 5 months. Sources say Viola Harris and Ann Howell has been rotating each month purchasing bottled water for the Seniors.

The Local Government Commission has stated that they have found bills that they didn’t know about that the Princeville 3 and the town attorney said had been accounted for. It appears just about all of the bills are behind and LGC is trying to pay major bills such as the lights and water so the town can function. But then today they have learned about some other bills such as the fire alarm, the telephone bill and etc.

But the Ignant Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates continue to talk about what happened in 2007. Hell the ignant mayor do not understand that she and her 2 cronies were elected in 2009 and they have been bragging that the town was in the red and they came in and cleaned it up. They have talked about what a great job they have done.

But damn the Princeville 3 don’t understand that since they have been in office since 2009 which comes after 2007 that they have not done a damn thing but dig a deep whole for the town.

Well they can continue in their ignance but they gonna learn the day! LGC is going to educate them.

As I continue to re-read the Update on the Town of Princeville’s Financial Condition all of the credit card charges that the Mayor charged to make non-related purchases as it relates to the town she could have used the card to pay the Fire Alarm, purchased the Seniors some water and paid the phone bill. The water and the phone bill should be well under $100 a month.

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Sources Say The Princeville Town Hall Meeting Last Night That Was Recessed To Go Into Closed Session Today Has Been Recessed Again Until Tomorrow Wednesday September 26, 2012

Pictures/Video: Princeville NC – The Princeville Meeting Tonight Was Crazy As Hell But That Is The Norm

Princeville NC – Princeville Regular Monthly Meeting Today Monday September 24, 2012 7:00 PM Title Of This Meeting “Ask Priscilla” About The Financial Condition Of The Town

Princeville NC

Breaking News: Princeville NC – Sources Say The Princeville Town Hall Meeting Last Night That Was Recessed To Go Into Closed Session Today Has Been Recessed Again Until Tomorrow Wednesday September 26, 2012


Click on picture to view more pictures.

Sources say the closed session meeting today began around 13:10 and lasted until a little after 16:00.

The Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod met today. Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight did not attend.

It appears that Sherrod didn’t like what the Mayors wanted to do and they didn’t accomplish much in the meeting on today. Therefore they recessed until Wednesday September 26 at 17:00. Thank you because now I can attend the meeting to see what they will discuss when they come out of the meeting on tomorrow.

Damnit now just maybe Sherrod was questioning Mayor Everette-Oates about her credit card charges just like he drilled the Princeville Police Chief at the meeting last night during his report.

I will be in Priscillaville tomorrow to see what comes out of the meeting.

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Pictures/Video: Princeville NC – The Princeville Meeting Tonight Was Crazy As Hell But That Is The Norm 

Princeville NC – Princeville Regular Monthly Meeting Today Monday September 24, 2012 7:00 PM Title Of This Meeting “Ask Priscilla” About The Financial Condition Of The Town

Princeville NC

Pictures/Video: Princeville NC – The Princeville Meeting Tonight Was Crazy As Hell But That Is The Norm


Click on picture to view more pictures.

The Princeville meeting tonight was crazy as hell but that is the norm.

The Mayor had Maggie Boyd the illegal interim town manager per LGC trying to reach the town attorney Chuck Watts by phone so he could be a part of the meeting. She could not get him on the town hall phone. The Mayor said keep trying. She finally got him.

Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates hit the gavel as if she was losing her damn mind calling the meeting to order. She then asked Minister Bettye Draughn a citizen to do the opening prayer.

The Mayor asked for the board to approve the consent agenda and the vote was as the norm 2 – 2 and the Mayor broke the tie as usual. Commissioner Ann Howell said she didn’t have the consent agenda and so she was against it. Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight echoed Howell comments. The mayor said they probably got their package agenda late.

Mayor asked for Environlink to give a report about water and sewer information. They were not present. Mayor asked Boyd did she know why they were not present said she didn’t know why.

Mayor asked the Police Chief to give his report. Commissioner Calvin Sherrod drilled him about speeders coming through the town. Sherrod said he told the Chief about there were liquor houses in the town and he had not done anything about them. Sherrod went on and on. It was obvious that the Chief was getting frustrated however he was very professional in his response as he had to cut off Sherrod to respond. The Chief said no one ever ask about domestic violence cases and other. And then the Chief thanked Sherrod for being concerned bout the safety of the town.

Mayor asked for a report on the Museum and Boyd said there was no report for the Museum but she said she can assure that it is being watched. Wth?

Mayor then asked the lawyer did he have a report and he said no. She then asked the board if any of them had any questions for the attorney.

Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews had a question for the attorney. Commissioner Howell had a comment to the attorney.

During public comments a church was present trying to get the time extended per day to have a 3 day revival. The person said Maggie Boyd was very rude to her when she talked to her on the phone. She said she was told one thing by Boyd and another by the state people. It appears the fee didn’t add up and Boyd wanted more money. The Mayor said to please get with Boyd and work it out because the manager handles that.

Linda Joyner spoke about organizing for the election and the importance of voting. She said she had one question why was the attorney not present at the meetings because it is hard to hear him on the phone. Mayor agreed said they needed to try to get LGC to put more in the budget because he only receives $1,000 and that is not enough for him to drive to Princeville.

The Mayor said they were going into closed session. She then gave this speech about how some folks were out to put stuff on them and that it was old board members who created this mess. She said she was the Mayor because she was called by God. She said it was some witchcraft going on in Princeville. She said it is certain folks trying to make things appear as though they are not. She said that it was some Christians in the room and they need to be praying for the oldest town incorporated by Slaves. She said who in the hell would not be fighting for the town?

The Police Chief approached the Mayor and whispered to her the building was on fire. He asked all of us to exit the building. We could smell a little smoke.

While in the parking lot the Mayor and the Mayor Pro-tem said the meeting would be recessed until Tuesday at 1:00 PM and the meeting will be held at the Museum if the Town Hall was not available.

Well I was waiting on the statue that they were going to use to go into closed session. But how in the hell do they continue the meeting without considering the time giving the people present tonight the opportunity to be there?

Well I thought it was quite interesting that the interim town manager’s brother was not present to video the meeting. He is normally present because he has been videoing the meetings for the past couple of years.

imageWatch the video it will tell the story hell I can’t make this stuff up and can’t remember all the drama.

Click on picture to watch video.

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Princeville NC – Princeville Regular Monthly Meeting Today Monday September 24, 2012 7:00 PM Title Of This Meeting “Ask Priscilla” About The Financial Condition Of The Town

Princeville NC

Princeville NC – Princeville Regular Monthly Meeting Today Monday September 24, 2012 7:00 PM Title Of This Meeting “Ask Priscilla” About The Financial Condition Of The Town

The Princeville regular monthly meeting is tonight. All citizens of Princeville need to attend and do what “Ask Priscilla?” Ask what? Can’t she buy her own fish and wine? Well!

Tell her not ask but to start giving ya’ll the real reports from LGC because they have been holding back on ya. But The DCN is on top of them.

After reading the following Princeville NC – Update on the Town of Princeville’s Financial Condition and you ain’t mad then you are just as ignant as the Mayor because she has confirmed her ignance.

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Princeville NC – Breaking News: LGC Does Not Approve The Hiring Of Maggie Boyd, Rule Special Call Meeting Not Legit.

Princeville NC

Princeville NC – Letter to editor: Not only the SBI should come in, but the FBI as well

In response to: Princeville NC – Update on the Town of Princeville’s Financial Condition

Not only the SBI should come in, but the FBI as well.  These people need to be put in jail plain and simple.  This is out right stealing! and it’s shows continually the abuse of power the individual is and is continuing to use  in that position.  I’m of the opinion that they’re not just dumb, but stupid and ignorant as well.  I’m not talking about Mrs. Howell and Ms. Knight, but the three idiots!  The people of Princeville should be just as pissed off as I am.  I wonder if they know what Obstruction of Justice is.  I believe this could give them more time in jail that is out right stealing.  But guess what?  They’re too dumb to realize what’s happening around them.  All the LGC has to do and I’m quite sure that they already know this is subpoena the staff and have them do depositions and have them take an Oath that everything they write and say is the truth and nothing but the truth.  Now once they let them know that if they can be found guilty of perjury if what they write and say is found out to be untrue once an investigation start.  The government could give the little people that were intimated or fearful of their job limited immunity.

That dumb attorney they have should have been advising them in the right way to conduct business from the beginning.  But he realized how dumb, stupid and ignorant they were, so he decided to charge them an outrageous yearly salary, when he probably could not win a case against me and I’m not a lawyer.

I want the people of my town to demand the State or Federal Government to throw them out of office.  They have more than enough evidence to prove without a shadow of a doubt that a jury will find them guilty of numerous felony counts on stealing, making false statements, conspiracy, fraud, obstruction of justice and so on and so forth.

Md Bennett

Princeville NC – Breaking News: LGC Does Not Approve The Hiring Of Maggie Boyd, Rule Special Call Meeting Not Legit.















































WHIG TV – Has Anyone Wondered Why They Don’t Record The Princeville Town Hall Meetings Anymore?

I don’t know for sure why WHIG TV do not record the Princeville Town Hall meetings anymore but if I was to guess my answer would be that they don’t have any sponsor that pays them to go video the meeting.

So Political Agitator why you go there?

Because several years ago Herb Greenberg owner WHIG TV asked me to record the Princeville Town meetings for him. He said he had a person that was paying sponsorship to record those meetings. I said to him I will not record Princeville meetings when he do not show the school board and other meetings across the county.

During that time there were other meetings across the county that had some negativity just like Princeville but Herb didn’t want folks to see what was going on in meetings that were a majority white boards vs Princeville being all black.

At the last Princeville Town Hall meeting that I attended a citizen asked me would the meeting be on WHIG TV and I told him no but it would be on my website.

However the Town pays someone to video their meetings so I wonder why they do not sell the video to WHIG TV or better yet why don’t they give Herb a copy? I am surprised that the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod have not tried to get their meetings on WHIG TV so the citizens could see what they are doing since they say they are working for the citizens.

If you want to see a real racist comedy show look at WHIG TV during the times when they have talk shows. They love to talk about the Rocky Mount City Council because they are majority black. And they have no respect for “Our” current President who just happens to be black.


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Princeville NC

Princeville wants to hire CPA firm to search for money owed town – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE – Princeville’s board of commissioners approved a resolution Monday night that will allow a High Point CPA firm to go after money that could be owed the town. Although the proposal passed by a 3-2 vote, the final decision does not lie in the board’s hands.

Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and commissioners Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Calvin Sherrod supported the proposal, made by Robert S. Segal, CPA, while commissioners Ann Howell and Gwen Knight said they voted against it because they needed more information. (More)

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Princeville NC