Breaking News – Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Was Removed As Chair By The NC State Democratic Party Council Of Review

Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Chair of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party was removed as the County Chair today Saturday June 13, 2020 at around 5:45 PM through a ZOOM meeting. The meeting lasted from 1:00 PM til 5:45 PM.

The NC State Democratic Party Council of Review voted unanimously to remove Higgs immediately from the party and he can not hold any office on the County, State & National Level.

I have been challenging Higgs since the late 80’s early 90’s and today is a good day for me. He has been a nasty something and especially to women in the party. I have videoed the meetings so it is documented.

What I hate is the men in the Democratic Party some Pastors, Ministers and some that suppose to be Men of Standard that attended the meetings didn’t speak up when Higgs disrespected these women, myself and some others.

The Edgecombe County Democratic Party will have to meet within 30 days to replace Higgs and also elect a 2nd Vice Chair that Higgs appointed Gladys Shelton because he had put Attorney Jim Marrow in the seat and he declined so that is how Shelton ended up in the seat.

Stay tuned for the official letter from State Democratic Party coming soon with the response from the COR and that we must meet to replace Higgs.

Higgs called me several times yesterday leaving messages because I have him blocked and his calls goes directly to my voicemail. He also called this morning. Listen to the 4 messages that he left on my voicemail.

Edgecombe County Democrats can now move forward. I hope we can get a young person to want to be the chair and also elect another young person to take the seat that Gladys Shelton was appointed to by Higgs because a meeting was never called to elect a 2nd Vice Chair.

imageClick On Photo To Hear Audio
Be Aware Of Some Harsh Explicit Language
This Guy Is Unstable!
4 Messages Total


Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

The DCN News Blog Online Has Faithfully Videoed Rocky Mount City Council Meetings & Making Them Available For Anyone To Watch For Free

I have been videoing the Rocky Mount City Council meetings faithfully over the years for free and posting them on YouTube and then sharing it on my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn social media sites. I also take photos and share them on my social media pages as well.

I made Rocky Mount City Council meetings a top priority because there has been some who have been attacking councilmembers Andre Knight and Reuben Blackwell over the years. WHIG-TV, Fighting Crime, Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens, LoveRockyMount, 252 Hoodnewz, Community Council, Tarrick Pittman, Samuel Battle, Randy Adcox, J. Keith Harris, Clint Williams, Albert Preston Holmes, (Jerry Fisher and the late Mark Bowling), Tales of an Educated Debutante and others have disrespected the Rocky Mount City Council because they are a Black Majority and because there are more Black Departments heads with the city along with a Black City Manager, Black Police Chief and a Black Fire Chief.

The sad part is some of the haters of the Rocky Mount City Council I have provided for free the video of the meetings so that folk could get the whole trues of what took place at the meetings.

The NC State Auditor Beth Woods was asked by some Rocky Mount Special Cs to do an audit on Andre Knight and Reuben Blackwell along with the Rocky Mount City Council and she completed the report. She asked for the Council to respond to the findings. The council responded to the findings and she said her report was completed and that she sent information to some agencies that she said she thought they needed to go to.

So now as to the facts that were presented the audit completed, findings presented, so now I am waiting on the response from the agencies.

It is time for the Rocky Mount Special Cs to stop the bullying and using racist tactics to divide Rocky Mount. It is time to move forward in a civil manner.


Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Rocky Mount NC – Find other ways to televise council meetings

The Political Agitator’s response: It is a damn shame that the Rocky Mount Special Cs whom have been attacking the Rocky Mount City Council talking about Transparency when this council has been more transparency than any of the previous ones. I know because I have been attending the meetings before any of the current councilmembers have come on board. I have been recording the meetings for free faithfully over the years along with WHIG-TV. Community Connections With Theresa Alston has been doing Facebook Live. All of these videos have been provided free of charge costing the city ab so damn lute ly 0 dollars. However I believe Community Connections and myself could be given a one time donation for our services because although WHIG-TV does not charge the council, they are compensated through sponsors when they broadcast the meetings on their station. I have not been recording the meetings since the COVID-19 and watching the meetings from home.

The Rocky Mount Telegram reported Thursday, June 4, that the City Council questioned the costs to televise the meetings. It is fiscally responsible of our City Council to question the costs.

It leads to exploring alternative methods to obtain the desired outcome — transparency and greater public involvement in city affairs.

There is a legitimate cost to totally re-wire, repair, install and re-equip the City Hall to be able to televise the meetings. I would like to propose that we use the existing sources to televise the meetings in the future. We have two TV stations in this town. I know that WHIG televises some of the Kiwanis weekly meetings. The city could use the WHIG equipment and expertise to televise the meetings at this delicate time in our come back from the COVID-19 shut down.

Once the city has recovered from the COVID-19 shut down, we can then talk about re-equipping the City Hall to be able to televise the meetings.

My main question is “Why should we reinvent the wheel?” Why should we not utilize what we have available to us? Once we have extra unallocated funds, we can then invest in equipment to televise the City Council meetings. Spending money that we wish we had is an irresponsible act. I would like to be proud to know that my City Council is not irresponsible.

Jane Gravely

Rocky Mount

‘Bigger than basketball’: Asia Todd Clayton basketball star leaves Liberty University after Falwell’s repeated insensitivity

imageClick On Photo To Watch Video
The Political Agitator
s response: I love it seeing these young folk taking a stand.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

How Does Your Vote Connect To The Criminal Justice System

Natasha S. Hampton

#regrann #repost @henryarose

Simply put!

#relearn #educateyourself #vote #vote2020 #highheelleadership #highheelhightime #highheelhighcosts #highheelhighstakes #highheelhighdemands

Image may contain: text that says 'How does your vote connect to the criminal justice system? Here's a breakdown of the elected offices that could be on your ballot: Register to vote at'Image may contain: text that says 'THE PRESIDENT appoints the Attorney General, who leads the Department of Justice. This executive department of the United States government is responsible for enforcing the federal law and administering justice in the United States. Register to vote at'


Image may contain: text that says 'SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS create federal laws and have the power to reform the criminal justice system through legislation. Register to vote at'Image may contain: text that says 'THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS is an agency within the Department of Justice responsible for administration of the federal prison system, which currently includes 117 prisons, 6 regional offices, 2 staff training centers, and 22 community corrections offices. Register to vote at'Image may contain: text that says 'DISTRICT ATTORNEYS are considered the top law enforcement officials because they decide when an arrest leads to a charge. They can either be elected or appointed depending on your state or county. Register to vote at'imageimageimage


Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020


History of the Nash/Edgecombe Boundary Explained at Phoenix Society Program

Cooper Blackwell

History of the Nash/Edgecombe Boundary Explained at Phoenix Society Program

About 40 people braved winds and rain on November 16, 2019 to attend the Phoenix Historical Society’s educational program at the Carmon Auditorium in Tarboro. UNC PhD candidate in history Lucas P. Kelley delivered a presentation on the historical origins of the 1871 Nash/Edgecombe county line change, when the boundary was moved from its original line at the Falls of the Tar River to the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad track. Based on the historical record, the boundary was moved by act of the white majority NC General Assembly to reduce the political and economic power of majority black Edgecombe County following freed slaves gaining the right to vote and elect representatives in the 1868 state constitution. This followed the state wide terror campaign of the Ku Klux Klan in 1870 to retaliate against the progress for blacks under Reconstruction.

This act divided the Edgecombe county towns of Whitakers, Battleboro, Rocky Mount and Sharpsburg, and transferred several hundred black voters from Edgecombe, which had elected African Americans to office, into majority white Nash County, which had never elected African Americans. This move also placed Rocky Mount Mills, Edgecombe’s major industry and top tax payer, into Nash County, and also took away half of Edgecombe’s tax revenue from the railroad. Both the mill and the railroad were important market Edgecombe’s cotton, still picked by black farmworkers that now cast votes at the ballot box.

On February 6, 1871, the Edgecombe Board of Commissioners, which included black commissioners, resolved that “…there is a scheme a foot in the legislature to change the county line between Edgecombe and Nash, the passage of such bill…would be very unjust on a large portion of the people of this county” and ordered “our Senator and Representatives …to use all influence against the passage of such a bill.” Kelley presented how Edgecombe’s black state representatives Richard Johnson and Willis Bunn vigorously opposed the bill and called for a referendum. The General Assembly rejected an amendment to submit the question to the affected voters of Edgecombe.

Phoenix Historical Society vice president James Wrenn guided the audience down the original county line projected on the screen, pointing out what industry would be in Edgecombe county under the original pre-1871 county line, such as Cummins, Pfizer, Honeywell, NC Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount Mills, the former Imperial & China American tobacco plants, former Hardee’s Food Systems, RBC Centura (now PNC) Bank, former Caramount/Burlington Mills, as well as African American neighborhoods of Happy Hill and Little Raleigh.

Kelley presented copies of a petition of protest signed by hundreds of Edgecombe citizens as well as an article from the Tarboro Southerner which called the move “unjust” and reported that 90% of Edgecombe citizens opposed the move. In 1870, Edgecombe’ s population was about 15,000 black and 8,000 white, while Nash was about 4,500 black and just over 6,000 white. Then, Edgecombe was a wealthier county than Nash. That began to change after the county line was moved to the railroad track.

Black state senators opposed the bill noting “there is more than one thousand miles of railroad running through different sections of North Carolina, and yet there is not another single mile of railroad in the state that is made the dividing line between two counties.” This is still true to this day. They further stated that the Senate refused to “allow the question to be submitted to the qualified voters who are thus transferred from one county to another like stock or dumb beasts on a farm.” Kelley noted that the railroad track county line dividing Nash & Edgecombe continues to be a political issue, such as in recent debates on school funding.

Rocky Mount attorney and community activist Susan Perry Cole delivered the community response to Kelley’s presentation. Cole highlighted the acclaimed Atlantic article from 2014 by Ta-Neishi Coates, “The Case for Reparations,” and noted that this year U.S. Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee has chaired congressional hearings on reparations. Cole noted the continued opposition from some Nash County residents to political power and economic development for black majority Edgecombe County. She said the voices of the representatives from 1871 are calling on us to take action. Cole called for public hearings. One question from the audience asked how to calculate the tax revenue Edgecombe has lost to Nash in the last 148 years.

One person in the audience recalled a quote by Southern novelist William Faulkner: “ The past is not dead. In fact, it is not even past.”

The Phoenix Historical Society Nash/Edgecombe Boundary Lines Prior 1871 See Why We Are Where We Are Today 
Edgecombe And Nash County Boundaries – They Don’t Want To Hear These Trues 
Visit The Phoenix Historical Society Facebook Page 


Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020