Cops Killing Innocent People vs Black On Black Crime Ain’t No Comparison

Rose Lemaine I understand the anger towards cops killing innocent people, The same energy should be the same with black on black crime. Where are the marches and protesting at when the same race killing one another. Where are stop the violence marches and protesting? Why aren’t any meetings being held among the community to stop the violence. The first thing you see is FREE MY DAWG, FREE MY COUSINS, FREE!! FREE! It’s time to really wake all the way up on several things about this situation. We can build our own empire if we come together and work together. Who is willing to take a stand to mentor our youth abd educate them about the values of life. There’s a lot that we can do to try to make this world a better place. So do black lives matter only when a beige person take ones life.

Doreen Taylor Joyner Rose Lemaine exactly. We could do so much better if our own people would treat our own equal. But people pick and choose who they want to help. If you’re not in their click you aren’t good enough. I can be doing the same thing as you but because it’s me they want help me but their help you. And cry holy, holy. We’re all one in the eye sight of God.

Rose Lemaine Doreen Taylor Joyner Amen!! I always say this, It’s not what you post, it who posted. So true.

Doreen Taylor Joyner Rose Lemaine exactly.

The Political Agitator’s response: Comments like this tickles the hell out of me. I have been a part of standing up against cops killing Black folk and Black on Black Crime. I have marched over the years so this is not about me been there done that.

Folk can pick and choose what they want to use their energy and that is fine with me.

If you want to see some marches and protests about Black on Black Crime then do it. Folk tickles me talking about what others ought to do but if you have not done it yourself then how can you say why others don’t do something. Call some meetings in your community to stop the violence.

I agree with, “The first thing you see is FREE MY DAWG, FREE MY COUSINS, FREE!! FREE! It’s time to really wake all the way up on several things about this situation.”  The majority of the time these same folk know what their family members are all about and when they kill somebody, it ain’t no need to act like they didn’t know the life they live.

Black Lives Matter all the time although some live a life as if it does not matter to them. But that ain’t the life I live so I ain’t the one.

I don’t know how we can treat our own equal. Ab so damn lute ly folk pick and choose who they help just like some folk pick and choose what they suggest that others ought to be doing but what are they doing?

We ain’t all one in this world so as long as we live in this world we can be stuck on we are one in the eyesight of God while you have Special Cs killing Black Folk and Black on Black Crime going on as well.

I understand your comments here but what I have a problem with is as long as we attempt to compare Cops killing Black Folk and Black on Black Crime, then nothing will get accomplished by those who think such.

I hate it when folk attempt to narrow down what should be done when all things need to be done. Cops killing Black Folk need to be dealt with because when they kill Black Folk they are not locked up then and charged unlike if a Black kill another Black and he is caught and/or folk ain’t scared to tell who they are, their ass is locked up and charged right then. This is why you can’t compare Cops killing Black Folk and Black on Black Crime.

It is clear and on video when the Cops kill Black folk and ain’t a damn thing done about it.

When Black on Black Crime occurs many times nobody will tell who did the killing and videos do not capture those moments.

What is it to talk about when it comes to Black on Black Crime?

Ill wait!


Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

George Floyd – So On The Day Of The Funeral Dudley Etheridge Had Jokes

So on the day of the funeral of a Black Man killed by a Caucasian Police while 3 others watch this guy had jokes. Really!

Etheridge started out with what time was the funeral knowing his ass was not going to look at it. But when some folk called him out he changed the post to say he is tired of being label a racist. Really!

I remember when dude coached basketball at SouthWest Edgecombe High School. He was off the damn chain looked like he was drunk every game. He used to be cussing and fussing like he was crazy as hell. I quit going to the games for a while because I couldn’t stomach that b.s.

While at South Edgecombe Middle School at a basketball game some parents invited me to a meeting about this dude and I attended.

I started back going to the high school games and one I remember we were hosting Weldon High School. One of Weldon’s player came over by dude bench where the SouthWest player was and dude didn’t like the Weldon player being over there and he pushed him. Damn I thought it was going to be a hell of a mess but things didn’t get out of hand.

I remember when dude didn’t return back to coach and that was the best thing that could have happened for SouthWest Edgecombe.

It is a damn shame dude when Special Cs say mess and they say they have Black friends. Well I don’t have any friends that say b.s. as this. They may call me their friend but I be damn if I call them my friend.

Now Run & Tell That!


Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Racism Is Alive & Well

The Political Agitator’s response: I can relate my cousin and I were riding bikes back in the late early 70’s had been to some friends house playing basketball and some white guys came on the opposite side of the road like they were going to run over us and yelled something. We were in a wooded area and there was no houses between the house that we left to reach my grandparents house for about a mile. We didn’t know if they were going to turn around and come back. I have experienced a photo of a monkey being slid in my locker in the workplace. Oh and I have received racist mail through the post office years ago I get racist comments on my blog from time to time but only I can see it because I have to approve it so others can see it. I just send it to my Spam Mailbox.

Wray Faulkner is feeling disappointed.


So last evening while I walked down Burnette Road in Nash County, a white lifted truck pulled up near me and the driver began to rev the engine very loudly. Naturally, I turned to see who was in the truck and saw 2 Caucasian males. At this point the truck was literally in the middle of the road as I proceeded to walk thinking they would just leave. The driver continued to rev the engine of the truck so finally I reach to my left side which was in their blind spot and I pull out my hand gun. Long story short the white truck quickly sped down the road and out of sight. Due to the tinted plate cover I was unable to get the tag number. I pondered whether to post this or not because my wife and friends already worry when I cycle or walk because often it’s alone (my choice). It’s really sad that even after George Floyd’s murder and countless others, people still remain cold hearted racists. It’s sad that you have to be armed just to walk in your own community. But I’ve decided that I won’t allow racist folks to prevent me from doing what I love to do so I will just make sure I’m protected while I’m doing it. This is actually the second incident I’ve had while out exercising. May share the other incident at some point that took place a few years ago while cycling near Belmont Farms in Rocky Mount, NC. Please be safe out here in these streets and use wisdom.


Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020