Video/Pictures: Princeville NC – Until They Are No Longer In Office I Will Refer To Princeville As Priscilla-Ville See Meeting Held On Monday August 27, 2012


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Until Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates is no longer in office I will call Princeville Priscilla-Ville. It is obvious that she is calling the shots because she gets to do something that many mayors do not and that is vote. She gets to vote during every meeting because she is the tie-breaker.

The Princeville regular monthly town hall meeting was held tonight and it was business as usual for the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod. All of the motions that were put on the floor were moved and 2nd by either Purvis-Andrews and Sherrod and Everette-Oates was ready to break the tie.

Just about every meeting Commissioner Sherrod sit at the board table along with Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight before the meeting begin. One would wonder why he is not in the backrom with Everette-Oates and Purvis-Andrews. But once the meeting start he kicks right in with them as if it was staged.

The highlights of the meeting were the police report and the interim manager’s report.

A CPA person came from Highpoint NC came to talk about how he can help the town. This sounded too good to be true because he wanted to work for the board but wanted no money up front. He said he heard about Princeville on the news the day after LGC took control of the books and he didn’t know the mayor and the mayor didn’t know him but he had talked to her over the phone.

A resolution was brought before the board to vote on that talked about help from Congressman G.K. Butterfield to investigate if any money has been taken away from Princeville and other criminal activities however when I spoke to the Congressman he was not aware of a resolution that included his office.

The public comments were good also.

imageThe funny part is I don’t recall the interim manager giving a report on the LGC findings. This is what I wanted to hear about and I am quite sure the citizens present did also. I was hoping someone from LGC would be at the meeting but I imagine they drive back home every day. However I bet there was a letter from LGC about the status of the town but it was not shared during this meeting.

So are the Princeville 3 hiding something from the citizens of Princeville or is there nothing to report from LGC. Well I know there is something to report because they hold the financial status of the town. Remember they presented a budget to the citizens last week during a public hearing.

Watch the video and you will see what a mess this meeting was in Priscilla-Ville NC.

Click on picture to watch video.

Read more:

Princeville NC

Originally posted 8.28.6:30 AM.


So what was the purpose of the Mayor calling Attorney Chuck Watts on the phone? She called him after the meeting had began. One would think that she would have called him before the meeting began. She asked him did he have anything to report and he said no. So  will he get paid for calling in last night and saying nothing? Oh well!

The following is another one of the Princeville 3 mess that they bring to the meeting to attempt to justify their mess.

But the funny part is Maggie Boyd is not a commissioner but she made a motion for one of the motions that were made last night.


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