When Issues Are Local These Vocal Folk Don’t Talk About That! Rocky Mount/Edgecombe/Nash

Funny how issues like the most recent incident pertaining to a former Rocky Mount City Employee is in the news talking about sexual harassment against a Rocky Mount assistant city manager and the city manager and folk are silent other than a very few who are forming an opinion based on one side of the issue. It is funny to me how these folk who are talking are talking off emotions and not the facts as presented by the former employee. And then some that are talking are talking about what next if the assistant manager is guilty. Really! Damn!

It is obvious that many of these folk who are talking has a personal issue against the city just like the former city employee so therefore they are going to side with her and trying to create a narrative based on her talk. That is a dangerous thing.

And then you have racist White folk who using the Black folk in this issue with the sexual harassment all being Black. These racist don’t give a damn about the former city employee, the assistant city manager, the city manager nor you Black folk. These folk are taking the advantage of this Black fight to try to remove the city manager, Black staff and take back the city council because it is a Black majority.

Another issue is how many of these folk have gone to an Edgecombe County Board of Commissioners meeting to help the Edgecombe County Sheriff Office fight for more money?

How many has gone to a Nash County Commissioners meeting to help Nash County Sheriff Office fight for more money and a new jail?

How many has gone to the Nash & Edgecombe County School Boards about the teachers and students having to deal with the COVID-19 conditions in the schools?

I just shake my damn head how folk talk about issues making ignant comments because they are ignant to the facts. This goes for some of these talk show hosts as well. It is obvious how they respond making comments and you can see where they stand on the issue. Funny how one show this morning all the hosts were supportive of the accuser in the sexual harassment issue and nobody never said well what if the accused is found not guilty. Well they don’t give a damn because they have been and still will continue on their mission to get rid of Black folk in high places.

The other show I didn’t heard only 1 or 2 who talked with some sense about how you going to agree with the accuser and you have not heard the other side.

I notice when folk call in to the shows and make some great comments but since that ain’t where the hosts stand on the issue they don’t elaborate and go on to another subject. That is a problem for me.

Yesterday it was said wonder if the accuser was a White blonde haired female that the conversation would be different. I would love to been able to ask her for more clarity. But for me if she want to make the accuser a White blonde haired female then I would say that if the assistant city manager and the city manager were white, that means all were white, hell yeah the conversation would be different. First of all hell they would not put their business out there and Black folk would not know about it. Also they would not have Black folk talking about protesting and asking for those involved to resign.

Folk you need to 1st know what is in the policy and procedures about filing a complaint with the city. If they followed their policy and procedures then I agree it was deemed inappropriate behavior. If they did not then that does not automatically make the accused guilty because now you don’t know what an outside investigation findings would have been.

There are things I don’t take lightly and that is messing with my family but I am going to deal with it legally. And when folk try to discredit or come for me in the workplace I am going to fight like hell to set the record straight.

In this case the accuser has retired so if I was the accused I would fight like hell to keep my job.

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against! I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

I am going see how all this unfold. I am going to wait for the silent to speak after the finding and I am going to see what the talkers have to say.

I’ll wait!

These Special Cs Thinking They Can Say & Do Whatever To Certain Black Folk

The Political Agitator’s response: Ignant Racist Special Cs and & Ignant Safe Negro Black Folk don’t think White Supremacy ain’t real but that is because their asses has not received emails and received threats. I have been receiving them since the late 80’s. But the problem with Ignant Safe Negro Black Folk is because they have never stood for anything, they have not been threatened. This may be one of the persons that called Councilwoman Chris Miller and Councilman Tj Walker about not going to Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson’s Special Call Meeting. But you see these Racists and Safe Folk don’t want to talk about them TRUES! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

From: Gomer Saidgrastion <gomersaidgrastion@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 5:45:17 PM
To: Andre Knight <
Subject: Pay your bills

It’s no wonder you people have failed,we have gave you people chance after chance to live among the supreme race, but you people have failed,when we took you out of bondage was the biggest mistake in United States history, there will be a day when you people will once again be placed back in chains to serve the supreme race,may you people burn in hell.god bless because no one else will.rev..gomer saidgrastion CEO and founder of anti nigger inc and author of my father witnessed the exacution of Martin Luther the coon and what a glorious day it was and author of three niggers swinging in a tree and a dog named wc.

Who Think I Need To Tone Down Talking About Race Relations Calling Out Black Folk?

I was told that my Blog ie: Social Media Sites are the reason for divisiveness when it comes to Race Relations.

Who think I need to tone down calling out black folk?

Who Think I Need To Tone Down Talking About Race Relations Calling Out White Folk?

I was told that my Blog ie: Social Media Sites are the reason for divisiveness when it comes to Race Relations.

Who think I need to tone down talking about race relations calling out white folk?

Wow! The Judge Thought It Was Funny When He Told Him He Was A Lawyer

Click On Photo To Watch Video


Black Folk Have Been Saving White Folk All Of My 54 Years And Long Before

But this is not anything new, black folk have been saving white folk all of my 54 years and long before. Black folk raised their children, cooked for them, did their laundry and more so let’s not forget.

But yes the photo speaks volume but let’s not make it appear the love we have for all folk didn’t just begin now.

not #theirversionofhistory

Image may contain: one or more people, child and outdoor

This Explains That

Wish the whole world could see this photo. These are the moments that reveal the true face of America.

This hero rescued children at their Cypress, Texas house hit by the historic storm. This is the best of America. We are one.

—> For the news stories that will move your heart, like This Explains That now.

Holder and Obama are making race relations worse, inflaming hatred – New York Post

Attorney General Eric Holder insisted to MSNBC earlier this month that “we are in a better place than we were before” in race relations since Barack Obama was elected president.

The president doubled down in an interview with NPR last week. Asked if race relations were worse since he took office, he said, “No, I actually think that it’s probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided.”

But that’s not what the American people see. A Pew Research Center poll found that only 40% of Americans approve of the way Obama is handling race relations. Black approval is down to 57%, while approval among whites is down to 33%. (Source: Read more)

Is This True Today?


Hell yeah!

NC House District 23 RACE

I appreciate Rusty bringing up RACE that we all have the same needs. He said it ain’t just about black and white.

However I beg the difference because in Edgecombe County alone it is a problem and will always be a problem because white folks have been the dominate race when it comes to farming, jobs, businesses and etc. So my friend RACE be it color is a damn problem. Coming together talking about it ain’t going to completely solve the problem. Until the playing field is leveled it will always be a problem. I just don’t think the field will ever be leveled. But just like folks talk about going to heaven, then we can talk about leveling the playing field.

What Race Has to Do With It – The Nation

Response: Hell yeah it is and has always been about RACE. They are afraid of this damn smart intelligent Black man. Anyone who does not see this just don’t understand and/or denial. I say they are in denial because it has been clear from day one.

Say what you like about Wally Hudson—and people do—he knows his audience. For months, the chairman of Virginia’s Mecklenburg County Republican Committee displayed pictures of Barack Obama as a drug dealer, witch doctor and caveman on his party’s Facebook page, resisting calls from higher-ups to remove them. “We know our regular readers, who are good conservatives,” Hudson told The Washington Post. “They’re gonna get a kick out of it.” (More)

Read more:

President Obama

Conservatism versus Race Relations in America: Volume I – Examiner

What racism and bigotry in America sounds like in the year 2012:

“He’s NOT one of US”… “We want OUR country back” … “He just doesn’t understand American Exceptionalism”.

Isn’t it interesting how haters no longer find it necessary to speak in code anymore? That’s how much they hate President Obama. (More)


The NAACP’s allegations are totally unfounded and reckless. We have never tolerated, and will never tolerate, discrimination in any way, shape or form in any of our business practices, products or services. – Wells Fargo Spokeswoman – 2009

Back in 2009 the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) filed a class action suit to stop lenders from engaging in "systematic, institutionalized racism in making home mortgage loans.”  The NAACP suit specifically named: Ameriquest, Wells Fargo, Fremont Investment, Option One Mortgage (H&R Block,) WMC Mortgage, Countrywide, Long Beach Mortgage, CitiGroup, BNC Mortgage, Accredited Home Lenders, Encore Credit (Bear Stearns,) First Franklin, HSBC, and Washington Mutual as modern practitioners of discrimination.

As we start the year 2012, the largest residential fair-lending settlement in American history is starting to take place. Bank of America has agreed to pay $335 million to settle federal allegations that its Countrywide unit discriminated against minorities. Due to the NAACP’s activism, the U.S. Justice Department carried out years of investigations that ultimately concluded Countrywide loan officers and brokers charged higher fees and rates to more than 200,000 minority borrowers than they did to White borrowers who posed the same credit risk. The Justice Department’s investigations also found that Countrywide steered more than 10,000 minority borrowers into costly subprime mortgages when White borrowers with similar credit profiles received regular loan portfolios.

Contrary to the protestations of America’s lenders our country’s unique racism continues.  Black buyers often enter a separate and unequal lending universe.  The mortgage companies the NAACP filed suit against accounted for half the loans given to Black middle-income borrowers in 2005 and 2006.  Minority borrowers paid hundreds or thousands of dollars more to get a mortgage than did similarly qualified White customers. Justice Department officials said, “The victims had no idea they were being victimized. They were thrilled to have gotten a loan and realize the American dream.” 

With the impetus of the NAACP discrimination lawsuit the Justice Department created a division to focus exclusively on banks and mortgage brokers suspected of discriminating against minority mortgage applicants, a type of litigation that requires extensive and complex analysis of data. Working with bank regulatory agencies and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the unit reached settlements or filed complaints accusing a lender of engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination.  The Federal Reserve first detected statistical discrepancies in the loans Countrywide was making and referred the matter to the Justice Department in early 2007.

Those proven to be victims of Countrywide’s deliberate discrimination will get to divvy up $335 million, an average of roughly $1,700 per borrower.  The compensation rate will depend on who originated the loan and whether the borrower was steered into a subprime product.  Justice Department officials say that “checks should start going out to qualified borrowers in about 24 months.”

For those wanting to just meld into the mainstream, note that the case represents the first time that the Justice Department alleged and obtained relief for borrowers who were steered into loans based on race or national origin. The NAACP released a statement saying Bank of America "takes one more important step toward creating a fairer lending environment for consumers."

Ironically, over recent years it has become daily talk fare among African Americans to question “the NAACP’s relevance in modern American life.”  The mortgage industry discrimination suit shows the idiocy of such talk.  Were it not for the NAACP, the government wouldn’t have investigated embedded lending practices, and Countrywide would not be paying victims of its 2004 to 2007 discriminatory practices.  What does it take for us to realize that racism is alive and living in America and we need all the forces we can muster? The NAACP’s membership categories range from $30 “Annual” to $750 for “Lifetime.”  How many people being compensated by the settlement will send funds to: NAACP Memberships, 4805 Mt. Hope Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21215?

(William Reed is available for speaking/seminar projects via BaileyGroup.org)

See related:

William Reed Columnist

Sears employee wins $5.2 million jury award for racial harassment – Source: Sacramento City News

At first, Medro Johnson tried to shrug it off.

The African American employee of Sears Home Improvement Products in Natomas was at an August 2008 company barbecue with his family, court records say. A co-worker walked up and blurted a racial slur, issued with a "slave dialect." (Read more)

Response: And some folks do not think racial harassment is alive and well today. Some are acting out simply because they don’t like “Our” President. So many folks have got this type of treatment just because we have a black President. I am glad this man pushed the issue and made them pay. Curmilus Dancy II – DCN Publisher

Frederick Douglass: The Color Line in America (1883) – See How This Relates To “Our” Black President And The Republican Party (Powerful Speech)

The following was shared with me:

Many people wonder why some are so hard on President Obama. Did Frederick Douglass predict the answer many years ago?

“Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements.
In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress.
If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he s hall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.
In one case he may provoke contempt and derision, but in the other he is an affront to pride and provokes malice.”

Frederick Douglass

September 25, 1883

After 1877, following the withdrawal of Union troops from South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida, Reconstruction officially ended. In theory, African Americans were free, but, in practice, their status was far from equal. The intent of the Fourteenth and the Fifteenth Amendment with regard to African Americans was being whittled away by state legislation in the South and Supreme Court decisions. African American participation in all phases of American life was qualified by prejudice; most avenues of social and economic improvement remained closed. Frederick Douglass, the best-known and most influential African American spokesman of his time, considered these facts and offered a solution in the following speech of September 24, 1883. (Read more)

See related:

President Barack Obama


BLACK FAMILY DAY – Source: The Daily Southerner

TARBORO — The first Black Family Day in Tarboro on Saturday was in contrast to the controversy of the planning that swirled around the event for several months.

"I was very pleased with the outcome," said Organizer Remi Muhammad. "The attendance was low because we had to relocate and I was very disappointed about that. (Read more)

See related:

Black Family Day Tarboro NC

Tarboro 27886 Facebook Page

Black Family Day Facebook Page