Congressman G.K. Butterfield Responds To Princeville’s Resolution

The following response is in response to the resolution that was voted on Monday during the regular monthly meeting. See it for yourself, “Video/Pictures: Princeville NC – Until They Are No Longer In Office I Will Refer To Princeville As Priscilla-Ville See Meeting Held On Monday August 27, 2012.”


Video/Pictures: Princeville NC – Until They Are No Longer In Office I Will Refer To Princeville As Priscilla-Ville See Meeting Held On Monday August 27, 2012


Click on picture for more pictures.

Until Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates is no longer in office I will call Princeville Priscilla-Ville. It is obvious that she is calling the shots because she gets to do something that many mayors do not and that is vote. She gets to vote during every meeting because she is the tie-breaker.

The Princeville regular monthly town hall meeting was held tonight and it was business as usual for the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod. All of the motions that were put on the floor were moved and 2nd by either Purvis-Andrews and Sherrod and Everette-Oates was ready to break the tie.

Just about every meeting Commissioner Sherrod sit at the board table along with Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight before the meeting begin. One would wonder why he is not in the backrom with Everette-Oates and Purvis-Andrews. But once the meeting start he kicks right in with them as if it was staged.

The highlights of the meeting were the police report and the interim manager’s report.

A CPA person came from Highpoint NC came to talk about how he can help the town. This sounded too good to be true because he wanted to work for the board but wanted no money up front. He said he heard about Princeville on the news the day after LGC took control of the books and he didn’t know the mayor and the mayor didn’t know him but he had talked to her over the phone.

A resolution was brought before the board to vote on that talked about help from Congressman G.K. Butterfield to investigate if any money has been taken away from Princeville and other criminal activities however when I spoke to the Congressman he was not aware of a resolution that included his office.

The public comments were good also.

imageThe funny part is I don’t recall the interim manager giving a report on the LGC findings. This is what I wanted to hear about and I am quite sure the citizens present did also. I was hoping someone from LGC would be at the meeting but I imagine they drive back home every day. However I bet there was a letter from LGC about the status of the town but it was not shared during this meeting.

So are the Princeville 3 hiding something from the citizens of Princeville or is there nothing to report from LGC. Well I know there is something to report because they hold the financial status of the town. Remember they presented a budget to the citizens last week during a public hearing.

Watch the video and you will see what a mess this meeting was in Priscilla-Ville NC.

Click on picture to watch video.

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Originally posted 8.28.6:30 AM.


So what was the purpose of the Mayor calling Attorney Chuck Watts on the phone? She called him after the meeting had began. One would think that she would have called him before the meeting began. She asked him did he have anything to report and he said no. So  will he get paid for calling in last night and saying nothing? Oh well!

The following is another one of the Princeville 3 mess that they bring to the meeting to attempt to justify their mess.

But the funny part is Maggie Boyd is not a commissioner but she made a motion for one of the motions that were made last night.


Princeville budget hearing packed – Daily Southerner

Response: I hate I was not able to attend this meeting to capture it on video. However I am glad to see people coming. But as one citizen put it, he thought Princeville was under a gag order because the citizens were not allowed to ask questions.

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — The Local Government Commission’s (LGC) public hearing on Princeville’s proposed 2012-2013 budget drew mixed reactions from citizens who stood wall-to-wall in the Princeville commissioners room Thursday afternoon.

Approximately 75 people attended the meeting but only a few budget reports were available for review. (More)

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Did You Know? Black Law Enforcement

Did you know the Chief of Police in Enfield NC is black?

Did you know the Chief of Police in Pinetops NC is black?

Did you know the Chief of Police in Princeville NC is black?

Did you know the Chief of Police in Wilson NC is black?

Did you know the Chief of Police in Tarboro NC is black?

Did you know the Chief of Police in Rocky Mount NC is black?

Did you know the Edgecombe County Sheriff is black? Offices in Tarboro NC and Rocky Mount NC.

All of the above duties consist of working in Edgecombe County. I wonder can any other county match this?

Princeville NC – LGC Holds Budget Hearing For The Citizens Of Princeville

Sources say LGC held a productive hearing today to make the people aware of what is going on in Princeville. LGC made the people aware that it was the Princeville 3 that were increasing the water bill fees and not them.

Sources say Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates did not show up. Sources say Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight had an emergency.

Sources say Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews showed her butt again. They say Purvis-Andrews still talking about this council inherited the problem they have when they came into office in 2009. But I have heard the Princeville 3 say many of times they inherited the issues in 2009 in which had them in the red but they got themselves out of the red in 2010.

So Purvis-Andrews if you were out of the red in 2010 why don’t you understand that it was the Princeville 3 that have put Princeville in the red again?

I understand that the citizens of Princeville showed up today and asked questions. Sources say that it was reported that several residents and at least one business had not received a water bill in 2 years.

Sources say they left the meeting feeling that LGC was going to work with them.

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Princeville NC: LGC gives delinquent users 10 months to pay – Daily Southerner

Response: According to Julia Vail, deputy director of communication for LGC, as of Tuesday there were 104 customers were on the cut-off list. Some of the delinquent customer bills are reportedly as high as $3,792. Vail said the primary issue behind the delinquency is that customers were allowed to continue receiving services in spite of having not paid their bills. Damn the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod campaigned on the water bills so look at where they are now. This article shows exactly what has gone wrong while the Princeville 3 has tried to blame others for their mess. Finances water bills and 24 credit cards for 12 people and the Mayor has used the card and has no documentation. So to all the folks who talk about Princeville need to voluntarily ask Tarboro to take over them oh hell no. The folks of Princeville who are in good standing need to ask that those who created this mess the Princeville 3 to resign effective immediately and the folks who are behind in their water bills to pay up and this would be an easy fix. Damn the Princeville 3 keep talking about Sam Knight criminal activity but if I remember correctly the things he done do not equate to the $1000’s of dollars that Princeville is in the red at this particular time. Again I say the Princeville 3 has intentionally put Princeville in the red because Commissioner Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight along with some others have questioned their every move. Damn I remember so clearly how the Princeville 3 called T. Vance Holloman a liar during the July 30 meeting in Raleigh but we continue to see who are the liars.

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — In an effort to get the town’s finances in a more stable condition, the Local Government Commission (LGC) has implemented a plan to collect Princeville’s delinquent water and sewer bills.

LGC’s plan requires delinquent customers to establish a payment plan with the state agency no later than Monday, Sept. 10. If the delinquent customers abide by the plan, their debts will be cleared by June 30, 2013. The payment plan must be approved by LGC, which took over the town’s finances on July 30. (More)

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Just Look At What The Princeville 3 Mayor Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Purvis-Andrews, Commissioner Sherrod And The Town Attorney Have Done To Allow Ignant Folks Like Those On WHIG-TV And Some Others To Say What Needs To Take Place In Princeville

Tonight around midnight I watched the taped version of the morning show. I watched the show in anger looking at these 2 males 1 white and 1 black discussing Princeville making comments that were not based on facts. They were discussing the article in the Daily Southerner Princeville’s financial hole just gets deeper – Daily Southerner This Story Continues To Get Gooder And Gooder (LOL!) I couldn’t call in because it was a recorded show.

Damn does any of the hosts on the morning shows do their homework instead of just getting on the tv and talking about stuff as if they know what the hell they are talking about? I have never seen either of these 2 dudes from WHIG – TV attend a Princeville Town Hall Meeting. I have not seen WHIG – TV send someone to video the meetings for over a year now.

The 2 dudes on the morning show talked about Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates spending money on the credit card without any documentation to support why she used the card. The white dude joked about maybe she bought $6,000 worth of doughnuts for the meetings and he and the black dude thought that was funny. Well I don’t see any damn thing funny about it. I will wait to see what the findings are because if the Mayor do not tell I truly believe that LGC will take the necessary steps to get that information and it will become public information.

These 2 dudes talked about maybe the people of Princeville need to voluntarily ask Tarboro to take over them, that they will not lose their identity and etc. They gave an example of Battleboro being annexed by Rocky Mount. Well these ignant dudes need to understand that Battleboro do not hold the status that Princeville does being the Oldest Town Incorporated by Slaves.

These 2 dudes also had the audacity to make it appear that the Town of Princeville does not have enough citizens and the capabilities to handle their own financial affairs. Oh hell no Princeville have enough citizens and there are people capable of handling the town affairs. There are 2 Town Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight that have the best interest of the citizens and the town affairs in their hearts but they are not in the majority. The Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod voting members, Attorney Charles Watts Princeville Town Attorney, Maggie Boyd Interim Town Manager and some incompetent staff are the reasons why the town is in the shape that it is in.

The damn fools said the best local TV show in the world because they are on the internet. These dudes are too damn ignant.

I want these 2 ignant dudes to know that hell yeah I was angry as I watched them on WHIG – TV because I attend the Princeville Town Meetings and was in Raleigh NC when LGC took control of the financial affairs. I have all of the meetings that I have attended on video and they have been made available on my blog. I have been following Princeville for several years so therefore I have documentation on my blog dating back to when the Princeville 3 was elected back around 2009.

These damn fools said at the end of the show that they had talked about Princeville and gave them some ideas of what they need to do. Damn they are just as ignant as the Princeville 3 because nothing that they suggested on the show were based on the facts. They read one damn article and took the piece about Mayor Everette-Oates spending money on a credit card and that makes them the one to tell the citizens of Princeville what they need to do. Oh hell no ya’ll ain’t the one!

Yep, I talk about Princeville but I can do that because I am somewhat knowledgeable to the facts of what is going on in the town. However I take offense to ignant damn folks talking  and misleading the citizens and others about what is going on in Princeville and telling them what they need to do.

Damn I get tired of having to hold the Princeville 3 accountable and ignant folks like these 2 dude at WHIG – TV accountable for their actions. The Princeville 3 is ignant enough and don’t need any ignant friends. But I guess in some cases ignance breeds ignance. Well!

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Princeville’s financial problems start with town’s leadership – Rocky Mount Telegram

In response to Mike Armstrong’s letter to the editor about Princeville’s cuts: What the what?

Other towns are not being run by incompetent folks like the three people in Princeville – Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod – who have done nothing but shown how ignorant they are. (More)

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Princeville NC

Princeville NC – So Where Is Attorney Charles (Chuck) Watts?

I have not heard anything about attorney Chuck Watts since he sent his letter to the Local Government Commission (LGC) meeting on July 30 trying to justify giving the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod more time to comply to LGC. He said he could not attend the July meeting because he was on a planned trip. Well you know the story LGC impounded the books and took control of Princeville finances.

Attorney Watts is a trip himself and the best thing he could do for the Town of Princeville is to not come back ever and to by-pass the town if he is passing through on the way somewhere. He has helped the Princeville 3 put the Town of Princeville in the spotlight for quite some time now. Watts and the Princeville 3 have intentionally disrespected the citizens of Princeville and others who are concerned about the Oldest Town Incorporated by Slaves. I say intentionally because Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight along with some concerned citizens have been questioning Watts and the Princeville 3 every move. If Watts has anything that he need to return to Princeville he ought to send it or someone need to go where he is to pick it up.

I think I read where attorney Watts  received a DWI conviction in Nash County not long ago. This makes me wonder where was he coming from. I wonder was he coming from Princeville. Because of the way he has represented the town I wonder was he and his good friends in Princeville (hint) having a little social time. The way they have been carrying out the business of Princeville they have to had been drunk or just ignant. Well!

Okay enough of that so can somebody anybody tell me have you seen Chucky baby?

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Princeville’s financial hole just gets deeper – Daily Southerner This Story Continues To Get Gooder And Gooder (LOL!)

Response: Now this is interesting: “The letter did not mention individual names, however, the town’s recent audit report noted that Everette-Oates made 133 charges on a town credit card that totaled $5,929 in which there was no supporting documentation.” So do the Mayor think she is exempt from the rules? On top of her salary for Mayor that she receives from the town she used the credit card? But if she did why was it not documented? But she didn’t want to pay Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight her salary as a commissioner. Damn! I posted the entire August 7 letter 2 days ago, “Princeville NC – LGC Findings July 31, 2012 Cash Balance And Town’s Credit Cards Are The Major Concerns.”

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — Seven days after the Local Government Commission assumed financial control of the Town of Princeville, its staff discovered problems with the town’s mishandling credit cards and gas cards that have added to the town’s crippling financial condition. (More)

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Princeville NC – Othar Woodard I Agree “It Is Time To Decide!”

Sir I read your letter “It is time to decide” with mixed emotions because one of your options should not be considered an option at no point in time.

Well sir the old saying is 3 strikes and you are out.

Well sir this is strike 3 and it is time that the citizens of Princeville need to decide to get in the game. You see the citizens have not been in the game and have allowed Commissioners Ann Howell and Gwendolyn Knight to fight the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod by themselves. The Princevile 3 have been allowed to strike out since they have been serving this term. They accomplished their mission and that was to come in a do something about the water bills and they did. Hell they allowed folks to go without keeping their bills current. They have spent money on trying to silence Commissioner Knight and paid attorney Chuck Watts to do nothing. At one time they even hired a 2nd lawyer to try to silence Commissioner Knight.

The sad part is the Princeville 3 really think they have done a good job of managing the town. Since the silent majority, the citizens of Princeville didn’t hold them accountable for their actions, they must took that as these citizens supported them. I have even heard them say a couple of times that they were doing what the people wanted them to do. Well I have only seen a couple of citizens who supported them and I put them in the same category as the Princeville 3.

Sir the only option that should be the desire of the citizens of Princeville is that they need to demand that the Princeville 3 resign effective immediately. It is clear that the Princeville 3 are solely responsible for the LGC taking control of the books, however they released a press release attempting to mislead the citizens that it was 7 others who are responsible. 

I don’t understand why the Princeville 3 ignants don’t understand that they are the 3 who have been voting together while Commissioners Howell and Knight have voted against nearly everything they have passed. The Princeville 3 are the reason why the cash balance is $38442.49 in the red. They are the reason why they have some incompetent staff but hell the Princeville 3 are incompetent so most of the time incompetent people can relate to incompetent people.

I don’t feel that waiting to the next election is an option however I understand that unless there are criminal charges brought against the Princeville 3 they can stay in office until the next election.

Sir oh hell no requesting that Princeville become a part of Tarboro is not an option. The citizens of Princeville and all black folks and other folks of good will should not be willing to allow that to happen.

Sir it is time for the citizens to decide that enough is enough and that the Princeville 3 resigns effective immediately. It is time for competent citizens to run for office.

Updated: Originally posted on August 8, 2012 19:19. Correction changed the word lightbill to water bill.

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Princeville NC – LGC Findings July 31, 2012 Cash Balance And Town’s Credit Cards Are The Major Concerns

























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Princeville NC – Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Refused To Accept This Memorandum from LGC On July 30, 2012 During The Meeting In Raleigh

The following is the Memorandum from LGC that T. Vance Holloman was trying to give to Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and she refused to accept it. Mayor Everette-Oates said she was not accepting anything from Holloman because he was a liar. Well I guess at the end of the day we are going to learn who are the liars. Hint: The Princeville 3. See letter dated August 7, 2012.image






































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"Princeville shows why local governments need cuts." Rocky Mount Telegram

In response to Mike Armstrong letter to editor "Princeville shows why local governments need cuts."

What the what?

Other towns are not being ran by incompetent folks like the 3 people in Princeville Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Commissioner Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod who have done nothing but shown how ignant they are during this term.

You say a teaching moment. Princeville has not taught us nothing however LGC is going to teach us about how ignant they are, however I should say those like you who do not attend the meetings and forming an opinion simply based on trying to prove a point because you have issues with Rocky Mount. Heck that makes you just as ignant as the Princeville 3 and on top of that you continue to attempt to mislead others who don’t know any better also. I am so glad I attend the meetings and was in Raleigh when LGC took control of the funds. I videoed the meeting in Raleigh and I have the video on my blog. I have some recent documented findings from LGG about the status of Princeville in my hand that I received on yesterday.

So sir please don’t attempt to paint a picture of Princeville without stating pure facts about what is really going on in Princeville. The people are being lead by enough ignance and do not need anymore fuel to add to the fire.

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A salute to Viola Harris for caring – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — To the Editor:

First of all, I want to say that I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

I know you, mayor Linda Ingram, and I know commissioner Viola Harris very well. Harris and I are not the best of friends, however we do have something in common and that is visiting Princeville because we care about the status of the town. I don’t live here, nor does Harris. (More)

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