Princeville NC – Princeville Regular Monthly Meeting Today Monday September 24, 2012 7:00 PM Title Of This Meeting “Ask Priscilla” About The Financial Condition Of The Town

The Princeville regular monthly meeting is tonight. All citizens of Princeville need to attend and do what “Ask Priscilla?” Ask what? Can’t she buy her own fish and wine? Well!

Tell her not ask but to start giving ya’ll the real reports from LGC because they have been holding back on ya. But The DCN is on top of them.

After reading the following Princeville NC – Update on the Town of Princeville’s Financial Condition and you ain’t mad then you are just as ignant as the Mayor because she has confirmed her ignance.

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Princeville NC – Breaking News: LGC Does Not Approve The Hiring Of Maggie Boyd, Rule Special Call Meeting Not Legit.

Princeville NC

Princeville NC – Update on the Town of Princeville’s Financial Condition

Originally posted 9/22/12

Note: Make sure you scroll to the end of this post around 11 pages from LGC included. Enjoy!

Do these folks not know that they can not treat the Town of Princeville Credit Card as if it is their own? I may pay my bills late but one can not do these things when it is not for their own personal use.

So is the SBI on the way to Princeville?

Well can’t wait to attend the Princeville regular monthly meeting Monday September 24, 2012 7 PM because this meeting should be standing room only. The citizens need to demand that the Princeville 3 resign effective immediately especially the mayor.

But I wonder did the Princeville 3 Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod know that Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates was using the credit card to charge all of these items? I wonder did the Mayor share the wine from Taylor’s BP and Wines.

Well I ain’t gonna touch Dianna Draughn and her credit card issue because the Princeville 3 along with the Town Manager’s position should have been monitoring her. So hiring Maggie Boyd as the interim Town Manager continues to add up.

After reading all of this you can click on Princeville NC to read more about the history of Princeville NC since the Princeville 3 were elected in 2009.
























































Princeville NC – Letter to editor: Not only the SBI should come in, but the FBI as well

In response to: Princeville NC – Update on the Town of Princeville’s Financial Condition

Not only the SBI should come in, but the FBI as well.  These people need to be put in jail plain and simple.  This is out right stealing! and it’s shows continually the abuse of power the individual is and is continuing to use  in that position.  I’m of the opinion that they’re not just dumb, but stupid and ignorant as well.  I’m not talking about Mrs. Howell and Ms. Knight, but the three idiots!  The people of Princeville should be just as pissed off as I am.  I wonder if they know what Obstruction of Justice is.  I believe this could give them more time in jail that is out right stealing.  But guess what?  They’re too dumb to realize what’s happening around them.  All the LGC has to do and I’m quite sure that they already know this is subpoena the staff and have them do depositions and have them take an Oath that everything they write and say is the truth and nothing but the truth.  Now once they let them know that if they can be found guilty of perjury if what they write and say is found out to be untrue once an investigation start.  The government could give the little people that were intimated or fearful of their job limited immunity.

That dumb attorney they have should have been advising them in the right way to conduct business from the beginning.  But he realized how dumb, stupid and ignorant they were, so he decided to charge them an outrageous yearly salary, when he probably could not win a case against me and I’m not a lawyer.

I want the people of my town to demand the State or Federal Government to throw them out of office.  They have more than enough evidence to prove without a shadow of a doubt that a jury will find them guilty of numerous felony counts on stealing, making false statements, conspiracy, fraud, obstruction of justice and so on and so forth.

Md Bennett

LGC: Princeville rehiring illegal – Daily Southerner

Despite the letter, Boyd was at work Thursday

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — The N.C. Local Government Commission ruled the emergency meeting that was held by the town on Sept. 10 to rehire former interim town manager Maggie Boyd, was illegal according to state statutes..

The LGC addressed a letter to Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates Wednesday, stating that the state commission do not believe the purpose of the meeting meets state statutory requirement for an emergency meeting nor was proper notice given. (More)

Read more:

Princeville NC – Breaking News: LGC Does Not Approve The Hiring Of Maggie Boyd, Rule Special Call Meeting Not Legit.

Princeville NC

Princeville NC – Breaking News: LGC Does Not Approve The Hiring Of Maggie Boyd, Rule Special Call Meeting Not Legit.















































WHIG TV – Has Anyone Wondered Why They Don’t Record The Princeville Town Hall Meetings Anymore?

I don’t know for sure why WHIG TV do not record the Princeville Town Hall meetings anymore but if I was to guess my answer would be that they don’t have any sponsor that pays them to go video the meeting.

So Political Agitator why you go there?

Because several years ago Herb Greenberg owner WHIG TV asked me to record the Princeville Town meetings for him. He said he had a person that was paying sponsorship to record those meetings. I said to him I will not record Princeville meetings when he do not show the school board and other meetings across the county.

During that time there were other meetings across the county that had some negativity just like Princeville but Herb didn’t want folks to see what was going on in meetings that were a majority white boards vs Princeville being all black.

At the last Princeville Town Hall meeting that I attended a citizen asked me would the meeting be on WHIG TV and I told him no but it would be on my website.

However the Town pays someone to video their meetings so I wonder why they do not sell the video to WHIG TV or better yet why don’t they give Herb a copy? I am surprised that the Princeville 3 Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod have not tried to get their meetings on WHIG TV so the citizens could see what they are doing since they say they are working for the citizens.

If you want to see a real racist comedy show look at WHIG TV during the times when they have talk shows. They love to talk about the Rocky Mount City Council because they are majority black. And they have no respect for “Our” current President who just happens to be black.


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Princeville NC

Enter Princeville rehires Boyd as interim town manager

Response: I posted this a coupe of days ago. “Breaking News: Princeville NC – The Princeville 3 Hires A Part-time Worker”

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — Ten days after North Carolina’s Local Government Commission (LGC) cut Maggie Boyd’s position from the 2012-2013 Princeville budget, the board of commissioners rehired her during a special meeting Monday by a 2-1 vote. Commissioners Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Calvin Sherrod voted to rehire Boyd while commissioner Gwen Knight voted against it. Commissioner Ann Howell was absent. (More)

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Princeville NC

Breaking News: Princeville NC – The Princeville 3 Hires A Part-time Worker

Sources say Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates called a Special Meeting last night to be held this morning at 11:00. Some folks were not clear on what the purpose of the meeting would be.

I learned today that the meeting was held as scheduled and the Princeville 3 Mayor Everette-Oates, Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Commissioner Calvin Sherrod hired Maggie Boyd the former interim Town Manager to work around 19 hours a week.

Commissioner Gwendolyn Knight attended the meeting and voted against the hiring of Boyd however, Purvis-Andrews and Sherrod voted to hire Boyd. Commissioner Ann Howell was not able to attend the meeting due to having a previous appointment. Knight had an appointment also but was able to make it back to Princeville to the meeting. Although I said the Princeville 3 hired Boyd only Purvis-Andrews and Sherrod voted and Mayor Everette-Oates didn’t have to break the tie this time. However trust me if Howell had been present the Mayor would have voted along with her flunkies.

So why would the Princeville 3 hire Boyd to work part-time? Well! So they can have someone to report to them what is going on in the office since the Local Government Commission (LGC) is there daily. But damn it would have made sense for them to hire someone other than Boyd since she and Knight are tangled up in a “No Contact Order” through the Edgecombe County Courts whereby they are not suppose to be in the presence of each other other than at a Town Meeting. Now this is not good because Knight can’t question Boyd during the Town Meetings although they can be in the same room.

Well the LGC meets tomorrow and just maybe they will send the SBI in to investigate what seems to be some criminal activity going on in Princeville Town Hall. Too bad Congressman G.K. Butterfield’s office do not investigate criminal activity because the Princeville 3 signed a Resolution at the last meeting saying that his office would be investigating any wrongdoings that may have taken place in Princeville dating back to the 1999 flood. The Congressman’s office responded several days later saying that if the town felt that there were some wrong doings that the town need to contact the local authorities to file a complaint.

Can’t wait to see what the next step will be when LGC meets on tomorrow.

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Princeville NC

County to help Princeville water/sewer – Daily Southerner

Response: Now this is some good news for the citizens of Princeville. Edgecombe County willing to help out anyway they can is just awesome!

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — The announcement of the possibility of the Edgecombe County  taking over the town of Princeville’s water and sewer operations was music to the ears of some residents.

T. Vance Holloman, deputy treasurer of the North Carolina Department of Treaurer who supervises the Local Government Commission (LGC), met with the county board of commissioners Tuesday night and asked them to help manage Princeville’s accounts. (More)

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Princeville NC

Butterfield to Princeville: Probe belongs to state – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — A resolution passed during the Town of Princeville’s Aug. 27 board of commissioners meeting didn’t quite get the backing of a United State Congressman that the three council members had hoped.

The resolution asked U.S. Rep. G. K. Butterfield to investigate the "misappropriation of funds by any and all private individuals, public servants or former public servants or public entities" in connection with recovery funds for Hurricane Floyd in 1999. (More)

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Princeville NC

LGC asks county to help Princeville – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — Princeville’s water and sewer crisis was the key topic of discussion at Tuesday night’s meeting of the Edgecombe County commissioners.

T. Vance Holloman, deputy treasurer of the North Carolina Department of Treaurer who supervises the Local Government Commission (LGC), requested that Edgecombe County help the town manage its water and sewer accounts. The LGC assumed control of the town’s financial affairs on July 30. (More)

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Princeville NC

Credit problems plague Princeville – Rocky Mount Telegram

Response: How ignant! The article explains it.

However, the phone assigned to the mayor was used an average of 6,914 minutes during the past three months, according to the report. Documentation was not available for the business purpose of the calls, the report states.

Everette-Oates said she has received numerous calls since the LGC intervened in Princeville.

“It should be 10,000 minutes,” Everette-Oates said. “People are calling from all over.”

Everything that came in was Princeville-related, Everette-Oates said.

Memos and status reports provided by the N.C. Local Government Commission shed light on some of Princeville’s financial challenges. (More)

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Princeville NC

Princeville wants to hire CPA firm to search for money owed town – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE – Princeville’s board of commissioners approved a resolution Monday night that will allow a High Point CPA firm to go after money that could be owed the town. Although the proposal passed by a 3-2 vote, the final decision does not lie in the board’s hands.

Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and commissioners Isabelle Purvis-Andrews and Calvin Sherrod supported the proposal, made by Robert S. Segal, CPA, while commissioners Ann Howell and Gwen Knight said they voted against it because they needed more information. (More)

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Princeville NC

Commission looks to correct Princeville’s financial woes

The N.C. Local Government Commission has taken a number of steps to help assess and correct Princeville’s financial woes since impounding the town’s books and records last month.

Those steps have included working to develop a budget for the 2012-13 fiscal year, working to enforce the town’s utility cutoff policy and helping customers establish payment plans for past due balances, according to Heather Strickland, director of communications for the N.C. Department of State Treasurer. (More)

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Princeville NC

Princeville NC – Sources Say LGC Held A Budget Meeting On Thursday August 31, 2012 And Approved A Budget For Princeville

Sources say LGC held a budget meeting and passed a budget for the town of Princeville. I understand the only thing that will increase will be trash pick up.

I understand that Interim Maggie Boyd turned the town car back in and has been driving her car to the office the past couple of days.

Daisy Staton said at the Monday night’s meeting that she would not be working for Princeville that she will be out with her daughter who will be undergoing medical treatment. However sources say that she is being forced out.

Sources say that LGC will be suspending all of the town hall employees except one person.

Sources also believe that this thing with the finances is getting ready to get real ugly.

Sources also says that something may be going on as it relates to one of the Commissioner’s personal business.

Well it appears the lies are beginning to catch up with the Princeville 3. Guess who they are? They are the ones who vote for everything that is voted on during the meetings.

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Princeville NC