Rocky Mount NC – Edgecombe & Nash County Democratic Party Officers Will Show You Were They Stand During The Mayor Run-Off Election

It is a damn shame that the Edgecombe & Nash County Democratic Party Officers are hiding behind the Rocky Mount City Council Election is a Non-Partisan Election so they should not get involved. Really! Oh that is because Nash County Democrats are supporting Sandy Claus Roberson.

Hell Rev. Roosevelt Higgs and the Edgecombe County Democratic Party is a damn joke because the party has not held a meeting since Higgs was elected again to be the party chair after Lawrence Taylor was chair for 2 years. Lawrence spent what few dollars that was in the account when Higgs left so therefore I bet the party has no money at this time.

I am going to see if the Edgecombe & Nash County Party going to endorse Bronson Williams the Democratic candidate.

I understand that the Nash County Democratic Party talking about they should not and could not get into the run-off because they want to hide behind the Election is Non-Partisan. Really! So are the Judge Elections and School Board Elections. These Elections have been made Non-partisan over the years simply because . . . Go figure! Yep! It is racially motivated.

I understand that the Democratic Party do not like to support one Democrat over another in a Primary Election and during Municipal Elections because they are all Non-Partisan Categories. However Judge and School Board Elections are on the ballot with Partisan Elections. But the party can choose to support one Democrat over another if they wanted to.

Over the years in Edgecombe and Nash Counties both parties have endorsed a Democratic Candidate in a Non-Partisan Election and also given them money. I repeat endorsed and given the Democratic Candidate money.

Damn folk you better think for yourself because although the Non-Party Elections, the Municipal, the Judge and School Board candidates are not listed on the ballot as Democrat or Republican because it is a Non-Partisan Category, yep Category the candidates are registered Democrat or Republican and not Unaffiliated but it is not on the ballot what party they belong to. So therefore since they are registered as a Democrat that means they belong to the Democratic Party. Damn Bronson Williams is a Vice Chair on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee and is on the County Executive Committee because he is one of the 6 officers.

Nash County Folk you better start attending the Nash County Democratic Party meetings and hold them asses accountable.

The Edgecombe County Democratic Party whereby I am on the Executive Committee because I am a Precinct Chair we never meet until there is a vacancy and then Higgs and a couple of the County Officers try to manipulate the process. Just wait until December when Higgs who live Nash County serving as the chair of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party will call a meeting to make an appointment when someone retires. They manipulated the process when we met to appoint the Edgecombe County Sheriff when we appointed the current Sheriff who were appointed and then elected.

I didn’t attend the Edgecombe County Convention in April when the Election of the County Officers were held and the party voted Higgs back in as chair. However I did have my precinct meeting in March so I am a bonified Precinct Chair and a member of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee. Some of the folk who had a problem with me challenging the party during every damn meeting that I attend, oh they came to me said I was missed you at the County Convention. Well you see they were against Higgs and Taylor and had realized I was right.

After the election some Democrats filed a petition against Higgs but if failed. I told them what to do and had started a petition but they wouldn’t listen to me. Hell if they had listened to me they would have an effective Edgecombe County Democratic Party but now we have a mess. Well if they like it, I love it! I did my part and will continue to challenge the party whenever we meet.

Folk don’t want to hear these trues but I am going to educate those who follow me whether they like me or not. Don’t like me simply don’t follow me.

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