Nash board endorses Medicaid expansion – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator response: Now this is some great news especially coming out of Nashville NC.

NASHVILLE – The Nash County Board of Commissioners voted Monday to support Medicaid expansion.

If state leaders follow suit and agree to expand the federal program that covers health care costs for low-income families, North Carolina would see 43,000 new jobs and receive $21 billion in federal matching funds over the next five years, according to the resolution passed unanimously by county commissioners.

Commissioner Robbie Davis said Republicans on the board voted for the resolution because it was amended to include a call for Medicaid reform. (Source: Read more)

Carson, Fiorina launch 2016 bids as diversity of GOP field grows – Fox News

The Political Agitator response: “Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!” Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator
So how in the hell do you run for President but then say you don’t want to be a politician? Now that is too ignant! Makes no damn sense!

“I’m not politically correct,” he said, to applause. “I’m probably never going to be politically correct, because I’m not a politician. I don’t want to be a politician. … Politicians do what is politically expedient. And I want to do what’s right.” (Source: Read more)

Chapel Hill NC: Racism! Here We Go Again Local School Students Post Offensive Mess On Social Media – 11 ABC News

Here we go again! Remember the issue in Rocky Mount with the 6 girls posting a photo on Social Media, Nashville NC: Six White Girls In Controversial Photo Bring On Challenges About Nash-Rocky Mount Schools Policy And Procedures Being Carried Out Consistently.


CHAPEL HILL, NC (WTVD) — Concerned parents told ABC11 Monday that a photo posted to the social media site Instagram has upset many students.

The picture was allegedly taken by an East Chapel Hill High School student. It shows two girls waving confederate flags. The person who posted the picture included the caption “South will rise.”

Under that, someone commented “Already bought my first slave.”

The school confirmed to ABC11 the photo was taken in Gettysburg during a school trip focused on the Civil War a few weeks ago.

The photo and the comments have since been removed from the site. ABC11 is not identifying the person who posted the picture due to their age.

The school system says it has taken action, but can’t say exactly how it addressed the student’s conduct. (Source: Read more)

Photos/Video: St. Stephens MBC Goldsboro Pastor Installation Service Malcom E. Lewis Sunday April 26, 2015

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Child reportedly finding loaded gun in John Boehner’s Capitol suite bathroom upsets gun groups

Security at the Capitol is in the toilet, a shocking new report has found.

According to a probe by the Capitol Police Board obtained by Roll Call, a child visiting the Capitol in March found a loaded gun in a bathroom in House Speaker’s John Boehner’s suite.

It was among at least three instances of Congress’ keystone cops leaving weapons in “problematic places,” according to the oversight group’s report.

In January, a member of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s security detail left a Glock in a Capitol Visitor Center bathroom, with the magazine removed but stuffed inside a toilet seat cover holder. (Source: Read more)