Letter to Editor: Vaccine joke reflects poorly on commissioners’ chair

Source: Spring Hope Enterprise

It is sad that Nash County Board of Commissioners Chairman Robbie B. Davis posted a comment on the Nash County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page in response to Sheriff Keith Stone’s office arresting Elaine Fields Finkley after she absconded from its Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime Tracking system.

Robbie’s comment was, “They were able to find her because of the Vaccine Shot.”

It is a damn shame that he would make that statement when folks are finding all kinds of excuses to not take the vaccine shot. But on top of being a public official, he oversees the sheriff’s office. Well, we all know it is a fact that he gave Sheriff Keith Stone hell when he was trying to get more funding to repair the Nash County Detention Center. He went as far as to temporarily limit the sheriff’s spending power.

The Facebook post states, “The Nash County Sheriff’s Office tracked Finkley to Charlotte, NC where she fled after she cut off her ankle monitor. Deputies of the NCSO found Finkley and a companion walking down the street and approached Finkley and her companion.”

The post goes on to say, “A special thank you to Wake County Sheriff Gerald M. Baker and the tremendous assistance by the Wake County Sheriff’s Office CAAT Team.”

I believe Robbie could have spoken to Sheriff Stone and asked him for more specifics instead of putting out information that may not be true as to how they found her.

Because I know Robbie, it is my ignant opinion that Robbie’s response is racist because during this time, some places are giving out vaccine shots and one could receive a cash reward.

Some folks took Robbie’s response as a joke, but I find it offensive since she is a Black female and also as a jab at Sheriff Keith Stone. Sheriff Stone and his office shouldn’t have to continue to put up with this guy’s unwarranted and definitely not needed criticism.

How much more are the citizens of Nash County going to allow Robbie B. Davis to get away with? I’ll wait!

Curmilus (Butch) Dancy II


Note: This is in response to: On August 26, 2021, the Nash County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) arrested Elaine Fields Finkley after she had absconded from our E.M.P.A.C.T. (Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime Tracking) system.

Robbie responded to me and I responded back but I see his response has been removed.

Nash County Commissioner Chair Robbie B. Davis Need To Resign

It is sad the Nash County Chair Robbie B. Davis posted a comment on the Nash County Sheriff Office Facebook page in response to Sheriff Steve Stone Office arresting Elaine Fields Finkley after she had absconded from their E.M.P.A.C.T. (Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime Tracking) system.

Robbie’s comment was, “They were able to find her because of the Vaccine Shot.”

It is a damn shame that when folk are finding all kinds of excuses to not take the vaccine shot that he would make that statement. But on top of being a public official he oversees the Sheriff Office. Well we all know it is a fact that he gave Sheriff Keith Stone hell when he was trying to get more funding to repair the Nash County Jail. He went as far as to limit the Sheriff spending power until he finally lifted the limit.

The post said, “The Nash County Sheriff’s Office tracked Finkley to Charlotte, NC where she fled after she cut off her ankle monitor. Deputies of the NCSO found Finkley and a companion walking down the street and approached Finkley and her companion.”

The post goes on to say, “A special thank you to Wake County Sheriff Gerald M. Baker and the tremendous assistance by the Wake County Sheriff’s Office CAAT Team.”

But I believe that Robbie could have spoken to Sheriff Stone and asked him for more specifics instead of putting out information that may not be true as to how they found her.

Because I know Robbie it is my ignant opinion that Robbie’s response is racist because during this time some places are giving out vaccine shots and one could receive a cash reward.

Some folk took Robbie’s response as a joke but I find it offensive since she is a Black female and also as a jab at Sheriff Keith Stone. Sheriff Stone and his Office do not need to have to continue to put up with this guy’s unwarranted and definitely not needed criticism.

How much more are the citizens of Nash County going to allow Robbie B. Davis to get away with?

I’ll wait!

Robbie Davis Runs Nash County & You Don’t Hear Anything About Him?

It appears that Republican Robbie Davis runs Nash County. He has been working against the Nash School Public Schools system, he went after Sheriff Keith Stone when Stone was trying to get funding for the Nash County jail and the Rocky Mount City Council business which also includes a hot item the Nash/Edgecombe Counties School demerger.

I wonder what role he is playing in the appointment of the Democratic Party appointment of former Nash County Commissioner Mary Well. However he has to accept that a Democrat has nominated a Democrat to replace her. But I can see how he would choose Gwen Wilkins over Reggie Silver a longtime Nash County School Board member and he being a Black man.

I just find it strange that Mrs. Wells didn’t resign and request that a person of her choice be appointed to serve out the rest of her unexpired term. This is what happens many times the current elected official resigns and support a person that they would like to see serve out their term.

I have got to do some digging because something just ain’t adding up with this appointment.

Robbie Davis has only one vote so is he influencing the other board members to carry out his agenda and is the Democrats on the board following his lead?

It is funny how you don’t hear the Special Cs talking about Robbie Davis but they are always talking about Rocky Mount City council. But the funny thing is the majority of the Special Cs live in Nash County where they are represented by Davis but can not vote nor receive services from the city.

So why are these Special Cs so caught up in the Rocky Mount City council? The following is just my ignant opinion. They are mad because the council is a Black majority. Obviously they want the council to become a White majority so that they can come back to the city and buy property. But the saddest part of it all is you have some Black folk are helping them to push their agenda.

On Monday the Nash County Commissioners will either choose Wilkins or they can choose any Democrat. However the majority of the time the Commissioners goes with the Democratic nominee.

Pandemic dominates Nash County operations

The Political Agitator’s response: Remember when Robbie Davis Chair Nash County Commissioners gave Sheriff Keith Stone hell about asking for funds for upgrading the Detention Center. Finally Davis came around and they began to start the process of upgrading the much needed facility.

Issues with the Nash County Detention Center dominated the headlines in Nash County for much of the first quarter of 2020.

The year began with the Nash County Detention Center already under a cloud as the state had demanded that most of the inmates at the facility be moved until needed repairs could be made.

With the cost of rehousing these inmates costing the county roughly $11,000 a day, emotions ran high as Nash County officials and Nash County Sheriff’s Office officials debated who was at fault for the problems and how they could best be corrected.

At the beginning of March, county commissioners voted to approve $500,000 in more funding for immediate improvements to the detention center, bringing the total amount of funds committed to the improvement of the detention center to $1,064,351 for the 2019-20 fiscal year.

The long-awaited Mosely report about the jail was released in March. The report included analysis of the immediate and projected long-term needs of the detention facility and suggested options for meeting those needs.

By mid-March, the crisis was on its way to being resolved as county commissioners voted unanimously to move ahead with a massive renovation plan at the jail with a projected cost of roughly $10.5 million.

The jail issue was resolved just in time for Nash County to face its next major crisis — the COVID-19 pandemic that affected local, state and federal governments for much of the year. (Read more)

WHIG-TV That Racist John Check

It tickles me how that Racist John Check talk about everything except how Special Cs can kill Black Folk for no reason but he is always trying to justify racist mess.

This Ignant up here talking about Constitutional Rights when it come to having church guidelines by the Governor but don’t have a damn thing to say about the Constitutional Rights of Black Folk.

How do folk look at such racist ass station? Now I have no problem with truth no matter who it is for or against, but to allow these Ignants on WHIG-TV owned by Nash County Commissioner Chair Robbie Davis to promote RACISM day after day is just sad. But you have Black folk who advertise and also have programs on the station. They use Black folk money to keep them right where they are.

The morning show is presented by Don Bullock Chevrolet so that speaks highly of them too. I stopped doing business with them over a year ago and I am done with them.

I just happened to turn to the show this morning to see what they were talking about but as usual the same ole mess and hanging up the phone on folk.

So who looks at this show in the morning time?

In Response To School Board Votes To Hire Project Manager In The Rocky Mount Telegram

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The Opinion of Curmilus Butch Dancy II

So the following appears that the school board and the commissioners are at odds over hiring a project management services. It appears that the Nash County Commissioners wants to run the school board and if that be the case they may as well dismantle the school board. I like it the school board is taking a stand on the hiring of a project manager services.

“School board member Ann Edge made the motion to “authorize the board chair and the superintendent to execute a contract with Cumming Program Management, using a school system form as may need to be modified by the board attorney and interim superintendent to provide initial project management services through the bidding phase in an amount that shall not exceed $167,000, and for the board to request reimbursement of these funds from the Nash County commissioners.”

That motion was immediately and unanimously approved.”

“We have no intention of paying for the use of a project management firm,” Davis said. “I am concerned about this decision because I fear it will slow the progress toward building the new school.”

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In Response to Commissioner Warns About Social Media Rumors In The Rocky Mount Telegram

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The Opinion Curmilus Butch Dancy II

This tickles the hell out of me because I have seen Robbie Davis comment on Social Media sites. It is tickles the hell out of me because these same folk who want to talk about Social Media is full of lies but they have not said that about the bull… that has been going on with the city of Rocky Mount and Nash/Rocky Mount Edgecombe County School saga as sit relates to their part in the mess.

It is a Nash against Rocky Mount/Edgecombe County mess that has been going on but now all social media is the problem. Really?

What I remember about the situation with the school issue and Robbie Davis is when the 1st Black Superintendent Anthony Jackson and he were going at it about Jackson questioning the school roofing issue.

I am glad to learn after all of this time that now it was a design problem and not a roofing problem but that Robbie did fix it at no charge. Wow! Jackson has been gone how long now. So design or roofing problem it was fixed so therefore it was a problem. Who fix things that ain’t a problem of theirs at a high cost? Oh but it is all good though.

Well as time pass we will continue to find learn about things that was not made known and/or clear when it happened.

Damn Robbie said, “We are looking only at the facts. We are not interested in what social media says,” Davis said. “We rely on our local media quite a bit to share with us what they see because they try to objective and report both sides of the issue — but social media does not.”

Really Robbie? So are you saying we should take what is printed in The Rocky Mount Telegram as fact? Are you saying we should take your TV station WHIG-TV as fact when they are promoting WSBS and other almost daily?

Note: Must Subscribe to Newspaper to read Article

What Is The Real Motive Of Robbie Davis Nash Chair County Commissioners & The Other Commissioners?

Why would the Nash County Commissioners strip the top elected official in the county Sheriff Keith Stone from doing what the people elected him to do? He was elected to carry out the duties of the Nash County Sheriff Office.

The Nash County Commissioners can not fire the Sheriff but they can take away the finances since the office operates from county funds.

Sheriff Keith Stone has been seeking help to deal with concerns he has with the county jail and obviously the commissioners didn’t think it was that serious until the state stepped in and made some demands.

Instead of the commissioners having emergency meetings with the Sheriff Office trying to see what can be done, it is obvious the commissioners are worried about the public knowing about the issues. The jail has been in the news recently due to the conditions fire, escapes and other.

Nash County always talking about they don’t want to raise taxes but look at the issues they are facing with the school system and the jail.

But what tickles me is that Robbie Davis Republican is trying to silence Sheriff Keith Stone Republican but he has been a vocal piece in the movement that has been criticizing Rocky Mount City Government especially Black Leadership. It appears that the commissioners have an issue with Black folk in leadership and also Black folk in the jail because I am quite sure that the majority of them are Black.

Nash County citizens ought to be outraged about the actions of the commissioners because they have stripped the Sheriff of his financial status as if the problem is because of spending and not because of facility issues.

I am having a problem with the Democratic Commissioners because I just don’t understand how they are supportive of the Republican politics being played.

It appears that the Sheriff Office had no real input in what the commissioners have put in place and I strongly feel that is a real problem.

I totally agree with Sheriff Stone, “Mr. Davis has an unlimited contractor’s license, which means he can build anything from a bird house to the White House. I can’t believe he considers these acceptable solutions. We need to work together to solve these issues and create a safe environment for inmates, employees and citizens,” Stone said.”

Curmilus Butch Dancy II

Pinetops, NC

Republican Chair Nash County Commissioner Robbie Davis Takes Financial Resources From Republican Sheriff Keith Stone

This is a damn shame Robbie Davis and his flunky Commissioners have chosen to fight the highest Elected Official in the county over a problem he didn’t create. Hell this is the same crew that ran the first Black Superintendent of Nash County Schools out of town. I could not believe what I was seeing on TV last night when Robbie Davis was on but then again when you know them it makes all the difference. Damn shame! But the sad part is the Democrats on the board Fred Belfield Jr., Lou Richardson and Mary Wells are supporting Robbie’s agenda on anything he does. The Commissioners don’t want to raise taxes so they can say they don’t have a high tax rate like Edgecombe County. But by not raising taxes look at how the schools and the jail have gone underfunded. Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens, LoveRockyMount, Fighting Crime, WHIG-TV owned by Robbie Davis are not calling out Davis and crew. But these same Nash County folk have no problem with calling out Rocky Mount City Manager, City Council and other Black Folk in leadership.
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Schools put on new path – Rocky Mount Telegram (So Why Is Robbie Davis Nash County Commissioner The Spokesperson?)

The Political Agitator’s response: I find it interesting Robbie Davis make such comments saying he think it was the right move for the district and it seems like a good decision. Based on what sir? I hate when folk give statements with no facts to back up what they say. Hell Robbie ran former Black Superintendent Anthony Jackson out of town because he challenged his ass about some work he did at a school. Now I don’t know all of the details why he left but I do know Jackson did that. Wow! Ain’t that something allowing someone to speak about the Superintendent when he could challenge whoever this is. A former member of the school board, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the way Jefferies resigned without receiving additional payments is telling. My ignant ass would say that this is a Caucasian board member because I have never heard a Black person use the term telling. Wendy Wilson tickles me because they have been wanting to make Dr. Mark Cockrell the Superintendent for quite some time. But folk need to really check him out. I remember him from Edgecombe County Public Schools. Damn since Robbie Davis is not on the School Board why in the hell is he the spokesperson? Damn dude got issues with the Rocky Mount City Council, Edgecombe County Public Schools and the Edgecombe County Commissioners. Interesting they are all a Black Majority boards. Oh Race ain’t got nothing to do with nothing.

Several local leaders have said Shelton Jefferies’ resignation as superintendent of Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools should bode well for the future of the school district.

Nash County Board of Commissioners Chairman Robbie Davis said he feels that Jefferies’ resignation was the right move for the school district.

“The board of commissioners is not involved in the process of choosing a school superintendent or overseeing the kind of job he does,” he said. “But this seems like a good decision. We are pleased that the decision to accept his resignation was unanimous this time because it wasn’t last time. I think that will help in the transition and the decisions the board makes for the school district in the future.”

A former member of the school board, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the way Jefferies resigned without receiving additional payments is telling. Under the terms of Jefferies’ original contract, if the school board unilaterally decided to let him go without cause, they would have had to pay his salary for the next 12 months.

“I suspect the board told Jefferies it believed it had cause for termination but that it would allow him to resign if he would agree not to seek the severance payment,” he said. “His choices were to accept the offer to allow him to resign or refuse to give up the payout, face termination, fight the termination and try to prove at the hearing that there were not valid grounds for his termination. He would do this only if he believed he would win.” (Read more)

Council candidate loses court fight with city – Rocky Mount Telegram (William F. West)

The Political Agitator’s response: This dude need to go somewhere and sit down and shut the hell up. He is allowing some Special Cs to make him look stupid by trying to enter into politics. Damn fool crazy as hell along with them. Who supports a known criminal for a political office.

A downtown Rocky Mount businessman has been ordered by the judicial system to be evicted from his location in city-owned space and to pay the municipal government more than $15,300 in past-due rent.

Tarrick Pittman, owner of Cool Geeks computer repair in the Douglas Block, was issued the ruling from the Edgecombe County Superior Court. Judge Marvin Blount of Pitt County signed the order in the city’s favor on July 16.

The order shows the judge told Pittman to pay $15,320, plus all costs of the legal action. Pittman can appeal to the state Court of Appeals.

Blount’s order was not yet in the case file at the Edgecombe County Courthouse when a reporter went there earlier this week, but the reporter obtained a copy of the document from the city’s attorney, Jep Rose, of Poyner Spruill.

Rocky Mount’s municipal government since last autumn had been arguing in court papers that Pittman breached a sublease agreement by failing to . . . (Read more)

Robbie B Davis Supporting Tarrick Pittman And Agreed To Make A Contribution

Wow! Robbie Davis likes Tarrick Pittman because his grandmother supported Ronald Regan back in the day. Really! Robbie agreed to making a campaign contribution. Oh that is makes sense because he is anit-Rocky Mount and anti-Councilmen Reuben Blackwell and Andre Knight. Please share his explanations with us about his latest court cases the one wit the city on July 15, 2019 where the judge ordered the property where Cool Geeks is located to be turned over to the city and that he pay the city in the amount of $15,320.00. He also has a court case coming up on August 12, 2019 so we will see how that unfolds. Robbie said Tarrick didn’t bring up Race as an issue. Well that is a problem right there because it is fact that race is an issue when it comes to Rocky Mount City Government. Robbie says when he brought up race that they had very close views on the subject so therefore race is an issue. I find it interesting that Robbie says Tarrick is not living in 1960. He sure the hell ain’t because in 1960 the Rocky Mount City Council was probably all Caucasian. However we know that 1960 was sure enough a point in racial history. Robbie Davis like myself can’t vote for Ward 1 candidates but the difference in he and I is Robbie got big money. I have no money to give candidates. But folk if Robbie Davis is supporting Tarrick Pittman you better know that Robbie don’t give a damn about Rocky Mount City Government and he is mad with them right now. I dare you to research Robbie.


WHIG-TV Nash County Commissioner Purchased The Station But Where Is The White Outcry? Oh They Are In Control Over What Goes On The Show And Who Can Call In

Sandra Smith manipulated the damn station out of the family and then it was able to be sold so she can continue to have a lifetime job. I remember when I used to go to the station almost daily and I also remember when Sandra used to work at Pilot Life in the same building. I knew Herb real well. However I ain’t going into that part.

Well the word on the street was the owner of WHIG-TV Herb Greenberg died at Sandra’s house. It was on the street that they were going together. Damn makes me wonder who else is she may be going with.

This morning I just happened to turn the tv to Whig something I normally don’t do because I can’t stomach them racist. But since my stomach was already tore up I said hell go for it. I looked at them to ignants Clint Williams and Wayne Holloman and damn you just can’t make this stuff up.

I hear folk say they try to call in to the talk show but they screen calls. I didn’t expect to get through but I did.

I asked them since they wanted to talk about it was not unanimous that all council members didn’t say it was a hit list. I said do you not think they talked about it in closed session so therefore when Knight said all of them said they didn’t say it that was the reason why he said it I know how politics work and I told them I would bet them my paper check that I bet they discussed it in closed session. I said you racist get up here and twist stuff and I said bye.

They ended the show by saying don’t take their word for what is going on with the city, look at the video. They say at the end look at what AB Whitley said and Bill Long. So what in the hell the purpose of looking at the whole thing for if you gonna tell them to look at Whitley and Long. Hell when they look at it they will see them but nope they want to get their point across through Whitley and Long.

But what I liked the most is when Clint Williams said when he and his wife moved to Nashville, but ain’t that something because to live in Nashville is not in the city limits. Oh but because I don’t live in Rocky Mount I can’t have a voice. Them Devils are a liar.

Read about the purchase for yourself, WHIG-TV Sold.

Nash sheriff seeks new jail – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Gate Keeper’s response: Been hearing about the conditions over at the jail so now it is finally being reported on. Looks like Nash County has some issues too however it do not stop with the jail. Maybe 2019 is the year of EXPOSURE.

Two local leaders who agree on nearly everything are at loggerheads over what to do about the aging Nash County jail.

Sheriff Keith Stone sees open bay dormitories and faltering equipment as security issues.

“We’ve got staffing issues — a 30 percent turnover rate — and it’s unsafe with inmates roaming around the dorms. We’ve got murderers in there with a guy who shoplifted at Walmart,” Stone said. “The jail can’t be fixed with cleaning and painting.”

Robbie Davis, chairman of the Nash County Board of Commissioners, said a lot of jails across the state use dormitories and maintenance issues can be addressed without remodeling.

Jailers describe a constant battle to keep operational a jail built sometime in the 1970s with a 1990s addition.

Stone recently invited the county commissioners to tour the jail.

Davis said he hasn’t done so, but he spent a night in jail as a young man and has no desire to see the inside walls again.

Commissioner Mary Wells took a tour. An octogenarian, Wells was advised by senior county officials not to go because of her low immune system. She’s now sick in bed, according to a source in county government. (Read more)

Boards argue about school construction – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Watch Dog response: Wow no comments from the racist folk who comment on everything that goes on with the Rocky Mount City Council. Oh but this involves Robbie Davis who has been outspoken against the Rocky Mount City Council.

After nearly two hours of cordial conversations about event and programs affecting the school district Thursday night, Nash County commissioners and the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education held a lengthy, heated discussion about the construction of the Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School on the campus of Nash Community College.

The high school, which now meets in mobile units on the college campus, is slated to move into Building C on the college campus once the college’s new cosmetology building is completed and renovations to Building C can be accomplished. Nash County commissioners have already set aside $750,000 in funding for those renovations, Robbie Davis, chairman of the Nash County Commissioners told members of the two bodies at the joint meeting. (Rocky Mount Telegram)