January 27, 2022 This Is My Anniversary

Today January 27, 1987 I began working at Bendix Aerospace Company Rocky Mount NC. I have seen the name change a couple of times and today it is Honeywell Aerospace Inc.

I have had some good days and I have had some bad days and I mean bad dealing with certain folk. But my good days have outweighed my bad days. Because of grace I have made it. When the Lord is on your side, you can make it.

I love my job in spite of some of the obstacles I faced but quitting was never an option.

I plan to retire at this job as I am working towards retirement age.

Happy Anniversary to me!

Let Me Set The Record Straight About Curmilus Butch Dancy II And My Marriage

I have been married to one wife since June 1997 and she is from New Bern NC. She has not worked since we have been married.

I have never cheated on my wife, didn’t do it when I was dating her even though she was around 65 miles away. I used to go to New Bern regularly during the week and on the weekend up until we got married. I have never dated 2 women at the same time even when I was single.

My wife is a home girl and unless it is something that the children want to do even up until today, she don’t want to go out to eat and other. Every now and then before the pandemic we would go out the eat.

When the children played sports in Jr. High School she went to just about all of their games. They didn’t play in high school and although I videoed the Jr. High games when they played basketball and volleyball, I also videoed the high school basketball and football games. I could not my wife to go since they were not playing.

I have heard mess over the years from folk that don’t even know my wife and also some they does directly and/or indirectly. I have heard that my wife had left me since they didn’t see her.

I have heard they said they never seen her drive one of 3 Malibus (newest one) that I have, 2 mines  (1 white, 1 black) and 1 red my son when he was in high school. My daughter had a Honda in high school and my wife used to drive that along with the white Malibu until my daughter went to college. My I used to have 2 Cadillacs back in the day and then I had my dads for a total of 3.

When I bought the newest Malibu 2017 in 2016, my wife was in New Bern staying with my mother in law because she had been sick. My daughter was in college. My wife had the white Malibu in New Bern.

I have been taking care of my dad and by my daughter being in Durham at NCCU, I always drive the newest car to work in Rocky Mount to keep it filled with gas in case there was an emergency and I needed to leave work early and go to Durham or to Greenville when my son was going to school at Pitt Community College.

I also left work either right after end of shift and/or left early to go to meetings locally and across the state, to video basketball/football games and other.

Before the COVID my church brother and I used to go visit the sick in the hospital and in the rest home regularly. We also went out to eat regularly and talk about church and fellowship.

So for anyone who want to know anything about me, all you got to do is ask.

I have been through a lot over the years. My oldest daughter not by my wife was born in 1987 and from 1988 up til around 2000 I had to deal with her moma trying to keep me from seeing her and I had to drive 4 hours one way to get her for a 3 day weekend, holidays and kept her 2 weeks in the summer until I got tired of dealing with the drama and since I had another family, I had to stop the road trips because things were getting stupid with me picking her up and dropping her off.

In 1995 my mom had a stroke and her health kept declining. In 1997 she became terminally ill and this is when my wife and I got married and she came her to hel p

In 1999 the flood of the century came and my wife and 2 children lost everything in the flooded. I am thankful my dad had gotten remarried at the time because if he had been still living with us, he would have died in the house during the flood more than likely.

I had to spend nights with my dad during 2 hip replacements taking leave from job. I would go home in the mornings for a couple of hours and then go back off and on during the day and then spend the night.

The last time I stayed with him he had been in a car accident and had to have a knee replacement so I to stay with him again.

Since he has been back in the house since the 1999 flood he has been flooded 2 times and had to come and stay with my family.

We have never had friends that hang out at our house nor have we hung out to other folk house.

So for all of you that are concerned that I control my wife because you don’t ever see her, well the only time you will see her is when she go places like Walmart, Roses, Dollar Tree and the grocery stores.

Hope this help those of you who say I ain’t never home.

I take care of my family that is what I do.


I have put too much time and resources into the NAACP, Democratic Party, Animal Services, Human Relations Commission and other for folk to think they are going to waste my time and to do their own thing that goes against the mission and what I stand for.

I am about the mission of all of the organizations I hold titles and if I was not I would not be a part.

I fight for other folk because I am good. I can fight for myself. If I should need someone to help me fight, I know who I can call.

As I have stated time and time again, I don’t like titles but I recognize and understand that sometimes I have to accept them until someone step up to the plate. However that person must be the one.

If you don’t think I can fight for myself and have some damn good resources that I can call try me!


Please Subscribe To My YouTube Videos I Need To Reach A Certain Amount To Go To A New Level

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In Response To School Board Votes To Hire Project Manager In The Rocky Mount Telegram

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The Opinion of Curmilus Butch Dancy II

So the following appears that the school board and the commissioners are at odds over hiring a project management services. It appears that the Nash County Commissioners wants to run the school board and if that be the case they may as well dismantle the school board. I like it the school board is taking a stand on the hiring of a project manager services.

“School board member Ann Edge made the motion to “authorize the board chair and the superintendent to execute a contract with Cumming Program Management, using a school system form as may need to be modified by the board attorney and interim superintendent to provide initial project management services through the bidding phase in an amount that shall not exceed $167,000, and for the board to request reimbursement of these funds from the Nash County commissioners.”

That motion was immediately and unanimously approved.”

“We have no intention of paying for the use of a project management firm,” Davis said. “I am concerned about this decision because I fear it will slow the progress toward building the new school.”

Note: Must Subscribe to Newspaper to read Article

In Response to Commissioner Warns About Social Media Rumors In The Rocky Mount Telegram

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The Opinion Curmilus Butch Dancy II

This tickles the hell out of me because I have seen Robbie Davis comment on Social Media sites. It is tickles the hell out of me because these same folk who want to talk about Social Media is full of lies but they have not said that about the bull… that has been going on with the city of Rocky Mount and Nash/Rocky Mount Edgecombe County School saga as sit relates to their part in the mess.

It is a Nash against Rocky Mount/Edgecombe County mess that has been going on but now all social media is the problem. Really?

What I remember about the situation with the school issue and Robbie Davis is when the 1st Black Superintendent Anthony Jackson and he were going at it about Jackson questioning the school roofing issue.

I am glad to learn after all of this time that now it was a design problem and not a roofing problem but that Robbie did fix it at no charge. Wow! Jackson has been gone how long now. So design or roofing problem it was fixed so therefore it was a problem. Who fix things that ain’t a problem of theirs at a high cost? Oh but it is all good though.

Well as time pass we will continue to find learn about things that was not made known and/or clear when it happened.

Damn Robbie said, “We are looking only at the facts. We are not interested in what social media says,” Davis said. “We rely on our local media quite a bit to share with us what they see because they try to objective and report both sides of the issue — but social media does not.”

Really Robbie? So are you saying we should take what is printed in The Rocky Mount Telegram as fact? Are you saying we should take your TV station WHIG-TV as fact when they are promoting WSBS and other almost daily?

Note: Must Subscribe to Newspaper to read Article

I Support Whoever And Whatever Is Right!

I am an engaged woke life long black man, I am an active life time Democrat, I am an active life fully paid member of the NAACP and I am not apologetic for who I am and what I stand for.

I stand for justice no matter who it is for or against. I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest.

I have been called a lot of things because I speak out.

What I will bet you is that if you get to know me you will learn who I am and that I will stand with you when you are right no matter who you are. Although we may disagree on one thing if we agree on something else I will support that. But when we revisit that we disagreed on until we come to agree on it, we will still hash out that part.

At the end of the day I just want what is right for all folk however keep in mind that I am not ignant to the treatment that black folk have endured and still endure today.

Don’t blame me for what this world is. I had nothing to do with it’s creation but I can do my part while I am passing through.

Do You Really Think About What You Post Before You Post It?

Do you really think about what you are posting before you do it?

Do you ever think about when you post something that somebody know you personally and know what you really stand for? Some need to really think about that part!

For clarity I don’t post for a response however I appreciate them.

I bet you one thing that my posts and me align up. Can you say that about you?

In order to stay in alignment just don’t post mess that you don’t live by because although I may call you out, hey you got to answer for what you do to where it count.

I post to educate and I read others post to be educated.

Educate me but don’t come with no mess because I may have to respond.

And when you see me out of alignment then call me out.

T’aint no need to be out here perpetrating these trues when ya saying one thing and living another.

Gonna Give Away Or Sell My Weapons

I am going to sell or give away all of my weapons because I am tired. I try to hold my piece but folk just won’t leave me alone. You see when folk say and do ignant mess I can’t take it. These so-called Educators, Leaders, Religious Folk and other Folk who are a bunch of fakes, I just want to take my weapons out and shoot them and then play it back to them. These weapons my video camera, photo camera and laptops need to go.

The Gate Keeper!

Today I am changing my name again to The Gate Keeper. Thank you my friend Chris Sifford for my new name.

It is funny how I don’t even know Chis personally other than on facebook, I have followed him on facebook and he is my kind of friend. He continues to send me words of encouragement. I met Chris via a mutual friend and this dude is on it.

Rep. Larry Hall called me The Watch Dog of East, Congressman G.K. Butterfield called me The Political Agitator and I had been in their presence over the years. Now Chris Sifford has called me The Gate Keeper.

It is a new day and time so I feel that the name goes along with todays happenings and my mission.

Today I proudly accept the name of The Gate Keeper.

For You Pray Warriors

I hope my pastor, other sincere and woke pastors, my sincere and woke family members, my sincere and woke friends and associates all pray for me because I am in the cussing mode. I know some of you don’t like it but some folk get mad about the wrong things. I want to make folk mad. Folk do stuff when they get mad. I am talking about positive stuff now.

Some folk get on social media and say pretty words but pretty words alone don’t truly fix, truly encourage or truly give complete hope to no one but for a moment.

Feed them, cloth them, give them a little change when they don’t have any and while you say them pretty words.

I am just sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Be Professional In Meetings

Folk must understand that they have to be professional during meetings because 1st it is the right thing to do. Second because you are not only representing yourself but you are making decisions on behalf of other folk.

I make folk aware on committees and where ever I am representing myself and others that I don’t play games when I am in a meeting. I stress we be mindful of the time and that we stay on topic.

If you don’t want to be a team player by being professional then just maybe you don’t need to be at the table.

One can stand for what they believe in but you do that by voting your conviction but you can not attempt to bully or force others to do what you want them to do to carry out you own personal agenda.

When I don’t agree with some things I still be professional about where I stand but understand that (I) am not the majority. I just say what I mean and mean what I say and move on.

I am a professional agitator however I am a professional in many of areas because I always put others first that I represent.

I have never really wanted for anything so therefore I have spent my life advocating from the late 80’s on behalf of other folk. If I don’t advocate anymore I have done enough. But I can’t stop because it is in my heart so ya’ll stuck with my ignant butt until I can’t advocate anymore.

Fake Folk I Got 6 Senses

I look at folk family, friends, co-workers and other how they hang around fake folk and don’t even get it. Well I strongly believe some do but they are in denial, don’t care or just ignant to how folk treat them. Just because I talk to you don’t think that I don’t know. I talk to all kinds of folk because I know it takes all kinds to make the world go around. But the moment I find out the side that you try to hide hey I treat you some kind of way. I got a 6th sense.

I am not only a professional agitator but I am also a professional in a many of things.

One thang I ain’t a professional in is kissing ass! If you don’t know ya better ask somebody!