Free Political Consulting – From a Main Street Bench – Shepheny Forgue Houghtlin

Free Political Consulting – From a Main Street Bench – Stepheny Is In

Posted on March 18, 2019 by Stepheny Forgue Houghtlin

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

You’ll pardon the use of a political slogan that is a cliche when I say,  It’s Time for a Change. As the candidates for City Council and for Mayor have declared themselves, I already think of them as ‘Change Candidates.’ Campaign Slogans that are successful are the ones we don’t have to think too deeply about but intuitively know are right. It IS time for a change of leadership on the City Council, along with a new energetic, experienced, independent, business-oriented Mayor.

The following are  ‘Change Candidates’ to believe in. –  Sandy Roberson, Kevin Jones, Lige Daughtridge, Richard Joyner, and Tarrick Pittman. It would be a mistake to think of Mr. Pittman as simply the man running against the current city councilmen and ignore his positive agenda for Ward I.  The rest of the candidates are not emboldened to run because of the investigations underway, but because they have the will, the experience, and knowledge to govern with Rocky Mount’s best interests in mind. Buckminster Fuller’s quote talks about building a new model and these ‘Change Candidates’ will provide new leadership, focused on the economic growth of Rocky Mount.

One more free consultant suggestion – that we treat these ‘Change Candidates’ as a slate. I have a friend who had direct experience in Chicago with a group of women who ran for various seats yet coordinated their messages, PR, interns, volunteers, printing, and speaking engagements. The end result – a consolidated message, individual and group print that furthered their collective campaigns. The voter turn-out was one of the highest in the history of the city! There is another plus to the slate approach — if I could give one donation, as I can afford, to support this slate, it falls under a tenant of mine….alone I can do so little, but together we can do so much.

Regardless of the political slogans each of the candidates uses, let’s make it our job to help however we can to get them elected. We all understand why this needs to happen. Let’s stay on the sunny side of the street and as a mentor of mine councils, Stay above the fray!     PS: I am waving my usual nickel consultant fee to all Main Street readers.

The Political Agitator’s response:

0 Responses to Free Political Consulting – From a Main Street Bench – Stepheny Is In
  1. Curmilus Dancy 2 (Butch) says:

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    March 18, 2019 at 11:14 am

    Wow! Because a few angry white folk who are mad because they don’t have the power, it has come to this mess.

    This is all about Race so black folk you better stay woke.

    How many of these white folk who are mad been in your Ward and/or talked to you about change? Have they asked you if you want the change they believe in? What about your voice? I guarantee you will not have a voice if you listen to this mess.

    Black folk if you don’t know Richard Joyner you better get to know him so you can hold him accountable. I know him and know he can be dangerous but so far he has been doing good.

    If you are not at the table, you are on the table.

Condolences Goes Out To Conchi McDowell-Whittle, My Classmate Joyce Farmer, My Usher Dennis Farmer And The Entire Family Of The Late Howard Battle (Snig)

Wow! Woke up this morning and seen on Facebook that my friend has gone on to Glory.

I am going to miss my friend. He was the Church, Dallas Cowboys, North Carolina Tarheels and SouthWest Edgecombe faithful.

Last year my friend rode with me to Roxboro to a SouthWest Edgecombe High School Girls Basketball playoff game. We left real early, we stopped and ate and just had a good time. He would always send me a message when SouthWest were playing if he was not there asking what is the score or who won because he knew I was there videoing. I would always send him a schedule a couple of times and send him the scores of the girls and boys games.

Since my friend had moved from down the road from dad after a previous flood, I would see him at the Post Office or the Shell Station often. He had the Cowboys all over his car and I had the Carolina Panthers so we would always point to each other cars. He would always ask me how my dad was doing.

My friend would talk about North Carolina Tarheels also. He loved the heels. Although the heels is my team, I look at some of the games but not like he did. So he could tell me all about them.

I went to the hospital to see my cousin about a month ago and her husband said come and go with me. I had no clue where we were going and when we got to my friend’s room, we went in and he was glad to see me and I was glad to see him. I didn’t know he was back in the hospital on that evening. He talked the whole time I was there and he was telling me about all he had went through but he was a strong brother.

The following are some photos I took of him over the past 2 years or less. The most recent is back in November when he had been in the hospital and the doctors had given him up, he came to Pines Chapel and the guest Pastor Bishop Jessie Jones seen him sitting out in the audience and ran to him. What a moment. See it for yourself.

The following is a video of my friend when he came to Pines Chapel after the doctors had given him up. But God! God gave him one more Sunny Day and that was November and this is March. Eccles. 3. God is . . . God will . . . It was not his season then but this morning I read somewhere that somebody said they got a call around 6:00 AM that my friend was gone to glory. Family it’s alright now! Family cry, laugh shout, do whatever your heart desire. Some day soon . . .

Click On Photo To Watch Video When The Pastor Came Down And Gave My Friend Some Love







My friend comment on this photo was image
And that he did in spite of what he was going through




Arrangements will be announced later Willoughby Funeral Home Inc.

Trumper Cries Racism Against Whites, Get Owned!

Click On Photo To Watch Video
