Terri Joyner Is Disturbed About Meetings Held Concerning Confederate Statue At Battle Park

The following is a comment from Terri Joyner that was posted on my blog:

I am very disturbed that the first time I heard of the two meetings held about our Confederate Statue at Battle Park was posted on Facebook by WITN new today (7-24-18)

I for one am outraged at the very thought of our City’s Leadership and less than knowledgeable residents have taken such a strong stance on the removal of a Statute that memorializes all those that fought for their rights during the Civil War. BOth Blacks and Whites fought shoulder to shoulder to protect our Southern culture. It had absolutely nothing to do with the South wanting to keep slavery alive. Slaves were not all black. There were white slaves as well.

This is part of our Nations history that should be preserved for future generations to learn from. Who are we to erase the History that doesn’t fit the likings of some while other feel strongly that it should be preserved. We have no knowledge how future generations will view the Statues.

I for one would like to see our City have a backbone and stand tall and proud to show the rest of this broken nation that these monuments are our ancestors legacy and an important part of History good or bad that should be preserved.

I also highly suggest a 3rd meeting be scheduled and highly publicized so that ALL CITIZENS of Rocky Mount can have an advance notice of such a crucial meeting as this one is.

My response:

I am disturbed also when folk post half-trues and attempt to insult my intelligence.

First of all I don’t know where you been but the meetings have been publicized in the Rocky Mount Telegram and WHIG-TV was at the 1st meeting. I have recorded all of them and posted them on my YouTube page.

Outraged? Really? I don’t know where ya’ll get that bullshit from about folk being less knowledgeable about the statue, Civil War and other. Who the hell are ya’ll to think that ya’ll are the only ones educated when it comes to ya’ll wanting to preserve ya’ll historical moments in history. I am a 55 year old grown ass black man who ain’t ignant to history and I can speak for numerous others. Not long ago the Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP held a meeting and had 2 white males an historian and a civil rights laywer/other and a black male historian that did a presentation on the confederacy. That video also is on my YouTube page.

Yeah some folk are stuck on need more education about the confederacy and history. Talk to those whom you need to but myself and some others ain’t the one. I ain’t gonna even get into the damn slave thing about there was black and white slaves. And?

There is a lot of Nations history just like when folk tell black folk to get the hell over it but everyday we are reminded by those who continue who ain’t trying to get over the mess they have done to folk of color that is still going on today such as beatings and calling us Niggers.

I will let the City speak for themselves. However I don’t give a damn about certain legacies just because. Hell you can preserve whatever history you want just like people of color can when folk say they need to get over it.

Obviously you are ignant to the facts about the meetings because today was the 4th and final community meeting. All of the meetings were highly publicized. All citizens of Rocky Mount had an opportunity to attend and had plenty damn notice.

I am a member of the Human Relations Commission and I attended all the meetings and I have advertised and posted the video of all of them except the 4th meeting will be on my YouTube page in a couple of days.

Funny how you found yourself on my page. But keep following me because you will learn the day because that is what my page is about to educate and to be educated. However I pay attention to those who are trying to educate folk with half-trues.

I ain’t the one I have been actively engaged in community activism since the late 80’s so I can recognize and comprehend bullshit when I see it, hear it and/or whatever fashion it is presented.

Now I am open to dialogue but one thing folk ain’t going to do is to attempt to insult my intelligence as to the need for more education on an issue when other folk think they are the only ones that know history.

I am only interested in the whole trues, the facts and not emotions. I base my emotions on the facts.

My blog is full of information however when I post on blog it automatically post to my Facebook, Twitter and Linked In accounts.

I welcome your comments that I have to approve as long as you keep it real.


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