Van Holland Owner Of The Tar River Times Black Folk Don’t Be Fooled By This Guy’s Reporting

I have been in too many meetings and held too many conversations with this guy to know that he keeps mess stirred up and folk pay to read his paper? Really? I wish I would promote someone by spending my money on a product that works against me.

Van can be found on Tarboro 27886 Facebook page posting a bunch of untrues. When I call him out he gets mad as hell but if you follow him he will end up responding showing that I was correct because he goes back and try to change his wording. I will not allow the Vans of Edgecombe County to promote untrues and to mislead the folk.

When Van was working at former newspaper that I didn’t subscribe to either, his articles were very bias. And the sad part is the owners were black but since they couldn’t get anyone to work for them, they had no choice but to let Van be their man. But then finally the bond ended and so Van says he is the owner of the Tar River Times.

At the last Princeville meeting Van made a comment in my presence about the Sheriff Appointment. He said that guy Clee Atkinson need to watch who he hangs out with. I said who is that? He said Steve Wadsworth. I said really? Steve is a white male and a very successful businessman and one who has done much for the community. I said why is that an issue? He really couldn’t say much more.

How can an owner of a newspaper show bias when he should expect the whole community to support him? Why would Atkinson and others whom I know of Van has worked against should feel comfortable seeking an ad in the paper and/or just during an interview with him.

Why would the community want to support a paper that is not going to be fair in reporting and also out in public bad mouthing folk? I refuse to subscribe to the paper and never will.

Ok so you don’t get it twisted there is a difference in what Van does and what I do. I am the founder and owner of The DCN News Blog Online TV. I operate out of pocket. I report the whole news because I video the meetings and put my spin on what happened. But the best part is I post the video so I can be challenged and can be called me out if you disagree with my spin. Folk may not agree with me but one damn thing about it, I operate on the facts. I do my homework. However I stand to be corrected and have no problem with retracting, apologizing or just getting something right if need to.

Because I have challenged Van as it relates to the Tarboro Town Council meetings, the Sheriff Appointment and other he has called me a racist. Well Van one damn thing about it you can’t call me sleep and not afraid to challenge you. I know a hell of lot more than you think I do!

Edgecombe County Sheriff Appointment The DCN News Blog Online TV Can Not Support Captain Richard Allen

I had heard Captain Richard Allen name floating around that he was interested in seeking the Sheriff Appointment. I rarely see Allen but I seen him at the Dr. Martin L. King Banquet in January but there was no communication.

Recently I received a message from a couple of folk talking about the Sheriff appointment and they said they didn’t want Allen because they felt he was too close to retiring. They also had nothing else to say about him.

Recently on my cousin’s facebook page he posted a photo of Allen during the Dr. King March saying that he should be our next Sheriff. I got into a heated conversation with a couple of folk on that post that think Allen should be appointed. I have not received a response to why those who responded on his page why he should be appointed but only to say because he has been at the Sheriff office for a long time. And?

As I listened to Allen during the Sheriff Forum on last Thursday he did not impress me at all.

I feel strongly that Edgecombe County need a young seasoned person who can relate to the young and the older folk.

So knowing what I know and after the forum on Thursday, The DCN News Blog Online TV endorses Cleveland (Clee) Atkinson.

Note: Click on the following links

Sheriff Forum Hosted By Edgecombe County Democratic Women Part 1

Sheriff Forum Hosted By Edgecombe County Democratic Women Part 2

Edgecombe County Sheriff Appointment The DCN News Blog Online TV Can Not Support Former Detective Larry Woodley

I had been hearing Larry Woodley name floating around that he was going to seek the Sheriff Appointment. On last Wednesday Woodley called me because he said he had read the article in the newspaper about the Sheriff Forum. He said he had spoken to a commissioner and they had already made up their mind. He said how could they do that when they didn’t know who all of the candidates were going to be? He said he wanted to throw his name in to give folk an option. He asked what did he need to do to participate in the forum. I said just show up. Woodley showed up.

Now a little background history. I know Woodley and Woodley know me. So if he was interested knowing how active and engaged I am into politics but moreso know the role I played in the appointment of Sheriff James Knight what he thought I was waiting on him to be my option. Did he think I was going to be silent about the appointment? Well obviously he has not been reading my blog and posts on my social media pages. Woodley was a candidate when we appointed Sheriff Knight along with now Retired Rocky Mount Police Chief John Manley. I remember Woodley when he was employed with Tarboro Police Department before going to Rocky Mount.

What tickled the hell out of me is how Woodley would call Social Services Director Marva Scott’s name who sued Edgecombe County because of a couple of ignant folk who had a problem with her and they fired her. Of course you know Scott is back and they had to pay her for all of the time lost which I believe was around one year. Who was the chair of Social Services? Who were they conspiring with? Even the County Commissioners were ignant when it came to Scott. Well they lost.

But what tickled the hell out of me the most is the comment Woodley made that he and Sheriff Knight had gone through this process before and that when Knight won he said he would support Knight and Knight said he would support him. Woodley said Knight had his time and now it was his time. Shaking my damn head! Now I played a major role in that appointment and I don’t remember no b.s. like that. John Manley came to Pinetops and was the MC for the event we had for Sheriff Knight shortly after he was appointed. Later Manley went on to become the Chief of Rocky Mount Police. I told him during Knight appointment at that time just wait a while his time was coming and I don’t think he feel bad about ending up being the Chief of Rocky Mount Police.

I have not heard one person say they would want to see Woodley be appointed to Sheriff. Actually I refuse to say what I am hearing.

The reason why I asked the Democratic Women of Edgecombe County to host the Sheriff Forum on Thursday was so that we can see who are seeking the appointment and so that the community can put a face with the names.

You see I hate this appointment is going to bring on some unnecessary division simply because the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair Rev. Roosevelt Higgs is doing what he does best, manipulating the process and thinks it is funny. I don’t play games when it comes to folk wanting to represent me and playing with folk livelihood.

So knowing what I know and after the forum on Thursday, The DCN News Blog Online TV endorses Cleveland (Clee) Atkinson.

Note: Click on the following links

Sheriff Forum Hosted By Edgecombe County Democratic Women Part 1

Sheriff Forum Hosted By Edgecombe County Democratic Women Part 2

Leonard Pitts: Open letter to our so-called president – The Baltimore Sun

Dear Mr. So-Called President:

So let me explain to you how this works.

You were elected as chief executive of the United States. I won’t belabor the fact that you won with a minority of the popular vote and a little help from your friends, FBI Director James Comey and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The bottom line is, you were elected.

And this does entitle you to certain things. You get your own airplane. You get free public housing. You get greeted with snappy salutes. And a band plays when you walk into the room.

But there is one thing to which your election does not entitle you. It does not entitle you to do whatever pops into your furry orange head without being called on it or, should it run afoul of the Constitution, without being blocked. (Read more)