Photos/Video: NAACP Town Hall Meeting Held To Discuss School Split An Educational Moment

You need to watch the video so you can be educated on why the merger took place, what was in the lawsuit filed and to see what everyone is paying. Is more money needed? Maybe so, but is the split necessary, hell no! But you need to talk to folks in the know and find out about the hidden agendas.

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School Split: Nothing Pisses Me Off More Than Black Folks Whom Don’t Attend Meetings But Have The Answers

I get so sick and tired of black folks whom don’t go to meetings but get a report from someone at the meeting and then base their opinion from what that person said. That is okay until you talk to me and I tell you that oh hell no my opinion is not the same as yours so don’t go there. You see I have had an opinion of the school split way before last night so I ain’t the one.

First of all you need to be at the meetings to try to tell me what took place at the meeting and so we can have a real discussion.

I have a problem with your opinion not being based on the real issue at hand but want to make the issue be your opinion of how the people feel when the people have clearly stated at the meeting where they stand. Don’t call me talking otherwise what you feel others are saying but they didn’t say it at the meeting. But the main thing is you say they didn’t say it at the meeting. Well what they said at the meeting was keeping in line with what the actual issue at hand is. Now ain’t nobody got time for folks to attempt to make the issue what they want it to be.

Folks when I deal with issues and people I look at what the issue is and who is bringing it forth.

The issue with the school split is Robbie Davis and 3 more of the Nash County Board of Commissioners say Edgecombe County Public Schools need to pay more money and that the Rocky Mount City Council should not pay anything. Well ain’t a damn thing wrong with the school systems as it stands coming out of the lawsuit filed back in 1991. All school districts have an issue with funding for many reasons. However to make it appear that Edgecombe ain’t paying what they suppose to be paying is another issue and a lie from from I have seen and heard as it relates to the outcome of the merger back in the early 90’s. Dealing with the financial piece is one thing but how to go about it is another.

The problem here with the school split is that Robbie Davis a business and a Nash County Commissioner along with 3 more commissioners are trying to find a way to justify their mission because he but not limited to, has a problem with the black superintendent and more.

There is a hidden agenda that only a few folks knows about while folks like Roosevelt Higgs want to add his spill to the issue trying to say that the people in Rocky Mount City do not want their children to go to Edgecombe County Public Schools. Well sir that is your opinion but not the issue here. And not even totally true because some in the Rocky Mount City goes to Edgecombe County Public Schools so you don’t even know what the hell you are talking about.

Let deal with the Robbie Davis driven issue at hand that deals with the financial piece. Like I said last night and other times, this has nothing to do with academics but only finances so let’s make sure that the Davis argument is shut down so we can continue to move forward. I ain’t going to entertain anyone who wants to talk about their opinion that has nothing to do with the real issue at hand.

So final warning don’t call me nor say anything to me in person if we ain’t going to talk about the real issue at hand the financial myth brought forward by Robbie Davis.