Rocky Mount City Council Request Public Comments Guidelines Read By The Mayor Be Revised To Bring Order To The Meetings And Remove Threats From The Comments


Monday October 11, 2021

Subject: Requesting, that the Rocky Mount City Council Public Comments Guidelines Read By The Mayor, be Revised to bring order to the meetings and remove threats from the comments.

We have attended many meetings over the years and watched how some folks use the podium during the Public Comments to disrespect the council, city staff, citizens and other who attend the meetings.

The mayor read the guidelines for Public Comments. When one begins the disrespect by not following the guidelines as read by the mayor, they should be asked to leave the podium immediately and not allowed to continue.

During our NAACP meeting last month, we discussed the need for the Public Comments Guidelines to be revisited. The members said they didn’t feel safe attending a city council meeting because they felt, the mayor and the council allow citizens to disrespect them. We feel that some of their comments are threatening and also, devises to the black community. However, we understand that the council/persons that are being threatened has to acknowledge that they feel threatened, and we can’t speak for them. However, the situation should be taken seriously by the mayor, lawyer, council and police department.

Mr. Dancy can relate to an incident whereby he felt councilmembers were threatened and the same person turned and looked at him as he was videoing and threatened him. He met with the Chief of Police at that time and was told that he had up to 3 years from the time of the incident to file a complaint. He was hoping that the council would revisit the guidelines, but nothing has changed.

I, Curmilus Dancy stand before you today as the Vice President/Legal Redress Chair of the Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP to ask the Council, City Manager, Chief of Police, the City Lawyer and whomever you feel may need to be at the table to revisit the guidelines for the Public Comment section on the Agenda. We feel it would be in the best interest of everyone that attends the meetings, be it the Rocky Mount City Government, citizens and others.

Thanking you in advance,

Curmilus Dancy II
Life Fully Paid Member/Vice President/Legal Redress Chair
Rocky Mount Branch NAACP Branch 5441-B

Rocky Mount City Council Meeting – Response To Folk Addressing The City Council About NAACP Complaints & OIC

Rocky Mount City Council Meeting

Monday June 28, 2021 4 PM

Good afternoon,

I am Curmilus Dancy II life fully paid member of the National NAACP. I am the Vice President of the Rocky Mount Branch.

I am the Legal Redress Chair and all complaints come to me and I investigate them and make recommendations to my committee. It then goes to the executive committee then to the full NAACP membership.

I stop by to request that when some address this board about filing complaints with the NAACP to contact me and my number is on my shirt.

Mr. Mayor and Council I am requesting that you please shut down anyone that address you about the NAACP and move on with your meeting. These citizens did not come here for a NAACP Meeting nor an OIC meeting.

I heard today that someone called a local TV station and said the NAACP is over the Police Department. Mr. Chief I mentioned to you recently that I was going to invite you to this month’s meeting so that you can address how the NAACP can work with you. I work a real job during the day and it looks like the caller needs to get one.

Thank you for receiving my request.

In response to Shante L. Batts Calling Out The Rocky Mount NAACP At The Rocky Mount City Council Meetings & On Samuel Battle’s Facebook Page

June 27, 2021

In response to Shante L. Batts going to the Rocky Mount City Council meetings and her appearances on Samuel Battle’s Facebook page.

I am the Legal Redress Chair for the Rocky Mount Branch NAACP and all complaints come to me.

It is stated on the complaint form that, Information shared in the report will be analyzed by the members of the Legal Redress Committee and the Executive Board. (This can be 2 different meetings held 2 different times.) Submitting this form is not intended, and should not be interpreted as a contract of any nature, either stated or implied.

Batts filed a complaint with the NAACP and we responded in a timely fashion. The NAACP meets monthly and we looked at the documentation that she put in her complaint. I received her statement and the police report included. I normally request the police report and if they don’t get it to me, I then request it from Law Enforcement Agencies and the city or county attorney has to approve it.

In the statement section Batts said, “My son never been in trouble at school and only has 1 gun charge b/c my 1st son was murdered due to these kids in Rocky Mount where I lived the boys stayed her, he was supposed to protect his self. It was my truck they was in that’s why its so hard for my son. The person who did it turned his self in what more do they want. My son not that type. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

In the next section what was motivation behind this event or incident and Batts’ response was: “They was shot at first!! It was self defense I have messages recordings.

Next section question is are you seeking legal representation? Batts’ response was Yes. She said, “I need all the help I can get because my son is innocent. If nobody shot at them, this would have never happened. Everybody have a right to defend themselves!!”

Next section is the gender of victim.

Next section is the age of the victim.

Next section is, to the best of your ability provide name and role or position of all persons involved in the incident.

Batts’ response was: Name: Her son’s name. Position: “I don’t know my son’s position but a young man turned his self in and said he did it. The police is charging my son with the murder then trying to pin the murder weapon on my son, when it was stated the boy got hit with a big gun, The boys was looking to shot them earlier in the day, my son was at work then.”

Next was identify in any agency or company is involved with incident: Batts said, “Police”

Next what was Date Of Incident: Batts said, “ December 1, 2020

The above date is incorrect because the date of the actual incident was November 21, 2020. I remember it because I got a call about it within 30 minutes about the shooting and then I spoke to someone who family member went to the house right after it happened.

The correct date is in the police report which is, Application for SEARCH WARRANT BY: Detective —–

Information in the Warrant says, who the warrant is for and the reason was because a person was found lying face up with a blanket put over his face stemming from a gunshot wound to his head.

The warrant says color, year and type of vehicle including the VIN number was on the warrant.

The warrant says the victim was shot in the forehead.

The warrant says during the investigation it was found that deceased victim was involved in an ongoing dispute with 2 subjects on Instagram and Batts’ son name and another person.

The warrant talked about the video and what happened during the shooting the directions of the vehicle and how the gun shots were determined to play a major part.

The warrant says On December 1st it was found the windshield had been replaced and named the business that did the repair.

So, the incident happened on November 21, 2020 and the Warrant was signed and dated by the Affiant: Detective — and Signature of Magistrate —.

The police report is a Public Document so anyone can request it by going through the proper procedures.

I Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Life Fully Paid Member of the NAACP. I am responding to Mrs. Batts only because she continues to give out incorrect information about the NWACP as she and her friends call it. They continue to go after the NAACP because they are mad with Andre Knight who is on the Rocky Mount City Council and President of the NAACP.

However, I am the one that receives and investigate all complaints. Everybody that knows me know I do my homework.

I met with my legal redress committee and they agreed with my response that Mrs. Batts need to hire a lawyer. The Rocky Mount Branch NAACP do no have a branch lawyer.

The Rocky Mount Branch NAACP meets on the 4th Thursdays of each month. Complaints are excepted daily however it depends on how soon a response will be received because once it comes to me then I have to get with the committee together to review it. It goes to the Executive Committee and then to the full body. All of this can take some time but once going through all of the steps a response is then sent to the person who filed the complaint.

NAACP Comments During Rocky Mount City Council Meeting

Rocky Mount NAACP

Monday, June 14, 2021


We the Rocky Mount NAACP would like to see more funding to support mental health and training for the police department.

There has been talk of defunding law enforcement across the nation however defund is not the right word. What we would like to see is money being placed in areas within the LEA to utilize the much-needed resources that would better benefit the LEA and the community. We must work together.

We all know that LEAs across the nation have been in the news. We support good policing however we support justice for all be it LEA and the citizens.

Social Services, mental health providers and others they must do their part working with LEAs.

We support funding for East of Rocky Mount because it is visual and documented that they have been left out over the years. This council has done some great things however there is much, much more needed.

It is sad that some folk do not want to see the East side receive a dime. But then you also have some who are blinded by them folk and do not even see the progress that has been made over the past 18 years.

And lastly, we support the downtown redevelopment and affordable/work force housing. These are self-explanatory so just do it!

We the NAACP are continuously monitoring the workings of the Rocky Mount City Government and will be sharing our concerns with you as needed.

We thank this council for all you have done over the past 18 years in spite of having to endure unnecessary criticism just because the city council has been a Black majority.

We also thank the folk who are running the city manager and staff because they too have had to endure criticism either directly and/or indirectly.

We want to end with Rocky Mount will be the trendsetter for other towns and the nation in spite of the criticism that they continue to endure.

Go Team!

Curmilus Dancy II Vice President
Andre Knight President

NAACP Rocky Mount Branch May Monthly Meeting Guest Presenter Was Edgecombe County Sheriff Cleveland “Clee” Atkinson

Edgecombe County Sheriff Clee Atkinson was invited to do a presentation about the office of the Sheriff. Sheriff Atkinson did a great job sharing with us about the role of the Sheriff Office and what they have put in place since the George Floyd murder. He also shared the reason why he has been asking for a pay increase for his staff. He also responded to questions from NAACP members as it relates to crime, partnership with other Law Enforcement Agencies, the recent dog incident that left a 10 month old baby lifeless.

The NAACP moved on with their agenda after about 30 minutes with the Sheriff being on the ZOOM meeting.

The meeting was very enlightening and informative and ended after approximately 1 hour.

Stay tuned for future NAACP meetings with LEAs and other guests being invited to make presentations to the NAACP.

The Rocky Mount Branch monthly meetings are held every 4th Thursday at 7 PM virtually until further notice. If you are interesting in joining the NAACP you may contact Clara Knight Secretary at or you can contact me at .

North Carolina NAACP President to Speak at the Funeral of Andrew Brown Jr.

North Carolina NAACP President to Speak at the Funeral of Andrew Brown Jr.

Joy Cook | | 336-970-8131
Morgan Pratt |

The Reverend Dr. T. Anthony Spearman will speak Monday, May 3, 2021, at the funeral for Andrew Brown Jr., who was killed April 21 by a North Carolina deputy.  North Carolina NAACP commits to supporting the family of Andrew Brown Jr. and will continue to call for transparency.

The funeral, which is invitation only, will be held at noon Monday at Fountain of Life Church, 1107 US-17 in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Rev. Al Sharpton will deliver the eulogy, Bishop William J. Barber II will provide words of comfort to the family and community, and Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman will brings words on behalf of the NAACP.

Andrew Brown Jr., 42, was the father of seven children, including five minor children.

“The Black Belt is witnessing a heinous indiscretion. The lack of transparency is not only disturbing; it is time for intervention from statewide policy makers including Attorney General Josh Stein and Gov. Roy Cooper to rise up and do what you were elected to do. I reaffirm the NC NAACP’s commitment to holding all lawless enforcement accountable, and I reiterate we will not stand idly by and watch North Carolina become another Minnesota.” says, Rev. Spearman.

Horton’s Funeral Home and Cremations in Hertford, North Carolina, is handling arrangements.
For more information or to schedule an interview with Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman, please contact Joy Cook, NC NAACP.


About the N.C. NAACP
Founded in 1939, the NC NAACP is part of the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. Its branches throughout North Carolina are premier advocates for civil rights in their communities, conducting voter mobilization and monitoring equal opportunity in the public and private sectors. The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and discrimination.

Enjoyed Rocky Mount Black Action Committee Meeting On Yesterday

I appreciate the invite from the Rocky Mount Black Action Committee (BAC) on yesterday. The NAACP Executive Committee was invited and it was a great meeting.

I love the commitment of these young folk to get involved and to strategize how they can play a role in what is going on in Rocky Mount but not limited to.

I support the BAC and look forward to our joint efforts in dealing with issues and people.

Again thanks!

NAACP Legal Redress Committee Members  Training Part 2 of 2

Day 2

I get my training in so when the haters come for me that is okay. Training makes all the difference.

Description: An intensive 2 part training for Legal Redress Committee members and unit leaders on the process for receiving, investigating, responding to, and resolving complaints that are received by the Branch.

I am Curmilus Dancy II Life Fully Paid Member 1st Vice President & Legal Redress Chair Rocky Mount NC Branch NAACP.

NAACP Legal Redress Committee Members 2 Day Training

Wow! The trainer said we are expecting about a 1000 members that have pre-registered.

I get my training in so when the haters come for me that is okay. Training makes all the difference.

Description: An intensive 2 part training for Legal Redress Committee members and unit leaders on the process for receiving, investigating, responding to, and resolving complaints that are received by the Branch.

I am Curmilus Dancy II Life Fully Paid Member 1st Vice President & Legal Redress Chair Rocky Mount NC Branch NAACP.

Samuel Battle This Dude Asked For My Resignation From The NAACP At The Rocky Mount City Council Meeting March 8, 2021

Samuel Battle asked for my resignation from the NAACP at the Rocky Mount City Council meeting because I responded to what he said recently. How ignant!

Dude filled out a form supposedly to file a complaint with the NAACP however he didn’t fill in the section about the details.

Battle talked about the NAACP on his YouTube Live “Word On The Street With Sam Rock Battle” and I responded to that ignance! Although he already had my phone number, but I also posted it in my comments in my response to his video in the above link.

So this dude can talk about folk but when folk talk about him he gets mad and go tell the White Folk on the City Council and his Unity Cemetery Crew. Wow!

Sam Rock reminder, “I am unbought and unbossed!” unlike you.

Now Run, Run & Tell That!

Source: Rocky Mount City Council Meeting March 8, 2021

Word On The Streets with Sam Rock Comes For NAACP

The guy from Philadelphia so why in the hell did he move here 4 years ago since Rocky Mount is so bad? Oh he moved here because he seen Rocky Mount is a great location to live. I’ll wait!

Mr. Phillie at anytime you want to know something about what the NAACP is doing we meet every 4th Thursday monthly. Also you can call me at (252) 314-5484 if you want a response to your question. When you learn the mission of the NAACP the better off you will be. Obviously you were not a member in Phillie.

Sam Rock said the Rocky Mount Police were uneducated. Wow!

Sam Rock talked about he told Bronson Williams and Nehemiah Smith folk need to stop calling folk name on WNCR TV News You Can Use Show that comes on Monday – Friday 7 AM – 9 AM. But this is the same guy that does that and also go to the Rocky Mount City Council meetings and call names.

Interesting how Sam Rock spoke half-trues about the incident at the IHOP. IHOP is not in Edgecombe County.

Sam Rock filled out a complaint form with the NAACP and it has no details. The section that says: Detailed summary of what happened. This was left blank. I have no idea of what the complaint is other than hearing him talk about it on News You Can Use and in this Episode.

Damn that was too funny Sam called the 4 Black Pastors the 4 Musketeers previously on Episode #1 but in this video he said it is only 3 because he said 3 of them got on Youtube and said I am Pastor number 3, 2 and 1. This was at a meeting several months ago when they addressed him about the pastors thing when they addressed Sandy Clause about him directing his comments to council members.

Sam Rock when did Andre Knight say he brought a bank on the Edgecombe County side? I remember Reuben Blackwell talking about Southern Bank came to Edgecombe County side and a Credit Union. Notice Sam didn’t mention the Credit Union.

Wow! Call Black Leadership Donald Trump, say they do the same thing Trump does.

Wow! Talked about NAACP, OIC, and the lawyer for the City Attorney Jep Rose.

Hell yeah I said OIC is Rocky Mount and I stand behind what I said. I ain’t said a damn thing about folk being born at OIC.

Dude compared OIC to Fish Tables.

Dude said young folk gonna have to take over Rocky Mount.

I ain’t mad with these dudes and hell no I will never team up with them.

Wow! Dude say Attorney Clay Turner is working for OIC. Being on the board is not working for OIC. This dude has told so many half-trues.

When did the vet they talking about file a complaint with the NAACP because it didn’t come to me? All complaints come to me because I am the Legal Redress Chair, Vice President and a Life Fully Paid Member. I’ll wait!

Rocky Mount NAACP Addresses Edgecombe County Commissioners About Demand For Equity In Policy And Administration For The COVID Vaccine

Demand for Equity in Policy and Administration for the COVID Vaccine

The Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP requests that the Edgecombe and Nash Board of Commissioners actively ensures that their Departments of Health do more to guarantee the prioritization of black and brown communities and constituents in the strategy and administration of COVID vaccines in their respective counties. Members of our Branch are receiving scores of calls from residents in both counties that are complaining of rude treatment, deflection and denial of requests for registration for people who are included in Governor Cooper’s priority designations (1a, 1b and 1c) and unnecessarily onerous registration policies that disparately impact black people. Black people in both counties are not receiving callbacks on a timely basis, referred to other counties, asked to wait for another day, week or month to register, told that supplies are out and otherwise discouraged from continuing in their rights to access the vaccine.

Nash County black populations are receiving the vaccine at lower rates than whites and Edgecombe County does not track, or refuses to release all COVID data, by race or ethnicity. These discriminatory trends add to the distrust and skepticism in public health policy and remedies by black people for illnesses that they die from often unnecessarily, and in this case, because of fear and intentional misinformation.

While we all recognize that the previous federal government administration did not perform their public health responsibilities regarding the Coronavirus for the entire United States adequately, much opportunity lies in the hands of our local public health entities. You have been given priority status over other healthcare entities and the results of your strategies have left black and brown communities unnecessarily unprotected from COVID. While we empathize with the overwhelming response that public health agencies are experiencing, we have received too many complaints to think that vaccine administration efforts are being treated equitably. Several of our members themselves have received callous and flippant customer service from both agencies regarding the vaccine.

If you want our assistance in developing better outreach and administrative strategies, we will help you. If you do not, that is fine. But we do want all of you to know that we are watching, taking account of your actions and will continue to advocate loudly in every circle and sector until black and brown people in our counties receive the vaccine. We suffer health disparities and mortalities at much higher rates in almost every health indicator than our white neighbors, friends, and peers. We appeal to every elected and appointed official to change this narrative and protect our seniors, our first responders, our essential workers, our healthcare workers and all our public and provide us all with equitable opportunities to receive the vaccine and to protect our nation’s future.

Curmilus Dancy 1st Vice President


The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.

NAACP seeks more equity in vaccination distribution effort

State and local leaders are responding to concerns recently expressed by the Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP concerning the equity of vaccine distribution and the way local Black residents are being treated in the process.

The Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP voted on Jan. 28 to request that the Edgecombe and Nash county boards of commissioners actively ensure that their health departments do more to guarantee the prioritization of Black and brown communities and constituents in the strategy and administration of COVID-19 vaccines in their respective counties, according to a press release sent out on Feb. 1.

“Members of our branch are receiving scores of calls from residents in both counties that are complaining of rude treatment, deflection and denial of requests for registration for people who are included in Governor Cooper’s priority designations and unnecessarily onerous registration policies that disparately impact Black people. Black people in both counties are not receiving callbacks on a timely basis; referred to other counties; asked to wait for another day, week or month to register; told that supplies are out; and otherwise discouraged from continuing in their rights to access the vaccine,” stated Andre Knight, president of the local branch of the NAACP and a Rocky Mount councilman.

Nash County Health Director Bill Hill denied that any discrimination is taking place at his office.

“We have operated on a first-come, first-served method to date after being sure we follow all federal and state guidelines, which have been pretty strict,” Hill said.

In Nash County, about 23 percent of the vaccines distributed so far have gone to Black residents and that rate is rising all the time, Hill said. That is about double the state average, he said.

“We have worked with a local, well-known, primarily Black church in Rocky Mount to hold a large clinic if we receive a supply of vaccine from the state designed to be used in a marginalized community. Our understanding is this could very well happen. We are ready to do this,” Hill said.

In Edgecombe County, where Blacks represent roughly 57 percent of the population and Caucasians make up 39 percent, Health Director Karen Lachappelle said that everyone has been treated equitably with the limited supplies the county has been given.

“We are aware the public is having to wait an extended period of time for returned phone calls,” she said. “Please understand we are receiving hundreds of phone calls daily and have limited staff to return these calls. Also calls are returned in order we received them.”

However, she did acknowledge that more outreach needs to be done.

“Based on the demographics of . . . (Read more)

Rocky Mount NC – NAACP Addresses Rocky Mount City Council About Police Officers Use Of Force

Use of Force Statement

Monday, February 8, 2021

On Tuesday, February 2nd, Juan Manuel Cruz Jr., was gunned down by two Rocky Mount police officers. We understand, as communicated to us by Police Chief Robinson, that the State Bureau of Investigation is investigating the details of the shooting incident. The Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP is praying for Mr. Cruz, as well as for the officers involved in the shooting.

Our confidence, however, is not vested fully in any findings of law enforcement agencies as they investigate themselves. We will be patiently watching and waiting for the release of all events to see what conclusions are drawn. We ask City Manager Small-Toney and Chief Robinson to be committed to the principles of fairness and equity in every aspect of the investigation. We expect the perspective of the victim, as well as the officers, to be fully considered before a decision is made. We know that there are body cams and car-based cameras that have recorded the incident. We have read, along with countless others, the testimony of Mr. Cruz’s friend who said that he was not in a vehicle as officers and others stated.

Our appeal tonight is not in favor of either the victim or the officers, but in favor of freedom and justice for all. In light of the truth that law enforcement in America is embedded in racism and justifies the murder of black and brown men and women by law enforcement officers and agents, the NAACP demands that full transparency and commitment to the truth be a greater motivation than protecting the reputation of any one person or agency.

Seeing the participation of so many retired and active military personnel attack our nation’s capital and our democracy on January 6th does not give us great confidence in any American law enforcement agency. That trust can only be gained when truth is more important than spin. We depend on you, Chief Robinson, Manager Small-Toney, Mayor Roberson and the entire Rocky Mount City Council to give us the truth.

Submitted by Curmilus Dancy, 1st Vice-President

Local NAACP leaders win re-election

The Political Agitator’s response: Some racists folk have a problem with Andre Knight being a City Councilman also and says it is a conflict of interest to do both. How ignant! Yours truly moved up from 2nd Vice President to 1st Vice.

Members of the Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP voted to re-elect the branch’s executive officers on Dec. 18.

Branch President Andre Knight, Vice President Curmilus Dancy, Secretary Clara Knight and Treasurer Reuben Blackwell were re-elected during the vote at the Opportunities Industrialization Center.

“Our members voted to retain and support our local leadership team that has helped us navigate overt and dangerous racial hatred against Black people and other people of color,” Knight said in a press release. “The Trump administration has normalized and made popular institutional and violent racism in America. We have witnessed brutality against Black people in every walk of life. His followers in Rocky Mount have declared open season on any leader of color who would dare stand against oppression of any kind.” (Read more)