Let Me Clear My Throat! Black Folks, Black Church, NAACP . . .

Let me clear my throat!

I recognize and understand that all black folks ain’t bad, all black churches ain’t bad and all NAACP members ain’t bad.

I have much respect for all black folks but I have more respect for black folks whom care about other folks more than they care about themselves because we are suppose to be our brothers keeper. You see if that was the gospel truth then we all would be covered because you would care about me and I would care about you. But you see I know there are some folks who don’t give a damn about me but guess what, it does not matter because I know it ain’t about me and them but all about him.

I have much respect for the black church, however there are some that I feel are just downright flat out religious pimp grounds. Now that is just my ignant opinion but you see if you like it, I love it! I ain’t mad with you but I refuse to be pimped. I feel my church is moving forward especially after voting in a new pastor last year in March. But when I say the church I don’t just mean the pastor because he does not make up the church alone. Yes the pastor may have some issues but the officers and members of the church who allow mess to go on in the church are all responsible as well for how the church move forward.

I have much respect for the NAACP however some folks whom are in the NAACP just like anything, they don’t have the mission at heart. I am a life fully paid member and I am pleased with what I know about the NAACP because I have been an active member since 1993. So you can have your opinion but you can’t sway me because I know that black folks but not limited to have benefitted from and continue to benefit from the workings of the NAACP.

If it was not for some good black folks, not Safe Negroes that are fighting for equality and justice for others, the good black church and the NAACP, oh where would we be?

So with that being said I can speak for me because I am have been an active NEGRO since the early 90’s so I am rooted in doing what I strongly believe I was put here to do. But again that is just my ignant opinion and you can have yours. But guess what? Your opinion about me mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to me.

Now Run & Tell That!

Edited: January 19, 2015 6:08 am.

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