American Arrogance, Global Reality – Source: The Root

The irony in all this is that the trigger was a ratings agency whose reputation was in tatters after the housing market collapse. S&P (and the other agencies) failed to warn investors about the game of three-card monte the banks were playing by bundling bad mortgages and selling them as good deals. The Financial Times called the downgrade of U.S. debt "precipitate, wrong and dangerous." (Read more)

When the People Lead the Leaders Will Follow


*This is the first tribunal of its kind focused on violations of the dignity
and rights of migrants, refugees, and displaced persons throughout the
world, part of the Mexican chapter of the Permanent People´s Tribunal (PPT),
a supporter of the grassroots movement against militarization and state
terror in Mexico imposed by the so-called Mérida Initiative and NAFTA, and
supported the call to form the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity
in Mexico convened by poet and activist Javier Sicilia.*

*The Call to constitute and convene the ITCPM was supported by over 500
organizational and individual adherents in 60 countries, including Noam
Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Mexican Bishops Raúl Vera and Samuel Ruiz and fathers
Alejandro Solalinde and Pedro Pantoja, the "Oscar Arnulfo Romero"
International Christian Secretariat for Latin American People´s Solidarity
(SICSAL), political prisoners Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier, Oscar López
Rivera and the Five Cubans, the International Migrants Alliance (IMA),
Dorinda Moreno of Fuerza Mundial, MIREDES International, Rosa Martha Zárate
of the ExBraceros 1942-64, Elvira Arellano of the Movimiento Migrante
Mesoamericano and Familia Latina Unida Sin Fronteras, Túpac Acosta of
Tonatierra-Nahuacalli, Salvador Reza of Puente Arizona, Chris Newman of
National Day Laborers Organizing Network (NDLON), Coalición de Estudiantes
Hispanos de Arizona, Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants, International
Association of People´s Lawyers (IAPL) and its Brazilian branch (ABRAPO),
the Mexican section of Amnesty International, Mexico´s National Association
of Democratic Lawyers (ANAD) and former political prisoners Ignacio del
Valle and others of San Salvador Atenco´s Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la
Tierra (FPDT), América del Valle and Lucía Morett, Patricia Barba Avila of
Radio Nueva República, Carlos Fazio, Mercedes Osuna of Semilla del Sur and
Ana Elena Barrios of Enlaces in Chiapas, Liepollo Lebohang Pheko of the
Trade Collective in South Africa, Baldemar Velásquez of FLOC, Rufino
Domínguez Santos of the Binational Center for Indigenous Development in
Oaxaca (CBDIO), Enrica Rigo of the University of Rome, Willem Van Genugten
of the Netherlands, Hans Egil Offerdal of Norway, Juan Haro of Movimiento
Pro Justicia del Barrio in New York City, Marylena Bustamante and Domingo
Ixcoy of Guatemala, Colombia´s Intereclesiastical Commission for Peace and
Justice and the Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas (CAOI),
Ecuador´s Centro Familiar de Ayuda para Migrantes (CEFAMM, directed by Flor
María Haro), Luis and Guadalupe Valdez of Teatro Campesino, Puerto Rican
singer-songwriter Roy Brown and poet-activist Martín Espada, and Azadeh
Shahshahani, among many others.

Inaugural sessions of the Tribunal were held in Quito, Ecuador October 7-8
2010 (in conjunction with the IV World Social Forum on Migration- WSFM), and
in Mexico City Nov. 4-6 and Guadalajara Nov. 8 2010, as part of the first
Global Alternative Forum of Peoples in Movement, convened as a grassroots
alternative to the Iv Global Forum on Migration and Development- GFMD;
Alternative Forum included the Tribunal, the 3rd International Assembly of
Migrants and Refugees- IAMR 3- both held in Mexico City-Tenochtitlan- and
the Caravan of Migrant Dignity, organized by mothers, relatives, and
defenders of Central American migrants disappeared in transit, which began
in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, continued in Mexico City and Guadalajara, and
culminated in Puerto Vallarta site of the IV GFMD, Nov. 8-9. 2010.

Cases addressed by the Tribunal include the effects of SB 1070 in Arizona
(and equivalent laws elsewhere, as recently in Utah, Indiana, Georgia,
Alabama, South Carolina, Texas) and their relationship to increased violence
and deaths at the U.S-Mexico border and en route; the San Fernando Massacre
in Tamaulipas of 72 migrants in transit from Honduras, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Ecuador, and Brazil, its context and effects on their rights to
freedom of movement, humanitarian assistance, sanctuary, asylum, and refuge;
forced migration and displacement of indigenous and campesino communities in
Guerrero, Chiapas, Oaxaca, San Salvador Atenco, etc.; forced displacement of
indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities in Colombia due to U.S
intervention through Plan Colombia; militarization, externalization and
regionalization of the repressive migration policies of the EU in Africa and
the Middle East and mass expulsions of Roma ("gypsies") and related
xenophobic policies in France, Italy, and Spain; cases of forced migration
and displacement due to colonialism and neo-colonialism regarding the
Mapuche indigenous people in Chile and Argentina, Puerto Rico, Palestine,
the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic; state-sponsored human trafficking and
other human rights violations related to "guest-worker" programs in the
Philippines and historic injustices relating to the U.S-Mexico "Bracero"
Program; manipulation of migration policies as a component of U.S aggression
against Cuba, related discrimination against migrants from Haiti, etc.

Key current priorities include:

1) continuing attention to and updating of concerns regarding cases
presented in Quito and Mexico City

2) support of initiatives to create and support human rights observatories
from Chihuahua to Chiapas in Mexico with support from Mexican and indigenous
communities in the U.S and in key countries of origin of migrants in transit

3) support of convergent efforts to defend rights and dignity of "peoples in
movement" throughout the world, through a Permanent Migrant Forum linked to
the Tribunal

Dorinda Moreno, Fuerza Mundial / FM Global / Hitec Aztec
U.S. Liaison Secretariat, International Tribunal of Conscience/TICPM
Comisión Jurídica del Tribunal Internacional de Conciencia de los Pueblos en
Movimiento (becoming a permanent forum for Migration and Displacement)

Repost: Edgecombe County Public Schools Personnel Announcements – New Hires, Transfers, Reassignments, Resignations And Etc. August 8, 2011

Personnel Announcements for Edgecombe County Public Schools for August 9, 2011 click here.

See related:

Edgecombe County Public Schools

Correction: Edgecombe County Public Schools Personnel Announcements – New Hires, Transfers, Reassignments, Resignations And Etc. August 8, 2011

Personnel Announcements for Edgecombe County Public Schools for August 9, 2011 click here.

See related:

Edgecombe County Public Schools


Breaking News–Edgecombe County Public Schools To Hold Special Meeting Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:30 PM Edgecombe Community College

Board of Education to hold special meeting Thursday, Aug. 11 The Edgecombe County Board of Education will meet in a special meeting Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the board room in Building A at Edgecombe Community College. The Board will meet in closed session to discuss personnel matters.

Note: Ok here we go again. Why is it ECPS do not use the Robo Call thingy that they invested in to announce such meetings?

I guess they will name an interim Superintendent on this day. Word on the street is it is a done deal and that Dr. Lana VanderLinden will be appointed in the interim. Curmilus Dancy II – The Professional Agitator

See related:

Edgecombe County Public Schools

Debt Rating – A Triple Plus vs A Double Plus Don’t Sound That Bad To Me

A Triple Plus rating vs A Double Plus do not sound that bad to me however I don’t know what the significance is as it relates to the debt rating other than they saying they have a problem with the US paying their debt.

But in a sense to me just looking at it as a grading average I just can’t see what the fuss. Well I think I get it that it is all about President Barack Obama being a black man whom just happens to be all of our President whether we like it or not.

It appears some folks will sink the damn boat and don’t care who survives. But I believe all that they continue to do to attempt to discredit our President that they are showing just how ignant they are.

I hope to hear more about the significant difference in the rating. If someone has some information on it please share it with me.

I believe folks are misleading people and trying to scare the hell out of them when it ain’t a big deal in my opinion.

I am Curmilus Dancy II – The Professional Agitator.

“I have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies only permanent interest.”

Tarboro NC – “Black Family Day” In Edgecombe County Is On

Obviously the IGNANT RACIST WHITE FOLKS who were suppose to attend the Tarboro Town Council meeting last night to protest was present but didn’t say a word. Wonder why? Was it the video camera?

See more on this coming soon.

See related:

Black Family Day

Edgecombe County – South Edgecombe Middle School Gymnasium Named After Board Member William Keith Pittman

Norfleet Suggs attended the Edgecombe County Public Schools August monthly board meeting on behalf of the community requesting the South Edgecombe Middle School Gymnasium be named in honor of William Keith Pittman. The vote was unanimous.

Pittman was a coach and taught driver’s education at South Edgecombe. He was my driver’s ed teacher back in the day.

See video coming soon to see this historical and special moment. For one time Pittman was without words and also see a grown man cry.

I feel strongly that Pittman deserves this honor and I am glad I was there to capture the moment on video/photo and to be a witness but also to be able to congratulate him on this special evening. Pittman always treat me with much respect and I don’t care if he is at a board meeting, at Abrams BBQ & Restaurant, Hardees or anywhere he always acknowledge me and always telling somebody how much he thinks of me. The feeling is mutual.

So I ask the people in the southern part of Edgecombe County and abroad to join me and welcoming Mr. William Keith Pittman on this great honor since he is still alive and able to celebrate this honor with the community.

Note: Must apologize, I fell asleep last night and didn’t get to do my reporting. Video and pictures of the meeting coming soon. Curmilus Dancy II – Videographer and Photographer The DCN

See related:

Edgecombe County Public Schools