In Response to Special Called Meeting of The Rocky Mount City Council Committee Of The Whole For Redistricting Public Hearing

Good morning,

It was brought to my attention after the meeting last night that some folk thought they could not speak because it was a Committee of the Whole Meeting. I said that it was a Public Hearing and therefore the public could speak. I also received some phone calls later last night saying they didn’t know the public would be allowed to speak and if they had known they would have come with written speeches.

I too was wondering why there was no sign up sheet to speak but because I have been engaged in politics over the years, I assumed that the meeting was held just for the public to speak to the council in support of which redistricting map they supported.

Maybe in the future it should be stressed that during a Public Hearing like this meeting that it is clearly stated that the public can speak at the Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Please share this with the councilmembers.

Curmilus Dancy II

Breaking News! Inside Noise (Elected Officials) vs Outside Noise (Haters, Want A Be Elected Officials)

Stop listening to the noise on the outside (Haters, Want A Be Elected Officials) and focus on the noise on the inside (Elected Officials) at the table. Look at the progress. See the haters will say what progress? They know they just big mad.

The outside noise look at what they bring to the table. Noise! Without a purpose.

While the outside noise has been a distraction, the inside noise (Elected Officials) continue to make progress.

The Community Academy (A Real Noise With A Purpose) is a force to be reckon with.

Local group proposes alternative ward map

The Political Agitator’s response: The DCN News Blog Online TV support the Community Academy map that was drawn by local community folk. They did an outstanding job and goes to show how smart Black folk are. It makes a difference when you have Black folk in place of power because look at how the lawyers that were hired to do the mapping came up with some mess at the rate of around $15,000. So if the council was not a Black majority look at how the maps could have been easily accepted that would dilute the voting power when it come to the Black community. Their is a Public Hearing today and tomorrow on the Redistricting so go out and participate in the process and support the Community Academy Map.

An organization of neighborhood residents has presented the City Council with a proposed redistricting map of the seven council wards for the panel’s consideration.

Robert Davis, president of the Community Academy, spoke about his organization’s version of possible council ward lines during a council public hearing on Monday about redistricting.

The proposed map is drawn to keep all of Councilman Andre Knight’s Ward 1 and part of Councilman Reuben Blackwell’s Ward 2 and part of Councilman Richard Joyner’s Ward 3 on the Edgecombe County side of Rocky Mount.

Davis said the Community Academy is part of a redistricting coalition that includes the Rocky Mount Racial Justice Group, the Rocky Mount Black Action Committee, Black Workers for Justice, the Rocky Mount chapter of the NAACP and Democracy North Carolina.

Knight is the leader of the local NAACP.

Additionally, Davis said the Southern Coalition for Social Justice has provided demographic and legal assistance. The Southern Coalition for Social Justice is based in Durham and provides legal advice and representation to economically-disadvantaged communities of color engaging in social change efforts.

Davis told the City Council that the community-generated proposed map promotes inclusion, racial justice and community ownership.

Davis was one of 13 residents or activists who spoke Monday during the public hearing.

The City Council hired the Poyner Spruill law firm to do the legal work in the redistricting and subsequently received two proposed maps from demographer Bill Gilkeson, who is part of the redistricting team.

One proposed map is called Alternative A and the other proposed map is called Alternative B.

On Monday, the council also heard from Gilkeson via a pre-recorded video about a proposed map called Alternative C.

Councilman Chris Miller was quick to state her objection to Alternative C because that proposed map would split the Northgreen area, which is in her Ward 7, into two wards.

Alternative A proposes quite visible changes, chiefly having Knight’s Ward 1 take in the Belmont Lake area in the northern part of the city.

During the public hearing on Monday, Ward 5 Councilman Lige Daughtridge asked Davis about what the concerns are with Alternative A and Alternative B.

Davis said when one looks at the data regarding Alternative A, one can see that in the redrawn Ward 1, the population of Blacks would decrease while the population of whites would increase.

During the public hearing on Monday, Susan Perry Cole, a member of the Community Academy, expressed her support for the community-generated map.

Cole was quick to cite history, saying for an approximately 70-year period or most of the prior century, Blacks unsuccessfully campaigned for election to the City Council.

And Cole noted the one exception was the Rev. George Dudley, who served on the council for a decade beginning in 1972.

"Recognizing that, historically, Rocky Mount’s municipal election system was designed to exclude certain populations, namely low-income communities and/or Black communities," she said, "it is important because this awareness helps us understand the need for intentional efforts to break down the legacy of barriers to participation that may still exist today." (Read more)

Council awards $731K in contracts to landscaping business

The Political Agitator’s response: It appears the city do not have the equipment and possibly not enough manpower to do some work within the city. Outsourcing work is the norm in manufacturing workplaces however it looks like city government is having to do the same.

The City Council recently voted to sign off on awarding a trio of three-year public grounds maintenance contracts totaling $731,226 to a local landscaping and lawn care business.

Precision Cut is now authorized to maintain the grounds of 11 facilities or locations for $496,785, the Battleboro and Northeastern cemeteries for $131,589 and four low-lying areas or areas with boat ramps or water for $102,852.

The vote occurred during the Oct. 25 City Council regular meeting.

The action also came in the context of extensive discussion having occurred during the Oct. 11 council work session about wanting the Parks and Recreation Department to be able to do more in terms of maintaining the public grounds in the future.

City Manager Small-Toney during the Oct. 11 council work session made clear that, as far as increasing the skillset of Parks and Recreation employees, she believed the first step would be to come back to the council in January with what a higher level of service, managed internally, is going to cost.

Still, Small-Toney made clear her plan in the meantime was going to be to ask the council to approve the three-year contracts with Precision Cut to continue to help with maintaining the public grounds.

And Small-Toney made clear the contracts would include wording giving the ability to the municipal government to make changes, including to reduce Precision Cut’s service level.

Precision Cut had been continuing to work amid a month-to-month contract extension based on a previous contract. (Read more)

Nash County board approves new redistricting plan

The Political Agitator’s response: Commissioner Gwen Wilkins that was recently appointed to replace Mary Wells voted with the White commissioners while Belfield and Arrington questioned the process. Wilkins is not good for Nash County Democrats. She also supported the appointment of a Republican turned Democrat just in time to get the appointment for Register of Deeds. A mess!

Nash County commissioners held a public hearing on redistricting Wednesday and voted in a split decision to adopt Plan 2C, a newly drawn map presented at the meeting and published online before the presentation.

Attorney Amanda Hawkins of the Brooks Pierce law firm first gave a presentation summarizing the process of her team’s redrawing of the Nash County district maps based on new census data.

“Plan 1, the original plan we presented, was a starting point that our demographer had put together based on the new population numbers. Since then, we have received your feedback about the board’s priorities, the communities of interest and thoughts about where the lines should be drawn and we have come up with Plan 2C,” she said.

“I understand that plan 2C reflects everyone’s feedback about which communities need to be put together, incumbency preferences and things like that.

“One thing the demographer did was try to rebalance the districts, so they are close to what they were before. This can help the population with consistency and help them understand who they are voting for,” she added.

Before the public hearing began, the motion to hold the public hearing was questioned by two county commissioners. (Read more)

Warsaw NC – Nooses Hanging 6 People, 4th Appears To Be Obama

No description available.Damn shame! The DCN News Blog just received the following.

“Look what I found passing thru on my way to Warsaw NC on the backroads. Nooses hanging 6 people, obvious the 4th one is or ‘appears’ to be Obama.”

Nash sheriff launches re-election campaign

Nash County Sheriff Keith Stone kicked off his re-election campaign Thursday night during a fundraising dinner in the Business and Industry Center at Nash Community College.

“We are going to give it another go — 110 percent. We have never let off since the day we started,” Stone told the Telegram before the dinner.

Stone has served as sheriff for nearly eight years and plans to file to run for the next four years when the filing period opens on Dec. 6. So far, no Republican has stated plans to run against him, so Stone may avoid a contest during the March primary.

However, he will likely face a Democratic opponent in November 2022 as Maj. David Brake, who retired from the sheriff’s office after 30 years of service, announced his plans to run for sheriff in June.

At Thursday’s meeting, Stone had plenty of support from some other sheriffs, three of whom spoke in support of his candidacy.

Craven County Sheriff Chip Hughes said he respects Stone’s guidance and views Stone as a mentor.

“Y’all are blessed to have this man here,” Hughes said. “This is not an easy job.” (Read more)

I Get Sick Of Folk Who Try To Discourage Folk From Taking The COVID Shot

If you are in denial that COVID is real and that taking the shot is not worth it, stop trying to discourage other folk with your mess. And don’t talk to me about your mess. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 10/30/2021

I Love It When Folk Say I Talked About Them But They Talked About Me Because I Was Telling Them What Other Folk Were Saying

Folk don’t want to hear them trues. Many times folk get mad with me because I tell them what folk are saying that do not say it to them. I don’t have a problem with folk getting mad with me because I challenge their mess.

Folk tickles the hell out of me playing games. I don’t play games. I said a couple of weeks ago if I say something and you think I am talking about you and if I say something about you, if you have any feedback talk to me. But nope they call other folk and tell them but then they talk about coming together. Really! Doubleminded folk are dangerous!

Hell I know a hell of a lot more than what folk think I know. I don’t give a damn about folk talking about me because I can talk about them so that makes us even in my eyesight. As a matter of fact I get mad when folk don’t talk about me because that means I ain’t doing anything.

I don’t need other folk platform to get my message to the people, I have my own and it is not based on half-trues, lies and just mess.

As I stated Election Time is around the corner and I will not allow folk to lie and mislead folk. I will respond to what you say and if you get mad that is a you problem.

Just because I have been out here a long time and have put in the work, don’t get mad with me, either put in the work or shut the hell up.

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

I am unbought and unbossed!

Now Run & Tell That!

Sam Roc & Gregb “Word On The Street” Played A Recording Of Sam & I Conversation At Bojangols On September 8, 2021

Sam Rock thank you for the recording because you did just what I wanted you to do. I couldn’t wait until you talked about our conversation on September 8 when you approached me at Bojangols.

So how can the Andre Knights and others have a serious conversation with you about politics?

Yes I said it that Andre Knight needed to come back to the NAACP because I have been running the NAACP for months since he was going through the audit.

Yes I said that about Higgs. I posted the pictures 2 – 3 years ago to show that Higgs do not live in Edgecombe County. But play the message what you said before I responded to you about Higgs. And now since his son sent him to the hospital it is evident that he lives at that address.

I said Bronson backed out of the mess with you at IHOP, I said Bronson still was going there and went to an IHOP in Paris or wherever he went out of the country and you can hear that on the audio. Bronson talked about it on News You Can Use when he went out of the country about the IHOP I responded to Sam when he said he wanted to so sue IHOP and I said how you going to do that. Tell Sam to play the conversation because I was responding to what he said. I also said that they got the guy fired at Ihop for no reason. I said I know who called IHOP Corporate.

Funny how you told me about the issue that you brought up on the TV show with Nehemiah about a car accident but you didn’t play my response to that.

Play the conversation about you supporting Jae Taylor and other. I stand behind anything I say.

Bring the lady on about me showing her a photo of me.

Play the entire audio of what you said.

Really so you guys got off on half trues.

You guys are comical and that is why I don’t look at your podcast with them half trues.

These guys are dangerous.

Look at these ignants for yourself on Word On The Street with Sam Roc and Gregb.

It Takes A Village To Parent Children Your Thoughts?

Parents you have got to do your part. The village didn’t help you make the children so it ain’t the village job to help you parent them. The village can help make the village good but at the end of the day you are the parent and it is your responsibility to parent your children. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 10/31/2021

Parents If You Do Your Part Then Your Living Will Not Have Been In Vain

I have heard all kinds of sayings over the years but the older I get the more wisdom I get. I have heard it takes a village to parent a child. That sounded good back then but when I became a parent, I learned how to be one and I believe I have been a damn good one. My children may not think so but I believe in tough love. My wife has not worked since we got married in 1997 and she spoiled all of my children even my oldest that is not hers. Both of my daughters were with me at the Justice of the Peace when my wife and I got married.

I have never wanted for anything because my dad and mom worked a public job and my dad rented a farm. I started working when I was 5. Some folk say I was spoiled because it was my daddy that gave me anything I wanted. But back up, I started working at 5 and he always told me as long as I had good grades in school, he would get me some things that he never had.

My dad spoiled all of my children and when my son was born oh that was it, he treated him like he did me from a boy standpoint. Oh the girls were older so they got theirs.

My oldest daughter she didn’t have to want for anything during the younger years when she was growing up before her moma moved to Maryland trying to keep me from her. When they were living here I used to go buy my daughter Nashonda Lavette Dancy (changed her name to Sherrod her step dad’s last name) clothes, milk, food and other but my daughter said I had never done anything for her. I ain’t going there today because I know and everybody that knows me know that was something that her moma told her. Some folk even told me why didn’t I try to take my daughter from her mother and I said never unless she was physically and/or mentally abusing her. I was the one that was mentally abuse from her trying to keep my daughter from me.

I had a birthday party for my daughter every year and went above and beyond until from 1987 – 2000 after my mom died in 1997 and being displaced during the 1999 flood. The last time she visited me my wife and my other 2 children were living in a camper trailer because of the flood.

As my children went through school I was active in their education and also with their sporting activities. I did that when my baby girl India Matita Dancy was going to school in New Bern before her mom and I got married. Curmilus Dancy III (CJ) was born in 1998.

Although Nashonda has not been in my life, I am proud of her because she has made many accomplishments in Maryland.

India degreed from NC Central NC and then went back years later and got her Masters. She lives in Durham NC.

Baby boy CJ has a degree from Pitt Community College. Because of the COVID and his medical issues he has not gone to work yet and talking about enrolling in college.

Neither India or CJ gave me any real problems. India I was mad with her because I told her to stay in school and go immediately to law school but she didn’t she wanted to take a break.

But all in all I remember when CJ was in the 9th grade because I volunteered videoing basketball games, I had season passes so I took him and 2 of his friends to many games. At home games I could get stuff from the concession stand and he could too. One game he was getting stuff giving it to his friends and these friends didn’t have any money. When the person at the concession stand told me what he was doing I told him that I would get his stuff for him. I told him I would pay for his friends stuff and I gave him money to get it for them.

Overall I have not had any problems with my children. Children do children stuff but some things parents are responsible for because of how they are involved and/or the lack of involvement.

Parents you have got to do your part. The village didn’t help you make the children so it ain’t the village job to help you parent them. The village can help make the village good but at the end of the day you are the parent and it is your responsibility to parent your children.

Condolences Goes Out To My Family The Entire Family Of The Late Deacon Alexander Smith Pinetops NC

May be an image of 1 personCondolences goes out to my family the entire family of the late Deacon Alexander Smith affectionately known as Elliot and Brother. I remember him from the time I was a little boy when he stayed 3 houses over from us. He is married to my dad’s 1st cousin. I used to do his garden when I was around 10 years old. He and his brother the late James (Bud) Smith used to borrow my dad’s tractor every year to plant their garden over the past couple of years. Services entrusted to Rivers-Morgan Funeral Home Inc. Greenville NC.

The following is from the Facebook page of my cousin Dr. Marvin Smith.

Giving homage to Alexander Smith a great man, a statesman and compassionate father (daddy) and grandfather. A man of courage and tenacity. Dad you have "fought a good fight, you have finished your course, you have kept the faith." Henceforth there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give you in that day:

We will always love you and miss your presence and grateful for the 90+ years God graced us with you

[Our family ask your prayers in our time of lost.]

Rivers and Morgan Funeral and Cremation:

190 Plaza Drive Greenville NC 27858

Homegoing Celebration

Nov 5th 2021

Time: Viewing 11am-12pm

Service: 12pm

Bethlehem Association Center

3033 Bynum Farm Rd

Pine tops NC 27864

Information for donation in lieu of flowers:

Payable to: Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Association: Memo Line Alexander Smith

Mailing Address:


124 East, Pinetops, NC 27864

Condolences Goes Out To My Family The Entire Family Of The Late Billy Ray Lewis Pinetops NC

Condolences goes out to my family the entire family of the late Billy Ray Lewis. This is my dad’s first cousin. I remember him when I was a little boy when he used to come home from up North and he would stop by to see my dad and my grandad his moma’s brother. He has been suffering from health issues for years and now he will not have to suffer anymore. Visit Willoughby Funeral Home Inc. for more info.

Black Folk, Church Folk You Need To Be True To Yourself We Get Mess Because You Promote Mess

Black folk, Church folk when you start being true to yourself we will eliminate mess.

I get so sick and tired of folk promoting mess. When you see mess you ought to call it out but if you ain’t going to respond to half truths and lies then just maybe you need to not say anything.

I like giving real examples and that mean using real issues and real people.

When we have folk that create mess always trying to discredit Black leadership with half trues and just flat out lies, we need to call them out. If you are scared say it and get the hell out of the way.

Rev. Roosevelt Higgs call in to News You Can Use almost daily trying to discredit Rocky Mount Councilmen Andre Knight and Reuben Blackwell but not limited to. Roosevelt ain’t no stranger to mess because he has been a mess every since I learned him when I became active in politics in the late 80’s when I joined the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee. I don’t totally fought him because the Black Democrats allowed him to be a mess and over the years he has become a professional mess. Roosevelt had a few Democrats Black and White that he was their go to guy. He used to call in to WHIG-TV regularly but I believe they got tired of him over there but he used their platform for years because they played a role in trying to keep Andre Knight from becoming a councilman as well.

See the NC Court of Appeals findings mess that Roosevelt Higgs was a part of with White folk who tried to keep Andre Knight from becoming a Rocky Mount City Councilman. I always tell folk don’t take my word on anything I say, research the facts for yourself. Andre Knight Vs Roosevelt Higgs Residency Challenge An Historical Moment. So where is the outcry from folk who know and promote Roosevelt mess to tell Roosevelt that it is time for him to get the hell over Andre Knight because it is evident that he is obsessed with him.

Roosevelt promotes nobody but Rev. Thomas L. Walker and Bronson Williams listen to replay News You Can Use broadcasts and prove me wrong. Anyone that challenges Roosevelt and/or do not promote his mess, he has nothing for them. Not saying that Bronson promote his mess, but Roosevelt uses Bronson as a platform to be heard. But I don’t understand how he call in and disrespect Bronson’s co-host Pastor Nehemiah Smith. Nehemiah handles him well because he ignores Roosevelt until he just has to respond. I couldn’t be Nehemiah because I would address Roosevelt mess. I can talk about Roosevelt’s mess for years but much is documented here.

Roosevelt has a problem with me because I talk to Andre Knight, Reuben Blackwell, Sheriff Clee Atkinson not to mention many others past and present. See Roosevelt’s nasty voicemail phone calls to me leaving messages to me, talking about others and him during meetings documented on YouTube.

Samuel Battle (Sam Roc) is another example. He is mad with me because he is mad with Andre Knight and others because I talk to them.

Sam has been coming to the Rocky Mount City Council meetings trying to discredit Black Leadership and sometimes making threatening comments to others and myself. But when I see this guy in person he has a whole different demeanor. He calls in to News You Can Use and WHIG-TV but he has started his own Podcast Word On The Street with Sam Roc and Gregb, I hear his name is Gregory Brake. I understand that they do the podcast weekly. I receive texts and calls about them but I don’t look at that mess unless they are talking about me.

A couple of months ago Sam Roc and Gregb on their podcast said a female said I sent her a photo of my penis. They said the female said she was coming on the next show to talk about it. Well the next show I get a text that they had the White Guy that ran against Rep. Shelly Willingham on the podcast. You couldn’t pay me to go on this mess and makes me look at folk sideways that appears on it. I am still waiting on them bringing the female on.

Sam Roc calls in to News You Can Use almost daily and continues to talk about me with his lies. Just last week said on News You Can Use when he approached me in Bojangols on September 8 that we made a commitment to not talk about each other. I called in and corrected that mess because I ain’t made no kind of commitment to him about anything. I just respond to what he and Roosevelt says but as always they like others can’t handle when I respond to their mess. What they want is to be able to say mess and nobody respond to them so therefore it appears that what they are saying is truth. Oh hell no I don’t roll like that because I respond to mess that affect me directly and/or indirectly. I refuse to allow folk to mislead folk.

Sam Roc called in to News You Can Use recently in response to my call saying he agreed with what I said until I called his name. But he, Gregb and Roosevelt can call names but folk ain’t suppose to call theirs. Get the hell out of here.

Friday I was told that Andre Knight, Bronson Williams, Samuel Battle and Troy Davis were at the Waffle House. I was at work working a real job. I understand that Sam Roc again talking about me going back to the Friday September 8 when he approached me in Bojangols. So he want to make it appear that I said something negative about Andre and Bronson. Dude said he wanted to sue Ihop and I told him how was he going to do that when . . . I will wait to let him play the recorded message on his podcast that he says he has. I’ll wait!

I was told that he said I talked about Andre and I said . . . but again I will wait to let him play the recorded message that he says he has. I’ll wait! I hope he play the entire recording because the other conversation was more interesting than that part about what I said about Andre and Bronson. And as I have stated time and time again I will say what I have to say to folk and also I put it in writing and post it on my social media pages. See Open Letter to folk on my blog, I document what I say.

So for anyone who were present during this get your eat on that think that was about them trying to come together, then it would not have been a conversation about mess but how they could work together. To discuss the conversation that Sam Roc and I had on September 8 trying to create division between me, Andre and Bronson makes no sense. The conversation should have been totally about how they can work together and moving forward. The conversation should have been about Rocky Mount City Council issues such as the Redistricting and the upcoming election how they can work to keep all the current Black councilmen and how to get a Black person elected in other wards that are open because Chris Miller and WB Bullock are not seeking re-election.

It is okay to agree to disagree but the disrespect and other mess need to end. I don’t entertain mess because politics is about folk livelihood and I challenge mess and especially during election time when folk be misleading folk.

I have said it time and time again since the late 80’s that we in the Black Community need to come together and have a coming to Jesus meeting to talk about real issues and see who want to move forward together and those who do not return, it will be evident they ain’t down with the coming together.

I will end with if anyone that knows me directly and or indirectly by following me on social media, obviously you have not been paying attention so I will repeat it again.

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against.

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest.

I am unbought and unbossed. Now let me drop my plow right here for those who don’t understand that hell yeah I go to work. I have no problem with working. The bible says a man that don’t work don’t eat but these are the same folk that love to quote scriptures. Doubleminded!

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II The Professional Political Agitator. I have put in the work and will challenge anyone when it comes to Edgecombe County Politics the issues and the people. I know the people that have been actively engaged and those who have recently come out as if they have figured something out. Hell I been fighting some of the same issues and folk like Roosevelt since the late 80’s.

But don’t get it twisted because I know the progress that has been made since the late 80’s and although we ain’t where we ought to be, I am glad about where were are. But it ain’t all about Racist White Folk but my problem has always been Safe Negro Black Folk.

Now Run & Tell That!