Condolences Goes Out To My Wife And My In-Laws Of The Late James Ellis Douglas Newport News VA Formerly Of New Bern NC

Condolences goes out to my wife and my In-Laws of The Late James Ellis Douglas New Bern NC. Ellis has lived in Newport News Virginia since retiring from the military.

Visit Trinity Memorial Funeral Home Inc. for more information.

Breaking News! Unfriend Me!

Breaking News Unfriend Me

Politics Only When We Be True To Ourselves We Can Be True To Others, The Following Is One Example Of Why We Have So Much Division In Politics

Obviously folk ain’t paying attention and/or don’t give a damn because I post time and time again that I will challenge anybody when it comes to Edgecombe County Politics but not limited to. Maybe some folk Elected Officials and want a be Elected Officials think they are exempt.

I will repeat I am an engaged citizen of Edgecombe County 1st, I am a Democratic Party Precinct Chair, serve on the County Democratic Party Executive Committee and the State Democratic Party Executive Committee.

Some folk don’t get it when I say, “I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!”

“I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!”

“I am unbought and unbossed!”

I know a hell of a lot more than what some folk think I know! I receive information from lots of folk, some I know and some I don’t, and many times it is family and friends of folk that share information with me. My resources are awesome!

The following stemmed from the News You Can Use Broadcast for Thursday November 11, 2021. See again confirmation folk get mad when I respond to what they say. This is in response to Edgecombe County Commissioner Viola Harris this morning. All I said was really and then I sent her an inbox privately. She then post on the TV page and this was my response to her. I am not posting what I said in the inbox just because.

I am very disappointed in Viola’s response because it is double minded she said “because you’ve actually lived there.” But then when I inboxed her she said, I don’t question folks residency because they have to answer to that question as well as the people who live in the Ward or District. If he doesn’t live there as you say Mr. Dancy, he certainly won’t be the first one. So folks who live there get to question the candidate of their choice. I can support whomever I wish.” Again I say really! Now many conversations we have had about folk residency but maybe she can’t remember.

Viola Harris

Bronson you can count on my support. I believe you will represent Ward 3 well because you’ve actually lived there and know the people’s needs and issues.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II


Inbox Private Message – Not that I have a problem with saying it publicly

I then Inboxed Viola privately and this was her response

Viola Harris

I don’t question folks residency because they have to answer to that question as well as the people who live in the Ward or District. If he doesn’t live there as you say Mr. Dancy, he certainly won’t be the first one. So folks who live there get to question the candidate of their choice. I can support whomever I wish.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II

Thank you Viola for posting here the inbox I sent you.

I do question folk residency.

You spoke for you and not others who live there.

I have not told you who to support.

I am looking at folk Voter Look Up and where they live because it is important.

I challenged the process when Rev. Richard Joyner was appointed.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II

Viola Harris you need to handle the Edgecombe County Board of Commissioners issues because y’all got a mess over there.

Viola Harris Messenger

Which mess are you referring to this morning?

My response To Messenger

First of all the whole damn county building from county staff, Sheriff Office, Health Department and other. And we gone leave it at that. If you want to talk about it let’s do it publicly like you did my inbox. You didn’t respond to me in the inbox.

As the Election Season is about to begin, I will be on top of things. I refuse to allow folk to be used, mislead, abuse and etc. as it relates to politics. I respond to what folk say and that is a problem. Don’t Blame Me! If you can’t handle me responding then you need to make sure I don’t hear what you say.

Don’t get it twisted, I ain’t mad with nobody.

I am going to represent myself 1st because I can truly speak for me. I am going to represent others that I speak for that have given me permission to speak for them. If at anytime anyone who have a problem with what I say, stand up and make it known that I don’t speak for you. But you see there has been times in the past and will be in the future that you will benefit from what I say so ain’t a problem for me. I am good!                                                          

Rev. Roosevelt Higgs On News You Can Use Attacking Pastor Nehemiah Smith Co-host

Yesterday I received a bunch of text messages about the show. I even talked to one of Higgs family members that asked me what happened on the show yesterday because they were trying to figure out what was said. I said I heard that Higgs called Nehemiah carnel minded. They said they thought it sounded like Higgs.

I listened to the show this morning from yesterday and I would have called in yesterday and responded to Higgs mess.

Higgs said Nehemiah has nothing going on outside of the church. Higgs don’t know Nehemiah other than what he has heard.

So Higgs tell us about what you have going on outside of this talk show because the show give you a platform to go after folk. It would seem you would have a different outlook on how you treat folk since you got beatdown.

You have been to jail for voting twice and had to get your citizenship restored. You used to beat your wife my former school teacher. You have disrespected women in the Democratic Party. You have disrespected elected officials in the Democratic Party and on this show and used to on that other station but they got sick of you over there.

You have confessed you have lived in Rocky Mount for the past 4 years on this show but the NC State Democratic Party spent countless hours holding meetings to remove you from the Democratic Party for 2 years and it should have been permanently. That is what I am going to push for because you have lied about living in Speed since the 1999 Flood and I know along with many folk that you lived in the EL Roberson Center with your moma since her property was sold in the buyout. The address you have listed today and has been since the 80’s is 58 Gray Drive Tarboro but used to be Speed until that part of Speed became a Tarboro route.

Higgs you need to go somewhere and sit down and shut up.

But I don’t fault Higgs for what he does because he is Double Minded and my problem is with folk who say nothing when he attack another brother because callers called in talking the same language that Smith is talking.

Happy Veterans Day 2021

Veterans Day 2021

Wednesdays Shout Out November 11, 2021 “Think & Grow Daycare”

Shout Out Think & Grow Daycare

Tarboro NC – It Is Time For A Black Mayor

It is time for a Black Mayor in Tarboro. With the make up of Edgecombe County being a majority Black, the town leadership need to reflect such.

There are educated Black folk who could lead Tarboro to another level as they will be operating in diversity bringing the Black input to the table that would be good for all folk.

I have a person in mind that could be great for the position. He is a longtime educator and has a degree in Political Science and has been actively engaged in politics for several years.

I know him and you know him too. So encourage him to seek the mayoral post to bring his expertise to the table.

No, I am not saying that the Mayoral post should be just given to a Black person. The person must meet the qualifications and then they must be able to perform the duties. This person meets the criteria.

Join me and encourage him to seek the mayoral post.

There’s a new variant hitting North Carolina. It potentially spreads faster than delta.

The Political Agitator’s response: This is why I am Mask Me Forever until folk take the COVID serious. Some folk still believe this COVID thing is a test. Well call me ignant because I am going with the science. I ain’t trying to tell you what to do, I am just telling you what I am going to do.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — North Carolina just confirmed its first case of a new coronavirus variant called AY.4.2. It’s better known as delta plus. It’s in eight states now: North Carolina, California, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, Rhode Island and Washington.

Doctors say the new delta plus variant is slight more contagious than the previous delta variant.

"The Delta Plus is a variant form of Delta that’s a little bit more infectious," Dr. John Goldman, infectious disease specialist at UPMC, told our sister station WPMT.

Goldman said in the beginning of the pandemic for every one person infected with the original form of COVID-19, one to two more people could also catch the virus. With Delta, he said, that number jumps to around 4-6 people. With Delta Plus, he estimates the number jumps even higher to 7-8 people.

"What we’re seeing is the virus is becoming more and more infectious," said Dr. Goldman who said making the choice not to get the vaccine is making the choice to get the virus.

While delta plus spreads more, there’s no evidence it makes people sicker. The CDC also says right now the biggest concern should still be the original delta variant.  (Read more)

Pastor Thomas L. Walker Morning Meditation On Leaders – This Is Good Right There


MEDITATION: LEADERS: Follow the leader was a game played when we were children. Our goal as Christians should be to follow those that inhabit the ways and guidance of Jesus Christ. The leaders that lead with truth, compassion and service to others. Jesus Christ is our role model. Jesus is the way, truth, life and light. Jesus is the greatest leader. Matthew 20 informs us that Jesus came to serve others. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many ( v. 28).” Leadership starts within and occurs on various levels. It matters in our individual life, home, employment, church, government, etc. Let us pray for ourselves and others that we all follow and abide in the ways of the greatest leader, Jesus Christ. Have a blessed Tuesday! Thomas L. Walker 11/9/2021

Gunman takes over church pulpit, disarmed by pastor

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A Nashville Pastor is being called a hero after he stopped a man that pulled a gun during service on Sunday.

No shots were fired, and no one was hurt, but the church members believed they were going to die, according to our news partner WKRN .

The incident happened at the Nashville Light Mission Pentecostal Church.

One killed in Southwest Memphis shooting, man charged

Dezire Baganda, 26, was sitting in the front of the church when he walked to the pulpit and started waving a gun.

He told everyone to get up while he pointed the gun at the audience.

The pastor quickly tackled Baganda, while members of the congregation jumped on him and held him until police arrived.

“When I saw him looking this way and pointing the gun this way, I pushed the chair and I ran. He wanted to kill. That’s the first thing that came to my mind. I felt the feeling that I would go and grab him,” the pastor said. (Read more)

Rocky Mount NC – Spicy Chicken Was Nasty Got Regular To Replace And It Was Too No More Popeyes For Me!

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May be an image of food and text that says '10 c Dancy 2 The DCN'May be an image of food and text that says 'c Dancy 2 The DCN'

Edgecombe County Public Schools Important Notice: School Calendar Changes

At tonight’s meeting, the Board of Education approved changes to the school calendar. The following days that were previously instructional days are now teacher workdays, with no school for students:

Friday, November 12, 2021

Monday, November 22, 2021

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Also, there is no school for students this Thursday, November 11 as we observe Veterans Day.

The November 12th change was made to address staffing shortages expected on Friday. November 22nd and 23rd will be used for Professional Development for all ECPS Staff. This change will also allow our students to enjoy a week of Thanksgiving break with their loved ones.

May be an image of text that says 'IMPORTANT NOTICE: School Calendar Changes'

Edgecombe County Public Schools

History Was Made In The Unanimous Vote To Accept The Community Map Drawn By The Citizens

Tonight the Rocky Mount City Council voted unanimously on the Resolution to accept the map that was presented by the Community Academy.

The city hired Poyner Spruill Law Firm to draw up some redistricting maps and they came up with Map A, B & C. The Community Academy came up with Map D.

The Community Academy was a make up of citizens from across racial lines which included several organizations from different Wards.

Congratulations goes out to the Community Academy on this historical moment.

Redistricting And The Community Academy Map Response To Pete Armstrong

Lige Daughtridge asked about the validity of the Community Academy Map last month and Attorney Jep Rose said it met the criteria if I am correct.

But didn’t the citizens get the okay to present their own map?

It appears Pete is saying that any map presented by any person/persons and other groups other than a lawyer firm could be seen as biased and based on ulterior motives? Maybe the citizens are saying that about the maps drawn by the lawyers.

If Pete was not sure what community was involved in the map provided by the Community Academy, he could have just asked.

I wonder how Pete came to the conclusion that community consist of the entire Rocky Mount? When has the entire Rocky Mount ever came together as a community?

I don’t recall the criteria for coming up with a map that had to be a make up of a certain number of citizens.

I wonder who gave Pete the authority to say what the best interests of Black Folk and the groups he named to tell us what we should be focusing on when it comes to challenging Rocky Mount, Nash County and the State Redistricting Plans?

I stand before this city council to tell you that it is time out for this type of of White Privilege by the Pete Armstrongs and those whom he speak for. I find his request to not consider the community map to be an insult to Black Folk and others who came together and presented a community map.

I believe Pete’s opinion is bias and has an ulterior motive because he is seeking to replace Chris Miller.

Thank you!

NC NAACP Makes History Electing Deborah Dicks Maxwell First Woman President

GREENSBORO, NC – Deborah Dicks Maxwell has been elected president of the North Carolina State Conference of Branches of the NAACP.  Maxwell is the first woman elected to the position. The election took place during their annual conference in October. Her tenure begins immediately.

The Wilmington resident is president of New Hanover County NAACP and district director of Walter B. White District 16. She has served as branch president and district director for the last 10 and eight years respectively.

“I didn’t run to be the first woman,” Maxwell said. “I ran on my capabilities to strengthen the North Carolina NAACP. There’s always room for improvement.”

Maxwell replaces Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman, who was elected to lead the civil rights organization in 2017. She received 54% of the 186 votes cast by state delegates compared to 34% for Spearman. Gemale Black, president of the Salisbury-Rowan NAACP, received 11% of the votes.

Spearman replaced Rev. William Barber after Barber decided not to seek a seventh term as president to focus on his work with Repairers of the Breach, a social justice organization that works to highlight disparities in wages, housing, health care, education.

Maxwell said the state NAACP will focus on voter registration and voter turnout in upcoming elections. The NAACP is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for political office at any level.

Strengthening the state structure of the NAACP and increasing the number of branches on college and university campuses will also be focus areas under her leadership, Maxwell said. (Read more)