Rocky Mount City Council Meetings Monday November 8, 2021

Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Regular Monthly Meeting 7:00 PM

The Agenda

Burlington settles fire department promotion dispute with $90k

The Political Agitator’s response: Wow! White guy complains he didn’t get the Chief job and was rewarded monetarily and other.

A $90,000 settlement will save the City of Burlington the expense of litigation with Deputy Fire Chief Matt Lawrence over last year’s selection of a new fire chief.

Jay Mebane was promoted to fire chief in September 2020 when former chief Jay Smith retired.

Both Mebane and Lawrence are career firefighters with similar educational qualifications and years with the Burlington Fire Department. They are of different ages and one has about a decade more experience – Mebane’s career started in 2008, and Lawrence’s in 1991 as a volunteer and 1997 as a professional. They are also of different races – Mebane is Black and Lawrence is white. Which of those differences is most significant in this case is shrowded in personnel privacy rules.

The settlement frees the city from any legal liability over the city’s fire-chief promotion process in 2020, the details of which are in a Sept. 10, 2020 grievance Lawrence filed with the city and a complaint he filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, neither of which are public records and both of which Lawrence agreed to withdraw as part of the settlement. (Read more)

Are You Willing To Accept Truth When Folk Are Talking To You And About You

Are you willing to accept truth when folk are talking to you and about you? Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/6/2021

I Have Spent All Of My Entire Adulthood Trying To Help Somebody

I have spent all of my entire adulthood trying to help somebody even ungrateful folk. I am ok. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/6/2021

When My Loved Ones Have Lived A Good Life I Rejoice

When my loved ones have lived a good life no matter how long they lived, I rejoice. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/6/2021

Fear Folk Knowing Where You Live, Where You Work & Etc. Politics May Not Be For You

If you fear folk know where you live, where you work and etc., why you want to be in politics? Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/6/2021

My Religion Says Lies Come With Consequences

My religion says lies come with consequences. Comply, Quit or Be Fired! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/6/2021

Let Them Talk While You Walk The Walk

Let them talk about you while you walk the walk speaking truth to power. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/6/2021

Republicans look for advantage as House Democrats opt for retirement over re-election

WASHINGTON — House Democrats seemed to have gotten the message from Tuesday’s elections: The political winds are not blowing in their favor.

After months of delays and stalemates, House Democrats passed the $555 billion infrastructure bill within days, a measure political prognosticators told them could help reverse the tide of Republican success in elections.

But Republican Glenn Youngkin’s win in the Virginia governor’s race is likely to have made a lot more Democrats nervous about the ease with which they’ll be able to hold on to their seats.

And there is nervousness in some Democratic quarters that the warning will be heeded by some lawmakers in a different way: They’ll give up and retire instead of running for re-election.

Retirements in the House have become a hallmark of a party that is expecting to lose power. The logic is often the same: Why stick around and fight another re-election battle if your party won’t have any power come the next year?

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The number of House Democrats who have already decided to retire or run for another office has steadily been increasing, compounding the party’s woes for next year’s midterm elections. (Read more)

I Refuse To Be Silent And Allow Mess To Go Unchecked

I refuse to be silent and allow mess to go unchecked! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/5/2021

Come For Me, I Let The Lawd Use Me

When you come for me, I ain’t that silent one, I let the lawd use me. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/5/2021

Love And My Ignant Degree

Truly, I love everybody until you get ignant with me and then my Degree in Ignant kick in. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/5/2021

You Don’t Have To Like Me But Know I Will Not Allow You To Disrespect Me

You don’t have to like me but know I will not allow you to disrespect me. Curmilus Dancy II 11/5/2021

If You Can’t Knock Any Sense In Their Heads, They Will Never Get It

If you can’t knock any sense in their heads, they will never get it! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/5/2021

Pretty Words vs Actions

It ain’t about pretty words, it is all about your actions! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/5/20/2021