Open Letter To Mayor Sandy Roberson Rocky Mount NC

Who gives a damn about how many comments you received from folk about the last city council meeting whereby Councilman Andre Knight responded to the disrespect of Troy Davis who accused the 5 Black Councilmen of an issue he had a problem with? First of all if Troy had picked up the phone and called and asked the 5 he would not have come to the meeting with that mess. But he came with disrespect and then won’t ready for the comeback.

I have not heard one person say that Andre should not have done what he did and that Troy got what he asked for. Now I am just talking about the folk who have contacted me because I was not at the meeting but I have received messages and talked to many folk up until today. Actually somebody just sent me your letter.

Where is the damn lie? Everybody has the opportunity to sign up and address the council and nobody was denied.

How in the hell are you going to point out the so-called personal attack from Andre but you overlooked the attack from Troy? That is double-minded and double-minded folk are dangerous.

You say y’all can do better. Hell yeah it starts with you because you are in control of the meetings the last time I checked because the mayor carries out the meetings. You have allowed mess to go on during public comments and have not addressed the disrespect.

Why in the hell do you feel the citizens are passionate but you and your colleagues can’t be. First y’all are citizens and then elected officials. Just because the disrespect coming from some who address the council, you need to recognize and understand that y’all are citizens and you represent yourself as a citizen then councilmen along with your family and citizens who supports you.

In my closing, all of you are grown ass men and you are in control over the meetings. See the problem is citizens need to understand that when they come up to address the council that the council has the last say. So when the citizens disrespects the council, when the council chooses to respond, now the citizen don’t want to hear them trues.

So when you take control of your meetings then the disrespect should go away but until such time, I will be pissed if the disrespect is not addressed right then and there.

Your apology is not accepted by me because you should have addressed Troy when he cursed and walked away from the podium and said this will not be tolerated. But hell no you did not.

The following is my response to: Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

No description available.

Sandy Roberson endorses Allen Chesser for NC House

Rocky Mount Mayor Sandy Roberson, a candidate for the new 1st Congressional District, is shown at left shanking hands with fellow Republican Allen Chesser, whom he's endorsed for the N.C. House District 25 seat. The Political Agitator’s response: This seat is currently held by James Gailliard Pastor G. Mayor Sandy Claus is running and running folk against Black Leadership. So he wants Congressman G.K. Butterfield seat and this guy to take Rep. James Gailliard seat. But you have Safe Negro Black Folk focusing on the wrong thing.
ROCKY MOUNT — Mayor Sandy Roberson has announced his endorsement of Allen Chesser for N.C. House District 25.

Chesser, a combat veteran, is a Republican candidate in the newly drawn N.C. House District 25, which includes parts of Nash County.

Roberson, a GOP candidate for the new 1st Congressional District, said he has long known Chesser would be a great representative for Nash County.

“The first time I spoke with Allen Chesser, I knew he had what it takes to represent this district,” Roberson said. “It’s clear that not only is he in this race for the right reasons, but he has the experience, demeanor and dedication to represent Nash County and the 25th House District.” (Read more)

Rocky Mount Mayor stands behind Pittman as pick for city board

The DCN News Blog Online TV response: I am trying to see something. So why is this White man supporting a Black guy who has a history of not paying rent at different locations? This guy have lied about not paying his rent so why should he be truthful while serving on a board? I remember Bronson Williams saying that someone like Tarrick would be good serving on this board because of the issues he have. Now that is too damn ignant. Tarrick need to get his mess together before even considering sitting on a board.

Mayor Sandy Roberson on Tuesday told the Telegram he and his team vetted downtown businessman Tarrick Pittman before he appointed Pittman to the Rocky Mount Housing Authority Board.

This included Pittman accepting undergoing a criminal background check and a thorough screening of Pittman’s activities on social media, Roberson said.

Roberson made clear that at the time he made the appointment he was comfortable that Pittman was a good man for the job, given that Pittman also has an understanding of and an appreciation for many of the residents of the housing authority.

After Roberson announced the appointment Feb. 17 via a news release, news reports began appearing about Pittman facing possible eviction by the Speight family from the location of Pittman’s computer repair business, CoolGeeks, due to being behind in rent payments, and about Pittman being accused by local real estate broker John Jesso of cyberstalking.

Roberson said that, as far as any current changes or issues going forward, “as we see outcomes, we may make separate decisions at that point in time.”

“But right now, I stand behind the appointment in terms of who I believe his leadership is what we need,” Roberson said. (Read more)

Mayor Sandy Roberson Outlines His Role In State Ethics Bill Becoming Law

So Mayor Sandy Roberson has come out and said that the state Senate Bill 473 started as a discussion between him and state Senator Lisa Barnes about the need for an ethics bill focused on local governments. Up until now Sen. Lisa Barnes was the scapegoat for Sandy so he says.

Sandy says, “In researching the investigative reports published by the state auditor, I saw a pattern of local government abuse across the state,” Roberson said. “It wasn’t occurring just in Rocky Mount. There were problems and perception of problems in many cities and of towns, big and small.” Wow! I don’t believe that Sandy researched other towns and focused solely on Rocky Mount but that is just my ignant opinion. There was a movement to go after Councilmen Andre Knight and Reuben Blackwell.

I find Barnes statement to be quite interesting, “After the auditor’s report was released, several legislators from across the state and on both sides of the aisle reached out to me in disbelief,” Barnes said of the findings about the City of Rocky Mount. “Citing similar investigations in their districts or personal experience from serving in local governments, the consensus was that this needed to be addressed.” Wow! I would love to see a statement from those who reached out to her.

I don’t believe that the following is such a big deal, “Barnes was a key backer of state Senate Bill 473, which had bipartisan support, namely from Wood, who is a Democrat, and State Treasurer Dale Folwell, who is a Republican.” Why would Beth Wood not be supportive of the bill when it is about an audit that her office did. Why would the State Treasurer not support the bill?

I find the following real interesting, “The bill was approved 42-6 on May 6 by the state Senate and 66-44 on Nov. 29 by the state House. The bill was presented to Cooper Dec. 1, setting in motion a deadline of 10 days for him to decide what to do. Cooper, a Democrat and a Nash County native, signed the bill Dec. 9.” The 42-6 was a make up of a majority Republicans in the Senate and then the House won only by 22 votes. But for me I was hoping that since the majority of the Democrats voted against it that Governor Cooper would have vetoed the poorly written bill.

I strongly believe the following “Roberson said in the news release said he cannot say strongly enough how much the partnership with Barnes and her leadership ability in the legislature positively affected the outcome of the bill” is a political move because of the upcoming 2022 Elections. Barnes is up for re-election and Sandy is running for Congress.

I believe Councilman Lige Daughtridge played a role as well. And I also wonder who else in Nash County played a role in this bill. I know that Rep. James Gailliard voted for the bill so I would believe that he was in conversation with the players as well during the process.

I find it interesting that Sandy is now coming out with his role but why? I wonder if he was not running for Congress would he be trying to take credit for this bill.

Well it is what it is however I hope a lawsuit comes out of this bill because I believe it is a poorly written bill and it needs to be challenged. I’ll wait!

Mayor chided over letter to attorney general

The Political Agitator’s response: Mayor Sandy Claus continues to show that he is going to do just what he wants to do and bypassing fellow council members. Damn shame because this is not the 1st time that the mayor has done things without contacting his fellow council members.

Moments before the City Council voted for a resolution in response to an alleged lack of good service locally by Suddenlink, Councilman Andre Knight had a message for Mayor Sandy Roberson.

During Monday’s council meeting, Knight told Roberson about reading the story in Thursday’s Telegram that Roberson was firing off a letter to state Attorney General Josh Stein and being surprised the letter was sent without the council seeing the text first.

The Telegram also confirmed Roberson was carbon-copying the letter to Gov. Roy Cooper and state legislators representing the Rocky Mount area.

The letter, like one from Tarboro Mayor Joe Pitt sent to Stein on Dec. 31, called for Stein to investigate the business practices of the cable television and internet services giant Suddenlink and its parent company Altice USA.

The City Council discussed concerns about Suddenlink during the Jan. 11 council meeting.

During Monday’s council meeting, Knight cited the minutes of the Jan. 11 council meeting to point out he at the time asked about — and consideration was given to — the preparation and adoption of a resolution supporting the expansion of broadband.

Knight also cited the minutes to point out the council agreed to direct that the resolution be prepared and placed on the Jan. 25 council meeting agenda for consideration.

“But when I read the local newspaper, it seems to say that the council was slow in providing the resolution and that it prompted you to send the letter to the governor,” Knight told Roberson.

Knight also told Roberson of receiving the letter a couple days after the letter was sent to Cooper. (Read more)

Councilman, mayor revisit panel appointment

The Political Agitator’s response: It is a damn shame that White Supremacy is alive and well in Rocky Mount. It ain’t no way White Folk would allow a Black Man to do what Steve Cederberg is doing. Cederberg continue to try to discredit Black leadership using mess that has been dealt with. I have come to the conclusion that Mayor Santa Claus Roberson is supporting the actions of Cederberg and some others who continue to try to discredit Black Leadership. It is sad that the Black Community is silent and sitting back allowing Black Leadership to be attacked.

City Councilman Andre Knight recently tried to get Mayor Sandy Roberson to address the status of an appointee to a local panel and Roberson, in response, told Knight the council members can act if they want him off that panel.

A bit of back-and-forth came up near the end of the Dec. 14 council regular meeting, with the subject being Steve Cederberg, who serves on the Business Development Authority.

Cederberg has been vocal in his opinions via social media, including about Knight, Councilman Reuben Blackwell and City Manager Rochelle Small-Toney.

During the council meeting, Roberson asked whether council members had any appointments they wanted to make to the local boards, commissions and committees.

Knight referred to a comment by broadcast journalist Bronson Williams earlier during the public input phase of the council regular meeting about Cederberg being on the Business Development Authority.

“And I believe that was your appointment?” Knight asked Roberson.

“It was my nomination,” Roberson said.

“And that person has put out some very horrific things about this city, the leadership, constantly every day,” Knight said. “And you asked me to give you time, which I have. I’ve been patient to let you deal with this.”

Knight told Roberson he is asking in public: “Are you ready to deal with it or do you need more time?” (Read more)

Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson Prove What Is Not True?

The Political Agitator’s response. I know damn well Sandy Claus is not asking Councilman Knight to prove this isn’t true on Facebook when the appropriate thing to do would be to ask him during a city council meeting.


Bronson Williams Requested City Of Rocky Mount NC Bad Debt Write-off History But Mayor Sandy Roberson & Councilman Lige Daughtridge Care To Talk About That Part

The Political Agitator’s response: Thank you Bronson Williams for requesting and sharing this information. I am going to see how the Ignant Racist Special Cs and the Ignant Safe Negro Black Folk twist this. Now Run & Tell That! I’ll Wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020 
Bronson Williams

Just now ·

The City of Rocky Mount has written off $24 million since 1999. Most of which was centered around residential, but we do see business owners benefited from write-offs as well. While attempts to divide and conquer are present we must focus on growing Rocky Mount.

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Council members chide mayor over press release – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator’s response: This was one of the best meetings I have attended. Now that Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson has had his Special Called Meeting to satisfy the Special Cs in the Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens group they need to wait just like myself for the agencies that Beth Wood NC State Auditor say she has turned had turned her findings over to.

Mayor Sandy Roberson received criticism from the majority of the City Council about his communications via the news media in the aftermath of the recent findings of State Auditor Beth Wood and her team’s probe of the City of Rocky Mount’s finances and operations.

A council special work session was held Tuesday and led by Councilman Andre Knight in his capacity as mayor pro tem. A focus of council discussion was about a press release that Roberson, through a news media contact of his, emailed on May 19.

The press release stated that four council members refused to attend an upcoming emergency meeting of the council.

Of particular issue, as part of the press release, was Roberson and a city police sergeant posed together in a photograph. The photograph showed both holding paperwork of service, apparently in connection with the meeting.

During Tuesday’s work session, Roberson sat quietly. At the end of council discussion of the item, Roberson expressed appreciation for the suggestions and said he would take them under advisement.

During the work session, Councilman T.J. Walker told Roberson, “With the utmost respect that I have for you as an individual, as a businessman and your zeal to be a leader, I believe the way in which you handled this situation was very, very controversial in a time that’s already tense and controversial for our city.” (Read more)

Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson Is Calling For A Special Meeting Before The Meeting Just To Make It Appear He Has The Power To Remove Councilman Andre Knight

Last week Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson tried to call a meeting talking about he would be asking Rocky Mount Councilman/Mayor Pro-tem/President Rocky Mount NAACP Rev. Andre Knight to resign his post on the Rocky Mount City Council because of being accused of not paying nearly $50,000 in utilities. Sandy Claus had the audacity to take a photo with a Rocky Mount Police Sgt. trying to make it appear he was sending summons to the entire council to attend the meeting. He could not get a quorum but then said he cancelled the meeting due to he wanted to be about unity. Get the hell out of here!

Beth Woods NC State Auditor was petitioned by some  Ignant Racist Rocky Mount Special Cs because they are mad about Rocky Mount has a Black Majority Council, Black City Manager, Black Police Chief, Black Fire Chief and Black Department Heads and has growth on the Edgecombe County side of Rocky Mount.

The Auditor released her draft findings to the council for them to respond to her recommendations and they did. The whole entire council met during their regular meeting and discussed the audit and then prepared a response. Now this was the time for Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson and Rocky Mount Councilman Lige Daughtridge Community Council and any and all councilmembers who felt like Andre Knight should have resigned should have said it then and also whatever concerns they had about the audit.

Because the Rocky Mount City Council released the draft findings of the audit and their response on a Thursday before Beth Woods released the full audit on the following Friday, it appears she was mad because she didn’t like their response and because she says no one has released the draft findings and response before she released the full report. But just because that has not happened before do not make it illegal to do so in my opinion. I have not seen or heard it is illegal so I am past that for now. Beth Woods said she turned over her findings to some agencies so the audit is completed.

I am waiting to see how the agencies respond to her findings and then we can move forward. But in the mean time what the fuss? Let the damn process work itself out and let the chips fall where they lay.

So what in the hell are Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson and Rocky Mount Lige Daughtridge Community Council trying to do? They are trying to push the White Supremacy Movement of the Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens, Community Council, Fighting Crime, WHIG-TV, 252 HoodNews, J. Keith Harris former Rocky Mount Fire Chief, Clint Williams formerly of WHIG-TV and Nash County Commissioner Robbie Davis to name a few.

It is sad that the above are using scare tactics trying to force folk to go to a special called meeting of no significant substance that can’t be dealt with during the regularly scheduled meetings. I am for justice no matter who it is for or against but I be damn if I am for White Supremacy and will continue to challenge them.

I am requesting that Rocky Mount Council Members Richard Joyner, TJ Walker, Reuben Blackwell, Chris Miller, WB Bullock and Andre Knight to not attend the Special Call meeting on Tuesday May 26 at 2:00 that Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson and Rocky Mount Councilman Lige Daughtridge Community Council are trying to have because you have a regularly scheduled monthly meeting that begin at 3:00 Committee of the Whole Meeting and then the meeting for the Public participation at 4:00 PM.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Rocky Mount postpones special meeting, council to discuss state audit Tuesday

Posted Thursday, May 21, 2020 2:12 pm


The Political Agitator’s response: Really Mr. Mayor you are delaying meeting as an expression of unity. B.S.! You didn’t have a quorum to call a meeting. Hell you knew the regular monthly meeting is next Tuesday so why did you try to call a meeting before the meeting? Because you are trying to show that you have the power trying to carry out the mission of the Rocky Mount Special Cs that is a make up of the Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens White Supremacy group. Beth Woods NC State Auditor completed the audit so let the process work itself out. But y’all ain’t interested in letting the process work.


By Lindell J. Kay | | 252-265-8117

ROCKY MOUNT — In an eleventh-hour decision, Mayor Sandy Roberson postponed a special meeting scheduled for Thursday to discuss a state audit of City Hall finances.

Roberson said an hour before the meeting was set to start that he’s delaying the discussion as an expression of unity.

“I ran for mayor to unify this city,” Roberson said. “We should be focused on the findings in the N.C. State Auditor’s hard-hitting report, not arguing about when we talk about it.”

The meeting will now be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, two hours before the regularly scheduled city council meeting.

When Roberson set the meeting earlier this week, some council members declined to attend while others said they had prior commitments.

“The full council must publicly discuss it and determine together how we are going to regain the trust of our community,” Roberson said. “I expect all of the city council members to attend this new time.”

Roberson has called for Mayor Pro-tem Andre Knight to step down after the audit report revealed last week that he received nearly $50,000 in unpaid utility bill write-offs over a two-decade period.

Roberson also said City Manager Rochelle Small-Toney should reimburse taxpayers for city money she spent on lavish meals.

Limited seating will be available for the Tuesday meeting at City Hall, 331 S. Franklin St. The meeting will also be available on Facebook Live at . (Read more)

Rocky Mount City Councilman Reuben Blackwell On Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson Briefing On WHIG-TV 17 Thursday 7:00 PM

Tune in to WHIG-TV 17 Rocky Mount Councilman Reuben Blackwell is on Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson Mayor’s Weekly Briefing.

Blackwell and Roberson talking about audit findings and schools along with the state of Rocky Mount.

Visit the following post to get abreast of what is going on in Rocky Mount.

Rocky Mount NC – Beth Wood Completed Audit, Full Council Responded But They Big Mad Because Council Released The Draft Response

Rocky Mount NC – Councilman Lige Daughtridge Really! Did Not You Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson & The Other Councilmembers Take An Oath?

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Councilman Lige Daughtridge Community Council Really! Ain’t the only requirement is to be sworn in and what does sworn in mean? Does not being sworn in carry some weight as it relates to ethics and other?

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Councilman Lige Daughtridge Community Council Really! Did not you and the other councilmembers take an oath to uphold the Constitution so what part do you and Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson do not understand?

Rocky Mount City Manager Rochelle Small-Toney Respond To Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson Directing City Police Sgt. R. Rogers To Deliver Special Meeting Notice To All Council Members

imageGreetings Mayor Roberson,

I am sure that you are aware that the Chief of Police reports directly to me, the City Manager.  Why then are you directing the Chief to be prepared for something that you have not spoken to me about?

What are you asking Chief Robinson to do? I am unclear on the role of the Chief if any, in “compelling” the attendance of members of Council to a meeting by taking them into custody.

I have read  Article I Section 34a of the Code of Ordinances on Quorums that speaks to taking members into custody and this section does not state who is to take Council members who are not attending a meeting into custody and where do they take them once they are in custody and for how long do they remain in custody?image

I am requesting that Jep provides legal guidance to me and the members of Council as to this process, and in particular that the direction of the Police Chief is vested in the City Manager per the Code of Ordinances Chapter IV Police Department Section 140 a,b,c and d.

What role then does the Police Chief play in this and why are you reaching out to him directly?

As you will note below according to Clerk Casey, Council members Knight, Walker, Joyner and Miller thus far have informed that they will not be in attendance at the Thursday, Special Call Meeting and an alternative meeting date and time has been offered by one Council member and agreed upon by another.

I look forward to further direction from Mayor and Council and the City Attorney.

imageRochelle Small-Toney

The Political Agitator’s response: All I am asking is for everyone on both sides to allow the process to work itself out. There is a Regular Committee of the Whole Meeting and Regular City Council Meeting next Tuesday so again this validates that Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson is trying to use his political power to create division instead of the unity that he continues to lie about. How in the hell do you create unity by not allowing the process to work itself out? Folk y’all better wake the hell up because the only way to bring closure to this is to let the process work itself out. But that is not on the Ignant Racist Special Cs and Ignant Safe Negro Black Folk agenda.

Rocky Mount Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson Press Conference Monday May 18, 2020 12 Noon

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All I am asking is for everyone on both sides to allow the process to work itself out. There is a Regular Committee of the Whole Meeting and Regular City Council Meeting next Tuesday so again this validates that Mayor Sandy Claus Roberson is trying to use his political power to create division instead of the unity that he continues to lie about. How in the hell do you create unity by not allowing the process to work itself out? Folk y’all better wake the hell up because the only way to bring closure to this is to let the process work itself out. But that is not on the Ignant Racist Special Cs and Ignant Safe Negro Black Folk agenda.