Why Did A Former NC Democratic Governor Write A $1000 Check To An Extreme Tea Party GOP Candidate? by George Fisher

The Political Agitator response:

I am an active Democrat and voter and will not give up but I will challenge DEMOCRATS because they are suppose to be just that a Democrat. Hell giving money to the TEA PARTY or any Republican just ain’t morally right for me. Just my ignant ass opinion. Hell naw it ain’t nothing new for these guys to do this because ain’t no way Senator Helms stayed in office all of those years without Democrats voting for him. But damn to take it to a whole new damn level by blatantly giving money to the Republican Party is a bit much.

Raleigh—NC Welcome to North Carolina, the home of dysfunctional politics mixed with a hint of confusion.

10I’ve included Rep. Justin Burr’s voting record and campaign finance reports!

The title says it all, former North Carolina Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt is indeed writing campaign contribution checks to at least one right wing tea party Republican named Justin Burr. Mr. Burr represents House District 67 in the North Carolina General Assembly.1

Check this out—Justin Burr has Democratic competition.

Here’s what happened:

John Frank, with the News and Observer, originally broke the story that campaign finance reports show former Gov. Jim Hunt contributing $1000 to the Justin Burr for NC House committee. Here is a link to the original story: News and Observer, Raleigh NC

What is interesting about this story is that it was buried in the nosebleed section of the newspaper but it was easy enough to find for people who read the paper every day. And uncharacteristically odd of the News and Observer and all the other media outlets is that no one ever bothered to follow up with former Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt or Tea Party Republican Justin Burr to get his their side of the story.

Public records obtained from the North Carolina Board of elections show with 100% accuracy that Jim Hunt indeed, donated the money. (Source: Read more)