How Can We Chastise Republicans When We Attempt To Shame Voters To The Polls? by George Fisher

It is time for the party to hold our leaders accountable for our election failure. Today, I sent Randolph S. Voller Chair of the NCDP a letter asking him to do his job, as painful as it may be because we owe it to the voters of North Carolina. How can they trust us when we shame voters to the polls?

We criticize Republicans over voter suppression, yet the First Vice Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party sends out mailers, with her signature on them, in what amounts to voter intimidation.

Democratic leaders should be above this type of activity—when they are not the party must hold them accountable.  The only way to prove to voters that we do not tolerate voter manipulation from anyone, including ourselves is for the First Vice Chair, Patsy Keever to step down.

19Now, I call on Chairman Randy Voller to do his job.  Make the tough decisions and rid our party of these and other issuesDo it now, do it swiftly and do it completely at all levels of the party. Chairman Voller, act on this letter now and get it out of the way.  We have work to do.

Hon. Randolph S. Voller, Chair
North Carolina Democratic Party
220 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

November 9, 2014

Dear Chairman Voller:

The outcome of the November 2014 election was certainly not favorable to the North Carolina Democratic Party. But, more importantly, the outcome will not be favorable to the socioeconomically depressed citizens of this state.

Voters, who have no voice in our legislature, hold on to the hope that collectively the party can elect candidates who will fight the changes made by the Draconian NCGOP; issues of voter suppression, lack of Medicaid expansion, dismal teacher pay and the Racial Justice Act are just a few of the matters that were at stake in this election.

What distresses me and other concerned Democrats around the state is how can we address voter suppression when the First Vice Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party engages in voter intimidation by signing mailers such as the ones documented at ?

These mailers were inappropriate, misleading and smacks in the face of the very essence of what we stand for as a party. It’s embarrassing that we chastise the Republicans for voter suppression, when we engage in these voter intimidation techniques. How can voters trust us, when we can’t trust our Democratic leaders?

Therefore, I would ask that, because Patsy Keever, in her own accord and through her office and position as First Vice Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party, did indeed sign the mailers that were sent to many registered North Carolina Democratic voters—resign her position immediately or at the first feasible opportunity, in an effort to bring dignity and trustworthiness of the party, back to the voters of this state.

I am asking you, as Chairman of the North Carolina Democratic Party, to address this letter and act accordingly to achieve this necessary outcome. All voters, not just Democrats, need to be able to feel comfortable that the party will not tolerate her actions; especially as we move forward into the 2016 cycle.

Thank you, in advance, for your time and attention to this matter.

Respectfully Yours,

George Fisher
Greenville, North Carolina

Why Did A Former NC Democratic Governor Write A $1000 Check To An Extreme Tea Party GOP Candidate? by George Fisher

The Political Agitator response:

I am an active Democrat and voter and will not give up but I will challenge DEMOCRATS because they are suppose to be just that a Democrat. Hell giving money to the TEA PARTY or any Republican just ain’t morally right for me. Just my ignant ass opinion. Hell naw it ain’t nothing new for these guys to do this because ain’t no way Senator Helms stayed in office all of those years without Democrats voting for him. But damn to take it to a whole new damn level by blatantly giving money to the Republican Party is a bit much.

Raleigh—NC Welcome to North Carolina, the home of dysfunctional politics mixed with a hint of confusion.

10I’ve included Rep. Justin Burr’s voting record and campaign finance reports!

The title says it all, former North Carolina Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt is indeed writing campaign contribution checks to at least one right wing tea party Republican named Justin Burr. Mr. Burr represents House District 67 in the North Carolina General Assembly.1

Check this out—Justin Burr has Democratic competition.

Here’s what happened:

John Frank, with the News and Observer, originally broke the story that campaign finance reports show former Gov. Jim Hunt contributing $1000 to the Justin Burr for NC House committee. Here is a link to the original story: News and Observer, Raleigh NC

What is interesting about this story is that it was buried in the nosebleed section of the newspaper but it was easy enough to find for people who read the paper every day. And uncharacteristically odd of the News and Observer and all the other media outlets is that no one ever bothered to follow up with former Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt or Tea Party Republican Justin Burr to get his their side of the story.

Public records obtained from the North Carolina Board of elections show with 100% accuracy that Jim Hunt indeed, donated the money. (Source: Read more)


NC Democrats—This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things—Part II by George Fisher

Raleigh, NC  — In my last piece, I promised to shed light as to why some Democratic leaders—who probably know some of the history and backstories of the NCDP—find it necessary to play political games, both behind the screens and in the media. convoluted mess is hard to sum up in a fifteen hundred word blog post, so I’m compelled to cherry-pick information for brevity. But, in order to connect the dots, you must first start at the beginning. (Source: Read more)

See related:

NC Democrats—This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things—Part I

NC Democrats—This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things—Part I

Response: My brother is RIGHT ON! You tell’em George, HELL YEAH! Now I don’t have to write anything because you spoke for me.

This post is about North Carolina democratic politics—so unless you live in NC or have NC connections you may  get bored to death.

RALEIGH, NC—Here’s a news flash—if you happen to be part of the State Executive Committee or a member of the Executive Council then what goes on at The Goodwin House(Democratic headquarters located in Raleigh) is important.

8But, if you’re a regular, every day, run of the mill, armchair democratic voter—watching the 6 o’clock news—while sucking down your TV dinner—you could probably care less about all this bickering. You may not even wonder what all the fuss is about. (Source: Read more)

Rocky Mount NC – City could lose more than expected in sales taxes

The Rocky Mount City Council on Monday night decided to wait a couple of weeks before approving the budget for the coming year after learning that the state may be withholding revenues.

The council decided to wait until its next meeting on June 22 before approving the $216.5 million proposed spending plan for fiscal year 2009-10 and a property tax rate to go along with it. (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Wilson NC – Group airs grievances with costs of utilities

WILSON — A group of Rocky Mount residents spoke Wednesday to members of the N.C. Eastern Municipal Power Agency Board of Commissioners, seeking answers to the agency’s high wholesale electric rates. (Rocky Mount Telegram)

See related:

Electric Rates Cause A Stir – WITN TV


Citizens Addresses NCEMPA Commission Wednesday, March 25, 2009