Photos/Video: NAACP & Others Address The Nash Rocky Mount School Board About Instagram KKK Suggested Photo That Has Put Nash Central High School In The News

See my response to this meeting on Wednesday. What little respect I had for this board, I lost it tonight! Watch meeting for yourself and make your own decision.

Click on photo to view more photos
In this photo outgoing board member Robert Bynum (Center), his mother (left), board chair Evelyn Bullock (Right)


Click on photo to watch video
In this photo Rev. Andre Knight NAACP President Rocky Mount Branch

See related:

Residents assail school board over KKK-inspired photo – Rocky Mount Telegram

Controversial picture of girls in KKK-like outfits angers many in Nash County – 11 ABC News –11 ABC News TV

Controversial picture of girls in KKK-like outfits angers many in Nash County – 11 ABC News

Monday January 5, 2015 The DCN News Blog Online TV Covered The Nash-Rocky Mount School Board Meeting

The DCN News Blog Online TV was on the scene tonight to document what happened so you won’t think that I am making these things up.

A long day after work, stayed in Rocky Mount NC ate and went to Nashville to the meeting.

Stay tuned for the video so you can see it for yourself. I will dissect the meeting on Wednesday because I have a basketball game in Washington NC tomorrow night.

NAACP to lead talk on KKK pic – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator response: See comments on the Telegram in comments after the article.

Andre Knight, president of the Rocky Mount NAACP, said the branch is planning to address the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education at the board’s monthly meeting Monday regarding a controversial photo posted on the social 
media app 

Six female high school students dressed in white and wearing white, cone-shaped hats reminiscent of Ku Klux Klan costumes pointing their fingers in the shape of guns toward the camera.

Nash-Rocky Mount Superintendent Anthony Jackson said in a previous interview that student records are confidential per school policy, and he could not release any information regarding any disciplinary action taken against an individual student. (Source: Read more)

Please Accept My Apology

Several months ago I videoed and took photos of the Homegoing Celebration for Brother Carlton Boddie member St. James Temple MBC Tarboro NC and member of the Edgecombe County Law Enforcement Choir. On this past Thursday I videoed and took photos of the Homegoing Celebration for Mother Martha Lee Maye member Anderson Chapel MBC Macclesfield NC and I lost all of the video footage. My camcorder has a 80 GB Hard Drive like a computer and I can save up to around 100 hours of recording without using a SD Card.

Both of these homegoings were awesome and one that would have been something to look at again because all parts of the entire service was great. I hate I lost the footage because I wanted to see the recordings again myself.

The problem with losing the footage is that I have a couple of extra batteries so when the battery went dead I waited too late to change it and the camera froze up like a computer. I have purchased 3 cameras over the past year however I have purchased around 6 within the past couple of years because I thought the cameras were no more good. Two of the cameras the zoom messed up and I couldn’t control zooming in and out while recording. One of the cameras just quick working altogether.

The hard drive issue I could recover previous recorded events but I could not record future events.

I was about to order another camera on January 1st but something told me to go online and google the problem I was having. I found that I could try to format the media in my set up and I did and guess what I now have 3 working cameras. By formatting the media I lost all the recordings that I had on the cameras but I had already copied them on a DVD so that was no problem. But the homegoings did not save to the drive so therefore it was no way to recover it and on the camera on that day it showed blank lines instead of a date like the other recordings.

I would like to apologize again for not being able to provide a video however I was volunteering my time, I treat my work just like I am getting paid for a service.

While videoing I also took around 300 plus photos of both homegoings so I am glad I was able to provide the photos whereby you can put them in a nice photo album to be saved and passed on to future generations.

I want to thank both the families of the late Bro. Carlton Boddie and the late Mother Martha Lee Maye for allowing me to be a part of the these beautiful homegoings.

Edgecombe County Public Schools New Rules For Entering The School Building Begins On Monday January 5, 2015

On Monday January 5, 2015 all exterior doors leading into the schools will be locked at 7:45 am after school take in.

All visitors will use a speaker and camera system outside of the building in order to speak to an attendant.

This is part of a proactive measure in regards to new school security.

Please govern yourself accordingly.

Received this robo call tonight from SouthWest Edgecombe High School however I am quite sure this is in regards to all schools.

Photos/Videos: Senator Erica Smith-Ingram Swearing In & Inaugural Reception Held in Bertie County Saturday January 3, 2015

Click on photo to view more photos
In this photo Alicia Smith-Freshwater Twin Sister
Senator Erica Smith-Ingram, Mr. Ingram
Supreme Justice Cheri Beasley


Click on photo to watch video Swearing In Ceremony
In this photo Alicia Smith-Freshwater Twin Sister
Senator Erica Smith-Ingram, Mr. Ingram
Supreme Justice Cheri Beasley


Click on photo to watch Inaugural Reception
In this photo Rev. Alan Mizelle
Senator Erica Smith-Ingram Mother & Siblings
House Rep. Shelly Willingham


Raleigh NC – Mass Moral March on Raleigh & HKonJ People’s Assembly Saturday February 14, 2015


$383 million in unclaimed property – Wilson Times

The Political Agitator response: This is real type in your name and you may be surprised that you are on the list. I claimed some for my dad a couple of years ago.

If you are strapped for cash this new year after all that holiday shopping you might want to check out the N.C. Unclaimed Property Fund. The fund helps reunite owners with their unclaimed property that officials say have been abandoned for one to five years. And it’s easy as one click to find out if you or your agency or business has any part of the $383 million in unclaimed property in North Carolina.

“As a public service, the state makes an effort to reunite consumers with property that have become unclaimed because the company loses track of the consumer, due to an incorrect address or other missing information,” said Brad Young, spokesperson for the N.C. Office of the State Treasurer. Young said by law these types of funds are turned over to the Department of State Treasurer for safekeeping.

“The property could range from tangible items, like the contents of an abandoned lock box, to refunds and deposits, to unclaimed life insurance policy proceeds,” Young said. Other unclaimed property consists of bank accounts, wages, utility deposits, stocks and bonds.

The website is at:

(Source: Read more)

Press Release: Rocky Mount NAACP Follows Up on Complaints Filed about KKK Social Media Posting




Immediate Release

January 2, 2015                                


Contact:  Rev. Andre’ D. Knight, President, (252) 544-2949


Rocky Mount NAACP Follows Up on Complaints Filed about KKK Social Media Posting


Rocky Mount, NC – The Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP announced today that it is researching information filed in complaints against the Nash/Rocky Mount School System regarding actions related to the recent postings of KKK inspired gestures by students at Nash Central High School. Rocky Mount Branch President Andre’ Knight stated, “The NAACP has received several written complaints by parents and students who have been impacted by the postings. We are now trying to determine what the facts are behind the many allegations of unfair treatment of black and white students related to this incident.’”


Knight continued, “I have also called Mr. Archie Jones, Director of the City of Rocky Mount’s Human Relations Department, to ask him to bring this issue to the Human Relations Commission for their review as well.”  Rev. Dr. William Barber, the NC NAACP President, led a discussion with hundreds of community members on Monday, December 22nd, to understand what actually took place and to review the violent, intimidating and illegal history of the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina and in America.


President Knight added, “We do not and will not take this matter lightly.  We want the Nash/Rocky Mount Schools’ leadership to take these matters seriously as well. There are many other related concerns that this incident has brought to light.  We look forward to positively engaging the Superintendent and the School Board in order to help the system and our community move forward. This is all part of the Superintendent’s call for our community to engage in hard discussions involving race and to use this as an opportunity to have a teachable moment for adults and children alike.”

Study: White people see "black" Americans as less competent than "African Americans" – Vox

The Political Agitator response: Just when I thought I had heard it all. Well I am black because I have been black for 52 years.

Calling someone black instead of African American could cast the person in a more negative light, according to a new study.

The research, to be published this month in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, found white people characterize a “black” person as belonging to a lower socioeconomic status, being less competent, and having a less inviting personality than an “African-American” person. And this difference in perception could have an impact on African Americans in various settings, from the labor market to the criminal justice system. (Source: Read more)

Eastern North Carolina Civic Group Will Meet Saturday In Edgecombe County For The First Time Ever

The Eastern North Carolina Civic Group will meet on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 11:00 AM at Edgecombe County Administration Building 201 St. Andrews Street in Tarboro NC 27886. Special guest will be Peter Grear Attorney and Editor of Greater Diversity News Wilmington NC. Betty Selby, Secretary Eastern North Carolina Civic Group

Hate Your Job? Here’s What to Do – Time

First of all, you’re not alone. That sinking feeling you get on Sunday nights when you know you’re only 8 hours away from staff-meeting hell is shared by many. But, you can’t just keep whining forever without making a real change. Here are a few tips on what to do next.

Elene Cafasso of Enerpace, Inc. Executive Coaching, says that though it may be tempting to throw in the towel and tell off those who have made your life miserable while you’re at it, only consider leaving without another job lined up if you’re in one of the following situations.

1. Think before you quit. (Source: Read more)

15 to watch in 2015 – NC Spin

No matter how good the crystal ball, it is impossible to predict what will happen in 2015. Perhaps it will be easier to identify the people likely to either make or respond to North Carolina news events.

Governor Pat McCrory took a more active legislative role in 2014, frequently butting heads with Senate leadership. This year he needs to pass Medicaid reform, a transportation and infrastructure package and lead from the center, without alienating either his conservative base or independents, in preparing for his 2016 re-election campaign.

Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, arguably the most powerful politician in North Carolina, is likely to flex his muscles in 2015. Berger doesn’t mind taking firm positions and negotiates grudgingly. Will he be the roadblock or dealmaker? House Speaker Tim Moore is not widely known, so it will be interesting to see if he sides with the governor, the Senate or becomes an independent voice. (Source: Read more)

Virtual charter schools have serious financial and academic questions – NC Spin

Despite major concerns and numerous unanswered questions, a special committee appointed by the State Board of Education recently recommended approval of both applicants seeking to create virtual charter schools in North Carolina. While the concept of introducing more technology into classrooms is almost universally lauded, virtual charter schools are a relatively new concept in which children take courses online on a computer at home and spend no time in a brick-and-mortar classroom.

The committee’s members may have been unsure if they were authorized to block either applicant even if they felt the school would fail students. A provision slipped into the General Assembly’s budget this past summer directed the State Board of Education to open two virtual charter school pilot programs and at present there are only two applicants. (Source: Read more)