School board seeks input on superintendent search – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator’s response: First of all I question why the search should be taking place because the former superintendent should be still in Rocky Mount and not in Vance County since this school board forced him to resign. It is someone interesting how the board say they want input from the community but didn’t listen to the community during the time they ran the superintendent out of town. School board member Brenda Brown said she hopes that the use of the surveys will help create a sense of unity in the process.“Our heart’s desire is that we work together as a family as we move forward in this process,” Brown said. “As a school board, we value everyone’s perspective as we decide what we are looking for as we search for a new school superintendent. In the end, we want to be a successful school system that benefits every student in the system.” I say what the hell? The only thing this board need is some new members because those members who didn’t respond to the community when they ran the former superintendent out of town without giving a reason, why should the community trust them with their children? Just my ignant opinion.

Members of the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education are asking for input from community members and employees as they strive to define the characteristics they want in a new superintendent for Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools.

In order to gather input, the school system has set up a short community survey that can be accessed by clicking the survey link on the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools main webpage at The surveys can be completed online and must be submitted by Sept. 14.

Interim School Superintendent Dr. Travis Twiford encouraged parents and community members to participate in the process by completing the survey so that school board members will be aware of the community’s vision of leadership. (Source: Read more)

Nash-Rocky Mount school scores show modest improvement – Rocky Mount Telegram

Report card scores for the 2014-15 school year for Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools show a gradual upward trend in school performance, according to data released Tuesday by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction.

School system officials report that in comparison to the 2013-14 school year, Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools had six schools that exceeded growth during 2014-15 versus two for last year. Another nine schools met growth this year versus six for last year, officials said.

With an increase in the number of schools meeting growth projections and a favorable change in the way that school performance scores are calculated by the state, the system had an overall decrease in the number of “F” rated schools and an increase in the number of “C” rated schools. (Source: Read more)

Rocky Mount NC – School board proposes new meeting time – Rocky Mount Telegram

NASHVILLE – After several months of holding two sessions per month, the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education voted on Monday to return to meeting just one day a month on a regular basis and to change the time for school board meetings.

“I like the idea of the workshop meeting and the school board meeting both being held on the same day,” school board Chairwoman Evelyn Bulluck said. “Last year, and for two or three years before that, this worked quite well.”

Traditionally, the Nash-Rocky Mount school board met twice a month, holding a regular school board meeting on the first Monday of each month and a work session to determine a consent agenda usually on the third Monday of each month. (Source: Read more)

Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Saga, They Say But What Do You Think?

The following was shared with The DCN News Blog Online TV. Interesting.

Photos/Videos: See What Happened At The Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Meeting On Last Night


Click on photo for more photos.

We are where we are because some folk got us here and it is going to take a hell of a lot to get us to where we need to be. But I believe it can be done because I have seen some folk speak out that has not done so before. When the rest of them decide they are going to get into the ring and speak out, then we can begin to truly move forward.

Some folk whom have spoke out need to sit down and shut up until the time is right but right now ain’t the time. They can be on the team but not the star.

And for me I don’t have to win the fight, I just want to make sure the fight is fair and that those who are in control follow their own policies and procedures.

Last night was a prime example an opportunity missed to have a teachable moment to show the folk that not only do the school board have some s with them but that black board attorney as well who are suppose to be a consultant to the board and not running the d show.

I am not a college graduate but I know what I know because I have been trained by the best. I received certificates of graduation for participating in the yearly (PESP) Parent Education Studies Program through the NC Justice and Community Development Center Education Leadership Institute at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill NC on June 14, 2002 and again on May 30, 2003 at the Holiday Inn Gateway Center in Rocky Mount NC.

Oh ya’ll didn’t get that!

Can Not Watch On Cell Phone/Tablet
Click On Photo To Watch Video


Petition for the removal of the Nash-Rocky Mount six-member alliance and reinstatement of Dr. Anthony Jackson

Petition for the removal of the Nash-Rocky Mount six-member alliance and

reinstatement of Dr. Anthony Jackson


Petition summary and background

    We, the undersigned residents of Edgecombe and Nash Counties, NC, call for the resignation of the Nash-Rocky Mount School Board of Education six-member alliance (William Sharpe, Wayne Doll, Brenda Brown, Ricky Jenkins, Reginald Silver, and Wendy Wilson) responsible for the forced resignation of Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson. We believe that these elected officials have failed to carry out their duties, shown poor educational and financial stewardship, and ultimately failed the more than 16,000 students who make up the Nash-Rocky Mount School system.  Additionally, we, the undersigned, believe that their motivations were significantly influenced by three Nash County Commissioners and other outside special interests resulting in the unjustified “termination” of Dr. Jackson.

     By choosing to vote for the removal of Dr. Jackson, the six-member alliance has made the Nash-Rocky Mount School Board of Education an ineffective entity and the citizens of Edgecombe and Nash Counties have lost all faith and confidence in their leadership.

     We request that the following members of the Board of Education – William Sharpe, Wayne Doll, Brenda Brown, Ricky Jenkins, Reginald Silver, and Wendy Wilson – resign no later than Monday, July 13, 2015 no later than 6:30 pm so we can move forward as a community and rebuild trust and faith in our education system.

     Additionally, we also request that Dr. Anthony Jackson be reinstated upon the resignation of the aforementioned alliance no later than Friday, July 17, 2015 at noon.


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Why did school board dismiss Jackson? – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator’s response: Someone said that Bob Murphy firing was connected to money being given to the school system and Robbie Davis got mad with him.

Members of the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education might have found a friendlier audience in a hornets nest than the one they got in a special meeting of constituents Monday night.

The folks who filled a room at Rocky Mount High School weren’t happy. And who can blame them?

It’s hard to conceive of a more botched up way of firing a superintendent. Word leaked out months ago that Dr. Anthony Jackson was likely to be forced out of his position before next fall. And yet school board members continued to stay mum when asked repeatedly what was going on by reporters … by parents … by teachers … and even by county commissioners. (Source: Read more)

I Was Happy To See The Elected Officials Speak Out About The Forced Resignation Of Dr. Anthony Jackson Superintendent Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools

My heart was happy to see the elected officials speak out about the forced resignation of Dr. Anthony Jackson Superintendent Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools.

See what officials spoke and the impact it should have on all folk who are concerned about injustice and the racism that plague Nash and Edgecombe County. Read about it in the following article in the Rocky Mount Telegram, “Local officials fret about impact of superintendent’s ouster.” After reading this then go to The Political Agitator blog post, Photos/Video: Racism At It’s Best In Rocky Mount NC, See It For Yourself The Lynching Of The Black Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson and look at what happened during the meeting for yourself.

My videos and photos don’t lie!

Photos/Video: Racism At It’s Best In Rocky Mount NC, See It For Yourself The Lynching Of The Black Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson

Now if you want to call me  a lie, prove me wrong because my damn videos don’t lie. I will gladly apologize. However I got my confirmation from the school board members that spoke out about how the Ignant 6 (board members) that forced Dr. Jackson to resign. Two Ignant Safe Black Negro board members Pastor Reginald Silver and Rev. Bill Sharpe voted along with Brenda Brown, Wayne Doll, Richard Jenkins and Wendy Wilson to force Dr. Jackson to resign or they would fire him for no reason other than he is arrogant and don’t speak to folk. See photos of the board members. The woman in the bottom photo talked about bullying and I just told someone a couple of days ago that what the Ignant 6 have been doing is bullying Dr. Jackson until he was forced to resign.

Click on Photo to view more Photos
Can Not Watch Video On Cell Phone/Tablet
Click On Photo To Watch Video

Hell Yeah It Was A Heated Meeting And The Heat Need To Continue Until The Ignant 6 Are Off This Board

The Political Agitator response: Damn shame!

I find the following in the Rocky Mount Telegram, In her statement, “Wilson said that the real reason for the dismissal could not be discussed citing personnel reasons. We believe strongly that it is time to move forward in unity, putting our disagreements behind us, so that we can proceed collectively as a community with the search for a new superintendent, and that we can now work together on behalf of our children, Wilson added,” to be quite interesting and left to make folks believe that the answer to that was not stated by Rocky Mount City Manager Charles Penny.

First of all the difference in us and you are you are hiding behind a CODE NAME and don’t have the b to stand up and be a man or woman and/or it.

Ignant the board chair said the ignant 6 had no credible reason to get rid of Dr. Jackson so justify that. You see you can attempt to make it about us all you want but the board chair comments speak highly of what they are dealing with on that board the 4 whites and the 2 ignant blacks that voted along with them. Even if I was going to vote along with Wendy Wilson I as a black man would not be a damn punk and allow this white female to speak for me as did Pastor Reginald Silver and Bill Sharpe did.

It has all to do with RACE some whites that have an issue with Dr. Jackson just happening to be a black man and telling them what to do. However there are some blacks that have the same mentality.

As Andre Knight said tonight this is a modern day lynching on Dr. Jackson however 2 ignant black punks voted along with them. If the ignant 6 have the documentation to support their actions then I will be the first to apologize however I have confidence that the 3 board members that spoke tonight and the other 2 whom voted in favor of keeping Dr. Jackson are not incompetent as it relates to what the ignant 6 discussed in closed session and they came out and vote against the ignant 6 on last Monday.

This is nothing new to me, I have been dealing with this type of mess since the late 80’s in Rocky Mount so I am not surprised nor in doubt about the deeply rooted racism that is alive and well in Rocky Mount and Nash County. I also know the history of the 2 ignant black punks that voted along to get rid of Dr. Jackson.

Ignant I didn’t speak at the meeting tonight but I damn sure was present in support of Dr. Jackson and capturing these ignants on video. I will post the video so that my huge list of followers from across the nation will be able to see what is going on in Rocky Mount.

What tickles the hell out of me is Wendy Wilson said they can’t talk about the reason why they got rid of Dr. Jackson however I don’t recall the news showing Charles Penny stating there is a law that the board can tell it. You see this is how the media portray one-sided mess. Yep they showed some comments but if you gonna show comments that Wilson said about not being able to tell the reason why they forced him to resign, then why in the hell not show Penny saying it could be done. But that is by design because of one sided media and that is why I video so folk can see the whole mess that take place in the racist meetings that I attend.

I feel good about being on the side of justice and can’t no Ignant Racist White Folk and Ignant Safe Negroes can change my role as it comes to speaking out against injustices on the local, state and national level.

Every dog has it’s day and some come soon and some come later but they do come. I just want to be around to see the ignant 6 day come.

I am Curmilus Dancy II @ and I don’t hide behind a code name. I didn’t have to say anything at the meeting tonight however my video that is coming soon will speak for me. This meeting was one of the best meetings I have ever attended because folk said what needed to be said that I have been saying over the years. So glad to see these folk calling it what it is, RACISM AT IT’S BEST talking about Dr. Jackson is arrogant, he don’t speak to folk and other. And these are the teachers in the classroom talking this non-sense. And then the retired teachers have the audacity to come back because they ran the hell away to try to discredit Dr. Jackson when the statistical data says otherwise. So since these retired teachers want to tell something, damnit tell it something that justifies the forced resignation or that is the best you can do. Tell it you don’t have anything to lose.

I love it when Ignant Safe White Folk and Ignat Safe Negroes like the Ignant 6 show the world that they are united behind ignance!

Now Run & Tell That!

See related: Supporters rally behind Nash-Rocky Mount superintendent following resignation – WRAL

Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Meeting Monday At 6:30 PM Ask Reggie Silvers And Bill Sharpe To Rescind Their Votes Forcing Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson To Resign

If you are available you need to be at the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools meeting at 6:30 PM to challenge the entire board but especially Reggie Silvers and Bill Sharpe to rescind their votes forcing Dr. Anthony Jackson to resign. Why?

It is sad that the following occurred this past Monday called a damn Special Call Meeting and the outcome, “Nash-Rocky Mount Schools Votes 6-5 To Accept Dr. Anthony Jackson Superintendent Resignation” but the regularly scheduled meeting was coming up one week later anyway so why didn’t they wait?

It is my opinion and many others that this whole thing is about Nash Commissioner Robbie Davis and the following meeting “Nash County Commissioners Meeting Monday At 10 AM Ask Belfield, Richardson and Wells Why They Voted With Robbie Davis & Crew?” will take place earlier in the day.

It is funny as hell that the new board members that were sworn in on January 5, 2015 asked for the Superintendents Contract on January 9th. This makes me believe that their mission was to come on the board to get rid of the Superintendent. And that’s a problem.

Some staff have supposedly been complaining about Dr. Jackson but damn that is probably because they had a problem with change and some a problem with reporting to a black man.

This black man has come into a system and has taking the Nash-Rocky Mount School System to a whole new level financially to academically. He has put black staff in managerial roles whereby it was only around 2. Dr. Jackson’s record speaks for him and from what I have seen and heard there is nothing in his record that can be used against him to justify his forced resignation. This board is participating in adult bullying.

In October 2014 Reggie Silvers, Bill Sharpe and Wendy Wilson voted unanimously with the other board members to extend Dr. Jackson’s contract to 2019 so therefore it appears his evaluation was a good one. So since these board members and the new board members teamed up to force Dr. Jackson to resign for no reason, they need to resign or change their vote to keep Dr. Jackson.

It is a rumor that Reggie Silvers may have received some benefits in order to get his vote. Well I hope this Pastor has not sold his soul to that level however even if that is not true he has sold himself by just simply voting to get rid of the Dr. Jackson for no reason. If he had a reason he would not have went out the damn back door after the meeting on Monday evening. Be a damn man and stand up and do the right thing. This ain’t all about you and Dr. Jackson but should be about the children. I am on the side of the children because it is fact that the system is in better shape under this Superintendent.

I must apologize for Bill Sharpe being on the board. I have apologized to some folk in person and will continue to do so.

Bill Sharpe came to me about getting into politics and worried the hell out of me every day. I invited him to some community meetings about redistricting and the seats that were going to be available a couple of years ago. He used the information to run for a seat on the school board. I didn’t check the brother out because I thought he was going to do what is right but then folk begin to tell me about how he talked junk about our black POTUS. They also told me he was running for school board because he didn’t tell me and they also told me he was a Republican. I bet I will check out the next person I invite to a meeting.

It appears Sharpe have some issues because it appears he keep moving from job to job. I wonder why? LOL! I understand he is all up in the schools approaching staff unprofessionally. It appears he has too much time on his hands because it is not the board members job to be up in the school system as if that is a part of his role. I have been hearing some things 2nd handedly but then a person told me something that was not 2nd handed so makes me wonder if all of the other things I have heard is true. Time will tell.

Folk it is about the children and it appears that Dr. Anthony Jackson has shown himself approved by his professionalism and that is why the good black, good white folk and other need to come together and request that the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools to do the right thing and that is to change their votes on his forced resignation. It can be done because “Grimesey reinstated as Moore County superintendent.”

This is about race, integrity and most of all messing with the children’s education and it must stop! The process begins Monday at 6:30 PM at the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools 930 Eastern Avenue Nashville, NC 27856. If you would like to speak you need to call to the Central Office by 12 Noon to sign up. Join the Rocky Mount Ministerial Alliance as they and others will be there in support of Dr. Jackson.

Alert: Save Our School Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson Forced To Resign


Note: If you would like to speak during the Public Comments in support of Dr. Jackson you need to call to the Nash-Rocky Mount Schools  Central Office by 12 noon on Monday.

These Local Folks That Talk About More Important Issues Than The Confederate Flag, Now I Am Gonna See How They Treat This

Don’t get it twisted because I don’t give a damn whether you address this issue or not. But for those out there that says there are more important issues what do you think about this one?

So damn glad I ain’t limited to just one issue, but not if I let Ignant Safe Negroes tell my story. Not!

Nash-Rocky Mount Schools Votes 6-5 To Accept Dr. Anthony Jackson Superintendent Resignation

I understand 2 black board members Reginald Silver and Bill Sharpe voted along with Brenda Brown, Wayne Doll, Richard Jenkins and Wendy Wilson. See their photos.

Voted down summer school which would have been around the $200,000 but now got to pay the superintendent out at $212,000. Ain’t that nothing!

See related: Nash-Rocky Mount schools superintendent resigns due to ‘will of the board’ – WRAL

Missed The Message

I understand that Nash-Rocky Mount Board members Reginald Silvers and William Bill Sharpe were pushing to get rid of Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson.

I missed the message because I worked to 5:30 PM and then had to meet my son to get the other car to go meet a friend to check out the car. Found out needed a CV Joint so had to go get one and then the friend met me at my place to put it on. Now it was about 7:30 PM.

I missed the meeting tonight but I see the superintendent has resigned.

Damn I can’t be in all of these places so I have to priorities what I do these days.

Well don’t plan on missing this event “Prayer Vigil in Honor of Charleston 9 & Victims of Racial Injustice Featuring Congressman G.K. Butterfield on tomorrow evening because when I leave work I will go straight there.