Many people in Rocky Mount, especially the residents of Ward 1, want to know why John Manley is running for the City Council’s Ward 1 seat currently held by Andre’ Knight.  Why has Manley not told the residents of Ward 1 what he would do better than Councilman Knight or what ideas he would bring forth to the council to improve the quality of life in the ward and citywide?  Why does Manley continue to use a picture of him in his police uniform on campaign flyers and in commercials when he has retired from the police force?  Is his intent to deceive by falsely representing himself?  What does this really say about the man?

         The Rocky Mount Telegram reported a few days after the City Manager, Charles Penny, announced his selection to replace retired Police Chief Manley, that Manley stated he was “disappointed” that Penny did not select Capt. McCoy.  Shortly thereafter Manley reportedly began telling people that he “wanted to be Penny’s boss.”  How could he possibly realize this desire?  The answer is simple, run for Mayor or the City Council’s Ward 1 seat.  Remember, Mr. Penny, as the former Assistant City Manager, was in fact Manley’s immediate supervisor, “his boss.”  If this is true, this is certainly not an impressive or productive way to represent “the people.”  Obviously Manley has overlooked the fact that he would only be one of seven council members who “manage” the city manager.  Why didn’t Manley run for Mayor?  It is rumored that the same people, who have tried to upset the present council majority since its inception would not back him for Mayor but are backing him for a seat on the council.  In other words, his “backers” feel he is “ripe for picking” and can be used to promote their agenda even if he is Black. 

         The people in Ward 1 and citywide were alarmed, disgusted and surprised to learn that Manley would actually challenge Andre when he is doing such a great and effective job. Many senior residents question whether or not Manley knows or cares about what people really think about him.  In a fundraising letter Manley sent out dated January 25, 2012, he stated, “I am sure that you understand the virtues that I stand upon” This statement received a negative reply, “how can we forget,” from many who read it.  Manley also continues to make cryptic remarks like “I know how to talk to people,” “I know the right people to talk to” and “I will not call anyone a racist.”  He has yet to state the who, how and why of it all.  In his profile that appeared in the Rocky Mount Telegram on Friday, Manley stated that he would not have supported spending money on fighting the Duke-Progress Energy merger.  This indicates that he is either ignorant of the facts or he does not care about trying to lower consumer utility rates.  I understand that Manley has also made a commercial implying that he, in someway, has been instrumental in getting things moving at the Crossing at 64 development.  This could not be further from the truth.  Is this the kind of person the residents of Ward 1 want to represent them?  Can the residents of Ward 1 afford to elect a person who stretches the truth, misrepresents the facts and tells them nothing about how he would like to improve their quality of life?

         Manley must be denied an opportunity to satisfy his wish, if this is the case, to “get even” with the City Manager, Charles Penny.  He must be denied an opportunity to use the residents of Ward 1 to promote the agenda of his “backers,” if this be the case.  To the residents of Ward 1 I say, do not vote blindly, do not be deceived by “the uniform.”  Vote for the person who works for you each and every day.  Vote for the person who is not afraid to stand up for justice and equality.  Cast your vote for Andre Knight on Election Day, May 8.

                                                                                    – A Concerned Citizen –  

See related:

John Manley For Rocky Mount City Council Ward 1 Challenging Incumbent Andre Knight, But Why? 


‘Political stunt’ or valid protest? Butterfield’s opponent files complaint but faces uphill battle – Wilson Times

Response: I knew this damn fool was ignant Daniel-Lynn Whittacre when he sent me an email telling me I should do my homework on my Congressman G.K. Butterfield. In my response to him I said he needed to have done his homework on me before sending me an email. I have been knowing my Congressman for many, many years. And now I read about this ignance. Oh well "Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!" Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator and Being Ignant – Know that being ignant is not always a bad thing, however it is a bad thing when you don’t do anything about it especially when you are trying to discredit others. Know what you are talking about when you open your mouth so you will not make a damn fool out of yourself. Curmilus Dancy II Tuesday April 3, 2012

Wilson Times – Democratic challenger Dan Whittacre wants the North Carolina State Board of Elections to declare that Congressman G.K. Butterfield is not a legitimate candidate. He claims Butterfield used a nickname and not his legal name to register for reelection. (More)

See related:

Congressman G.K. Butterfield

Photos/Video: Candidates Forum Sponsored by The Edgecombe County Human Relations Commission May 2, 2012

Dan Whittacre could not name a Democratic Governor. Damn! This is the same dude that sent me an email asking me why am I supporting my Congressman G.K. Butterfield, he said I needed to do my homework. Oh hell no this dude should have done his homework before he emailed me.

View pictures and watch video.

Click on picture to view more pictures.


Click on picture to watch video.


Updated: See Who The Political Agitator Will Be Voting For During The May Primary Elections 2012

Charles Malone has dropped out of the race for US House 13. Please join me and voting for Bernard A. Holliday he is the only Democrat in the race now.

But Malone recently said he was still in the race and awaiting to get a report from his doctor due to a health scare. Oh well.

Ty Richardson was in the news today. He has 5 DWI arrest charges so therefore I can not support him.

The Political Agitator will vote for the following candidates during the May Primary Election 2012:

Barack Obama

Bob Etheridge

Lt. Governor
Linda D. Coleman

US House 13 
Bernard A. Holliday

Senate District 3
Clark Jenkins

NC House 23
Joe Tolson

Commissioner of Labor
John C. Brooks

Janet Cowell

Register of Deeds
Robin Williams Carpenter

Board of Education
Janice W. Davidson

The Political Agitator support the following candidates during the May Primary Election 2012 however I can not vote for them:

G.K. Butterfield

Rocky Mount City Council Ward 1
Andre Knight

Tarboro Town Council Ward 6
Deborah Faye Dew Jordan

Amendment 1
I Will be voting against Amendment 1 because the Constitution already states that marriage is between a male and female. No amendment is needed. The way it is explained on the ballot makes it appear you are just voting on a marriage is between a male and female. Folks amendment is the issue. No need to amend.

Newcomer challenges Edgecombe school board member

Response: Proctor said the high turnover rate among past superintendents motivated him to get involved by filing to run for a seat on the board. Proctor said when they hired Dr. Wayne Talley 59 that they ought to knew he was not going to stay long. I find it interesting Proctor didn’t mention the superintendent before him a young black male Dr. Craig Witherspoon. Witherspoon was the 1st black and only black superintendent and the auditor said the best audit ever was done under his leadership. He was also doing a good job overall but he was never accepted by the white powers that be.

Daily Southerner: Incumbent Janice Davidson faces a challenge from a former Edgecombe County Public Schools maintenance worker in the race for the District 6 seat on the Board of Education. (More)

See related: 

Edgecombe County Public Schools

One Stop Voting Concerns

Rocky Mount NC – Sources say that they went to the One-Stop Voting Poll at Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education Administration Building, 800 N. Fairview Road and was told that they didn’t have to vote again in November because they voted for the President on yesterday. Yes the President is on the ballot during the Primary Election May 8 however he has no opposition. If this person was actually told this this is not true. Everyone must vote for the President in the General Election on Tuesday November 6, 2012.

Tarboro NC – Sources say they took some folks to the polls at the auditorium of the Edgecombe County Administration Building, 201 Saint Andrew St. and a white female registered and voting. However sources say this female was registered as a Republican by the staff person and then told her she must have been a Republican. The staff person said to this female that it can’t be changed now. The correct thing for the staff person to have done would be to ask the person how they wanted to register. The staff person should never choose for a citizen.

If you have some concerns about some things that may have happened at the One-Stop Voting Polls please call the local Board of Elections 252.641.7852 or go to the the office.

“I Have No Permanent Friends, No Permanent Enemies Only Permanent Interest!”

That being said I am going to continue to piss some folks off from this day forward and I will not be apologetic for speaking truth. However if I can be proven wrong I will apologize so I challenge you, you and you to try me.

Yes I am a black man but I am not so damn black that I am “IGNANT” to my knowledge of politics and people. I know who the players are the real leaders and those who play both sides. Those who play both sides get in an all black meeting and say one thing and then get in a meeting with black, brown, white and others in the same room and they say something different. Well I don’t roll like that. I am the same in all meetings because I don’t play both sides.



I posted articles on my blog for folks before the filing period and after. So now we are past that they will not have to guess where I stand. I will be stating who I will be voting for and who I would vote for if they were on my ballot. I ain’t telling others who to vote for just making them aware who I am voting for.

I can’t wait to see the slate of candidates that the Nash-Edgecombe Black Political Caucus who drop the black off when they speak so they can play not only both sides but all sides black, brown, white and other, Democrat and Republican. I also can’t wait to see other pacs endorsements and individual endorsements. You hardly ever see individual endorsements because many of the so-called mover and shakers play both sides. Well when folks pass by my yard it is clear by the signs that are displayed and by reading my blog.

Let the “POLITICS” begin.  Are you ready to “RUMBLE?”

Following the paper trail on candidates – Wilson Times

Response: Now this is interesting. So if you want to be a candidate you must recognize and understand that you are going to be exposed so candidates is it worth it? Voters would you vote for any of these guys?

Two mayoral candidates are involved in foreclosure proceedings, one is working to pay down thousands of dollars owed in child support and another has been involved in a civil suit.

The race for Wilson mayor in the May 8 non-partisan election includes four candidates — Mayor Bruce Rose, Ricardo Dew, M.K. Smith and William Darden Jr. (More)

See related:

Candidates Forum

Video/Pictures: Democratic Party Edgecombe County Convention Saturday April 14, 2012 Began With A Good Message From Rev. Wayne Hines But Ended With Ignance From Rev. Roosevelt Higgs About Racial Profiling

Allen Mitchell chair called the convention to order.

See what candidates attended and what they had to say.

See Rev. Wayne Hines message to the delegates encouraging the faithful to get out the vote.

During the election of the Prosecutorial, Senatorial and House Committees Rev. Roosevelt Higgs suggested that it be a black and a white since it is 2 positions on each committee. Higgs try to make it appear he is about what is right but at the end of the day he always shows his ignance.

At the end of the meeting as the convention was about to end, Rev. Roosevelt Higgs fooled the people by saying, racial profiling is racial profiling and asked those in the room can he say it, and a few said say it and he kept repeating that and then he dropped the bomb on them saying that the only reason why Senator Clark Jenkins, House Rep. Joe Pat Tolson and Register of Deeds Robin Carpenter had folks challenging them is because they are white and he sat down saying racial profiling is racial profiling. There was much discussion in the courtroom and all the way out the door as people went to their cars talking about how ignant Higgs was and they didn’t know he was going there. I told them keep on agreeing with him before you know what he is talking about. It was funny as hell to me because he suckled them right on in.

Higgs to say that the blacks whom are running against the white candidates calling that racial profiling when we were in a Democratic Party meeting, a democratic society where all qualified Democrats have a right to file and run for a seat no matter who the incumbent is is just ignant as hell. So sir even if they are running just because incumbents are white it is legal to do so.

Last year I told the chair that I had received some calls from Pitt County that Higgs was in Greenville and Ayden that he was there pulling a trailer behind a truck with Republican C. B. Daughtridge big ole sign. The chair told me he believed it because he had taken pictures of Higgs putting up C. B. Daughtride signs at Edgecombe Community College Rocky Mount campus. If the chair whom told me he had pictures of Higgs putting up a Republican signs at Edgecombe Community College Rocky Mount Campus last year, Higgs precinct chair Mary Hinton, Rev. Wayne Hines Edgecombe County Commissioner, other commissioners and other Democrats in the county that knows Higgs do not live where he said he lives and has not since the flood in 1999 would ask him to step down as a vice precinct chair we would not have to deal with prolong meetings dealing with his intentional ignance. But obviously they are afraid of him so there you have it.

Click on the picture to view all pictures.


Click on picture to watch video.

See related:

Democratic Party Edgecombe County

Rocky Mount NC – Open Letter To William Solomon Candidate For NC House District 23

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Open Letter To William Solomon

Since I am well known across the state of North Carolina, I have been receiving calls and etc. wanting to know where I stand on the NC House 23 election. So since some of my faithful followers reach out to me from time to time to get my opinion on issues and people I do my homework so that I can be well informed on issues and people so I can respond to the best of my knowledge.

First of all I respect you being a young black male several years younger than I and I am glad you are somewhat interested in politics. However I have some concerns.

I met you at a Democratic Party meeting and over the years you once took on the role as the Young Democrats Chair in Edgecombe County. Andre Knight Rocky Mount Councilman and Vice Chair of Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee at that time and I reached out to you. We told you that we would work with you. We never heard from you. And then later you stopped coming to the Democratic Party meetings.

Later you showed up for something that you were interested in and then I missed you at the meetings again. And then recently you showed back up and then I heard you were going to file for the NC House District 23 seat. Well I didn’t hear anything from you before you filed nor have I heard anything from you since you filed.

You ran against Andre Knight for Rocky Mount City Council during the last election. I had asked you had you ever thought about running for the Edgecombe County Public Schools Board of Education?

I am glad you asked just who am I? You don’t need my permission to run for anything and that is rightfully so. But let me remind you who I am. I am one of the most active if not the most active Democrat in Edgecombe County as far as attending meetings and educating the county, state and nation about what is going on politically almost daily. I have been disrespected and not supported financially however you and others have benefitted. I will not promote you and others whom do not support me.

If you do not respect my work now why in the hell should I expect you to respect me if you were to become my next House Representative? Oh but you did acknowledge me in a meeting that we were in recently that I was the computer guru. Well sir I didn’t take that as a compliment but as an insult knowing that you have not supported me as it relates to the Democratic Party.

Since you did not ask for my support before you filed then I guess I suppose to just vote for you just because you are black. Not! Well my friend I have changed the way I do things. I take many things in consideration.

So now sir why should I vote for you?

Tarboro NC – An Open Letter To Dr. Florence A. Armstrong Candidate For NC Senate District 3

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


An open letter to Dr. Florence A. Armstrong

Since I am well known across the state of North Carolina, I have been receiving calls and etc. (most recent about 2 hours ago) about where I stand on the NC Senate District 3 election. So since some of my faithful followers reach out to me from time to time to get my opinion on issues and people I do my homework so that I can be well informed on issues and people so I can respond to the best of my knowledge.

Dr. Armstrong several years ago when you applied for the Principal position at G. W. Carver Elementary School I stood up for you. It was clear that you were blackballed. I made it known in the meeting when we were interviewing candidates. I visited you to let you know what happened.

I have been in meetings with you over the years and you know me and I know you. Although I have been around many whom have issues with you saying you were very arrogant and etc. I have not allowed others opinions to sway me when it comes to my personal relationship with you.

I told you I could not support you running for the Senate District 3 seat during the last election.

I have somewhat lost all trust in you because over the years I do not believe you have been truly open and responsive to me and when it comes to politics. When you were on the Edgecombe County Public Schools Board I don’t feel like you shared enough information with me that was public information. Please don’t get this twisted because I do not mean sharing personnel and any closed session information with me but as I stated public information. However I do feel strongly that you shared information with several folks whom were close to you whom did not attend the meetings regularly like I did.

In my opinion I find your most recent filing to run for the Senate District 3 to be somewhat comical. Now let me get this out of the way. I am just as black as they come but I am not so black that I am ignant to what is real and what is perceived. I hate it when folks play upon my intelligence.

I had been hearing that you were going to file for the Senate District 3 seat but you didn’t mention it to me this time. I have no problem with that because who am I? Well I know you know that I am very actively engaged in Edgecombe County Politics but not limited to. You also know that I am the publisher of The DCN News Blog Online/TV. You know that I report the news and that I give my opinion on issues, people and etc. when it comes to educating people about what is going on around them. You know, “I have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies only permanent interest.”

I am one of the most active if not the most active Democrat in Edgecombe County as far as attending meetings and educating the county, state and nation about what is going on politically almost daily. I have been disrespected and not supported financially however you and others have benefitted. I will not promote you and others whom do not support me.

If you do not respect my work now why in the hell should I expect you to respect me if you were to become my next Senator? What makes you and the others who say the current Senator has not done anything for black folks? What have you done for me?

Since you did not ask for my support before you filed then I guess I suppose to just vote for you because you are black. Not! Well my friend I have changed the way I do things. I take many things in consideration.

I feel that anyone who seeks to unseat Senator Clark Jenkins will have to have a real political machine. I don’t think you have one however I could be wrong since I know nothing about your campaign. Jenkins has lots of money and since I know you and you know me I have some concerns about the financing of your campaign.

So now my question to you is why should I support you?

Register of Deeds Edgecombe County – Barbara Ann Cole Wants To Unseat Robin Carpenter

Barbara Ann Cole wants to unseat Robin Carpenter. Cole is black and from Tarboro NC. I had never heard of Cole until I seen her at a meeting on last night. I still do not know anything about her.

When Gladys Shelton Pitt retired as the Register of Deeds I wanted to see a black person appointed however Robin Carpenter was appointed. I supported Butch Armstrong, Florence Armstrong’s husband during the election for the seat and Carpenter won so the people has spoken.

It will take the right person to unseat Carpenter and no way I can support Cole whom I know nothing about.

I would like to hear from the folks from Edgecombe County what are your thoughts about this race?

See related:

Edgecombe County: Filing ends for May primary election – The Daily Southerner

NC House District 23 – William Solomon Wants To Unseat Rep. Joe Pat Tolson

Rumor was for a while that Rep. Joe Pat Tolson was not going to seek re-election but I had not heard it from anyone that I felt I could really think much of it. I didn’t think much of it.

The NC House 23 seat consist of all of Edgecombe and all of Martin Counties during the 2012 election. The current district consist of some of Wilson and some of Edgecombe.

I don’t know the racial make up of the district however I believe it should be close to a 50 – 50 black to white majority.

I would like to hear from the folks in the House District 23 what are your thoughts about this race?

See related:

Edgecombe County: Filing ends for May primary election – The Daily Southerner

NC Senate District 5 – Don Davis Will Have To Step Down As The 1st Congressional District Chair So Here We Go Again Must Elect A New Chair

Don Davis has filed to seek the Senate District 5 seat that he held for one term before being defeated 2 years ago. He must step down as the 1st Congressional District Chair so it is going to be interesting to see who wants to fill his shoes. All I have to say it they better be ready because this is a crucial year.

Oh well this is going to be very interesting and I believe I can sense atleast one person whom may want to replace Davis. Well I am going to let you know it damn sure ain’t me.

See related:

2012 candidate filing period ends at noon today Kinston.com

See Who Filed Across The State of North Carolina For Statewide Offices – NC Board of Elections

See Who Filed Across The State of North Carolina For Statewide Offices – NC Board of Elections

Response: See who filed to run for a state office in your town or city. Rep. Angela Bryant, Congressman G.K. Butterfield and some others have some opposition. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

Open the attachment to view the 66 pages listing the candidates that filed for office across the state. (More)

See related:

Edgecombe County: Filing ends for May primary election – The Daily Southerner