The Political Agitator Endorses The Following Candidates

Click on candidate to learn more about the candidate

I am voting for these candidates

Sheriff Edgecombe County – James L. Knight

Senate District 3 – Clark Jenkins

NC House District 23 – Taro Knight

US Senate – Kay Hagans

US Congress District 13 – Ron Sanyal

NC Supreme Court Associate Justice – Robin Hudson

Those I can not vote for

Sheriff Wilson County – Calvin Woodard

NC House 24 – Jean Farmer-Butterfield

Senate District 5 – Don Davis

Sheriff Nash County – Stanley Griffin

Commissioner – Mary Wells

See related:

Voting For A Candidate I Look At These Things

Political Endorsements Coming After The Edgecombe County Candidates Forum Sponsored By Edgecombe County Human Relations Commission

I will be posting my political endorsements after the candidates forum on Tuesday April 22. I will be endorsing candidates from across the state that I feel should be elected and re-elected. Although I may not be able to vote for some, some will still represent me. Also I have family and friends in neighboring counties and across the state so therefore I will be keeping up with some races outside of Edgecombe County.

I look forward to seeing the citizens of Edgecombe County but not limited to at the Tarboro NC: You’re Invited To The “2014 Meet the Candidates Forum” on Tuesday.

“I Have No Permanent Friends, No Permanent Enemies Only Permanent Interest!”

That being said I am going to continue to piss some folks off from this day forward and I will not be apologetic for speaking truth. However if I can be proven wrong I will apologize so I challenge you, you and you to try me.

Yes I am a black man but I am not so damn black that I am “IGNANT” to my knowledge of politics and people. I know who the players are the real leaders and those who play both sides. Those who play both sides get in an all black meeting and say one thing and then get in a meeting with black, brown, white and others in the same room and they say something different. Well I don’t roll like that. I am the same in all meetings because I don’t play both sides.



I posted articles on my blog for folks before the filing period and after. So now we are past that they will not have to guess where I stand. I will be stating who I will be voting for and who I would vote for if they were on my ballot. I ain’t telling others who to vote for just making them aware who I am voting for.

I can’t wait to see the slate of candidates that the Nash-Edgecombe Black Political Caucus who drop the black off when they speak so they can play not only both sides but all sides black, brown, white and other, Democrat and Republican. I also can’t wait to see other pacs endorsements and individual endorsements. You hardly ever see individual endorsements because many of the so-called mover and shakers play both sides. Well when folks pass by my yard it is clear by the signs that are displayed and by reading my blog.

Let the “POLITICS” begin.  Are you ready to “RUMBLE?”

Who Is That Larkins Guy That Is Running Against Congressman G.K. Butterfield?

Click on Picture To Watch Video


The DCN was at the North Hampton Political Forum on last week. The first candidate is Senator Ed Jones who has opposition. US Senatorial Candidates Ken Lewis and Cal Cunningham had representatives speak for them and then it was Butterfield and Larkins. Check out the following video.

Note: Is Larkins a real Democrat?. Butterfield welcomed him to the Democratic Party several weeks ago at the 1st Congressional District Banquet in Winton NC. Now I see why he welcomed him. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

See related:

Primary fight set in First District

Congressman G.K. Butterfield

One Must Admit That Frankie Bordeaux For Senate District 3 Has Done What Other Blacks Has Not Done, Ran A Different Type of Aggressive Campaign In Spite Of

First of all I don’t give a damn who one vote for in the Senate District 3 race. I do know that I wish that Bordeaux didn’t have the cloud over his head because I would love to be a part of his campaign team. However I refuse to get involved in any of the campaigns because I see this race further dividing the black community. We are allowing the media to use this race to help further divide our community but not keeping in mind that it is Bordeaux today and it could be one of us tomorrow.

I find the Senate District 3 race to be more comical as the days go by. As I continue to read the Rocky Mount Telegram and the Greenville Reflector the names that continue to appear just tickles the hell out of me.

What I am enjoying about this race is Bordeaux has shown black folks how to run an aggressive campaign. This is something I have been preaching for years.

I was invited to speak at a get out the vote rally in Pitt County during the last municipality race. I asked a person after the rally was he going to enter the race for the Senate District 3 race and he said no. I asked him did he know Frankie Bordeaux and he said he felt Bordeaux was running to help push his own business. Well damn the person that I was talking to if you had ran, wouldn’t you have pushed your business? This is why people run for personal reasons many times however pushing one’s agenda will also help others who have the same type of business along with trying to make sure everyone in the district and in this case across the state is better off.

I get so sick and tired of black folks saying why a person can not run for an office as if they created the rules. Some say Bordeaux has no political experience. Well if running The Boys and Girls Club is not political I don’t know what in the hell is. Wheeling and dealing with the big wheels in the community to make things happen such as building a Boys and Club Center and continuously raising funds is political as hell. So let us dispel that myth about no political experience.

Bordeaux came out early before the filing period began with billboards and other campaign moves. I received some phone calls and talked to people as I ran into them who questioned was it legal to do what he was doing so early? I told them to call the board of elections office. I said I would not think he would do all of that without doing his homework. Well obviously he did because I didn’t see any billboards come down nor have I heard about Bordeaux paying any fines for such.

I received a phone call from someone a couple of months ago who asked me if I knew Bordeaux and I said yes from the Boys and Girls Club and as a referee. This person told me they had met him while they both were in a political training and they were made aware that he was going to run for the Senate District 3.

Bordeaux is doing all the right things as it relates to running a campaign. He attended political training. He has the cash something it takes to run an effective campaign. He is saying what the incumbent is not doing. He is saying what he will do. He is sending out mailings almost daily via US Postage and radio. I can’t wait to see how much the poll workers will be paid on election day which is very crucial.

Bordeaux is saying what many folks are saying about Senator Jenkins but he is getting singled out as if he is the only one saying it. I have a serious problem with that because this is a modern day lynching by black folks who say they want to see Jenkins removed from the seat but will go to extreme of dividing the black vote to do such.

I strongly feel that whenever someone has an interest in running for a political office that the timing must be right. I feel Dr. Florence Armstrong means well however I do not feel she picked the right time to run. But then again May 4 may prove me wrong.

However one thing I will not be wrong about after May 4 is Bordeaux running the most aggressive campaign that I have seen in Edgecombe and surrounding counties. Jenkins has the money however I have not seen his campaign be aggressive. But he really didn’t have to.

So if you have not voted early, go to the polls and vote for the candidate of your choice in the Senate District 3 race.

I have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies only permanent interest.

Curmilus Dancy II – DCN Publisher

See related:

Senate District 3 Race

Black Folks And The Senate District 3 Race Is Further Dividing The Black Community As It Relates To Politics

In response to: Challengers exchange barbs in N.C. Senate District 3 race.

Well I know I am about to piss some folks off but it is better to be pissed off than pissed on. I am going to give my spill about where I stand on the Senate District 3 race.

I will not allow anyone to mislead folks as it relates to politics and what should be and/or not should be. Let’s be real!! After all I have been trying to educate folks in Edgecombe County and surrounding counties about what is really going on around them since the early 90’s via video, talk shows tv/radio and via newsletters. I have invested much time and resources in doing such sacrificing much especially time away from my family. But I recognize and understand that it is not only about my children but other folks children and also the elderly.

I guess someone will ask the question who am I? Well I am an active Negro who have been actively engaged in the Senate District 3 race since it was created. 

It is a damn shame that this race is about race, 2 black candidates Bordeaux and Armstrong whom neither are the incumbent.

It is my opinion that both Bordeaux and Armstrong are going to help Jenkins get re-elected.

I supported Patricia Ferguson a black female out of Bertie County when the district was first created knowing that she was going to be written out at the end of the first term. My theory was if we were to get a black person elected that it would be easy to elect a black person after the district was re-drawn.

Where in the hell was these folks who are so geared up trying to unseat Jenkins when the seat was open for us but now all of a damn sudden folks have awaken. Well I was not sleep then and I damn sure is not sleep now.

So what did black folks do? They voted Jenkins in. Some of the same folks who are now saying they are trying to unseat him are responsible for him being in the seat all these years.

I am not mad with Jenkins because I can’t get mad with him because black folks have voted him in all these years. I voted for him during the last election.

The issue of who recruited who should not be an issue and one of them should have not filed to run because they are going to split the votes. But because neither refused to back down this is where we are fighting each other over the seat that the white man is holding and has held since the early 2000’s.

So since both filed and this is where we are, okay this is where I am.

I am so glad I know why both Bordeaux and Armstrong are in the race. I have talked to both candidates and I have talked to some folks who are close to both campaigns. I have met with some folks from both campaigns and I have refused to join either campaign because I have been involved in the Senate District 3 race on a personal note since the district was created.

I am glad Armstrong wanted to set the record straight that she was not recruited by Jenkins. I  know that to be true. However she and Bordeaux are spoilers in the race if the citizens of the district feel they want change because it is a fact that they will both split the votes. This will help Jenkins.

I am unclear about the term trickery that Armstrong accused Bordeaux of. What I see Bordeaux doing is using all angles to defeat both Armstrong and Jenkins. This is nothing new and this should not be an issue.

I strongly agree with Bordeaux that it takes an organization and campaign resources to defeat Jenkins. I call it a political machine.

I disagree with Armstrong that her experience as an Edgecombe County commissioner, member of the Edgecombe County Board of Education and former Edgecombe County Democratic Party chairwoman make her a more qualified candidate for the Senate than Jenkins and Bordeaux.

Jenkins I would say has the experience because he has served in the seat since the early 2000’s. However any candidate that meets the criteria of the board of elections is qualified. I strongly feel that Armstrong and Bordeaux can go in and become experienced and serve just as good as Jenkins and/or better.

I strongly agree with Armstrong that money should not dictate a race however we all know it takes money to run a political machine. It is up to a candidate how much they are willing to invest in their campaign. The campaign finance reports shows just how much candidates spend during an election year and Jenkins report is online just like all candidates.

We have got to stop misleading folks with trickery words because we know that it should not be about who can raise the most money and it should be about the person who has the best ideas. But that is not the real world.

If a person has not held a particular seat or a similar seat in the legislature then he or she is not experienced. An example of that would be having served on the House side of the legislature but now wants to serve on the Senate side.

The real deal is how can one can defeat the money thing?  Name recognition, how good a candidate can sell themselves and the most important thing is how good those on the campaign team can sell the candidate.

Running an effective campaign is about race because many times people vote for folks who look like them, money which equals advertisement and paying of campaign workers and any other expenses and who likes who which means if I just like someone because I know them or know someone that knows them.

I admire Bordeaux for not waiting to the last minute to start campaigning. There was much discussion last year about how can Bordeaux put up billboards so early?

I am glad to see Armstrong finally bringing out something about Jenkins when she took aim at him about the budget crisis however maybe she has been challenging him but I just didn’t read about it.

I like the way the article ended “District 3 was drawn as a minority-majority district to favor black candidates, but Jenkins, who is white, has held the seat for four terms. Both Bordeaux and Armstrong are black.” I have been educating folks about the creation of the Senate District 3 challenging white folks who have a problem when a black candidate says they should be given a chance to represent folks that looks like them.

Jenkins has it going on and that is he can and should use every time he speak that he received a 100% rating from the NAACP and that he is the only white person to serve on the NC Black Legislative Caucus Board.

So again my question is, “Is Senator Jenkins really fighting for black issues in Raleigh?” If he is not then go figure.

There is so much more I could say however this is enough on this subject for right now.

I have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies only permanent interest. 

Curmilus Dancy II – DCN Publisher

See related:

Senate District 3 Race

Pray For Me Because I Can’t Stomach Ignance On Behalf Of My Black So-Called Leaders. Dare You To Look At This Video.

Ya’ll pray for me because I can’t stomach a whole lot of ignance and I just may say anything but keeping it real. I am sick of confused black folks in leadership roles be they elected officials, ministers community leaders and other who continue to hold us just where we are.

“If You Are Scared, Say It!! and get the hell out of the way!!" – Rev. Al Sharpton thank you.

See related:

Endorsements Of Candidates 2010

Kenneth Lewis

Senate District 3 Race


Endorsements Of Candidates 2010

The DCN proudly endorses the following candidate.

SHERIFF Edgecombe CountyJames L. Knight Black Male (Incumbent) also visit him on Facebook – I played a major role in seeking to get Knight appointed to fill the unexpired term of Ellis. Knight has done a great job and has unified people in the county through his leadership. He campaign year round because he is always doing things in all communities be it church, sports, civic groups and etc. He is a people’s person and a stone country boy.

US SENATEKen Lewis Black Male I received a phone call from Lewis many, many years ago after he had seen my blog on the internet. We had a long talk and I found the brother to be very intelligent and wanted to do something for the people. I had no idea and he probably had no idea that one day I would be able to vote for him if he decided to run for an office. Lewis contacted me sometime last year to inform me that he was considering running for this seat.

Note: Cal Cunningham contacted me via my blog. I have received emails from Elaine Marshall.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 1Congressman G. K. Butterfield Black Male (Incumbent)I played a major role in seeking to get Butterfield appointed to fill the unexpired term when Ballance stepped down. I have supported Butterfield because he has worked faithfully for the people in the 1st Congressional District. Whenever he is in your area, he will always give a brief but thorough report on what is going on in Washington DC. He is accessible to the people.

NC SENATE DISTRICT 3 Edgecombe/Martin/Pitt Counties No endorsement at this time. I wish I could endorse Frankie Bordeaux (Black Male) because he started campaigning early. This is what I have been preaching over the years. I hate it when folks wait to the last minute to begin campaigning. He has the money and it takes money to run a campaign especially to compete with Jenkins. The main thing is Bordeaux is saying what many folks are saying across the district while others are saying it behind closed doors. If I knew the issue with Cambridge was over there is no doubt that I would support Bordeaux. I will bet that we will not find out anything about the investigation with the Attorney General’s Office until long after the election. This will be to the advantage of Jenkins and Armstrong however Jenkins has the edge. Go figure.

Note: Was contacted by Bordeaux and Armstrong seeking my support.

EDGECOMBE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 3 – No endorsement at the moment. Have not been contacted by either candidate.

EDGECOMBE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 7John W. Edmondson White Male(Incumbent)  Edmondson has served 1 term. I believe he has done a good job overall and deserve the opportunity to serve another term. His opponent is an older white female who is a retired school principal from within the system. Sources say she wants to serve on the board to help push an agenda that would not be good for the system overall. In my opinion I must agree because I do not like her attitude. I know of several folks who could not get along with her. I was told that the last year as a principal she went out with an attitude.

Note: I am a strong advocate for children and parents but not limited to.

COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 6 Edgecombe County – No endorsement at the moment. I live in this district but have not heard from nor received anything from any of the candidates.

* Check back later for more endorsements

See related:

Elections 2010