US Rep. Butterfield’s military service challenged, verified – News & Observer

The Political Agitator response: Damn Dan Whittacre is at it again. Too ignant! And to think about this ignant ass was in Tarboro at the candidates forum on Tuesday is just sickening.

WASHINGTON — A Democratic primary challenger to U.S. Rep. G.K. Butterfield of Wilson this week accused him of lying about his military record and refused to drop the matter Thursday after official records confirmed the congressman’s service.

imageDan Whittacre of Henderson said he filed a request for Butterfield’s record with the National Personnel Records Center near St. Louis. The center wrote back in a letter Whittacre received last Saturday that the documents could not be found. (Source: Read more)

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Video/Photos: Candidates Forum Sponsored By Edgecombe County Human Relations Commission – See Who Showed Up And What They Had To Say

‘Political stunt’ or valid protest? Butterfield’s opponent files complaint but faces uphill battle – Wilson Times

Response: I knew this damn fool was ignant Daniel-Lynn Whittacre when he sent me an email telling me I should do my homework on my Congressman G.K. Butterfield. In my response to him I said he needed to have done his homework on me before sending me an email. I have been knowing my Congressman for many, many years. And now I read about this ignance. Oh well "Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!" Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator and Being Ignant – Know that being ignant is not always a bad thing, however it is a bad thing when you don’t do anything about it especially when you are trying to discredit others. Know what you are talking about when you open your mouth so you will not make a damn fool out of yourself. Curmilus Dancy II Tuesday April 3, 2012

Wilson Times – Democratic challenger Dan Whittacre wants the North Carolina State Board of Elections to declare that Congressman G.K. Butterfield is not a legitimate candidate. He claims Butterfield used a nickname and not his legal name to register for reelection. (More)

See related:

Congressman G.K. Butterfield

Vote Congressman G.K. Butterfield 1st Congressional District! Who Is Daniel Lynn-Whittacre ie: Dan Whittacre? Whittacre Gonna Learn The Day!

Response: Welcome to The Political Agitator’s Blog/Online TV aka The Watch Dog of East. You say, “As I have never heard of your website nor have I communicated with you before, I am wondering how you came to such a decision.” Well You gonna learn the day!!

First if all I have known my Congressman for years long before he became my Congressman. He will always be my Congressman although I can’t vote for him.

I am proud of his record.

Research the candidates? I do my homework. I have made a qualified statement of support. I can see. What I can see about you is that your voter’s registration shows you registered to vote for the 1st time in 2009 and voted for the 1st time in 2010. However during my research sources say you were a REPUBLICAN before switching to Democrat. I know more than enough about you. Your attitude towards my Congressman G.K. Butterfield and your confirmation in this email to me shows me that you are ignant as hell when it comes to my Congressman.

What you needed to have done is you should have done your homework before you sent me this email because I ain’t the one.

If I had any questions for you I would have contacted you before now. So do you get that? Well if you don’t you better ask somebody. LMBAO!!

Curmilus Dancy II
I am The Political Agitator

From: Dan Whittacre []
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: Endorsements

Mr. Dancy,

I came across the Political Agitator website today and was a little dismayed to see that you endorsed Rep. G.K. Butterfield for the 1st Congressional District of NC.  As I have never heard of your website nor have I communicated with you before, I am wondering how you came to such a decision.  I believe that I am the better candidate to represent our district as I have first hand experienced the ineptitude of Mr. Butterfield.  In the future I would appreciate it if you would research the candidates who are running for a political office and then make a qualified statement of support instead of a blind guess.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Dan Whittacre, Capt, USAF Retired

Candidate for Congress, 1st Congressional District, NC

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See Who The Political Agitator Will Be Voting For During The May Primary Elections 2012 

Congressman G.K. Butterfield