Tar River Times Staff Writer Patsy Miller Under Fire For Publishing A Racist Article

The Political Agitatorโ€™s response: This is what I think about this paper https://curmilus.wordpress.com/?s=Van+Holland 

Read the Comments on the following page

Caty Gray Urquhart 

July 7 at 8:51 PM ยท

Tarboro – We have to do better.
In the July 2, 2020 edition of the Tar River Times, staff writer, Patsy Miller, published the following article in lieu of an article of her own –
https://247sports.com/โ€ฆ/sent-to-me-by-a-military-friend-14โ€ฆ/. Because she provides no context or evidence to the contrary, Iโ€™m left to assume that the racist opinions shared in this article align with her personal opinions and belief system.
If you feel as strongly as I do about being an antiracist and ally, please write to Tar River Times editor Van Holland at tarrivertimes@gmail.com . Express to him that Edgecombe County residents do not accept racism and hatred of our friends and neighbors of color, nor do we support staff writers who hold such views.
We have to know better, do better, believe better to support our neighbors of color.

Image may contain: text that says 'BLACK LIVES MATTER'

91Demetrius C. Hill, Wilma Rosser and 89 others

167 Comments54 Shares 

Ab so damn lute ly!

Now CD2 That!

#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo
#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

People Complain About Rioting But Forget That The KKK Use To Burn Down Black Houses And Churches


Ab so damn lute ly!
Now CD2 That!
#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo
#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Deborah Jordan Send Message To Edgecombe County Democrats That Someone Is Impersonating Her As The Party Attempt To Organize To Replace Rev. Roosevelt Higgs County Chair That Was Removed As County Chair

Deborah Jordan

10 mins

Let me say this and be clear to all Edgecombe County Democrats. I do not appreciate the female that is calling the Executive Members saying she is Deborah Jordan from 252-823-0268. This person is also sympathetic to the former chair by saying he was done wrong. The former Democratic party Chair did himself and the people of this county wrong for years by not honoring and caring out his duties. This is all on him, I just assisted with exposing him to the NCDP and others the truth of his lack of leadership. If anyone has a problem with the truth then you are part of the problem and not the solution. My mission now is to support the NCDP efforts to organize the precincts that were neglected or left without directions to organize. The 1st vice chair was asked to step up back in April. From that point it would seem that she would have kept abreast of the ongoing issues and followed through with the Plan of Organization for her role and duties. Time is winding up and I personally would not have been waiting for the call but would have been the caller or emailer. Waiting is why we are here along with people having titles and not carrying out their duties. Don’t do the blame game without checking self first. My number is 252-813-6958 and I will answer anyone that calls with questions or opinions.
For the record I do not have a problem or issue with any Democratic Party Officers except those that are not doing their duties. Shoe fit wear it!

The Political Agitator response: I approve this message.

Ab so damn lute ly!

Now CD2 That!

#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo
#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Open Letter To Commissioner Viola Harris Edgecombe County Commissioner Apology

Deborah Jordan

July 6 at 10:05 PM ยท

I just learned that the Edgecombe County Commissioners approved a new position to assist the County Manager. This is truly disturbing because no additional funds or not enough funds have been allocated for the Sheriff and his deputies. With all that is going on in the county and communities with shootings and opioid addiction related crimes, the money would have been better invested in keeping us safe. Unbelievable!. What answer is given for the other county workers that have not received a satisfactory raise? Unbelievable!

20Evangelist Teresa Everett Horne, Tricia Sheppard and 18 others

29 Comments3 Shares

Viola Harris I must tell each of you to stay in your lane when you’re not privy to everything going on in this county. The sheriff is elected like other elected officials. He has to maintain a budget just as the board of Commissioners. The county could have more money but not one of us is eager to raise taxes. Over the last few months, less money is coming in because taxes, water bills, other fees not being paid. Local governments must function because services for 56,000 citizens must go on. Please don’t talk about what you don’t know. The end of discussion.

Viola Harris I apologize if my remarks seemed harsh and were taken the wrong way. All I was trying to say is people shouldn’t speak on things they don’t have all of the information about. We all have difficult decisions to make during these difficult times. I don’t have all the answers but try to think of every citizen when trying to make decisions. Nobody will agree with everything any of us do but God knows my heart and that I’m sincere in what I do.

Response From The Political Agitator

Commissioner Viola Harris

I found your response telling folk to stay in their lane to be quite interesting. First of all I believe you should not have responded to the comments.

We donโ€™t have to be privy to everything that is going on in the county. As active as I am I donโ€™t know everything but I know a hell of a lot more than what some folk think I do.

We are concerned about the creation of a new position while the Sheriff Office need funds to be competitive with surrounding counties.

So how was this position created since I am not aware of the raising of taxes?

So since less money is coming in why was the new position voted on?

But nobody is questioning the functioning of local governments but questioning why is it more important to hire another county manager versus giving the Sheriff Office more funds?

We are asking questions because if we had the answers we wouldnโ€™t be questioning the creation of the new position.

As far as the apology you say if your remarks seemed harsh and were taken the wrong way. Hell yeah they were harsh and hell not were not taken the wrong way. I took it just like you said it. Again I would have rather you not responded but if you did feel the need to respond you should have done it differently. I think you should have explained why you voted for the new position and didnโ€™t have to mention the Sheriff Office. The budget for the Sheriff Office had already been voted on and you could have just mentioned that.

Who know everything about everything? Are you saying you do?

You say you donโ€™t have all of the answers but try to think of every citizen when trying to make decisions? Wow! That ainโ€™t possible because you know that there are always going to be some on both sides of issues.

How will the new position benefit every citizen?

Does not the Sheriff Office benefit every citizen? The Sheriff Office is in control of the county and is a 24 hour job while the county managerโ€™s office and governmental offices are a day job.

You are ab so damn lute ly correct โ€œNobody will agree with everything any of us do but God knows my heart and that I’m sincere in what I do.โ€ I donโ€™t agree with everybody even family and nor do I want and expect everyone to agree with me. But what I do know is the actions of others show me where their heart is.

Your apology my friend was not good because you lost me in your first sentence, โ€œI apologize if my remarks seemed harsh and were taken the wrong way.โ€

I will end with we will get through this.

#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo
#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome 

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Robin Williams Braswell Retired Register Of Deeds Response To Deputy County Manager Position Created By Edgecombe County Commissioners

Robin Williams Braswell

I no longer work for Edgecombe County. I no longer need a disclaimer that the thoughts on my page are mine and not that of the county. I no longer have to hold my tongue. I wasnโ€™t rude, I didnโ€™t call anyone out nor did I tag anyone. I will say once again, I donโ€™t understand this new position. I donโ€™t understand why our employees are always last, if I remember correctly we endured 7 years of no pay increase (well certain ones got a raise โ€โ™€๏ธ) then a $500/or 1% increase depending on salary, a 2.5% increase and Iโ€™m unsure what was passed for this fiscal year. The employees need to be compensated according to surrounding and/or equivalently populated counties. We paid a company to do a pay study that we couldnโ€™t afford to implement some years back. That money would have been better appreciated split amongst the employees. Loyal employees with experience need to feel appreciated. An employee thatโ€™s been there 15+ years isnโ€™t going to have a pleasant attitude when they learn that the new employee is making the same salary if not more than they are doing the same job or equivalent. An employee isnโ€™t going to have a pleasant attitude when they learn that some new employees come in at mid point or max salary at hire date just to get them in the door when theyโ€™ve worked there for 20 years and barely make minimum salary. We have to do better for our employees. I know what itโ€™s like to have to leave your 8 hour day of employment and have to go to your 2nd job because you canโ€™t make ends meet. I did it for years. This new position of Deputy County Manager will lower employee morale once again. We must do better for our employees, all employees, and since I know it wonโ€™t be an across the board adjustment, it must start with our Sheriffโ€™s Department and trickle down. Each and every one of us see whatโ€™s happening across our nation. You couldnโ€™t pay me enough to serve as an LEO right now. We need them and we need them to be justly compensated. This is my Facebook, if you want to argue or disagree just please keep scrolling.

Image may contain: 1 person, meme and sunglasses, text that says 'WHAT IF I TOLD YOU ๅฃ THIS IS MY FACEBOOK PAGE AND I WILL POST WHAT, WANT. rator.net'

73Frangie Mungo, Evangelist Teresa Everett Horne and 71 others

34 Comments3 Shares



  • Kim Hoff

    Kim Hoff

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  • Kim Hoff

    Kim Hoff

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  • Kim Hoff

    Kim Hoff I can do this all day


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  • Kathy DeMuth Marshall

    Kathy DeMuth Marshall


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  • Angie Webb Owens

    Angie Webb Owens

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  • Denise Fleming Key

    Denise Fleming Key Yes

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  • Deborah Shaw

    Deborah Shaw Again, well said Robin. I pray Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office gets the salary increase they deserve. I experienced that same salary situations with new employees for years. And until recently (the last 2) after being employed for 28 years, if a new employee worked 2 or 3 days over, they would bring home more than I did. Can I say that left a really bad taste. But none the less, I still gave my job 110% because I loved my job. Sheriff Cleveland Clee Atkinson has a great TEAM and deserves more. And even though I recently retired from there, I’m STILL Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office strong. I support them 100%.


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    • Robin Williams BraswellActive Now

      Robin Williams Braswell Deborah Shaw I totally understand, and some may feel this is negative towards them or the county and thatโ€™s the furthest from the truth. I care about Edgecombe County and our employees. Love u girl โค๏ธ


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    • Deborah Shaw

      Deborah Shaw Robin Williams Braswell understand. Sheriff Atkinson has been fighting for this TEAM every since he’s been our Leader. Edgecombe County as a whole should get salary increase, BUT EDGECOMBE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE should be at the top of the list. Sheriff Atkinson is a good man and fights hard. Give him and his staff what each of them rightfully deserves.


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    Curmilus Butch Dancy II

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  • James Silver

    James Silver


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  • Bernie Taylor

    Bernie Taylor Robin Williams Braswell I guess we now know why the commissioner’s threw that little minuscule $$ at the Sheriff’s Office a couple of months ago… They had this new position up their sleeve…


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    • Van Holland

      Van Holland Bernie Taylor according to the chairman it has been discussed for 2-3 years. But he just said at the last budget work session the county didnโ€™t have enough money to meet with Sheriff Atkinson was asking for.
      Now the ECSO is in the same boat as they were when he took office, dozens of vehicles with upwards of 125,000 miles. But that doesnโ€™t matter anymore.


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  • Sandra Best

    Sandra Best Yes


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  • Renee Battle

    Renee Battle Say it….tell it!

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  • Frances Edwards Sills

    Frances Edwards Sills Say it louder for the one’s whom can’t seem to hear!


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  • Carol-Lee Petway Morris

    Carol-Lee Petway Morris Preach!!!


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  • H Rena Williams

    H Rena Williams Preach It Girl!


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  • Linda Powell Gay

    Linda Powell Gay Wow..that’s ashame..sounds like whole county with the city and state across country is gone mad


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  • Robin Everette Amerson

    Robin Everette Amerson Sometimes you have to say things louder for those peeps in the back!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! ( WHAT โ˜๏ธ that Robin said!!!!!)


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  • Martha Lancaster Barnes

    Martha Lancaster Barnes Tell like it us,well done Robin.


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  • Christine Adcock

    Christine Adcock Amen I know of County employees that have worked two jobs to make ends meet and thatโ€™s ridiculous when they spend their working hours protecting us. Back Room politics reeks and the smell is spreading


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  • Abbie Lane

    Abbie Lane So confused we dont have as much money coming in SO it makes sense to right now add a new unneeded position that stands to make upper 5 to lower 6 figures that was clearly predetermined and that circumvented all public input…Noted…


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  • Van Holland

    Van Holland And you shouldโ€™ve seen how quick the chairman wanted a motion and no one seconded it so he did very quickly to pass those two newly formed positions.


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    Curmilus Butch Dancy II

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  • Sherry Johnson

    Sherry Johnson Love it!!!! How do some positions call for a degree #hashtag MINE yet 1 of the lowest paid, 36k! How do a family make ends meet on less than 36k? We basically all under same umbrella w/personnel making at min $50k more than I, mind you I said min of 5โ€ฆSee More


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    • Robin Williams BraswellActive Now

      Robin Williams Braswell Sherry Johnson employee morale was already lost, might as well buckle your seatbelt for this one. Yes, I think all salaries should be adjusted to those in surrounding and/or equivalently populated counties but we both know it wonโ€™t happen all at once. We have to start somewhere.

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  • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

    Curmilus Butch Dancy II Ab so damn lute ly!

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Edgecombe County Democrats To Elect A New County Chair To Replace Rev. Roosevelt Higgs On July 25, 2020 Get Registered

Deborah Jordan

July 6 at 5:57 PM ยท

Hi Friends-
There will be a meeting of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee on July 25th. The purpose of that meeting will be to elect a new chair, and details about that meeting should be coming to you from the Edgecombe County Officers or the NCDP.

The only people eligible to vote at that meeting will be members of the County Executive Committee. Duly elected Precinct chairs and Vice-chairs are members of the County Executive Committee.

After multiple attempts to obtain the following information, NCDP has been unable to verify which precincts actually held organizational meetings to elect precinct officers this year during 2020. Due to this fact, we do not know which
precinct chairs and vice-chairs would be eligible to vote at the upcoming executive committee meeting.

Since any registered Democrat can call for a precinct meeting, we have, in conjunction with NCDP, decided to hold cluster precinct meetings via Zoom on July 18th in order to elect Precinct officers (Chair, Vice-Chair & Sec./Treas.). We will also have the opportunity to hear from a few of our state-wide candidates.

It is not our intent to organize on top of precincts which are already organized. If your precinct has already met during 2020 to elect precinct officers, please let Lorenzo Pedro know by emailing him at: lorenzo@ncdp.org . Also, feel free to contact me, Deborah Jordan by email at: edgecombedems@gmail.com , or by phone at: (252) 813-6958 with any questions about the precinct meeting.

All questions about the Executive Committee meeting should be addressed to NCDP at: lorenzo@ncdp.org .

These precinct meetings are open to all registered Democrats although pre-registration is required. We’ve checked with the tech folks at NCDP and all 21 precincts are correctly listed in the drop down menu. If you have questions about how to register for the precinct meeting, or if you don’t have an email and would like to register, please call me at: (252) 813-6958. If you are unsure which precinct you are in, you may look up your registration and precinct at: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/. Clicking on the Jurisdiction tab will show you your precinct.

Let’s work together to rebuild this party and help elect Democrats in November.

Deborah Jordan
President AAC-NCDP