Sandy Claus Roberson Said Bronson Williams Checks To Campaign Worker Bounced But When Posted This, Special Cs Say Bronson Is Lying


Bronson Williams

5 hrs ·

Williams responds to registered Republican Sandy Roberson lie regarding bounced campaign checks. “I think Bronson is upset that his checks issued to campaign poll workers bounced when presented at the bank. I think it’s Bronson who is desperate in this election,” Roberson said.

I went to my bank who has held my campaign account since 2015. They gave me this letter as confirmation to lie Sandy has damaged my campaign by sharing such a falsehood in a respected local printed publication.

Bronson Williams

56 mins ·

Call it what it is, let’s vote tomorrow. There are some people in our city that honestly believe some people can do no right. If facts mattered to them Donald Trump would not be President.

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Frances Jones Styles They just dont stop do they

  • Curmilus Butch Dancy II Damn I know this Special C ain’t calling the bank a lie. Is it really worth all of the lies they tell because they don’t want to see a Black Man as Mayor.
    And then the Special Cs say get over it when we talk about the things we are going through on the backs of our forefathers.
    These kinds of Special Cs that say stuff like this are dangerous.
    Black Folk this is more confirmation that the WSBS Movement is alive and well!
    It is Open Season on Black Folk.

    Natasha Tabron Battle Now that is just plain stupid. She is going to make that lie the truth. That’s what she wants to believe.

  • Allison F Wms I’m not surprised at all about their dumb comments. The Devil knows nothing about right.

See what Sandy Claus said in the Rocky Mount Telegram about Bronson writing bad Checks.

Read it for yourselfWilliams, Roberson spar over campaign finances

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