Trump sits, talks through song lowering the flag at military base amid NFL anthem controversy – Washington Examiner

President Trump sat and talked through the nightly playing of “Retreat” as the American flag was lowered on a Pennsylvania Air National Guard base during his interview with Sean Hannity.

Trump, who has been criticizing NFL players who kneel through the national anthem to protest racism, seemed caught off-guard by loudspeakers playing “Retreat.” The song is played every night at military bases to signal the American flag being lowered and the end of the official duty day.

Military site Task and Purpose was the first to notice Trump sitting during the song. According to Task and Purpose, uniformed service members are required to stop what they’re doing and salute the flag as its lowered during the song while civilians are required to place their hand over their heart.

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Trump not only does not stand or place his hand over his heart, but instead talks through the song and assumes it’s being played to honor him or Hannity. (Washington Examiner)

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