Hunt rallies crowd at Obama event – Wilson Times

It sounded like a cross between a church service and a history class Saturday evening at the official opening of the local Obama Campaign’s “Organizing For America” office in Wilson. Hundreds showed up to see the new office.

There was prayer, chanting, singing and lots of historical information given. (More)

Runoff Election For Statewide Race Why Haven’t I Received Anything From My Local Democratic Party?

I read the article, “Few turn out for early voting in primary runoff” – Rocky Mount Telegram and found it to be quite interesting. Where is the awareness from my local party? I just don’t get it.

I want to thank the Daily Southerner for printing the names of those whom are in the runoff in their article, “Early voting under way for July 17 elections; so far 15 votes cast.”

Folks we need people in place on the county level that are going to make folks aware of what is going on. Why has there not been any meetings called? Don’t tell me there is nothing to talk about because a lot have been going on over the past couple of months. The party could share what is going on in Raleigh at the NC State Democratic Party because everyone didn’t attend the State Convention.

Okay don’t have to have meetings but would be nice however there could be an email list making people aware if nothing else. There is no local website active. Again I just don’t get it.

I sure hope the next county chair and officers will use technology to make people aware of political issues locally, statewide and nationally.


Ignant Column: Pastor Says Black Christians Should ‘Withhold Support’ From Obama Over Same-Sex Marriage – The Blaze

Response: This article made it to my ignant column because these are some ignant pastors and folks who agrees with them.

I just love ignant folks and to not support the President because one disagrees with his stand on same-sex marriage is just too ignant. Do you agree with your parents, spouse and/or your significant other family and friends on everything? And most of all, do you agree with your pastor on everything? Oh hell no!

An influential group of black pastors is urging black Christians to shelve their support of President Barack Obama until he reverses his position favoring same-sex marriage. (More)

President Obama’s Accomplishments

3 Chics Politico gives mad props to President Obama on his accomplishments since being in office. It’s pretty impressive!

Hat-tip: Political Carnival

1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending
2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices


Warning signs for Obama on path to electoral votes – Yahoo News

President Barack Obama faces new warning signs in a once-promising Southern state and typically Democratic-voting Midwestern states roughly five months before the election even as he benefits nationally from encouraging economic news. (More)


Swing Voters and Elastic States

North Carolina is a swing state that has relatively few swing voters. Rhode Island is not a swing state, but it has quite a lot of swing voters.

Are you confused yet?

The concept I’m getting at here is a pretty basic one, although it is sometimes hard to explain because the term “swing” is applied in such a wide variety of different ways to describe voter behavior. So it may be time to introduce a new term into the political lexicon, which I’ll call an elastic state in reference to a similar concept in economics. (More)

Pastor Moss’ Response to President Obama’s Comments on Marriage Equality by Trinity United Church of Christ

Response: Good preaching! Rights vs rites! I love it! Right on! Right!! Right on!!!

Pastor Moss’ Response to President Obama’s Comments on Marriage Equality

by Trinity United Church of Christ on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 9:21pm · An Open letter to African American Clergy As a result of a group of ministers claiming they are going to pull support from the President, and either not vote or switch support to the Republican party, this response was crafted.

My Brother:

… Tell your brethren who are part of your ministerial coalition to “live their faith and not legislate their faith” for the constitution is designed to protect the rights of all. We must learn to be more than a one issue community and seek the beloved community where we may not all agree, but we all recognize the finger print of the Divine upon all of humanity.

There is no doubt people who are same gender loving occupy prominent places in the body of Christ. For the clergy to hide from true dialogue with quick dismissive claims devised from poor biblical scholarship is as sinful as unthoughtful acceptance of a theological position. When we make biblical claims without sound interpretation we run the risk of adopting a doctrinal position of deep conviction but devoid of love. Deep faith may resonate in our position, but it is the ethic love that forces us to prayerfully reexamine our position.

The question I believe we should pose to our congregations is “ Should all Americans have the same civil rights?” This is a radically different question than the one you raised with the ministers “Does the church have the right to perform or not perform certain religious rites?” There is difference between rights and rites. We should never misconstrue rights designed to protect diverse individuals in a pluralistic society versus religious rites designed by faith communities to communicate a theological or doctrinal perspective. These two questions are answered in two fundamentally different arenas. One is answered in the arena of civic debate where the constitution is the document of authority. The other is answered in the realm of ecclesiastical councils where theology, conscience and biblical mandates are the guiding ethos. I do not believe ecclesiastical councils are equipped to shape civic legislation nor are civic representatives equipped to shape religious rituals and doctrine.

The institution of marriage is not under attack as a result of the President’s words. Marriage was under attack years ago by men who viewed women as property and children as trophies of sexual prowess. Marriage is under attack by low wages, high incarceration, unfair tax policy, unemployment and lack of education. Marriage is under attack by clergy who proclaim monogamy yet think nothing of stepping outside the bonds of marriage to have multiple affairs with “preaching groupies.” Same gender couples did not cause the high divorce rate, but our adolescent views of relationships and our inability as a community to come to grips with the ethic of love and commitment. We still confuse sex with love and romance with commitment.

My father, who is a veteran of the civil rights movement and retired pastor, eloquently stated the critical nature of this election when speaking to ministers this past week who claim they will pull support from the President as a result of his position. He stated, “ Our Ancestors prayed for 389 years to place a person of color in the White House. They led over 200 slave revolts and fought in eleven wars, one being a civil war where over 600,000 people died. Our mothers fought and were killed for women’s suffrage, our grandparents were lynched for the civil rights bill of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965 . . . my father never had the opportunity to vote and I believe it is my sacred duty to pull the lever for every member of my family who was denied the right to vote. I will not allow narrow minded ministers or regressive politicians the satisfaction of keeping me from my sacred right to vote to shape the future for my grandchildren.”

Gay and Lesbian citizens did not cause the economic crash, foreclosures and attack upon healthcare. Poor underfunded schools were not created because people desire equal protection under the law. We have much work to do as a community and to claim the President of the United States must hold your theological position is absurd. He is President of the United States of America not the President of the Baptist convention or Bishop of the Sanctified or Holiness Church . He is called to protect the rights of Jew and Gentile, male and female, young and old, Gay and straight, black and white, Atheist and Agnostic. It should be note the President offered no legislation, executive order or present an argument before the Supreme Court. He simply stated his personal conviction.

If we dare steal away from the noise of this debate we will realize as a church we are called to “Do justice, live mercy and walk humbly with God.” Gay people have never been the enemy and when we use rhetoric to suggest they are the source of our problems we lie on God and cause tears to flow from the eyes of Christ.

I am not asking you to change your position, but I am stating we must stay in dialogue and not allow our own personal emotional prejudices or doctrines to prevent us from seeing the possibilities of a beloved community.

November is fast approaching and the spirits of Ella Baker, Septima Clarke, Fannie Lou Hammer, Rosa Parks, A. Phillip Randolph, James Orange, Medger Evers and Martin Luther, King Jr. stand in the balcony of heaven raising the question; “Will you do justice, live mercy and walk humbly with our God?” Emmitt Till and the four little girls who were assassinated in Alabama during worship did not die for a Sunday sermonic sound bite to show disdain for one group of God’s people. They were killed by an evil act enacted by men who believed in doctrine over love. We serve in ministry this day because of a man who believed in love over doctrine and died on a hill called Calvary in a dusty Palestinian community two thousand years ago. Do not let the rhetoric of this debate keep you from the polls my friend.

Asking you to imagine a beloved community, your brother and friend, Otis Moss, III Senior Pastor Trinity UCC

Note: This link is to the video from Sunday, May 13, where Rev. Moss read an excerpt of the letter to the congregation

See related:

Amendment One

The New, Nasty Obama Campaign – The Atlantic

Response: It is about time! Damn how in the hell did he go 3 years without striking back? Enough is enough!

On Sunday, the Democratic mayor of Newark, N.J., tried to point out that the presidential campaign has gotten awfully brutal awfully fast.

Naturally, Cory Booker promptly got slammed. (More)

NAACP Endorses Same-Sex Marriage – The Root

Quote: “Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law,” NAACP president Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement released Saturday. “The NAACPs support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people. The well-funded right wing organizations who are attempting to split our communities are no friend to civil rights, and they will not succeed.”

Ten days after President Barack Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage, the NAACP has voted to endorse it as well.

From the Washington Post:

The NAACP now presents itself as a counterbalance to the influence of the traditionally socially conservative black church. It can also help establish closer ties between blacks and gays, two of Obamas most loyal constituencies. (More)

See related:

NAACP backs same-sex marriage as civil right

Amendment One

Tarboro NC– Deborah Faye Dew Jordan Elected To Tarboro Town Council Ward 6, Robin Carpenter Re-Elected To Register of Deeds

Click on picture to view all pictures.


Clark Jenkins re-elected to Senate District 3 and Joe Pat Tolson re-elected to House District 23.

Rocky Mount NC – Rocky Mount City Councilman Andre Knight Defeated John Manley

Andre Knight was re-elected to the Rocky Mount City Council Ward 1 by defeating John Manley.

See related:

Knight defeats Manley in Ward 1 race


Veteran ECPS Board District 6 member faces newcomer – Daily Southerner

Response: I live in this District and Davidson gets my vote. 

TARBORO — Veteran incumbent Edgecombe County Public School board member Janice Davidson is facing a newcomer, Albert Proctor, for District 6 seat.

Davidson, 57, has served on the board for 12 years and her service has become more than just a job. (More)

See related:

Janice Davidson




NC NAACP Letterhead


Dear NC NAACP/HKonJ Network,


With Election Day upon us tomorrow we ask that you make sure to report any problems voters face at the polls tomorrow. This is the first election to occur under the new redistricting maps that NC General Assembly adopted in 2011. Prior to going to the polls, registered voters can look up their voter information on the NC State Board of Elections website at Under "My Election Information" voters can review a copy of their sample ballot prior to arriving at the polls.


If a voter reports any problems on Election Day, a Voter Problem Reporting Form is attached that should be completed immediately by the individual experiencing the difficulty. Completed forms should be returned immediately to the State NAACP Office via email or fax. Click here to download the form. 


Please feel free to share the Voter Problem Reporting Form in your community and with other individuals and groups monitoring the polls. If an individual is not able to complete the form, they may also call the toll-free hotline, 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683), that is operated by a public service program at the UNC School of Law in Chapel Hill, the voting-rights group Democracy North Carolina and the national Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, headquartered in Washington, DC. The Spanish language hotline is 888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682).


Also, if a problem is experienced, it should be reported to the local county and State Board of Elections as well.


We appreciate any help in distributing this form and documenting issues faced during primary voting. Please contact the State Office if you have any questions.




Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II
President, NC NAACP

Mrs. Amina J. Turner,
Executive Director, NC NAACP

Ms. Erin Dale Byrd,
Chair, NC NAACP Political Action Committee

Atty. Jennifer Marsh
Legal Redress Coordinator/Public Policy Analyst, NC NAACP

See related:


"Big Government" Obama? – The Daily Beast

No administration has reduced aggregate government spending as a precentage of GDP as much as Obama’s in forty years. If you look at the full chart, back to George HW Bush, you reach an inescapable conclusion: the biggest spenders and borrowers are Republicans and the most fiscally conservative presidents have been Democrats. Given the last two decades, the Tea Party, if they really want to shrink government, should be voting for Obama. (More)



         Many people in Rocky Mount, especially the residents of Ward 1, want to know why John Manley is running for the City Council’s Ward 1 seat currently held by Andre’ Knight.  Why has Manley not told the residents of Ward 1 what he would do better than Councilman Knight or what ideas he would bring forth to the council to improve the quality of life in the ward and citywide?  Why does Manley continue to use a picture of him in his police uniform on campaign flyers and in commercials when he has retired from the police force?  Is his intent to deceive by falsely representing himself?  What does this really say about the man?

         The Rocky Mount Telegram reported a few days after the City Manager, Charles Penny, announced his selection to replace retired Police Chief Manley, that Manley stated he was “disappointed” that Penny did not select Capt. McCoy.  Shortly thereafter Manley reportedly began telling people that he “wanted to be Penny’s boss.”  How could he possibly realize this desire?  The answer is simple, run for Mayor or the City Council’s Ward 1 seat.  Remember, Mr. Penny, as the former Assistant City Manager, was in fact Manley’s immediate supervisor, “his boss.”  If this is true, this is certainly not an impressive or productive way to represent “the people.”  Obviously Manley has overlooked the fact that he would only be one of seven council members who “manage” the city manager.  Why didn’t Manley run for Mayor?  It is rumored that the same people, who have tried to upset the present council majority since its inception would not back him for Mayor but are backing him for a seat on the council.  In other words, his “backers” feel he is “ripe for picking” and can be used to promote their agenda even if he is Black. 

         The people in Ward 1 and citywide were alarmed, disgusted and surprised to learn that Manley would actually challenge Andre when he is doing such a great and effective job. Many senior residents question whether or not Manley knows or cares about what people really think about him.  In a fundraising letter Manley sent out dated January 25, 2012, he stated, “I am sure that you understand the virtues that I stand upon” This statement received a negative reply, “how can we forget,” from many who read it.  Manley also continues to make cryptic remarks like “I know how to talk to people,” “I know the right people to talk to” and “I will not call anyone a racist.”  He has yet to state the who, how and why of it all.  In his profile that appeared in the Rocky Mount Telegram on Friday, Manley stated that he would not have supported spending money on fighting the Duke-Progress Energy merger.  This indicates that he is either ignorant of the facts or he does not care about trying to lower consumer utility rates.  I understand that Manley has also made a commercial implying that he, in someway, has been instrumental in getting things moving at the Crossing at 64 development.  This could not be further from the truth.  Is this the kind of person the residents of Ward 1 want to represent them?  Can the residents of Ward 1 afford to elect a person who stretches the truth, misrepresents the facts and tells them nothing about how he would like to improve their quality of life?

         Manley must be denied an opportunity to satisfy his wish, if this is the case, to “get even” with the City Manager, Charles Penny.  He must be denied an opportunity to use the residents of Ward 1 to promote the agenda of his “backers,” if this be the case.  To the residents of Ward 1 I say, do not vote blindly, do not be deceived by “the uniform.”  Vote for the person who works for you each and every day.  Vote for the person who is not afraid to stand up for justice and equality.  Cast your vote for Andre Knight on Election Day, May 8.

                                                                                    – A Concerned Citizen –  

See related:

John Manley For Rocky Mount City Council Ward 1 Challenging Incumbent Andre Knight, But Why? 
