Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor

I find it quite interesting that Troy Davis began his public comments talking about fair housing and then named some areas in Rocky Mount that is unfair. He talks about there has been a conversation for around 13 years.

Troy goes on to make his case by linking monies to building a new judicial center when money could go towards fair housing instead of investing to lock up Black boys and girls in the city. Well damn just because a judicial center is built does not mean one has to go there. These Black boys and girls have options and that is to not commit crime but if they choose to do so the judicial center is where they end up.

Troy says the council is made up of mostly Black males and this is what they want to invest in a judicial center.

Troy says there need to be focus put on landlords and slumlords. I totally agree but that goes for all and he need to remember that he is a landlord as well. I have heard some rumors about some landlords but I ain’t going there.

When Troy leaves the podium he walks away cursing. But Adrienne Copland (White Female) obvious missed that. I will get back to her later.

Andre Knight said let me correct Troy Davis right here and right now. Andre set the record straight see it for yourself by clicking on the following link “Don’t Blame Me 2!”. Good to me! It has been past time that the council respond to folk coming down disrespecting them. Hell I would been set the record straight so they would know who I am every time they come down with their disrespect.

Now back to Adrienne, she has been the White voice for those who have stopped attending the meetings. She comes monthly with mess.

But Adrienne it ain’t nothing in the policy saying they can’t respond to the citizens and they does it about every meeting on some type of issue but see when they address you and the others disrespect y’all don’t want to hear them trues. It is about like the night I got your …. at Mount Zion First Baptist during a candidates forum.

When Andre told Adrienne her White Privilege ends here I like to have choked.

I challenge the Rocky Mount City Council to start  responding to the disrespect during every meeting. There are some folk that want you to address the mess.

Now if didn’t click on “Don’t Blame Me 2!” earlier now do so and see how Andre Knight preached. What he should have done was stood up and then he should have came down from the podium and ran around the room shouting telling somebody to hold his mule.

It is time out for foolishness and when the citizens act like they got some sense then the council need to act accordingly.

I don’t understand why anyone in their right mind do not understand that the council is in control over their meetings and will have the last say, hell no you don’t get to keep talking.

I hate I was not in the house but I was at the Edgecombe County Commissioner’s meeting where I addressed them.

Rocky Mount City Council June Meeting “Don’t Blame Me!” Part 2 Councilman Reuben Blackwell

This Video Is A Must See The Public Comments And Then Councilman Reuben Blackwell Put The Gang Conversation In Perspective

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This Guy Right Here Though, Damn He Was Good!


Click On Photo To Watch Video
”Don’t Blame Me!” Part 2


Click On Photo To Watch Video
”Don’t Blame Me!” Part 1

State Of The Union, I Mean Rocky Mount!

Click On Photo To Watch This Powerful Video
”Don’t Blame Me!” Part 1 Councilman Andre Knight


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Race Will Always Be A Problem

Race will always be a problem because racial issues are never going completely away. It is like crime. Some things just gone be.

It is up to individuals how they deal with race and for those who think race ain’t an issue are either in denial, don’t give a damn or ignant to what is goings on the real world.

I Ain’t Mad With No One

Wow! Seen one of my associates in the Princeville Christmas Parade and Pinetops Parade yesterday and they would not even look at me. Hell I ain’t mad with them. I ain’t mad with no one.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II Blogger The DCN News Blog Online TV, The Political Agitator, The Watch Dog of The East and most recent The Liar Patrol

Don’t like me cause I fight the good fight, call out ignance when I see it, call out liars, I am gone be me so,

Don’t Blame Me!

Just Because They Got Caught Up In Sexual Harassment Don’t Blame Me!


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Some folk when they hang out with the good ole boys that do that kind of stuff they think they can do it too! They think they can do the things they do when it comes to money, sex and drugs and they can but when time catch up with their asses then they have to pay the price. So if they think they can do what they do just because, well I have no sympathy for them.

I have always said that politics don’t have to be dirty so play the game pay the price.

I have always said when I leave home a red flag goes up and I refuse to get involved in the game because that is what “they” want to see happen. I don’t hold any office but I consider myself a community activist and very outspoken.

Don’t blame me because one black man get caught up in their game. I ain’t in the game so until I get caught up don’t blame me.

Don’t Blame Me!

I have been around too many good folk who have been hurt on the job, in organizations, in the church and etc. It happens because the issue never get address and we say pray about it and have faith.

Let’s get this straight. I am not a preacher, I am not a minister and I am not holier than thou. I am just a sinner saved by grace and I sin every day but I ask the Good Master to forgive me. I ask him to send folk to me that feel I have wronged them, offended them or whatever so I can attempt to get it right. I can’t get it right if I am not confronted.

We sit back and allow folk to be mistreated, attempted to be discredited and just simply hurt and we know they don’t deserve it but we say nothing. So if you witness this and say nothing, then you are no better than those who hurt folk. I refuse to allow folk to such and if I witness it any kind of way be it in person, or in writing, I am going to address it because I will not be held accountable when I am suppose to be my brother and sister’s keeper.

The older I get I can’t take a lot of mess.

I have asked and will ask again, if you have a problem with what I say and do then delete me because although I ain’t perfect, I will address folk and ask them to hold me accountable when they see me doing something that they feel need to be addressing. Come to me, send it to me but whatever address me.

When we hold each other accountable for our actions then the better off we will be. We sometimes error and not intentionally simply because we are not perfect. But I will say that in my comings and goings I try to address folk nicely but when they attempt to try to discredit me or make it all about me when it is not, then you may not like my response.

Don’t put me in a box! I am the box!

I ain’t there yet!

Don’t Blame Me!