Edgecombe County Democrats Elect Leshaun Jenkins To Continue To Lead The County

Today the Edgecombe County Democratic Party had one of the best county conventions in a long time. The entire meeting was good because there were a very few distractions so the meeting stayed on task.

All of the county executive committee members were voted in by acclimation so we didn’t have to go through a long voting process.

The election of the State Executive Committee took the most time because we had to do a roll call vote. However it went well though.

Edgecombe County Democrats elected the following County Officers:

Chair – Leshaun Jenkins

1st Vice – Natalie Watson Bess

2nd Vice – Jean Nash

3rd Vice – Marcus Willoughby

Secretary – Taminsha Patterson

Treasurer – Stephanie Hunter

State Executive Committee Members Elected Are:

Linda Tharrington Goins

Deborah Dew-Jordan

Curmilus Dancy II

Leshaun Jenkins Chair is automatic on the committee.

I am excited about the Edgecombe County Democratic Party leadership. I look forward to working with Edgecombe County Democrats to get good elected officials elected and to also hold the county party accountable for educating Democrats about local, state and national politics.

All precincts that have not organized, if you are a registered Democrat and your precinct have not met, contact the Chair Leshaun Jenkins and let him know you want to organize. You don’t have to wait on your former chair and vice chair. All you have to do is get 5 people to meet and vote on a chair, vice chair and a secretary.

This is a great day in Edgecombe County. We are on the move!

Rocky Mount NC City Council Black Majority 4 Preachers So The Power Is There In More Ways Than One

In spite of all the haters Black and White folk that have been trying to discredit the Rocky Mount City Council, they continue to move forward making Rocky Mount a better place to live, work and play.

I can go into details about the things they are doing but do your own research. It is documented. Talk to your council members to see what they are doing if you do not know. Watch the city council meetings on the 2nd Monday 7:00 PM and the 4th Monday 4:00 PM of each month.

When Richard Joyner was seeking the appointment to the Rocky Mount City Council I was against how he was appointed because his residency had not been established. His residence has been approved by the Edgecombe County Board of Elections but you hear some Black folk saying he don’t live in Rocky Mount. The Board of Elections has spoken just like when Andre Knight was challenged and won and the same for Bronson Williams when he ran against Sandy Claus for Mayor. But folk got the audacity to say half-trues using my words. Good to me!

Because of some things I had my doubts about how Richard was going to adapt to doing what is right about the council. I have been pleased with his voting record and because of it he should be re-elected. Why remove someone when they are doing what need to be done just because some folk who live in the Ward has a problem with him and want to run against him? Especially Black Folk since they are so Black.

T.J. Walker has also been doing what he should doing what is right. I had my doubts about my cousin at the beginning however his voting record speaks for him as well.

We all know that Reuben Blackwell the Senior Council member is up for election. There is a strange movement going on that is trying to discredit him. They have tried everything and the most recent is the Unity Cemetery Project. Blackwell and Andre Knight tried to put it on the table to clean up the cemetery years ago but had opposition from White and Black folk. Just imagine if the city had took over the cemetery back then where it would be today? It would be beautiful!

All of the good work that is going on at OIC where Blackwell is the CEO and Andre Knight is the Chair of the Board, there are some White and Black folk who continue to try to discredit the organization.

Chris Miller is not seeking re-election and Linwood Williams was the 1st to announce that he was going to seek the seat. I strongly feel he would be good however can’t say that I can fully support him at the moment until all of the candidates are in. However right now he would be my top choice if I could vote for him.

I have been very disappointed in Miller as her term is ending because it appears she is following Lige Daughtridge who continues to create a toxic environment on the council as it was stated on Fighting Crime page about an assistant manager supposedly is leaving due to working in a toxic environment at the City Hall.

WB Bullock is not seeking re-election so it is going to be interesting to see if any Black person will run.

During elections when seats are up and there are no Democrats seeking an open seat, I have an issue because the party ought to encourage someone to run when no one comes forward. Makes no sense. What is the good of the party if they are not going to try to get Democrats in position.

The time is now that folk need to get involved and make sure good Democrats are in place especially coming off the last 4 years of Trump leadership.

Folk you better look at what is going on around you and weed out the noise!

Rocky Mount City Council a Black majority 4 Black Preachers. What other town has every had that? Good to me!

In my closing, for anyone who have a problem with my opinion based on the facts here, I have lots of relatives in Rocky Mount. I have been working in Rocky Mount for the past 34 years. I am the Vice President/Legal Redress Chair of the Rocky Mount Branch NAACP where I am a Life Fully Paid Member. I am a Precinct Chair and serve on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee and that covers all of of Edgecombe County to the railroad tracks that divide Edgecombe and Nash Counties.

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!

I am unbought and unbossed!

Now Run & Tell That!


Folk You Need To Stop Misleading Folk When It Comes To Political And Community Activism

Everyday I am listening to folk that act as if they are about what is right but got some issues themselves. Stop talking about politics and other things that affect other folk when you call yourselves a part of the solution but you play both sides. You are dangerous. I know you and you know me.

I refuse to allow folk to speak half trues and not respond. But as I move forward I am not going to continue to respond to certain Ignant Ass Black folk that continue to attempt to keep Black folk right where they are in certain arenas but will do it on my social media pages.

If you are speaking about things giving advice but you have pending issues such as not carrying out your duties in the Democratic Party, not supporting the NAACP, living that life but trying to make folk think you are living another life you need to go somewhere and sit down and shut the hell up.

I mention the Democratic Party and NAACP because these are 2 of the organizations that all folk have and continue to benefit from their works even Ungrateful Black Folk, White folk and Republicans.

I have been voting Democrat since I turned 18 and been actively engaged at the precinct and county level since the 80’s. I have served as a Precinct Chair and on the County Executive Committee serving as County Chair and Vice Chair since that time.

I have been a member of the NAACP since 1992. Although I have had to fight within the party and within the NAACP, I have done and continue to do what the organizations stand for. I have had to fight Black and White folk in the party and fight Black folk in the NAACP.

But on today I am proud to be a Democrat with Joe Biden being my President and I am proud to be a Life Fully Paid Member of the NAACP and serve as the Rocky Mount Branch Vice President and I am the Legal Redress Chair. I also served on the NC NAACP State Conference of Branches Executive Committee as the Publicity Chair in 2005 til 2007.

I will challenge anyone when it comes to the work of the Democratic Party and the NAACP.

I am not perfect but I will bet that anyone that knows me don’t have anything on me because I have made it my point that when I leave home a red flag goes on that I will not give folk the luxury of saying that they have read about me cheating on my wife, driving drunk, doing drugs and other criminal or ignant mess. But I damn sure can call out some folk on their mess. However I don’t need to until they come for me with mess.

Folk it is damn shame that we have to fight within when Trump and gang has shown that we have a force out there that don’t give a damn about Black or White Folk. It is time that we come together and stop being jealous and envy of folk who are doing things that is standing for justice and trying to make the Twin Counties a better place to live, work and play.


Friendship, Money & Religion Plays A Role In Elections

I am a die hard Democrat and know how the process works. I like the Democratic Platform. Do I agree with everything? No! Do I agree with all Democrats? No! I hold folk accountable especially those who are making decisions that affect my livelihood.

I am actively engaged in the Democratic Party because my parents were Democrats. However they were not engaged in politics at the level I have been. When I turned 18 I began to vote. A few years later I got active in my precinct and on the county level. Because the precinct and the county party Plan of Organization stated that one of the officers had to be under 30 and since I was the youngest person to attend the meetings, I basically got the office by default. I served as the 3rd Vice chair in my precinct and also on the county level over the years. I have been putting in the work every since then and I am still a precinct chair and serve on the county executive committee today.

It is human nature that folk support their friends when it comes to politics. However I don’t support friends if I don’t think they are the one and I let them know it unlike so many folk.

Some Black folk only get involved in politics working for candidates because of money. During election time there are a lot of money on the ground. Some don’t give a damn about who the candidate is but will just take money to put in their pocket. But what these folk don’t understand is that they may be working against their own best interest.

I have followed the money over the years so I know why and how elections are influenced by voters. Most folk don’t know the candidates so they go by what they see is popular. I tell folk all the time that if they don’t know the candidates then follow someone who they can trust in to see who they are voting for. But I also tell them to do their own homework even when they ask me who to vote for. I tell them this is who I am voting for.

Some folk are using religion to play upon folk intelligence. But I dare those who are using religion to share their faults because we all have our shortcomings. Enough said!

Donations are accepted.




William Solomon Really? I Hold Democrats Accountable For What They Say

First of all I can not post on William Solomon’s page and couldn’t see this post because we are not friends. Someone sent it to me.

I ain’t going to get into the Senate Hearings.

But what I find interesting is that Solomon speak to the fact that he has received more money from Republicans. Well that could mean a lot of things.

So why did that have to be made public?

That is good that they are supporting him. Maybe I will pull his campaign finance report to see who gave him money.

One thing that come to mind is: Hell Republicans may be voting against her and not just because they like him.

Hell may be Democrats that know him don’t give a damn about him but don’t want to vote for a Republican. Damn sure is where I stand.

As a Democrat I support Democrats but I have a problem with some of them and have been challenging them every since I been voting and actively engaged in the Democratic Party in Edgecombe County as a Precinct Officer and serving on the County Party Executive Committee since the 80’s. I would not vote for his opponent simply because I am familiar with her and not one of many who do not know Solomon or her.

I really don’t give a damn about Solomon because of his attitude and some of his facebook postings in the past with some crazy ass mess that was not even political.

I am going to vote for Solomon simply because it ain’t just about me and him however I got an opinion of him that I will not get into.

Now I would love to hear more in depth about his comments here because I see a hidden agenda here at the expense of playing with words something that he is very damn good at.

I have a strategy when it comes to elections and I will not share it here but with folk whom I speak to.

What I will say is that is when Democrats play damn games it is up to us as Democrats to vote their a… in or out by finding other Democrats to run against them. This is something that need to be done more instead of just giving some folk a free ride.

I just learned recently that he has moved to Nash County and that is no problem and I will leave that right there.

I know that someone will share this with him and I stand behind what I said. Just like I don’t give a damn about him, I ain’t ignant to the fact that some folk don’t give a damn about me.

Now Run, Run And Tell That!

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!


2020 N.C. Council of State "Know Our Candidates" Meet and Greet — Sep 24, 2020, at 7 p.m. via ZOOM

Dear Democrats,  

        We are just a few days away from another exciting event. The First Congressional District Democratic Party is co-hosting an N.C. Council of State “Know Our Candidates” Meet and Greet this Thursday, September 24, 2020, at 7 p.m. via Zoom. It will feature our non-incumbent candidates running to serve on the North Carolina Council of State. This event aims to make sure voters are familiar with these candidates and avoid down-ballot drop-off. Click here to register for this event!

        You are invited to join Yvonne Lewis Holley (candidate for Lt Governor), Ronnie Chatterji (candidate for State Treasurer), Jenna Wadsworth (candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture), Wayne Goodwin (candidate for Commissioner of Insurance), Jessica Holmes (candidate for Commissioner of Labor), and Jen Mangrum (candidate for State Superintendent) at this event. Register and help spread the word by sharing this registration link with a friend.

Register today!


Don Davis, Chair



Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Higgs Appeal Ruling By NC Democratic Party Council Of Review

The following shows just how unstable this guy is because he says the party does not mean anything to him so why would he appeal? He says he has started another party. He continues to bash the State Chair Wayne Goodwin trying to discredit him and the Democratic Party of North Carolina. He said he will do whatever he can to keep Goodwin from winning the office of the NC State Insurance Commissioner.

It is sad that the Council of Review will have to waste their time to hear an appeal from someone who says, “As far as I’m concerned, they can all go to hell,” Higgs told the Telegram Sunday. “The North Carolina Democratic Party is the equivalent of a slave ship.” He also left the same message and more in the voicemails that he left on for me also.

If I had my say I would say Appeal Denied because if you have no respect for higher authority, why should the COR have to entertain this foolery. It ought to be something in the Plan of Organization that states that an Appeal can be denied according to the conduct and actions that a Democratic Party member shows before, during and after a hearing to remove individuals. But this just my ignant opinion.

See related:
Democrats oust Edgecombe party leader 

Rev. Roosevelt Higgs History Of Harassing Phone Calls Now Has Been Removed From Edgecombe County Democratic Party By The Council Of Review 

Breaking News – Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Was Removed As Chair By The NC State Democratic Party Council Of Review

Republican Party Abandoned Black People After The Civil War – Ozie Lee Hall Jr.

Thank you my brother for sharing the history from the Civil War up until today. Some folk don’t know this history.

After the Civil War and the Republican Party abandoned Black people, Frederick Douglas said the Republican Party has become the party of money. Carter G. Woodson noted the abandonment of Black’s by the Republican Party after the Civil War. Both Republican and Democrats were Anti-Black. In 1933, Mary McLeod Bethune made a deal with President F.D.R., a Democrat which resulted in the New Deal. This is the point where Black people joined the Democratic Party in mass numbers. Safety net programs were started. Whites benefited more then Blacks but the program turned the nation around after the Republicans collapsed the economy in the Great Depression. Through the Democratic Party, Blacks got civil rights laws passed, voting rights laws, anti-lynching, and made major progress. The Republican Party has consistently been on the other side trying to role back Black progress. Democrats like Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond switched parties and became Republicans. Massive numbers of racist white Democrats switched party and became Republicans. Republicans are now engaged in voter suppress against Blacks, gerrymandering election districts against Blacks, and repressive measures to suppress Black progress like refusing to extend the Voting Rights Act or enforcement of civil rights laws. When Republicans start telling Black people about how the Dems are against them and how the Republicans support them, it is the greatest insult to our intelligence. Let’s get real. The Republican Party came into existence because the divisions over slavery (before the existence of the Republican Party) threatened the economic interest of Northern Whites. The south was experiencing massive slave uprisings, Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vessey, and Nat Turner. David Walker made an appeal to colored people of the south. John Brown started a rebellion at Harper’s Ferry. The war was only officially declared in 1861. More Blacks fought in the civil war in relation to population than did Whites. Black got freedom because whites had no choice. Move to recent times. Republicans again collapsed the U.S. economy under George Bush in 2008. President Obama rebuilt the U.S. economy and created a trend in low unemployment and economic growth. Trump comes in and attempts to discredit Obama on the basis of race but claims credit for the U.S. economy which credit rightfully belongs to Obama. Trump got in office by crook and Russian support. The only question which now remains is how many people are willing to sacrifice their lives to support a criminal, Donald Trump, who lies to the American people multiple time per day since taking office. Trump has never sought to unify the nation but has been constantly driving the wedge. He’s a Russian agent and must go. American Democracy will survive Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Whether history give it one page or ten pages, future generations will visit the graves and say what assholes they were.

Party Realignment And The New Deal

The realignment of black voters from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party that began in the late 1920s proliferated during this era. This process involved a “push and pull”: the refusal by Republicans to pursue civil rights alienated many black voters, while efforts—shallow though they were—by northern Democrats to open opportunities for African Americans gave black voters reasons to switch parties.26

The 1932 presidential contest between incumbent Republican President Herbert Hoover and Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt was something of a turning point. During his first term, Hoover had tried to ingratiate himself with southern segregationists, and his administration had failed to implement economic policies to help African Americans laid low by the Great Depression. Still, Hoover received between two-thirds and three-quarters of the black vote in northern urban wards.27 Most black voters sided with Republicans less out of loyalty than because they were loath to support a candidate whose Democratic Party had zealously suppressed their political rights in the South. African Americans mistrusted FDR because of his party affiliation, his evasiveness about race in the campaign, and his choice of a running mate, House Speaker John Nance Garner of Texas.28

As late as the mid-1930s, African American Republican John R. Lynch, who had represented Mississippi in the House during and after Reconstruction, summed up the sentiments of older black voters and upper middle-class professionals: “The colored voters cannot help but feel that in voting the Democratic ticket in national elections they will be voting to give their indorsement [sic] and their approval to every wrong of which they are victims, every right of which they are deprived, and every injustice of which they suffer.”29 (Read more)

Democratic Party North Carolina We Got Issues From The Local To The State, AAC-NCDP (African American Caucus of the NC Democratic Party, What You Gone Do?

The most recent election should be a teachable moment for Democrats across the state of North Carolina but not limited to.

I have never considered joining the AAC-NCDP because I didn’t think it was worth my time. I really don’t see the AAC-NCDP having any power. But now I believe the AAC-NCDP can take a stand and challenge the State Democratic Party about Democrats not supporting Democratic candidates.

The election on November 7, 2017 exposed what some things going on in the party.

Longtime former Democratic Governor and some Democrats in high places supported an Unaffiliated voter in Raleigh during the most recent election.

I am gonna be following the AAC-NCDP to see what kind of stance they will take on this. It is time that black folk send a message to the Democrats here in NC but not limited to that enough is enough.

Another subject for another day along the same lines, in the news this past week has been much talk about the book that Donna Brazile released and it talks about how blacks have been used by the Democratic Party.

Democrats in Edgecombe County it is time to come together but 1st we need some leadership here.

In Response To Should Donna Brazille Have Waited To Release Her Book

imageFor me it does not matter. Sometimes I think folk have to reach rock bottom to get it. For me when I see others hit rock bottom hell I don’t need to get there to know it is real.

You see there ought to be major Democratic Party meetings goings on to discuss the issue of the party’s agenda and see what went wrong and where they need to go.

This could be a good thing because I have had issues with the people of the party every since I have been actively engaged on the grounds. However I follow the Democratic Party Agenda because, That Is What I Like!”

You see ain’t nothing goings on on the local level here in Edgecombe County as it relates to the Democratic Party just silent as hell.

Bernie Sanders & Donna Brazille Really?

I was never into Bernie Sanders nor Donna Brazille. I didn’t follow Bernie because he was not a Democrat. It was just something about Donna that I just couldn’t. She sounded smart but I didn’t follow her like that and just happened to see her on tv every now and again. I remember when she came to NC, I understand the tickets to see her was high as hell. Well I was not interested.

I have been wondering why the Bernie supporters were and still talking about Hillary Clinton made him lose against Trump. Really?

Maybe if Bernie had ran as a damn Democrat maybe he would have won. I got a problem with every Democrat that voted against the Democratic Party. But I ain’t mad with them because I know this has been a problem over the years. You see I am not ignant to the fact that many Democrats voted for Helms all the years he was kept in office.

But my question is why in the hell are we talking about Sanders and Brazille when the main thang should be talking about the mess we got in the White House in the now.

We need to be talking about how we can build the Democratic Party to become a force to be reckon with instead of talking about past bull… that ain’t gonna help the Democratic Party.

Edgecombe County we got enough to talk about because our local party ain’t doing a damn thing. We have no party leadership.

If anyone want to talk about Democratic Party stuff, talk to me 1st about our local dysfunctional party. Let’s talk about the state party because that state executive committee.


Daily News: KING: The Democratic Party deserves so much of the blame for electing Donald Trump

The Watch Dog response: I registered as a Democrat in 1980 because yes my parents were however I liked the Democratic Platform. I became actively engaged as a precinct vice chair in the late 80’s and moved on to serve on the county level all the way to being appointed as the county chair from 1998 – 1999. I didn’t run for chair because I know they were not ready for me. However this is the last time the party has had a Democratic Gathering that was held at the National Guard Armory. Many who had stopped coming to meetings began to come back because my meetings started on time and ended on time with a very, very structured and informed agenda. I remember back in the 80’s the county party officers were a majority white and not reflective of the whole county and almost every meeting it was a racial fight as the meetings were held. I challenged them all black, brown, white and others to just do what was right. Although there was a racial issue I recognized not only were some of the whites registered as Democrats but I truly feel voted Republican but there were some blacks who played both sides as well. In the early 2000’s I was invited to some meetings held in several counties trying to start a 3rd party but as usual it went nowhere because some were so loyal to the Democratic Party. I have stated time and time again that the North Carolina State Democratic Party continues to hold up just where we are because the officers normally have only 1 to 2 blacks elected to serve. The State Executive Committee is a majority white. Some years ago there was an African American Caucus formed as an auxiliary of the NC State Democratic Party. I have attended several meetings locally and across the state but have never joined because for me it was and is useless because the AAC has no power. So for me the following article is right on! When I joined the county party a black person told me they needed me because I didn’t like white folk and they were talking about my letters to the editors where I was not afraid to say what I mean and mean what I say as a young black male in my early 20’s. I told them I was for justice no matter who it was for or against, that I had no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest. I am going to always be on the side of right especially when I am dealing with other folk lives. Today I am still fighting for what is right and just speaking out against injustices although I recognize and understand some folk don’t appreciate what I do but they have benefitted from my works. So I will continue to do what I do because it ain’t about popularity but about what is right.

Election Day 2016 was a miserable failure for the Democratic Party. When all the votes are counted, it appears that Donald Trump will have won 30 states and at least 300 Electoral College votes. After months of tough talk, Democrats not only lost the presidency, but lost the Senate and continued to lose the House. It was a thorough drubbing. Calling it anything other than that is a damn lie.

But I must linger there for a while. The Democratic Party has mastered lying to itself and its core constituencies. It claims a progressive identity, but is as moderate and lukewarm as it has ever been on so many issues that matter to everyday people. It claims to be tough on Wall Street, financial corruption and white collar crime, but is awash in donations from lobbyists and executives in the industry. Democrats claim to be the party of working people, but so often seem to be deeply out of touch with their problems and needs. (Read more)

The Incredible Shrinking Democratic Party – LA Progressive

The internal sniping and bickering has already begun among Democratic ranks but it’s their own damn fault. The internal debates following the 2014 midterm elections highlight the ideological schizophrenia that continues to plague the Democratic Party.

Is the Democratic Party the party of labor unions or the party of trade deals that outsource American jobs? Is it the party of the environment or a water carrier for fossil fuel corporations? Is it the party of public education or the party of busting teachers’ unions and privatizing schools? Does it favor a single-payer health care system or the predations of the for-profit model? Is it the party of peace or for endless wars? Is it the party of civil liberties or for government surveillance? Is it the party for economic justice or for catering to the rich? (Source: Read more)

Howard Dean Rips Democrats: ‘You Cannot Win if You Are Afraid’ MEDIA ITE

The Political Agitator response: In response to Chris Telesca: Yep – it’s time to dump the OFA playbook and stop hiring all those nomadic consultants with no local grounding, and go back to the 50-state strategy that Howard Dean implemented in 2006.

Chris I understand what you are saying and you have been saying it for quite sometime. However I have no problem with what Obama did when he ran for President because I know what goes on in the black community during election time, the backstabbing, those who are in it for the money and don’t give a damn who win as long as they get paid. So when Obama had his own people set up in the counties across the states I was with him. Hell no I would not have given the local folks control over my campaign if I was running for an office, hell I wouldn’t do it in Edgecombe County and I live here.

However since Obama has been in office the state and local Democratic Parties ought to had put a plan in motion. Hell what plan was in place before Obama ran for President because I know as a fact we in Edgecombe County has been surviving by the grace of God because it was nothing that the damn party did. Hell a county where the Democratic Party that has no political forum, no political rallies no nothing but a damn meeting in January to talk about the meeting in March for the Precincts, county convention and district convention. No damn education for the citizens, no emails, no Facebook, no Twitter no nothing.

So to continue to blame it on the OFA, I blame it on the local party because they could do more.

The state party has been nothing but infighting for years and it started long before OFA.

Hell yeah I want to see the Democratic Party move forward but damn I have been saying that since I joined the party back in the late 80’s well started voting in the early 80’s but became active at the precinct and county level in the late 80’s. I have challenged the Democrats black and white in Edgecombe County.

I remember when the whites had the majority in the county Democratic Party Executive Committee and the blacks were fighting for the majority. Once the blacks got the majority they allowed 1 – 2 blacks to keep the party tore up so the county party has gone to hell. I serve as a precinct chair only so I can have a voice at the county meetings.

Howard Dean Rips Democrats: ‘You Cannot Win if You Are Afraid’

Former DNC chair Howard Dean criticized the Democrats (including but not limited to the DNC) on Meet the Press Sunday morning for not staying on message, or even crafting a message, in the run-up to last week’s severe midterm loss.

“The biggest problem was message,” Dean said. “Sure it was an off-year and we can make all these excuses. But even through the days of the fifty-state strategy and taking over the House, the Senate, and the White House in four years, I could never get the Washington Democrats to stay on message.” (Source: Read more)

Still Think Both Parties Are The Same?

I know that’s right! Don’t get it when folks say both parties are the same. If that was the case i would not be a Democrat. Do I agree with all Democrats? No! But I don’t agree with the Republicans whose only mission is to not support President Barack Obama just because he is black. But race don’t matter!
