My Thoughts On Trayvon Martin Case by Rev. Alonzo Braggs

Contend or content?

America has weighed in on the Trayvon Martin case. Mixed reviews have provoked actions that were positive and in some cases negative. Several believe that this is a matter of racism, while some conclude that it was an unfortunate accident based on self-defense. What causes a nation to become so enraged? Social media pages are swamped with profile picture that replicate the image of the described victim. His peers have led massive walk-outs, in protest. National medias have kept this as one of the top five headlines and we are informed of updates on a regular basis.

It is interesting to assess the responses to this matter because there is something that beckons us to respond in some manner. This seems to be a matter that warrants a conversation, whether in the coffee shop, the morning walk, or a more organized forum in the presence of thousands. The question I pose is relative to those who have remained silent. Is this silence or lack of a more obvious response, because of contentment? Is there concurrence with the actions and a feeling that such actions were justified? Is this silence giving consent to laws that create such opportunities in our present society? If this is the case, then it would appear that there is no reason to stand up and speak out, because of the perceived state of peace in our local communities. However, there is a danger in this continuing of “business as usual” and the “I’m not affected or impacted” mindset. It contrasts with the teachings of the peace advocate Dr. King, who taught that; “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.

This is also not an opportunity to violate the values and principles of what has shaped our society to become healthy, educated, and moral. Encased therein are the components of; the rights and entitlements of liberty, equal opportunities for a basic education, a personal and community sense of physical and mental security, and the direct and indirect participation in legislature. Therefore, silence intentional, misunderstood or otherwise, is not the appropriate response at this time, to this most unfortunate incident. The question then becomes what should be our response?

Leaders, elected, appointed, or commissioned, at every echelon should be seeking ways to seize this moment to speak to their respective communities to achieve at a minimum the following. First, a careful assessment of policies and procedures governing neighborhood watch programs. Next, there needs to be a detailed review of any self-defense legislation that may have been for the benefit, of the select, but became the burden of the (selected). Then, leadership should ensure their respective communities by virtue of its actions, sincere concerns, and dutiful officials that its citizens can be content although they may contend with what has happened. While some students are walking out of school, let us go to the schools and evidence what we will not allow because of who we are, and what we have become. Instead of destroying retails and giving the appearance that any violence and disobedience is justified, let us develop relations that guarantee the acceptance of all people, all generations, and validate that dress should never pose a threat.

As a fellow citizen and parent, I sympathize with the Martin family in their loss. As an ordained Methodist Elder, I believe that God has assigned a death appointment to all of His creation. I further believe that mankind contributes to the manner in which that appointment is kept. The published information regarding this case is gut wrenching and most unsettling. It is clear that we have not arrived and have much progress to make to live out the intent of our constitution, particularly, those parts that speak about; being equal, “entitled to certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. As a nation we have made great progress. Situations like these, beckon us to take assessment of how far we’ve come, while carefully examining where we need to go. Are you content with what has happened or are you prepared to contend with these actions and assist in shaping the next level of the journey?

Rev. Alonzo Braggs

See related:

Trayvon Martin

One Response

  1. Rev Braggs,
    I agree with you 100 percent. I wish to God up above that you were still assisting in Wilson,NC. You are needed because those that are considered as nobodies get no assistance from our local NAACP, the local president mr. leach what ever his name is meaning no disrespect but when he advises a person to do something and the results are not in favor of what he says it becomes no more about the problem and he simply states he is so busy meeting the naacp president and others that he will have to call a person back and to this day i guess he has been so busy helping the somebodies that he has no concern for the issues of the so called nobodies but thats why i put my trust in God not man because we are all somebody in his eyesight and he doesnt have to wait for the local naacp to validate or help or solve a problem. i ask God to reveal the true being of the wilson president naacp and that God just deal with him cause its easy to except a position but actually doing your duties is another thing and we wonder why some children act the way they do they see that there hurt , pain, abuse, and neglect and other issues doesnt mean a thing nor is it cared about as they are placed on a we could careless list because i am important but you are not i am to busy for you or your issues right now and ill call you back later which to this day hasnt occured or we sorry but you and your issues just isnt worth investigating or fighting for i wonder how many young people we have alive that wish they were dead because of lifes issues and we as leaders do nothing while and we know them and see them but we brush them of as nobodies but when we stand before God what will we say because it is a sin to know to do and not to do and God never said just for who you choose to do by but just wait a while because God has got a way that is mighty sweet the things done or rather not done will bring curses upon those that had power to do but did nothing or even from one generation to another the curses will pass down and we wonder why there is so much going on in this generation the things happening to the nobodies so to speak doesnt effect the somebodies so its not a great issue but just like the utilities issues the nobodies was advocating and speaking out long before the somebodies but the nobodies was ignored then when it began to be a problem for the somebodies people wanted to do something and just wait until the killing hits home to the somebodies then thats when its a problem. the naacp need to ask the federal government to come in and investigate the killing of the young men Greg Freeman and others in rocky mount nc because who ever did this according to the street used an assasination type gun which cant be purchased in the hood or around the way therefore there is another source helping with these killings that has money, power, and authority and we know power is not going to take power down just like city of rocky mount utilities say they are governed within themselves so they can do what ever they want to do and do it, with all said we plan to start taking our prayer to the streets because we as parents concerned citizens are going to do what we need to do to save our children and any other child not because of who they are or who they are not but because of whos we are children of God and he has no little i’s or big U’s but he has all power in his hand if you would like to participate in the prayer send email to faith without works is dead and its time for a change not for some but all to stay alive. Parents from the Hood we are Gang Banging for God on our knees in Prayer, unlike the presidesnt of wilson,nc NAACP God doesnt lie. If God says he gonna do something he does it and we all are somebody in Christ Jesus. A house divided cant stand and neither can our children lets come together in the name of Jesus! for to not pray for some but ALL!


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