Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child A Gospel Play

Check out Mildred Summerville of Wilson NC to learn more about this play and also about JL Summerville Academy.


Staying Committed Inspite Of

Because I am committed to keeping my word I sometimes have to go when I really don’t feel like it and/or when I am having some problems.

This week has been a tough one. On Wednesday after getting off work my car ran hot. Yep I believe the engine is gone. I will have to look at purchasing a vehicle the first of the year.

I came down with a cold on Wednesday and on Thursday night I had to go to Durham to pick up baby girl from college. I had to go to work on Friday feeling bad and then I had to go to Kinston to video SouthWest Edgecombe High School basketball games Friday night. I arrived back at home around 11:15 PM. I went to work on Saturday morning at 5:00 AM and worked until 2 PM.

I have spent all day today Sunday in bed.

Soon it will be Monday in the AM and it will be time to go back to work.

I am feeling much better however it will take a little more time to get back to normal.


Congratulations Tarboro Defeats Mountain Heritage In Football 2-A State Championship

The Vikings only lost of the season was to SouthWest Edgecombe Cougars but they went on to defeat the Mountain Heritage Cougars 28 – 3 to win the title.

Congratulations Tarboro and celebrate the victory.

Former Edgecombe County Educator Mrs. Lolita Brown Bullock Expires

Mrs. Lolita Brown Bullock, 73, died December 13, 2009. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced later by Dickens Funeral Service, Inc. of Tarboro.

Visit Dickens Funeral Service

Note: Updated Thursday, December 17, 2009 20:59 PM

Sign up: E-Policing is the Rocky Mount Police Department’s way of bringing community policing to the Internet and is a proactive approach to make information accessible to citizens

E-Policing is the Rocky Mount Police Department’s way of bringing community policing to the Internet and is a proactive approach to make information accessible to citizens. The E-Policing program enables a RMPD police employee to e-mail press releases, crime trends, meeting dates/times and other important information to you and to the media.  If you have any questions or comments regarding E-Policing, contact Captain Laura Fahnestock at 252-972-1681 or at  We welcome your feedback.  To unsubscribe, send the email address you subscribed under to:

Captain Laura Fahnestock

Criminal Investigations Division Commander

Rocky Mount Police Department

Office:  (252) 972-1681

Cell:     (252) 343-3172

Fax:     (252) 972-1398


“Get the information FIRST with E-Policing!”

To Sign up for E Policing:

Please note that email sent to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.*

My Comments About Tiger Woods On Connections FM 104.3 Sunday December 13, 2009

For me it is not all about Tiger’s race. But just looking at him I would assume he is black.

I have no sympathy for he nor any successful black man whom falls prey to money, sex, alcohol and drugs. This is what so many folks wish upon successful black men but the problem is these black men have control over all the above.

In my opinion a successful black man’s goal ought to be to die and go to their grave without ever being caught up in shame. Damn do he not understand that this is a total embarrassment to the wife and children foremost however other family, friends and his golf supporters?

Some say Tiger has done no more than any other person but that didn’t make it right for them and it do not make it right for him.

Once a person becomes a public figure he/she opens him/herself up for public scrutiny.

It is disgusting the message we are sending to our children because we don’t want to hold folks accountable because they may look like us, may be family, a friend and whatever however right is right and wrong is wrong and that should be the final answer.

2nd call:

Again it is not about Tiger and his wife because they will be alright but the children it could follow them the rest of their lives. Nobody is not saying anything about the children which is the most important thing. We must hold folks accountable for their actions.

3rd call:

Val Atkinson the host asked the last 5 minutes be for some solutions and no one called in with any. I called and said I was hoping to hear some. I said we have got to hold our family and friends accountable for their actions and when we see them doing things we must let them know. I said we must speak truth to power among ourselves. If we don’t we will have more Tiger Woods.