Citizen of Ayden, North Carolina denied general funds for MARTIN LUTHER KING HOLIDAY

Citizen of Ayden, North Carolina denied general funds for


Our names are Ivory Mewborn and Veronica Brown; we live in Ayden, North Carolina.  We have less than five thousand people in this town.  I know our problem is not unique, but we need help.  We are planning to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Holiday.  Our Town manager has denied helping with the town general funds.  We only asked for four hundred dollars to supply refreshments, but they give to the things such as little leagues for their children, sending white girls to visit possible college sites.  I have no problem with any of this but when the same citizens ask for help to celebrate Dr. King we were just denied without reason.  I mind you we ask for this fund months ago.  Last year the town hall conducted a zoning meeting when there was no other town office open in the nation.  This on its own was a direct contradiction to the nation’s Legal law, when No official, county, state or federal office is to be open for any type of transactions of a legal holiday.

We are seeking help to continue to honor Dr. King.  We have citizen in our town that has formed an organization for the better of all people. We strive to do the right things to all humankind but there are those you would have us to continue in the cotton fields.  We the black citizens of Ayden have been denied long enough our due rights and this is one, we will not lie down.

Here is a letter from a citizen in our town expressing his feelings.

I am writing this note in response to a request made by a group of dedicated citizens of Ayden, NC to secure partial funding for our annual Martin Luther King March and celebration.  In being denied any funds, I find this appalling to me that the town of Ayden would deny funding to the citizens to carry on this tradition of such a great man who was instrumental in changing the old American way.  To me, I truly feel that this is a slap in the face to be denied my own taxpayer dollars.  Dollars that has given to other individuals or organizations that are not 501-C qualified, oh by the way this one of the alleged reason cited for denial of the funds.  I think that is time for Ayden to snap out of its old Jim Crow ways, and realize what is good for one is also good for the other. 


We would like to invite you, your organization to come and be a part of Celebrating Dr. King and reunite our voices.

We Stand Alone

Citizens of Ayden

Contact Information

Veronica Brown


Inclusive Health Targets the Uninsured and Hard-to-Insure in Rocky Mount

For Immediate Release                                                             Contact: Michael Keough

Dec. 2, 2009                                                                   (919)783-5766 or (919)747-1416

Inclusive Health Targets the Uninsured and Hard-to-Insure in Rocky Mount

Program taking applications for premium subsidies under new federal grant

ROCKY MOUNT – Representatives from Inclusive Health recently received a federal grant to make its high-risk pool even more affordable and are traveling to Rocky Mount Dec. 10 to share the program with North Carolinians in the area.

“We are very excited about this $1.5 million grant which will make Inclusive Health coverage available to individuals on fixed incomes who may have found affordable insurance unattainable,” said Michael Keough, Executive Director of Inclusive Health. “We feel Rocky Mount has a strong pool of applicants who could benefit from our high-risk pool and from this new premium subsidy program called Inclusive Health Assist.”

The enrollment event on Dec.  10 will team trained agents with applicants to Inclusive Health – also known as the North Carolina Health Insurance Risk Pool (NCHIRP). The agents will assist individuals with policy questions, possibly qualifying for the new premium subsidy, comparing rates with other policies and helping determine if Inclusive Health is right for them.

When:                 Thursday, Dec. 10 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.

What:                  11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Open enrollment– assistance available for residents to apply for coverage.

11 a.m. – There will be a brief presentation detailing the program and allowing the media and public to ask questions about Inclusive Health.

Why:                    The state created Inclusive Health as an affordable option for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions who lack access to group coverage or other government programs like Medicare or Medicaid. It also covers North Carolinians who have exhausted COBRA and trade displaced workers. As a possible reflection of the hard economic times, since coverage started Jan. 1, the majority of enrollees have been individuals exhausting their COBRA continuation coverage.

Where:               Nash General Hospital

2460 Curtis Ellis Drive

Rocky Mount, NC 27804

Anyone interested in the program is encouraged to visit the Web site,, which includes a list of items to bring to enrollment events or call (866) 665-2117.

We Have To Quit Apologizing For Being Black

Blacks Suffering Through the Worst of Times
We have to quit apologizing for being Black.

Grayt on Black-1

Last week, the Congressional Black Caucus asked President Obama to give more consideration to the extreme crisis affecting Black communities all over the country. In a press interview Obama bluntly said that he would not propose any special initiatives for Blacks. Obama’s sharp retort was in direct response to questions about how he’d solve a glaring problem and a glaring demand from the Caucus. The problem is the astronomical high unemployment rate for Blacks, especially young Black males. Latest job figures show joblessness for young Black males matches and in some parts of the country tops the unemployment rate at the height of the 1930s Great Depression.

The members of the CBC went away quietly, with a few idle threats, but no real demands to be heard. They seemed to accept the Obama administration notion that "a rising tide lifts all ships."

Who then will stand up and fight for a better outcome for Black Americans? There is a lobby and caucus for every cause in our society. Yet, when the outcomes are assessed, we are always the least of those who benefit — from housing programs, health care initiatives, education, and jobs. Why is that?

As I listen and read about the challenges we face as Black people, I am amazed that each step we take forward is accompanied by at least one apology for Black unity. We have to quit doing that. Perhaps we are affected by post traumatic stresses of slavery, or suffering identity crises, or feeling guilty about our "affirmative action position," or feel we are the undeserving beneficiary of a set-aside program, or that we don’t belong and just got over because of a handout. Whatever the case, we need to examine our situation and formulate a way to move more of us forward without apology.

Among the factors militating against our unity are the countless apologies. We don’t want to seem to be too militant; we don’t want to be accused of reverse discrimination, or racism; we don’t want to seem ungrateful to our mainstream supporters; we don’t want to appear to be separatists; we don’t want to be accused of the same bias of our oppressors; we must treat others equal, even though we are treated unfairly. Often we make these apologies in subtle ways that we don’t even recognize, and therefore, our progress is limited. Instead of aggressively pursuing gains, we apologize for asking for too much, and make exceptions for the high achievers. So, when Blacks make progress in corporate America, they don’t aggressively seek to mentor and develop other Blacks. They view themselves as "first achievers" and as exceptions, not as pathfinders and conduits for others. That would be reverse discrimination, God forbid!

As we take stock of our progress:

  • We have a Black President.
  • We have 2 Black Governors.
  • We have 5 Black CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies.
  • The Congressional Black Caucus has 43 elected members of the U.S. Congress.
  • We have 643 Black Mayors.
  • We have hundreds more elected state and local officials.
  • Blacks make up 13% of the U.S. population, but only 1% of the entrepreneurs.

Why then haven’t we leveraged these individual success for more progress?

I grew up in the sixties when James Brown ignited us with "Say it loud, I’m Black and I’m proud!" But other voices among us said, "Don’t be too loud, or too proud." And the noise subsided along with our progress. Where do these apologists come from? Why do we allow them to impede our progress?

I am tired of apologizing for being Black. Once again, let’s "Say it Loud. I’m Black and I’m Proud." 

After the pep rally, let’s engage in some real actions to change things in our self-interests. I am looking forward to 2010 with a renewed commitment to unapologetically help improve outcomes in our virtual Black community. I invite you to join me.

Roger Madison

Note: This brother is right on target. I totally agree with him and

Black Man Accused of Calling A Black Female A Nigger On The Job

Which is worst being called a nigger by a black person or a white person?

On last week it was reported to The DCN that a black male has been accused of calling a black female a nigger on the job at the Nash Correctional Institution.

Sources say it all started from a Thanksgiving dinner that was held with the employees and a black male asked the employees who works under him how did the food taste. It was reported that some said okay and the black male said he wanted to know because that black nigger (female) had talked about his food.

Sources close to the victim says that a white person told the black female that her supervisor called her a nigger. The victim was not at work when the allege incident suppose to have happened.

Sources say the victim reported the black male and he was suppose to have been reprimanded. However sources close to the victim says she wants her supervisor to be demoted and/or fired.  Sources say the black male has asked that the victim be moved but how could that be fair when the victim was not at fault.

Sources says that the black male and the black female have bumped heads many of times and there seems to be some tension between the two.

Sources close to the victim says that the victim was hurt by this first of all by the male being a minister and it was unthinkable that this minister would call her a nigger in front of her co-workers and some of them are white.

The DCN will be waiting on an update on how this story unfolds. However in the meantime my question is, “Which is worst being called nigger by a black person or a white person?”

2009 Annual Lamplighter Awards


2009 Annual Lamplighter Awards


Our State Conference President, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II, is a finalist for the 2009 Lamplighter Awards. The recipients will be announced on Dec. 12, 2009. The Lamplighter Awards program is a semi-formal event and will be held on:

Saturday, Dec. 12, 2009

6:30 PM

Progress Energy Center Meymandi Concert Hall

Raleigh, North Carolina

Tickets are still available and can be purchased on line or at any Ticket Master Location.

For more information please go to: or

Call Greenleaf Christian Church at (919) 735-9059