Former Durham Mayor and State Senator, Wib Gulley, announced his decision to endorse Ken Lewis

Dear Supporter,

Wib Gulley endorses Ken Lewis for U.S. Senate

Wanted to pass on some very exciting news from yesterday: former Durham Mayor and State Senator, Wib Gulley, announced his decision to endorse Ken Lewis in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate. Gulley’s endorsement is a big break for our campaign, and will help us continue to build our support in the Durham-area and across the state.

Can you help spread the news and grow our campaign by sending this email to five friends asking them to join us?

Gulley’s reasoning for supporting us is exactly why our campaign is gaining momentum across the State:

"I have always looked for candidates and public officials who want to do more than just fill a position or offer more of the same in politics. And that really is the point for all of us when we think about who North Carolina should elect as its US Senator next year. We need to do so much more than just elect another person to this important federal position. It’s true that our state and nation confront difficult economic and international issues, but we also need to choose a person who can help reinvigorate our democracy and build confidence in our federal government. In short, we need Ken Lewis."

Wib Gulley’s service as Durham mayor and in the State Senate was innovative and determined. He tackled real problems in Durham and across our state, from affordable housing, to revitalizing neighborhoods, to expanding public transportation. He was a leader that made a real difference in the lives of North Carolina’s working families — and that’s exactly the kind of leadership we’re trying to bring to the United States Senate.

We’re excited and honored to have Wib’s endorsement. Please help us spread the news:

Thanks for everything,

David Mitchell
Ken Lewis for Senate

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Paid for by Kenneth Lewis for U.S. Senate, Inc.

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Video of the Reidsville vs SouthWest Edgecombe Football Playoff Game Round 3 Is Now Available

Video Reidsville Rams defeats SouthWest Cougars

Note: Just realized all of the game was not uploaded. Sorry for the technical difficulties. Hope to have the problem corrected soon.

Still unable to get the Jacksonville Northside vs SouthWest game to upload. Sorry but will keep trying.

See related:

SouthWest Edgecombe Videos

Football Friday: Southern Nash, Tarboro and North Edgecombe will play in round 4 tonight

Wishing all the area teams make it to the state playoff game on next week.

Southern Nash No. 11 seed will travel to South Johnston No. 1 seed.

Tarboro No. 7 seed will travel to East Bladen No. 1 seed.

North Edgecombe No. 7 seed will travel to Wallace-Rolls Hill No. 4 seed.