Blacks hold all the major offices in Edgecombe County except the Register of Deeds Office

In Edgecombe County blacks hold all major offices except the Register of Deeds Office. During the last election if there had not been 2 black candidates I strongly believe Alvis Butch Armstrong would have won. Butch would have been the 1st black register of deeds in Edgecombe County.

Rev. Roy Gray withdrew from the race but his name was still on the ballot. I called Gray and asked him to withdraw so there would only be one black candidate and he would not until after his name was put on the ballot. ‘

The Edgecombe County Commissioners has a black majority board and the chair is black. The County Manager, Sheriff and Clerk of Court are black. The Edgecombe County Public Schools Chair and Superintendent are black. The Department of Social Services and the Board of Elections Directors are black. The Board of Elections is a majority black board.

The NC Senate District 3 that includes Edgecombe, Martin and part of Pitt Counties are in a black majority district. More on the Senate District 3 coming soon.


North Carolina Text Messaging Band Effective December 1, 2009

Subject: State Laws and old State Laws
Tonight at midnight, (Dec 1,2009 )several new state laws will take effect. I’ve highlighted certain areas of importance for you. Some of you are required to drive a bus, so please read the article in full.
North Carolina Text Messaging Ban
No texting while driving (S.L. 2009-135) will make it illegal for anyone driving a car to text message or email while driving on a public street.
In North Carolina teen drivers had already been prohibited from using a mobile communication device while driving (See Senate Bill 1289 Below) since December 1st, 2007..

Starting December 1st, 2009 drivers caught texting while driving will face a fine of $100 plus court fees.

North Carolina Driving and Cell Phone Laws
North Carolina does address driving and cell-phone use by minors and by operators of a school bus.

North Carolina Senate Bill 1289 prohibits
drivers under the age of 18 from using a mobile phone or any technology associated with a mobile telephone while the vehicle is in motion.

If a minor is caught using a mobile communication device while driving, they will receive a $25 fine. In addition to mobile phones the law also stipulates the use of "other technology" that provides access to digital media such as a digital camera, email, music the Internet or games.

This is an old law, but I did not know about it:
A new driving law
, Senate Bill 1289 goes into effect on December 1st, 2007. The new driving law prohibits the use of a mobile phone or technology associated with a mobile telephone device while the school bus is in motion. If a school bus driver is caught using a cellular phone while driving the fine is a minimum of $100. This law includes public, private or parochial school students for compensation.
Internet Safety Laws

Protect our kids/cyber bullying
(S.L. 2009-551) will make cyber-bullying a criminal offense with a misdemeanor charge.

An Act To Amend The Law Regarding Solicitation Of A Child By Computer To Commit An Unlawful Sex Act To Include Solicitations By Other Electronic Devices As Well As Computers.
You can read about all of the new laws at this address:

J Ronald White, President
South Central Wake County NAACP

"America: Freedom to Fascism" Star Sherry Jackson a Political prisoner is Being Murdered in Prison

Does this USA Health Care Bill includes Political Prisoners/Prisoners ?

———— ——— ——— ——— —-
VIDEO:  Sherry Jackson com/watch? v=0WkQ0qjgIFI



"America: Freedom to Fascism" Star Sherry Jackson a Political prisoner is Being Murdered in Prison

The feds seem intent upon MURDERING SHERRY JACKSON.  See her own report below, and you’ll understand.  She details how the feds denied her medical care in prison and right now she IS IN THE PROCESS OF DYING.

Sherry was one of the stars of Aaron Russo’s America: Freedom to Fascism. She was the former IRS agent who cried out, "SHOW ME THE LAW!".  Right now she deserves the support of the entire Freedom Movement. We can give it to her by calling her Congressional Representative imploring him to intercede to save her life.  For her service to the Cause of Liberty, WE SHOULD DO NO LESS!! 

Sherry’s Representative is Hank Johnson, representing the 4th Congressional District of Georgia.

Call and fax him at each office and demand immediate medical attention for Sherry:
Washington, DC Office
1133 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-1605
Fax: (202) 226-0691

Lithonia Office
5700 Hillandale Dr., Suite 110
Lithonia, GA 30058
Phone: (770) 987-2291
Fax: (770) 987-8721

Tucker Office
3469 Lawrenceville Highway, Suite 205
Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: (770) 939-2016
Fax: (770) 939-3753

Slam his Facebook page with comments demanding immediate medical Care for Sherry:

Forward, post, and blog this email EVERYWHERE!! !


From: "Colin L. Jackson" <colinljackson@>
Date: November 30, 2009 12:34:03 PM PST
Subject: Sherry Peel Jackson
Hi Friends and Family,

    Please, pray for my wife, Sherry Peel Jackson.  She’s still having challenges while she’s incarcerated.  Thank you, in advance, for your prayers and encouragemenet.  Here’s a letter from Sherry to our Congressman, concerning her current situation.

God bless you.

In Christ, Colin

Dear Congressman Johnson

    I am Sherry Peel Jackson, your former CPA.  I am writing you because I am concerned about my health and my life.  Prior to becoming a political prisoner I was the picture of health.  In late June, 2009 I started experiencing a rapid heart beat on an irregular basis.

   Since this had happened infrequently in the past I did not think much of it.  However, in Mid July it started happening on a regular basis and I became concerned.  I went to the medical staff twice in Mid July only to be given a one-minute EKG test and powerful meds without proper diagnosis.  I did not take them because I had not been seen by a specialist.  One week later, on July 21 at 12:45am I left the dorm in flip flops to go tell the officers that I was having a heart attack.  The officers on duty called the ambulance and the ambulance checked my heart on their portable EKG machine.  It was beating at 150 beats per minute.  They took me to Leesberg (spelling) hospital where I remained until Friday, July 24th at 11:30pm.  During the hospital stay it was determined that my heart was healthy but my thyroid was producing too much hormone, thus speeding up my heart.

   This is called hyperthyroidism or Graves disease.  I was given two medications by the hospital – Methimazole, which is an anti-thyroid agent used to reduce the amount of thyroid hormone produced by the body and Metoprolol, which is a beta blocker used to slow the heart.

   The hospital doctor told me that in four weeks (approximately August 21) the prison medical unit was to do blood tests to determine how the thyroid medication was affecting my body.

   The blood test was taken in late August and I was told that I would be placed on the appointment schedule to come over and review the results.  I was never called.  I went over in early September and inquired of Dr. DeLeon as to how to get blood test results.  He told me to put in a request to staff, so I did that on September 15th.  It simply asked to see the results of the tests.

  Sometime after September 23rd I received a response in writing, from Ms. Marich, that stated that I could either make a sick call (come over early in the morning wait in line and fill out forms) or come to Open House to see the results.  Open house is held only on Thursdays from 3:00pm to 3:30pm.  I went to Open House Thursday September 30th and was told by Ms. Marich that she could not find the results! I watched her look through and around several piles of folders in her office but at no time did she look on a computer for them.  She told me to check back later.  On Wednesday October 28th I passed out around 4pm and was taken to medical and cleared.

On Friday October 30th my lips started turning black as if I h ad been a lifelong smoker.  By Sunday November 1st my lips were fully black.

My boss, the Chaplain, called medical and a male nurse was sent over from the medium security men’s prison on this complex (there are two maximum security, one medium security and one low security men’s prisons on this complex with the women’s camp).  He took my blood pressure and oxygen and said there was nothing else he could do.  He told me to go to sick call Monday morning, which I did.  I showed Mr. Coucho my lips and told him that something was wrong with my blood, I could tell. (I aHe said I would be put on the schedule.  However, the very next day, Tuesday morning, November 3rd, I found blood in my stool and rushed over to medical because I am smart enough to know that this is a major problem.  I was chewed out for coming over to medical without a staff member telling me to come.  I told Charlie, the female nurse and Mr. Coucho the PA that I was in the hospital in July, never got the blood work results and something was terribly wrong.

  I am 46 years old and I know my body!  I finally convinced them that I was not playing and was not stupid, so they ‘treated’ me with a packet for a stool sample test.  Mr. Coucho looked on the computer for the blood test results from August and found them there!

  The blood test showed a problem with the thyroid way back then!

  He said I would be put on the schedule for new blood work later that week because these results were too old.  He had a short conversation with Dr. DeLeon in Spanish and then said the thyroid count was off.

This was November 3rd.  I administered the stool tests and returned them to Nurse Charlie on Friday November 6th.

Today is November 26th, Thanksgiving.  I have not received the results of the stool test.  I have not been given any new blood test.

My neck is swelling up like a blow fish and I am having trouble talking.  I have been feeling very ill for the last two weeks.

    Congressman, I don’t want them to kill me in here.  As you well know, I am being punished for exposing government fraud. However, millions of people don’t file tax returns and I was just used as an example by the DOJ for their new program called the Tax Defiers Initiative.

    I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children.  I have already spent 21 months in prison for a non crime, and I refuse to come out dead or maimed for life.  I have not caused these people any problems.  This is no threat but just for your information.

    I also wrote the warden today.  Things can’t go on this way as I languish in here for someone’s political gain.  God doesn’t like ugly and He is the ultimate judge and vindicator.

Sherry Peel Jackson 59085-019
P.O. BOX 1032
COLEMAN, FL  33521

Please do not pass up this email. Take action with us today and all this week as we call for immediate and proper medical care for Sherry.

Do not let another voice go down.

In Freedom,

Gary Franchi


Here We Go Again – Can You Say Tiger Woods?

What a damn shame this is to me such a young man who always looks professional and so low-key. I would never have thought I would see Tiger Woods bring shame to his family and to the nation.

I have no sympathy for he nor any successful black man whom falls prey to money, sex, alcohol and drugs. This is what so many folks wish upon successful black men but the problem is these black men have control over all the above.

In my opinion a successful black man’s goal ought to be to die and go to their grave without ever being caught up in shame. Damn do he not understand that this is a total embarrassment to the wife and children foremost however other family, friends and his golf supporters?

What in the hell will happen to all of his endorsements? Damn didn’t he think about them also?

Damn just what was he thinking? I know which head he was thinking with. LOL

See related:

Tiger Woods Official Website


Speaking Truth To Power – WHO’S WHO AMONG BLACKS IN WASHINGTON, DC? by William Reed Columnist

As the capital of the United States, Washington, D.C. is often referred to as the “most important city in the world”.  Founded on July 16, 1790, the City of Washington is historical among Blacks.  Originally a separate municipality within the Territory of Columbia until an act of Congress in 1871 effectively merged the City and Territory into a single entity called the District of Columbia.   The city is located on the north bank of the Potomac River and is bordered by the states of Virginia to the southwest and Maryland on all the other sides. The District has a resident population of 591,833; but with commuters from the surrounding suburbs, during the workweek its daytime population rises to over a million. The Washington Metropolitan Area has a population of 5.3 million, the nation’s ninth-largest metropolitan area.

In 2006, D.C. residents had a personal income per capita of $55,755, higher than any of the 50 states.  The area houses the highest concentration of high-income Blacks in the world.  Many work in the Federal Government.  Washington has been an area of opportunity for Blacks since its creation.  In its early days, and since slavery, Washington, DC has had a significant Black population.  By 1810, the region’s free Blacks totaled 10 percent of the population.  Black residents of the District composed about 30 percent of the population between 1800 and 1940, and by 1970 Washington’s Blacks comprised 70 percent of the population.  By the 1980s, Washington DC was America’s Blackest city.  “Chocolate City” was surrounded by vanilla suburbs, with Blacks at the levers of power of the city. Way before the rise of Atlanta, DC has always been a Mecca for Blacks.  DC’s Black culture has always been a trendsetter.  It was a major stop on the Chittlin Circuit of nightclubs and theaters that featured Black performers catering to Black audiences.  The U Street scene was the Black Broadway before Harlem.

Since 1990, the Black share of the DC’s population has fallen 11.2 percent, leaving the city under 50 percent Black.  Seemingly, with their advancements in positions and tenure, Blacks of means abandoned “Chocolate City” by the droves to suburbs like Prince Georges’ County, Maryland.  Adjacent to the District of Columbia to the east and southeast, Prince Georges’ County is, dubiously, a symbol of Black Laborers’ success in America.  The Washington suburban area is the richest majority-Black county in America.  Over 500,000 Blacks now reside in a county known historically as a hot-bed of racially prejudiced low-income Whites and have made it acres of McMansions with two-car garages housing late-model Benzs, Rolls and BMWs.  Compared to the District of Columbia government, now majority-White, Blacks in Prince Georges’ County control that government top to bottom.  Prince George’s County (median 1999 household income $55,256) is home to residents in occupations from doctors and lawyers to hotel owners and restaurateurs.  The county is populous enough to have its own Representative to Congress, currently Donna Edwards.

However; the real wealth in the Washington Metropolitan Area is in Montgomery County, Maryland (median household income $71,551) and McLean and Fairfax County, Virginia (median household income $81,050).  These suburban areas have legacies of wealth and over the years have alternately been named America’s richest counties.  The area’s richest Black resides in the prestigious Virginia countryside about 40 miles from DC.  Billionaire Sheila Crump Johnson is president and managing partner of the WNBA’s Washington Mystics.  She co-founded Black Entertainment Television (BET) and is an owner/partner in three professional sports franchises: the Capitals (NHL), Wizards (NBA), and Mystics.

The business of Washington is government and the most-recognizable Black names work in government.  The Mayor is the young, bi-racial Adrian Fenty, who was an early “Friend of Barrack”.  Former Mayor Marion Barry is a Councilmember representing the city’s predominately-Black and most economically disadvantaged political Ward.  Blacks hold six of 13 seats on the City Council.  The city’s Delegate to Congress is Eleanor Holmes Norton.  A major network media center, Washington’s Blacks still rely on the 110 year-old African American newspaper chain and 45-year-old Washington Informer for their informational needs.

(William Reed –

See related:

William Reed

NC Black Leadership Caucus’ Annual Chairman’s Banquet Featuring Keynote Speaker NC’s 1st Black Speaker of the House Senator Dan Blue

North Carolina’s 1st Black Speaker of the House, NC Senator Dan Blue will keynote this year’s NC Black Leadership Caucus’ Annual Chairman’s Banquet on Sat, Feb 20th at 5:30pm at the Downtown Durham Marriott & Convention Center – Tickets are $50 and go on sale Dec. 12th. Please contact me if you would like to purchase tickets, find out about sponsorship opportunities or be a vendor at the event. (Learn more about the NC Black Leadership Caucus)

In the wake of all the drama in the Wake County Public Schools, see what Professor Gerald Grant says about Wake’s success

With all the drama going on with the most recent Wake County Public Schools election see what Professor Gerald Grant has to say in the Indy Weekly. Is this not what Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II President of the NC NAACP State Conference of Branches stated when he spoke out during and after the recent election?