Susan Manley Legaj & Stepheny Houghtlin What Have Councilmen Richard Joyner & Reuben Blackwell Got To Do With Your Ignant Comments?

Ignants please tell us how Councilmen Richard Joyner & Reuben Blackwell are the blame for any of what you mentioned? I have not heard of them shooting anybody or just firing shots. They don’t own the mall but by the way I hear the mall has changed owners but many malls have closed and gone to store front stores where you don’t have to enter into a mall. But obvious ya’ll are ignant to the facts, in denial and/or just don’t give a damn about them trues. They are councilmen and do not work for the city nor manage the day to day operation that is why the city has managers. I am trying to figure out the “My Will Be Done” power trip. It is Racist White Folk who are on a power trip. This is the stuff that they ought to be talking about on WNCR TV daily educating folk about these racist but nope they like it because they are trying to discredit the current council. But then you have one of the host and a couple of their guest running for a seat on the council.


About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on YouTube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

(252) 314-5484

Somebody Asked Me Who Is Stepheny Houghtlin The ‘Moe Deloach Generation’ – Picking Up The Right End Of The Stick

The Political Agitator’s response: She don’t give a damn about these folk her purpose is to discredit the Black City Council Leadership and using some Black folk to carry to attempt to carry out her mission. Damn she is also using Dr. William Barber’s phrase “Repairers of the Breach!” Damn she continue to add more insult to the Black Community.

Author: Stepheny Forgue Houghtlin

See the real story on her personal page:

I was out having what I call, ‘a Stepheny kind of day,’ headed to the new relocated restaurant, Lillie May’s Kitchen. It is in the beautiful, restored space that began as the Washington Street Grill. Besides a good Philly cheese steak wrap, a friendly and welcoming owner,Vincent Jamal Wiggins, the same brick walls that make my heart happy, I received an unexpected blessing when Moe DeLoach sat down beside me. This bar stool was a fun perch to talk to an authentic, thoughtful, articulate, man who obviously has a moral compass that he follows. Michael “Moe” Deloach, Jr., was born and raised in South Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

After playing European basketball, he returned to Rocky Mount to give back to his community. I hope you’ve eaten at his restaurant, Moe and D’s., given a backpack to his outreach or have had a child enrolled in his basketball camps. Moe is a role model and champion for the youth of Rocky Mount with more he hopes to do.

It struck me after the conversation with Moe, that we have been picking up the wrong end of the stick. There is the endless wringing of hands over the doggy business and racial rattling of the City Council. The impact of their ‘My Will Be Done’ agenda continues to make everything hard. The usual suspect’s names are repeated every day in frustration and incredulity. (See Original And More Indepth)

Then go to Stepheny’s Podcast to hear her 5 minute Podcast.

Earlier In The Week I Responded To The Following, “Tarrick Pittman – A Fine Man For Ward 1 and Rocky Mount – Things You Need to Know”

I responded to Tarrick Pittman – A Fine Man For Ward 1 and Rocky Mount – Things You Need to Know” on Tarrick Pittman’s post that came across my newsfeed. I would have commented on the author of the post on the following page Main Street Rocky Mount by Stepheny Forgue Houghtlin but she would not have approved it.

The problem I have is Stepheny has an issue with Rocky Mount City Council and staff and has been trying to turn folk against them. But now trying to tell black folk who is good for them when she don’t give a damn about Tarrick but only supporting him because he is running against Andre Knight. So since she is mad and supporting the half-trues written by Lindell John Kay Rocky Mount Telegram Reporter, the lies on social media pages such as the Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens, Community Council, Keith Harris some others and on WHIG-TV. I say lies because look at the articles written by the newspaper and see how the wording is done to create a false narrative of what was actually stated at the meetings that would be more positive than negative. But my videos tell the whole story.

My question is why do these folk in the white community think they should be telling black folk who is best to represent them just because they are mad with Andre Knight. Mad because he is vocal and do not bow down to them. How many articles have you seen black folk write about who white folk should support to represent them. Hell I don’t want to see Lige Daughtridge on the council but copy and post one article I have posted about white folk shouldn’t support Lige in their ward. What I have said and will continue to say is that Lige is mad and has been putting out half-trues as well.

My response to the following:

Black folk ya’ll better recognize what is going on in Rocky Mount.

It is about 2 things. CONTROL & POWER!

They don’t want Tarrick but know a white person can’t win.

They are just against Andre Knight.

Yep the offering of $50,000 to run against Andre is real per my resources.

Damn shame.

Why would Tarrick Pittman be associated with some of these Special Cs?


Tarrick Pittman – A Fine Man For Ward 1 and Rocky Mount – Things You Need to Know

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ……

  • Tarrick Pittman
    50,000 Wow! That is not true and you should be ashamed for spreading that lie. Tell the people who gave it to me and show the paperwork. Don’t spread false information out of fear. Black folks you better wake up and don’t listen to this noise!

    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Tarrick Pittman I didn’t say they offered you that sir.
      I repeat I did not say they gave or offered it to you.
      I would not say they gave you anything if I couldn’t prove it, I don’t operate like that.
      No noise here.
      I only said why would you associate with these Special CS and when I put up the video this evening, I am going to explain why I say that.
      Sir again didn’t say you received the funds so you can stop that right.
      I repeat it is real per sources.

    • Tarrick Pittman

      Tarrick Pittman Curmilus Butch Dancy II I’m here to tell you it is not correct information. A complete fabrication. I’ve never taken that much money from anyone, not even in business. C’mon now. Seriously? You’re suppose to be so pro black. How is it that you can attempt to tear down another black man with lies.

    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Tarrick Pittman Again I repeat there is nothing in my post saying you or another person accepted money. I stressed my trusted resources said it was put on the table.
      Again I stressed I don’t know how you associate with certain folk and my video from the meeting last night I am going to prove my point.
      For the record since you question my motive, I question how you as a black man is sitting back not saying anything while your associates lie, lie, lie. Bro for me that makes you a dangerous man in my opinion, I repeat in my opinion.

    • Tarrick Pittman

      Tarrick Pittman Curmilus Butch Dancy II What associate is that? Samuel Battle? I talk to everyone and will learn from anyone. I spoke with everyone at the meeting last night including walking over to you to shake your hand. I don’t harbor the hate that you do. Once again, stop assuming I’m some naieve black man bought and paid for. It’s far from the truth.

    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Tarrick Pittman hell no don’t name names I will do that when I provide the video.
      I have no problem with Samuel Battle however I only know of him.…
      See More

    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Tarrick Pittman oh I harbor hate? You beginning to sound just like your associates them Special Cs I have already called out over the past several months.
      When I speak trues about you or whomever that is not tearing you down but making the truth known.
      Again I have not stated a negative about you.
      Copy and paste where I have stated you have received money from anyone.
      Bro let’s keep it real.
      Don’t try to speak for me nor paint a picture of me because I am a Professional Community and Political Agitator and my record speaks for itself. It is documented.
      Bro continue to do you but don’t throw out mess about the current council members and staff such as that transparent bulls… and other.
      You came up to me last night and spoke what up Watch Dog and I stood up and we hugged. Bro hell I didn’t even know who you were and had to ask somebody.

    Curmilus Butch Dancy II

  • Kevin Pierce

    Kevin Pierce Maybe he’s associated with everyone because he’s not looking through colored glasses. Just my opinion which I’m sure doesn’t mean much.

    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Kevin Pierce why in the hell are you attempting to speak for him, you just proved my point.
      So this is why you are trolling my page. But I got a fix for that.

    Curmilus Butch Dancy II

  • Ruth Boddie Davis

    Ruth Boddie Davis Oh wow, as if we don’t already have enuff problems, what’s this guy suppose to do, re invent the wheel?

    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Ruth Boddie Davis Damn shame if you ask me!

    • Tarrick Pittman

      Tarrick Pittman Ruth Boddie Davis Nope, put new tires on it so it can ride better

    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Tarrick Pittman New tires can have a defect.

    • Ruth Boddie Davis

      Ruth Boddie Davis Tarrick Pittman if you’re so concerned about the City why not throw your ideas and assistance behind Andre, he’s one of the hardest working people in this City. But like everybody else including your President it’s not the City you wanna help it’s the POWER you wanna gain. Myself like Butch have never tried to get elected, we throw our HELP behind the person that’s doing a good job, Anyway you don’t have to worry about my vote 1 way or the other because I don’t live in your district. Just remember if you do win, wear armor cause you are gonna get stones thrown at cha

    • Tarrick Pittman

      Tarrick Pittman Ruth Boddie Davis Obviously you don’t know me or you would know I don’t care about power. I care about my community. I just happen to think that we need new fresh ideas. I don’t hate my opponent. How about asking him that question. Why he never reached out to work with me

    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      Curmilus Butch Dancy II Tarrick Pittman damn Power comes with the position. So if you don’t want power, then what the hell you in it for?
      What makes you special that
      Andre Knight need to reach out to you?

    • Ruth Boddie Davis

      Ruth Boddie Davis Curmilus Butch Dancy II Amen!!! He’s right I don’t know him but I’m sure I get to know him when his name becomes a household word, not for what you’re doing but what these folks think You aren’t doing. If Andre was a good councilman, I’d say go for it but the PROBLEM is Andre is NOT afraid to speak out and speak up.

    • Ruth Boddie Davis

      Ruth Boddie Davis Curmilus Butch Dancy II

      • Ruth Boddie Davis
    • Ruth Boddie Davis Tarrick Pittman, why don’t you share your ideas with him? Or is it his title you want.


    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II
  • Curmilus Butch Dancy II I am reminded the year I ran for school board and some white guys and a retired black principal wanted to finance my campaign. Oh hell knaw!
    Don’t get it twisted, there are some whites I work with but I don’t work with those who lie on black and white folk when I know they are lying.

  • Delia Perkins

    Delia Perkins Somebody going to jail.

  • Curmilus Butch Dancy II

    Curmilus Butch Dancy II I didn’t say Tarrick Pittman received $50,000 I said it has been offered per my resources.

    I said I don’t know why Tarrick is associated with some Special Cs. Those Special Cs are Lige Daughtridge, Stepheny Forgue Houghtlin, WHIG-TV, Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens, Keith Harris and some others who are PROMOTING him Publicly to run against Andre Knight.

    These folk have been lying on the Council, City Staff and others.

    I got some inboxes stating that I didn’t say Tarrick took money from anyone that I was stating what I heard and what they heard that $50000 has been put on the table.
    I am ignant but unless I could prove who would except the offer I would not give a name. Names have been floating about who is making the offer and who have been offered so if I knew for a fact that Tarrick has been offered I would say say. So folk don’t get it twisted.

Free Political Consulting – From a Main Street Bench – Shepheny Forgue Houghtlin

Free Political Consulting – From a Main Street Bench – Stepheny Is In

Posted on March 18, 2019 by Stepheny Forgue Houghtlin

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

You’ll pardon the use of a political slogan that is a cliche when I say,  It’s Time for a Change. As the candidates for City Council and for Mayor have declared themselves, I already think of them as ‘Change Candidates.’ Campaign Slogans that are successful are the ones we don’t have to think too deeply about but intuitively know are right. It IS time for a change of leadership on the City Council, along with a new energetic, experienced, independent, business-oriented Mayor.

The following are  ‘Change Candidates’ to believe in. –  Sandy Roberson, Kevin Jones, Lige Daughtridge, Richard Joyner, and Tarrick Pittman. It would be a mistake to think of Mr. Pittman as simply the man running against the current city councilmen and ignore his positive agenda for Ward I.  The rest of the candidates are not emboldened to run because of the investigations underway, but because they have the will, the experience, and knowledge to govern with Rocky Mount’s best interests in mind. Buckminster Fuller’s quote talks about building a new model and these ‘Change Candidates’ will provide new leadership, focused on the economic growth of Rocky Mount.

One more free consultant suggestion – that we treat these ‘Change Candidates’ as a slate. I have a friend who had direct experience in Chicago with a group of women who ran for various seats yet coordinated their messages, PR, interns, volunteers, printing, and speaking engagements. The end result – a consolidated message, individual and group print that furthered their collective campaigns. The voter turn-out was one of the highest in the history of the city! There is another plus to the slate approach — if I could give one donation, as I can afford, to support this slate, it falls under a tenant of mine….alone I can do so little, but together we can do so much.

Regardless of the political slogans each of the candidates uses, let’s make it our job to help however we can to get them elected. We all understand why this needs to happen. Let’s stay on the sunny side of the street and as a mentor of mine councils, Stay above the fray!     PS: I am waving my usual nickel consultant fee to all Main Street readers.

The Political Agitator’s response:

0 Responses to Free Political Consulting – From a Main Street Bench – Stepheny Is In
  1. Curmilus Dancy 2 (Butch) says:

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    March 18, 2019 at 11:14 am

    Wow! Because a few angry white folk who are mad because they don’t have the power, it has come to this mess.

    This is all about Race so black folk you better stay woke.

    How many of these white folk who are mad been in your Ward and/or talked to you about change? Have they asked you if you want the change they believe in? What about your voice? I guarantee you will not have a voice if you listen to this mess.

    Black folk if you don’t know Richard Joyner you better get to know him so you can hold him accountable. I know him and know he can be dangerous but so far he has been doing good.

    If you are not at the table, you are on the table.