Cornel West: Obama is Fearful of Whites; He Has Become “NIGGERIZED” – Ring of Fire

The Political Agitator’s response: “Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!” Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator

Cornel West appeared on CNN to discuss the legacy of white supremacy. During the interview, he discussed why it has taken so long to confront the issue of white supremacy in America and why so many politicians have been slow to confront the moral issues of black oppression.

Watch the interview. (Source: Watch Video)

Obama on Charleston: Sympathy is ‘not good enough’- MSNBC

The Political Agitator’s response: Some folks are going to twist whatever the President says. They gonna say he shouldn’t said that, he should say this. Well shut the hell up and say what you want to say and let our President say whatever the hell he wants to say. Damn you can agree with him or disagree with him but he can very damn well speak for himself. He does a damn good job of telling his own story and don’t need you to add to or take away.

President Barack Obama made a forceful plea on Friday for Congress to enact “common-sense gun reforms,” in the wake of the shooting massacre at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina this week.

“I refuse to act like this is the new normal,” the president told the U.S. Conference of Mayors in San Francisco. “Or to act like doing something to stop it is politicizing the problem.”

Obama had already argued for the necessity of new gun laws Thursday morning, but had said that he recognized “the politics in this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now.” (Source: Read more)

President Barack Obama Speak To The Issue In Baltimore Maryland

The Political Agitator response: Damn that was enough said right there! Since the late 80’s since I have seen all races of people not taking a stand for justice and as long as that happens this will continue. I am so glad I will not go down in history not taking a stand for justice locally and nationally because I ain’t afraid.

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Drew Carey SLAMS Barack Obama In Epic Tweet – YoungConservatives

The Political Agitator response: “Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!” Author: Curmilus Dancy II This is about as ignant as it gets that folks don’t understand the logic behind why it should be mandatory to vote. This b.s. about folks are going to vote Democrat makes no sense when the Republicans have the majority in Washington DC and in North Carolina. But I have never understood why folks chooses not to vote and let other folks vote to elect folks whom will represent them. It is up to individuals to learn about the candidates and what the issues are. But if these ignant folks whom don’t vote, if they like not voting then I love it! But sit down and shut the hell up if you don’t vote.

On Wednesday, President Obama suggested one of the worst–and possibly stupidest–ideas that’s ever come from the terrifying depths of his twisted progressive mind.

Mandatory voting.

Yes, our president, the man tasked with upholding the Constitution and protecting our freedoms and liberties, wants to take away personal choice and force Americans to head to the polls.

This isn’t a popular idea with most Americans, but it left a particularly bad taste in the mouth of comedian and Price Is Right host Drew Carey, who took to Twitter to share his thoughts on what the president had to say

This pretty much sums up what we’re all thinking at this point. (Source: Read more)

President Obama Fact Checks GOP Critics

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Barbara Boxer Shreds Giuliani: Go Ask Bin Laden If Obama ‘Loves America’

The Political Agitator response: These ignants will continue to do anything they possibly can to attempt to discredit this black man. Damn shame!

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) responded late Monday to former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s accusation that President Barack Obama doesn’t “love America” by highlighting his administration’s accomplishments, including the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Giuliani and many other prominent Republicans have faulted Obama for refusing to call the Islamic State terror group ‘Islamic.’ The retiring senator took a shot across the bow at the ex-mayor in a tweet reminding him that the Obama administration was responsible for finally taking out the elusive al-Qaeda leader: (Source: Read more)

Rudy Giuliani: ‘I Didn’t Intend To Question’ Obama’s Heart – HuffPost

The Political Agitator response: Again save that thought! You see these guys say stuff and then try to act like they don’t mean it in the public but I bet behind closed doors the message stands. You see when folks say stuff like this, they are saying how some folks really feel and didn’t have the guts to say it publicly so they have done it for them. Damn say what you mean and mean what you say or shut the hell up. Once you have said it, you can’t change it. It is a damn shame that these guys making these ignant comments over and over again after the President has won both ought to get over him being an intelligent black man who they need to respect. Hell I didn’t say they had to like him but they need to just respect the man and the better off they will be.

After doubling and tripling down on his controversial comments regarding President Barack Obama’s lack of love for America, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Sunday moved closer to something of a mea culpa.

“My blunt language suggesting that the president doesn’t love America notwithstanding, I didn’t intend to question President Obama’s motives or the content of his heart,” Giuliani wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. “My intended focus really was the effect his words and his actions have on the morale of the country, and how that effect may damage his performance.”

The former GOP presidential candidate then went on to criticize the president for “his inability or disinclination to emphasize what is right with America,” a point Republicans have been making for some time now. He also took issue with Obama for failing to express adequate support for allies like Israel and Ukraine. (Source: Read more)

It’s time to sing the praises of Obamacare – Charlotte Observer

The Political Agitator response: Just because our President is black. When will they ever get over it? Never! I can’t wait to see what they are going to do when his term is over. This is one of the best articles I have read in a long time. This is an awesome report!

Let’s sing the praises of Obamacare for a minute.

Get back here! I said just for a minute. OK, it’s not the tidiest law in history. You’re probably still sulking because you wanted something simple and rational, like a single-payer plan. But it’s here, and about 10 million people have health coverage who didn’t have it before.

Plus, it’s apparently working better than any of us imagined. Here is how great the Affordable Care Act is doing: The Supreme Court is about to hear a challenge to the law, filed on behalf of four Virginia plaintiffs, who claim to have suffered grievous harm by being forced to either buy health coverage or pay a penalty. Lately, reporters have been trying to track down this quartet of pain, and discovered they are: (Source: Read more)

See related: Why so many Americans still deny racism exists when the evidence is everywhere – VOX

25 years ago today, the New York Times ran its first profile of Barack Obama – VOX

The Political Agitator response: Now for all of the haters who act as if “Our” President just came on the scene 2 terms ago well here you have. He was elected President in another capacity also. The following was relevant then and damn sure is relevant today, ”The fact that I’ve been elected shows a lot of progress,” he told the Times.  ”It’s encouraging.”  But, he added, “it’s important that stories like mine aren’t used to say that everything is O.K. for blacks. You have to remember that for every one of me, there are hundreds or thousands of black students with at least equal talent who don’t get a chance.”

Twenty-five years ago today, the New York Times ran its first profile of Barack Obama.

On February 6, 1990, it announced (in a headline that’s now pretty dated), “First Black Elected to Head Harvard’s Law Review,” and explained that the 28-year-old’s new role was considered the “highest student position” at the school.

Of course, no one was using the term back them, but Obama went out of his way to make clear that his election shouldn’t be interpreted as ushering in a post-racial era on the law review staff or in the country. (Source: Read more)

Obama: “Slavery And Jim Crow” Was Justified By US “In The Name Of Christ” – NewsOne

Free from fear of political backlash from the Republican Party, President Barack Obama appears to be opening up more and more on what were once considered to be political taboo for him. On Thursday during a wide-ranging talk at the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C., he pointed out how the U.S. justified slavery and Jim Crow in the name of Christ.

SEE ALSO: St. Louis Cops Threaten Slowdown Over Civilian Oversight Board [VIDEO]

The remark came during a talk about religious freedom juxtaposed against the backdrop of violence in cities around the globe, including attacks by Muslim extremist group ISIS in Paris and the murder of Muslims and Christians by Boko Haram in the religious war in the  Central African Republic, according to a White House statement: (Source: Read more)

Obama Weighs In On Deflate-Gate Ahead Of Superbowl – TPM

The Political Agitator response: I agree with the President a great observation.

President Obama on Sunday would not say whether the New England Patriots cheated by playing with under-inflated footballs during their Jan. 18 game against the Indianapolis Colts.

“Well, I think that if you break the rules then you break the rules,” Obama said when asked about the controversy by NBC’s Savannah Guthrie during an interview ahead of the Superbowl.

The president did have a suggestion for the National Football League going forward, however.

“The one thing I did not realize — and I’ll bet most fans didn’t — is that each team . . . (Source: Read more)

This Map Reveals Just How Unequal The So-Called Recovery Is – The HuffPost

In his State of the Union address last week, President Barack Obama cheered rising wages. What he didn’t mention is that much of the income gained since the recession has gone into the pockets of the richest Americans.

In 39 U.S. states, the top 1 percent of earners gobbled up at least half of all of the income gains between 2009 and 2012. And in 17 of those states, the top earners got every bit of the income growth in those years. That’s according to a new paper released Monday by the Economic Policy Institute, a think tank focused on labor issues.

In all states, the rebound in income in the three years after the recession pretty much all went to the richest of the rich, the EPI found.

“Over this period, the average income of the bottom 99 percent in the United States actually fell (by 0.4 percent),” the paper states. “In contrast, the average income of the top 1 percent climbed 36.8 percent.” (Source: Read more)

House Democrats Break With Obama By Calling For Wall Street Tax

WASHINGTON — House Democrats on Monday unveiled a plan to cut taxes for middle-class families that would be paid for in part by a new tax on Wall Street trading.

The proposal, laid out by Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), the top-ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee, represents a significant shift in economic policy and political messaging. In a speech at the Center for American Progress on Monday, Van Hollen not only sharply criticized competing Republican budget plans, but also broke with the Obama administration by pressing for a tax on financial transactions that both Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have rejected. (Source: Read more)

Supreme Court rejects new challenge to Obamacare law – RawStory

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up another broad challenge to President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law.

The court rejected an appeal filed by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and the Alliance for Natural Health USA. The groups had challenged various aspects of the law known as Obamacare including the so-called individual mandate that requires people to obtain health insurance or pay a tax.

In March 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled in favor of the Obama administration. In 2012, a district court judge also ruled against the challengers.

The 2010 healthcare law has been subjected to numerous legal challenges, including a key 2012 case in which the Supreme Court upheld the bulk of the law on a 5-4 vote. (Source: Read more)