Keith Harris The Special C Is Mad And Leaving Facebook

With Council’s action on Monday, with only one dissenting vote, this City Manager has been handed the final and undisputed say concerning the termination of city employees. Only legal action through the court system can overturn her firing decisions now. Watch closely as the gang takes their agenda to another level, removing those who stand in their way and replacing them with friends and associates at inflated salaries.

Keep in mind that this power and responsibility has been given to an administrator who was run out of Savannah and reportedly made the following statements over the past year:

• Where’s the secret money? (referring to the city finances and money not accounted for)

• I’m glad they didn’t pick the next file in that cabinet (referring to the HUD auditor looking through grant files and uncovering malfeasance)

• I will get anyone who talks to the media or anyone else. (a gag order directed to the management team during a dept head meeting)

• Build the 5th floor security wall and door to protect this office from a drunken debutante.

• I’m sorry but you don’t fit the demographic needed for that department head position in this city.

…and many more rare statements.

So, I think it’s clear. With the exception of Lige, I believe there will be little to no voting resistance to the self-serving and racist agenda being pushed by two council members and their puppet. I’ve lost respect and confidence in other council member’s ability to lead and not be intimidated by the gang. I’ve had it with spineless politicians.

I realize my social media comments, my posts, and yes my rants are of little consequence now. Clearly, most people have grown so tired of the mess in Rocky Mount, they’ve simply tuned-out. With the exception of a handful of people, I believe most view this fight as a circus sideshow, and, unfortunately most have lost hope that anything positive will come of this. Some view this struggle as a detriment to economic development and especially for our downtown businesses. Most want to hear the good news and nothing else. So be it.

Accordingly, I’m finished on Facebook. If and when the state audit results are released or if and when other agencies converge on Rocky Mount, I will re-engage. For now, I will continue to fight behind the scenes providing information to those agencies who can hold these crooks accountable. I pray that Lige, Mayor Roberson and the Mayor’s transition team can steer Rocky Mount in a positive direction. Lord knows they need our prayers.

I’ve done what I can but I’m tired of being bitter, angry and disappointed every single day. And, I’m tired of going-it-alone. Going forward, I am refocusing my energy toward family, faith and work. God Bless the City of Rocky Mount!


J. Keith Harris

Keith Harris Former Rocky Mount Fire Chief Damn I Wonder How Did He Treat The Black Folk Under Him If There Were Any That Worked For Him

Damn see this is what they do on Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens or where ever this was originally posted. They talk that b.s. and hide behind this racist page like hiding behind the sheets. All they do is just lie, lie, lie.

Remember how they tried to say I did the post about making Andre Knight Jesus so this goes to show that other folk can post things and because I share it, I became the owner as if I said such. Hell don’t these ignant know that I say what I mean and mean what I say. I sign on to things that I am the owner of.

Will someone send me the entire comment of this post by Keith Harris hell I want to read the whole thing.



Rocky Mount NC – Let Me Set The Record Straight About Keith Harris Retired Fire Chief

Let me set the record straight, I don’t know Keith Harris. I mentioned his name in my post on my blog because I was told that Chief Keith Harris Retired didn’t live in Rocky Mount when he was the fire chief and that he only had a 2 year degree. When I was told the 1st time a couple of weeks before I heard it again, I didn’t say anything. But, after hearing it again and again and especially being in a community meeting, I responded I had heard that before and now I am going to write about it. I did.

I don’t question the many accomplishments that Chief Harris mentioned on his social media site when he called me out. I wasn’t mad then and ain’t mad now because I don’t know him and he don’t know me. I didn’t say anything negative about him then and still have nothing negative to say about him.

I only mentioned Chief Harris because there had been some disgruntled folk on several social media sites and the Rocky Mount Telegram talking about black folk were not qualified and didn’t live in the city limits. I said it was okay when white folk were in the same situation and there was no outcry.

Now, actually I admire the hell out of Chief Harris because I love his tenacity of speaking out on what he believe in. Don’t get it twisted that I am agreeing with what he is saying.

I have been trying to get retired black folk to speak out however their asses are scared although their income will not be in jeopardy.

I commend Chief Harris on his stand although I think he is going about his mission the wrong way. But, if he like what he is doing, I love it.

Now there you have it. I am going to wait to see how the ignants twist this.

That Racist WHIG-TV Blocked Me From Commenting But Look At How They Left Up Comments In Response To Me

Look at Keith Harris and Lindell Kay on the WHIG-TV Facebook page.


I commented on the following post on WHIG-TV. I posted, “Not only is the Telegram promoting any opposition against the council, WHIG-TV bring on them.”

Lindell Kay been on the show a couple of times recently.

These Special C’s get Special Privileges. Struck a damn nerve.

Another Special C’s website where they can talk about me but they block me from commenting. I am good!


John Manning came after me and I was wearing his ass out so WHIG-TV has blocked me from making comments. John tried to call me out and when I told him to copy and paste something I said or in a video, he couldn’t do it. I told him all they do is just lie, lie, lie. You see goes to show you that WHIG-TV caters to these Special C’s but they are Special C’s also. You see I will challenge these Special C’s everyday because I am a Professional Agitator. I know how to agitate them to make them bring out the worst in them that has been locked up and they needed something to trigger them to get it out. But they the only ones mad because I ain’t mad with nobody. I am enjoying making them show just how ignant they are.

John Manning

John Manning Curmilus Butch Dancy II is jealous he wasn’t invited.




John Manning

John Manning Curmilus Butch Dancy II Daily dose of comedy from you.


John Manning

John Manning Curmilus Butch Dancy II Oh it’s my pleasure. You’re so full of yourself. You surely look at things objectively. Not!


John Manning

John Manning As it relates to the City of Rocky Mount and “Don’t Blame Me”. How bout you don’t blame me for stuff that happened in 1898.


John Manning

John Manning All I am saying is why harness a me vs them mentality? Yes I agree there is racial discrimination that occurs still. But don’t hold that against others or assume that is what it is about in relation to the City of Rocky Mount fiasco currently going on.


John Manning

John Manning Curmilus Butch Dancy II Come back


Open Letter To Lindell Kay Rocky Mount Telegram In Response To “Ex-fire Chief Fights City Hall”

Again Lindell Kay has done a story about me and not contacted me. He did that 2 other times 1 with a story about Taro Knight when he died and then again with Rev. Roosevelt Higgs. I questioned him about that and he came to me during a meeting held at OIC that J. Kelly hosted and apologized. He said Higgs had called him around 12 times to do a story about the appointment of the Edgecombe County Sheriff so he just did the story. I said but you went on my blog but never called me. Sad he listens to a criminal but will not take the time to call someone of my status. To me that is because Higgs is no threat as a voice but because I am vocal, it appears he wants to attempt silence me. Not!

Lindell must be ignant to the fact that I have been dealing with folk, former reporters and others like him who have come after me since the early 90’s. So since he wants some attention, I will give him some.

It is a damn shame that Lindell continues to write all of these misleading articles intentionally leaving out facts while catering to some white folk and some black folk who goes after certain black folk because we are vocal and must be a threat to some. I call it just speaking truth to power.

I found the article today, “Ex-fire chief fights City Hall” to be half-truths and misleading as it pertains to the mentioning of my name. Yes, I posted the following on my blog, Rocky Mount NC – Sources Told The DCN Some History About Keith Harris Former Fire Chief Who Is Waging A Negative Campaign Against The City Of Rocky Mount. I didn’t say anything negative about Harris. Harris mentioned on his page, “Apparently, there is a small, insignificant man with horrendous grammar who lives in Pinetops, and, he is concerned about my credentials and service with the City.” I responded to him on his page, “Never said you claimed to have a 4 year degree. I just showed the folk you only had a 2 year degree and also that you never lived in the city. I never questioned what you have done because I don’t know you and you don’t know me. However I have been hearing a lot about you from folk in the know. But it ain’t about you so to speak but about these ignants that are talking about black folk not being competent and not having the qualifications. Now Run & Tell That! That the guy from Pinetops said that.

I find it interesting that Lindell act as if I only talk to Rocky Mount Councilman Andre Knight and that he knows what we talk about. I was in a meeting that Andre Knight was not present and someone shared the information with the group about Keith Harris. I said I had heard that before from some other folk. I do my homework before I write about things so after hearing several people with none of them being in the same place at the same time mentioning about Harris’ degree and not living in the city while being the fire chief, I said now I am ready to write about it.

On Monday night during the Rocky Mount City Council meeting Lindell came over and talked to me for about 10 minutes. He never mentioned anything about Keith Harris and I conversations so I was shocked to see my name mentioned in today’s article but not surprised. For me this is confirmation that this is Wilmington 1898 repeating itself when the newspaper used it’s means to get rid of black folk in power.

It is sad that the Rocky Mount Telegram continues to allow Lindell to write half-trues and intentionally leave out all of the facts. It is clear he reaches out to black folk who help him support the white’s agenda against the City of Rocky Mount, the NAACP and other black folk who speak truth to power.

Lastly, what tickles the hell out of me the most is these ignants act as if Rocky Mount Councilman/NAACP President Andre Knight led me to Rocky Mount Politics. Not! I began following Rocky Mount politics in the late 80’s early 90’s as I attended the Rocky Mount Human Relations Commission meetings faithfully and some city council meetings. I joined Black Workers For Justice in the late 80’s. I have been actively engaged in the Edgecombe County Democratic Party since the late 80’s on the county level.I served as the Vice Chair of N.E.E.D. Inc. in the early 90’s and joined the Rocky Mount NAACP in 1992. I have lots of family and friends who live in Rocky Mount. I have worked in Rocky Mount for the past 32 years. I learned Andre Knight during the late 90’s somewhere around 1998.

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against. I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest.